Vacuum Kit
P/N 3584473 (110V) - P/N 3584486 (220V)
Instruction Sheet
Vacuum Kit includes:
Vacuum Pump Assembly
Adaptor 3/8 in. Swage x
1/8 in. NPTM
Adaptor 3/8 in. Swage x
3/8 in. NPTM
Adaptor 3/8 in. Swage x
1/4 in. NPTM
3/8 in. O.D. Tubing (200cm) 1 3232445
1 3141557
1 3480098
1 3134815
The PPC/MPC Vacuum Kit should be installed as illustrated
below. Fill the vacuum pump with oil before using. Read
the Fast Vac instruction sheet for additional information.
The solenoid valve protects the vacuum pump when turned
off. When the operator decreases pressure in a PPC, test gas
will be exhausted through the valve. This ensures that the
gas will not flow into the pump. The valve is electrically
connected to the vacuum pump power switch and actuates
Figure 1: Fast Vac Vacuum Pump Illustrated Parts
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©2010 Fluke Corporation. Specifications subject to change
without notice. PPC, RPM and MPC is a registered trademark of
Fluke Corporation, DH Instruments Division.
Printed in U.S.A. 7/2010 3523534A D-EN-N
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