Measuring air velocity with
the Fluke 975 AirMeter:
Using the velocity probe
Air velocity is a key parameter in evaluating airflow system performance. As part of basic testing, adjusting
and balancing of HVAC air distribution systems, most
HVAC technicians now use an anemometer to measure air velocity at grilles-registers-diffusers, within a
duct, or in open spaces.
Anemometers are typically very accurate tools,
especially at low velocities, but they must compensate
for air temperature, absolute pressure, and ambient
absolute pressure. The Fluke 975 AirMeter tool has an
accessory velocity probe that uses a thermal anemometer to measure air velocity. A temperature sensor in
the probe tip compensates for air temperature, a sensor in the meter reads absolute pressure, and ambient
absolute pressure is determined upon meter initialization. For users who prefer to calculate their own compensation factors, the meter will also display air velocity
or volume at standard conditions.
This application note describes how to take accurate
air volume measurements within a duct, air measurements at grilles-registers-diffusers, and other locations.
Application Note
Air volumes within a duct
The ultimate goal of any duct
system is to move the required
air volume, while keeping all
other factors within acceptable
limits, and to deliver it in quantities and patterns that serve the
intended purpose: heating, cooling, ventilating, exhausting, mixing, humidifying, dehumidifying,
or otherwise conditioning the air
within a space. Velocity within
a duct is determined not only
by application, but also by how
the duct is designed. Key design
factors include: The level of
available static pressure that can
be overcome by the fan due to
friction losses and pressure drops
of devices within the air stream;
the cost of duct work; the space
available for duct work; and
acceptable noise levels.
F r o m t h e F l u k e D i g i t a l L i b r a r y @ w w w . f l u k e . c o m / l i b r a r y
To determine the air volume
delivered to all downstream terminal devices, technicians use a
duct traverse. Duct traverses can
determine air volume in any duct
by multiplying average velocity
readings by the inside area of
the duct. Traverses in main ducts
measure total system air volume,
which is critical to HVAC system
performance, efficiency, and even
life expectancy. The difference
in air volumes between the main
supply duct traverse and the
main return duct traverse results
in outdoor air volume. A traverse
in run-outs is the most accurate
way to determine the air volume
delivered by the terminal device
(grille-register-diffuser). A traverse in exhaust ducts reveals
exhaust air volume.
Measuring air velocity in a duct.
A duct traverse consists of a
0.061 D
0.235 D
0.437 D
0.563 D
0.785 D
0.939 D
0.074 D
0.288 D
0.500 D
0.712 D
0.926 D
0.135 D
0.321 D
0.032 D
0.579 D
0.865 D
0.968 D
0.135 D
0.321 D
0.032 D
0.579 D
0.865 D
0.968 D
number of regularly spaced air
velocity measurements throughout a cross sectional area of
straight duct. Preferably, the
traverse should be located in a
straight section of duct with ten
straight duct diameters upstream
and three straight duct diameters downstream of the traverse
plane, although a minimum of
five duct diameters upstream and
one duct diameter downstream
can give adequate results.
The number of measurements
taken across the traverse plane
depends on the size and geometry of the duct. Most duct traverses result in at least 18 to 25
velocity readings, with the number of readings increasing with
duct size. The industry accepted
measurement points across the
traverse are determined by the
Log-Tchebycheff rule for rectangular duct, and by the Log-Linear
rule for round duct. Usually, technicians drill five to seven holes
on one side of rectangular ducts,
and two to three holes in round
ducts, in order for the telescoping anemometer probe to access
the traverse points. To ensure
the anemometer is used in the
direction of calibration, align the
mark on the velocity probe tip
with the impact direction. When
extending the probe, align the
wand section with the handle to
help maintain the correct direction inside the duct.
Before taking measurements,
slide the protective sheath
toward the wand handle in
order to expose the sensors in
the probe tip. For volume flow
rate calculations, the Fluke
975 AirMeter™* will prompt for
rectangular or round duct, then
prompt for rectangular side
dimensions or round diameter.
Take the required number of
velocity readings one at a time
by pressing the “capture” key. If
a velocity reading is taken prematurely, the Fluke 975 allows
you to re-take it. When all velocity readings are complete, the
AirMeter™ averages the readings
and multiplies by the duct cross
sectional area to get air volume,
both at standard conditions and
compensated for absolute pressure and temperature.
The velocity readings (FPM)
are averaged and multiplied by
the inside area of the duct (sq ft)
which provides the air volume
Q = V * A
Q = Air volume, CFM (cubic feet per minute)
or M
/s (cubic meters per second)
V = Velocity, FPM (feet per minute) or m/sec
(meters per second)
A = Area of duct, inside dimension of duct in
square feet or square meters
*For determining air velocity greater than 600 feet per minute
(FPM) within a duct, an HVAC technician may also use a Pitotstatic tube with an inclined manometer. Anemometers are the
preferred choice below 600 FPM and are quite acceptable at
higher velocities, too. The Fluke 975 AirMeter’s anemometer
measures over a range of 50 to 3000 fpm. In low pressure
duct systems where sound is a concern, such as residences
and health care facilities, velocity usually ranges from 400 to
900 FPM, while in high pressure duct systems, velocities can
approach 3,500 FPM.
No. of points or traverse lines Position relative to inner wall
Patterns of holes drilled in rectangular and round ducts when conducting a duct traversal. Taken from ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111-1988.
2 Fluke Corporation Measuring air velocity with the Fluke 975 AirMeter: Using the velocity probe
5 0.074, 0.238, 0.500, 0.712, 0.926
6 0.061, 0.235, 0.437, 0.563, 0.765, 0.939
0.053, 0.203, 0.366, 0.500, 0.534, 0.797,
No. of measuring
points per diameter
6 0.032, 0.135, 0.321, 0.679, 0.865, 0.968
8 0.021, 0.117, 0.184, 0.345, 0.655, 0.816, 0.883, 0.981
10 0.019, 0.077, 0.153, 0.217, 0.361, 0.639, 0.783, 0.847, 0.923,
Position relative to inner wall