Fluke PressCal Operating Manual

Deadweight Tester Software
Users Manual
PN 3966533 November 2010 © 2010 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Fluke Corporation
Fluke Corporation (Fluke) grants you a non-exclusive right to use PressCal Deadweight Tester Software (Product) on a single PC or workstation (node), or on multiple nodes, provided that a multi-use license is obtained from Fluke and the number of nodes does not exceed the number of nodes for which license fees are paid. This grant of license does not include the right to copy, modify, rent, lease, sell, transfer or distribute the Product or any portion thereof. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Product.
Fluke warrants that the Product will perform in its intended environment substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of 90 days from the date of license acceptance. Fluke does not warrant any downloading errors or that the Product will be error free or operate without interruption.
FLUKE DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS. In no event shall Fluke be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Product, even if Fluke has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Table of Contents

Chapter Title Page
1 Overview .............................................................................................. 1-1
What is PressCal ................................................................................................ 1-1
How Does It Work......................................................................................... 1-1
System Requirements ........................................................................................ 1-1
Installation ......................................................................................................... 1-1
System Operation............................................................................................... 1-2
Getting Started ................................................................................................... 1-2
Using the PressCal Interface.............................................................................. 1-2
Menu Bar....................................................................................................... 1-3
Correction Parameters ................................................................................... 1-4
Weight Selection Details ............................................................................... 1-4
Calculation Results........................................................................................ 1-5
Action Buttons............................................................................................... 1-5
2 Setting Up PressCal ............................................................................ 2-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 2-1
Managing Deadweight Tester Details................................................................ 2-2
Selecting an Existing DWT Model................................................................ 2-2
Creating a New DWT Model......................................................................... 2-2
Modifying an Existing DWT Model ............................................................. 2-3
Removing an Existing DWT Model.............................................................. 2-3
Printing DWT Model Details ........................................................................ 2-3
Managing PCU Details ...................................................................................... 2-3
Viewing PCU Details and Modifying the Recalibration Date....................... 2-4
Printing PCU Details ..................................................................................... 2-4
Managing Weight Set Details ............................................................................ 2-4
Viewing Weight Set Details (and Modifying the Recalibration Data).......... 2-5
Printing Weight Set Details ........................................................................... 2-5
Managing Fluid Details ..................................................................................... 2-6
Viewing an Existing Fluid Type.................................................................... 2-6
Creating a New Fluid Type ........................................................................... 2-6
Modifying an Existing Fluid Type ................................................................ 2-7
Removing an Existing Fluid Type................................................................. 2-7
Printing Fluid Type Details ........................................................................... 2-7
Pressurements PressCal
Users Manual
Setting the Gravity ............................................................................................. 2-7
Setting the Default Values ................................................................................. 2-8
3 Setting Up Customer Details.............................................................. 3-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 3-1
Managing Customer Details .............................................................................. 3-1
4 Creating an Audit Trail........................................................................ 4-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 4-1
Managing the Calibration Points File ................................................................ 4-1
Creating New Customer Details .................................................................... 3-1
Selecting Existing Customer Details ............................................................. 3-2
Modifying Customer Details ......................................................................... 3-2
Removing Customer Details.......................................................................... 3-2
Printing Customer Details ............................................................................. 3-2
Opening the Calibration Points File .............................................................. 4-1
Printing Calibration Points to the File ........................................................... 4-1
Viewing an Existing File ............................................................................... 4-2
Printing an Existing File to the Default Printer ............................................. 4-2
Deleting an Existing File ............................................................................... 4-2
5 Performing a Calculation.................................................................... 5-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 5-1
Preparation ......................................................................................................... 5-1
Calculation ......................................................................................................... 5-2
Selecting a Target Pressure............................................................................ 5-3
Calculating the Pressure by Using Preferred Weights................................... 5-3
Understanding the Results............................................................................. 5-3
6 Producing Certificates ........................................................................ 6-1
Introduction........................................................................................................ 6-1
Managing New Certificates ............................................................................... 6-1
Creating and Saving a New Certificate ......................................................... 6-2
Obtaining Certificate Calibration Data.......................................................... 6-4
Manual Certificate..................................................................................... 6-4
Automatic Certificate ................................................................................ 6-4
Viewing the New Certificate ......................................................................... 6-5
Printing the New Certificate.......................................................................... 6-5
Managing Existing Certificates.......................................................................... 6-6
Viewing an Existing Certificate .................................................................... 6-6
Printing an Existing Certificate ..................................................................... 6-6
Converting an Existing Certificate’s Format................................................. 6-6
Setting Up Headers and Footers ........................................................................ 6-6
Managing a Certificate Front Page .................................................................... 6-7
Tagging a Front Page to the Front of a Certificate ........................................ 6-7
Creating a Certificate Front Page .................................................................. 6-7
Setting Up Certificate User Names.................................................................... 6-8
7 Additional Features............................................................................. 7-1
Password Protection........................................................................................... 7-1
Creating a new Password............................................................................... 7-1
Modifying an Existing Password................................................................... 7-1
Removing the Password ................................................................................ 7-2
Contents (continued)
Pressure Conversion! ......................................................................................... 7-2
Recalibration...................................................................................................... 7-2
Viewing Recalibration Dates......................................................................... 7-3
Printing Recalibration Dates.......................................................................... 7-3
Modifying the Recalibration Date ................................................................. 7-3
Altering the Excel/Word Conversion Path ........................................................ 7-3
MS-Excel Path............................................................................................... 7-3
MS-Word Path............................................................................................... 7-3
8 Glossary and Pressure Equation....................................................... 8-1
Glossary ............................................................................................................. 8-1
Pressure Equation .............................................................................................. 8-2
Pressurements PressCal
Users Manual

List of Tables

Table Title Page
1-1. Menu Bar Actions .................................................................................................. 1-3
2-1. Performing Calculations......................................................................................... 2-1
Pressurements PressCal
Users Manual

List of Figures

Figure Title Page
1-1. PressCal User Interface (Main Window) - Action Buttons.................................... 1-2
2-1. Dead Weight Functions Window ........................................................................... 2-2
2-2. PCU Details Window ............................................................................................. 2-4
2-3. Weight Set Details Window................................................................................... 2-5
2-4. Fluid Details Window ............................................................................................ 2-6
2-5. Default Values Window ......................................................................................... 2-8
3-1. Customer Details Window ..................................................................................... 3-1
6-1. Certificate Front Page Window.............................................................................. 6-1
6-2. Certificate of Calibration Window......................................................................... 6-2
6-3. Certificate of Calibration........................................................................................ 6-5
6-4. Certificate Front Page Window.............................................................................. 6-7
7-1. Pressure Conversion Window ................................................................................ 7-2
7-2. Calibration Dates Window..................................................................................... 7-2
Pressurements PressCal
Users Manual
viii 1-1

What is PressCal

Pressurements PressCal software (PressCal) provides a quick and effective solution to enhance the pressure measurement accuracy of Deadweight Testers (DWT). PressCal provides an easy-to-use GUI (Graphical User Interface) that allows you to calculate all the necessary corrections needed (such as local gravity, temperature etc.) to accurately determine the pressure generated by your DWT.
PressCal also provides:
Chapter 1


Automatic certificate generation
Customer details management
Real-time auditing

How Does It Work

PressCal works from first principles using the actual DWT pressure equation:
By using a combination of data files and your environmental/working details, PressCal can achieve true accuracy and consistency in its calculations.

System Requirements

The following system specifications are required as a minimum to successfully install and run the PressCal software:
Microsoft® Windows 95 or higher
486 PC with maths coprocessor


Double click on setup.exe, then follow the online PressCal installation instructions.
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Pressurements PressCal
Users Manual

System Operation

This software only runs if you have purchased the correct software version and installed it into the default C:\PressCal directory.
The software keeps the last setup and other settings in a configuration file (PressCal.cfg) so that on power-up the user can carry on from the last settings prior to power down.
To maintain the accuracy and security of the software, the PCU’s and Weight Sets’ data is preloaded by SI Pressure Instruments.
Future upgrades are available from SI Pressure Instruments on a chargeable basis provided the software users can provide mass and effective area calibration data of the relevant Deadweight Testers.

Getting Started

Double click on the "PressCal" icon or alternatively click on Start> Programs >PressCal > PressCal.

Using the PressCal Interface

The PressCal user interface (as shown in Figure 1-1) comprises the following:
Menu Bar
Correction Parameters
Weight Selection Details
Calculation Results
Menu Bar
Weight Selection
Figure 1-1. PressCal User Interface (Main Window) - Action Buttons
Using the PressCal Interface 1

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is positioned at the top of the main interface window (as shown in Figure 1-1) and provides the following actions:
Table 1-1. Menu Bar Actions
Menu Action Options Description
Gauge/Absolute Gauge,
Gauge (Absolute), Absolute
Deadweight As shown (e.g. DWT6000) Select the model type of the deadweight tester to be
Certificate New Select either Auto or Manual. A new form appears
View Allows you to open and view an existing certificate,
Print Allows you to print an existing certificate,
Convert To4 Allows you to convert the current certificate format
Calibration Points File
Customer Opens the customer details form. For further information refer to Setting up
View, Print, Delete Allows you to manage the calibration points files.
Customer Details.
Use to toggle between Absolute, Gauge and Gauge (Absolute). For further details refer to Performing a Calculation.
allowing you to enter the new certificate details. For Further information refer to Managing New Certificates.
see Viewing an Existing Certificate.
see Printing an Existing Certificate.
into either Microsoft Word or Excel, see Converting an Existing Certificate’s format.
Existing files can be opened, printed and deleted. See Creating an Audit Trail for details.
Setup Deadweight Tester Allows you to select or specify the deadweight
tester model. You can also amend and remove pre-defined DWTs. For further information refer to Managing Deadweight Tester Details.
PCU Allows you to display and print the details for each
available PCU. For further information refer to Managing PCU.
Weight Set Allows you to view and print the weight details for a
particular weight set. Refer to Managing Weight Set Details.
Fluids Allows you to create, amend, print and delete fluid
characteristics (e.g. Fluid Density and Surface Tension). Refer to Managing Fluid Details.
Default Settings Allows you to view and modify the current
environmental and physical default settings. Refer to Setting the Default Values.
Pressurements PressCal
Users Manual
Menu Action Options Description
Setup Gravity4 Allows you to select the gravity, Standard or Local.
File convert Path Allows you to enter the application location for
Password Allows you to create password protection. Refer to
User Names Allows you to activate or modify the identity of the
Certificate Header/Footer Allows you to define the Header and Footer that is
You can also amend the gravity to suit the local testing environment. Refer to Setting the Gravity.
Microsoft Excel and Word. Refer to Altering the Excel/Word Conversion Path.
Password Protection.
current user. Refer to Setting Up Certificate User Names.
shown on the resultant certificate. The Header and Footer can also be toggled On/Off from this window. See Setting Up Headers and Footers.
Tag Front Page to
Recalibration Report Provides a facility that allows you to view all the
PressCal Software Shows the Version Number, Serial Number and
Pressure Conversion Opens the remote pressure converter window. See Pressure Conversion!
Before generating or printing a certificate you can decide whether you want the Front page (see Producing Certificates) to be attached to the front of the certificate. Select Yes to attach or No to leave the certificate on its own.
PCUs (Piston Cylinder Units) and Weights, within a particular time period, that are due for recalibration. Refer to Recalibration.
Issue Date (Disk and Software) for the current version of PressCal.

Correction Parameters

The “Correction Parameters” area shows the current configuration for the calibration. The area comprises both information that is read-only (obtained from related files) and fields that can be modified directly allowing you to finely tune the correction parameters.

Weight Selection Details

The “Weight Selection Details” area shows the Type, Identity and Corrected Mass for each weight within the currently selected weight set (identified by the “Weight Set S/No:”).
The table can be used to highlight the weights that are required to produce a particular pressure, or alternatively weights can be selected within the list and the resultant pressure is then shown taking into account the correction parameters.
A weight is selected within the list by double-clicking on it, the row is then highlighted and a cross (X) is shown immediately adjacent. To unselect double-click on the highlighted row. For further information refer to Performing a Calculation.
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