Fluke 80TK User Manual


The Fluke 80TK is a thermocouple converter for use with any K-type thermocouple and a digital multimeter. The 80TK accepts the output of any K-type thermocouple and converts it to 1 millivolt per degree (Celsius or Fahrenheit).
A three-position switch acts as a power switch as well as selecting Fahrenheit or Celsius scaling for the output. In addition, the OFF position of the power switch allows you to read the battery condition via the external multimeter. The thermocouple input accepts wire leads or standard mini­thermocouple connectors.
Temperature is measured by exposing or attaching the thermocouple to the surface to be measured. The multimeter displays the temperature directly in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.



Measurement Range: -50 to 1000 degrees Celsius
-58 to 1832 degrees Fahrenheit
2000 count display: 0.1° C/F in 200 mV range
1.0° C/F in 2V range 3200 count display: 0.1 C/F in 300 mV range
1.0 C/F in 3V range
4000 count display: 0.1° C/F in 400mV range
1.0° C/F in 4V range
Note: Ignore decimal point on 2V, 3V, or 4V range.
Maximum Voltage at Thermocouple Input: 60V DC, 24V AC RF Field: Exposure to an RF field interferes significantly with
this module’s capacity to accurately measure temperature with thermocouples. The interference is temporary and the module suffers no harm when exposed to an RF field of 3 V/m. Accurate temperature measurement capability is completely restored when the module is removed from the RF field.
Common sources of RF fields are handheld 2-way radios and cellular telephones. If such a source is suspected of interfering with this module, either turn off the transmitter or increase the separation between the transmitter and the module.


Ambient Operating Range: 0 to 50°C Storage Temperature: -40 to 60°C
-40 to 140°F
Humidity: 0% to 90% (0 to 35°C)
0% to 70% (35 to 50°C)
80TK Thermocouple
Instruction Sheet
Basic Accuracy: (@ 23 ±5°C Calibration)* (Applies for one year after purchase or recalibration) RANGE ACCURACY ± (% of reading +
degrees), 1 year
-20 to 350°C 0.5% ± 2°C
-4 to 662°F 0.5% ± 3.6°F 351 to 500°C† 1.75% ± 2°C
664 to 932°F†* 1.75% ± 3.6°F 501 to 1000°C 2.0% ± 2°C
933 to 1832°F 2.0% ± 3.6°F
-50 to -21°C 2.5% ± 2°C typical
-58 to -5.8°F 2.5% ± 3.6°F typical
Temperature Coefficient:
* 0°C to 18°C and 28°C to 50°C ambient, multiply the basic
accuracy specification by 0.1 for each degree above 28 or below 18.
† For accuracy enhancement between 351°C to 500°C,
subtract 3 degrees from the reading. The accuracy is now
0.75% ± 2°C.
†* For accuracy enhancement between 663°F and 932°F,
subtract 5.4 degrees from the reading. The accuracy is now
0.75% ± 3.6°F.
The basic accuracy specification does not include the error of the probe or the DMM. Please refer to the probe accuracy specification for additional details.


Weight: 4.5 ounces, 126 grams Overall length: 4 5/8 inches, 11.75 mm Battery: Standard 9V Battery (NEDA #1604, 6F22, 006P) Battery Life: 1600+ hours, 6.5V minimum Output: 3/4 inch spaced banana plugs, 10 megohm minimum
load resistance


80PK-1 (included): Bead Probe 4 foot K-type thermocouple
bead probe, with Teflon tape insulation. Maximum insulation temperature: 260°C. Accuracy: ± 2.2°C or ± 0.75% (whichever is greater) from 0 to 800°C.
80PK-2A: Immersion Probe (8" or 20.32 cm from tip to probe handle)
80PK-3A: Surface Probe (for flat or curved surfaces) 80PK-4A: Air Probe (protected by stainless steel baffle) 80PK-5A: Piercing Probe (suitable for food use, liquids and
gels) 80PK-6A: Exposed Junction Probe (exposed bead attached to
6" sheath)
PN 735985 February 1985 Rev.6, 11/02
©1985-2002 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA Al l product names are trademarks of t hei r respective companies.
80PK-7: Industrial Surface Probe 80PK-8 Pipe Clamp Probe (For pipe diameter 1/4” to 1 7/8”) 80CK-M: Male Mini-Connector (for attachment of K-type
thermocouple wire)
5. Turn on the 80TK and the multimeter.
6. Adjust the thermal connection between the measurement surface and the thermocouple as described previously.
7. Read the temperature on the multimeter.

Use and Operation

Thermocouples rely upon the difference in temperature between the measuring junction and a reference junction. Traditionally the reference junction is another thermocouple placed in an ice bath, however, the 80TK uses an electronic reference junction. The converter (80TK) must be operated in a thermal environment consistent with its specifications.

Measuring Technique

Making accurate temperature readings using a thermocouple is a matter of identifying and minimizing the causes of error. The largest contributor to errors is the thermal interface between the measurement surface and the thermocouple. The next largest contributor is the temperature difference between the thermocouple probe and its environment.
Here are some suggestions for improving the accuracy of your temperature measurements. Ensure that there is a good connection between the probe and the surface you are measuring. You can do this in many ways:
1. Increase the mounting pressure.
2. Use an interface agent (such as silicone grease) between the thermocouple probe and the surface you are measuring.
3. Use a thermal epoxy to attach the thermocouple.
When measuring temperatures higher than ambient, adjust the connection of the probe to the surface until you get the highest temperature reading. Use any of the suggestions given above to do so.
When measuring temperatures lower than ambient, adjust the connection of the probe to the surface until you get the lowest temperature reading. Use any of the suggestions given above to do so.
When measuring temperatures near ambient, make the reading when the multimeter display is most stable.
To avoid electrical shock, do not use this instrument when voltages exceeding 24V ac or 60V dc are present. The probe tip is electrically connected to the output terminals.

Temperature Measurement

Open Thermocouple Reading

If the thermocouple probe has open circuited (i.e. is broken), the mulimeter will read a steady, constant voltage. The voltage readings are:
Range Reading
C 1.0V F 2.2V

Battery Condition Test

1. Set the power switch to the OFF position.
2. Connect the 80TK to the multimeter.
3. Set the multimeter to the 200, 300, or 400 mV dc range.
4. Read the battery test voltage on the multimeter. A minimum reading of 75 mV is acceptable and indicates that approximately 100 hours of battery life remain.

Battery Replacement

To avoid electrical shock, remove the thermocouple from the measurement surface, or disconnect the thermocouple from the instrument before opening the case. Totally reassemble the instrument before attempting to use it.
1. Set the power switch to the OFF position.
2. Disconnect the 80TK from the multimeter.
3. Unplug or disconnect the thermocouple.
4. Turn the 80TK so the power switch is facing down. Remove the single screw located between the banana plugs.
5. Grasp one case half in each hand. Pull the two halves apart, beginning at the end with the banana plugs.
6. Remove and replace the battery.
7. Reassemble the 80TK.
8. To reassemble, mate the two case halves at the end with the thermocouple connector, then "hinge" the two halves together.
Follow this procedure to correctly use the 80TK.
1. Plug the 80TK into the multimeter. Ensure that the banana plug with the red dot above it plugs into the voltage input and the other plug is in the COM input.
2. Set the multimeter to the 200, 300, or 400 millivolt range. This setting will read temperatures equal to the number of millivolts the range has (i.e., 320°C or F if the millivolt range reads 320 mV.
3. Use the dc volt setting and ignore the decimal for higher temperatures than can be accomodated by the millivolt range. Less resolution is available when using the volt range.
4. Plug the thermocouple into the 80TK thermocouple input
connector. If the thermocouple does not have a plug attached, connect the thermocouple wires to the thermocouple input screws inside the 80TK. The yellow coded wire (chromel) connects to the screw marked ”+”.

80TK Self Test

The following test is an easy way to verify proper operation of the 80TK:
1. Follow the Battery Replacement Procedure to open the case.
2. Using a short piece of bare wire, short the input thermocouple terminals together.
3. Plug the 80TK into the multimeter.
4. Turn the multimeter and the 80TK on. Set the multimeter to 200, 300, or 400 mV range.
5. The multimeter should read the ambient room temperature.
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