Instrument Security Procedures
Fluke 975V
Product Name:
Fluke 975 AirMeter
Instrument Description:
AA and Lithium battery powered, indoor air quality hand held meter reading
temperature, humidity, CO, CO2 and air velocity using optional probe. 1.5” x 2.5”
LCD display for meter setup and measurement readings. USB port for
downloading logged data.
Memory Description:
There are 3 memory devices: U1 micro controller Atmel AT91SAM7S256 which
has 256k bytes flash and 64k bytes SRAM, U12 EEPROM 25LC256 with 256k
bits and U11 flash with 1M bit storage. Logged data is stored in U11 flash
Memory Cleaning Instructions:
Logged data memory can be erased using the recall key then select erase
memory. Operating code and calibration constants cannot be cleared by the
975 SOMV 1 of 1 1/5/2007