SureGripTM Industrial Surface
Temperature Probe
Instruction Sheet
To avoid electrical shock, do not use this probe
when voltages exceeding 24 V ac rms or 60 V dc
are present. The probe tip is electronically
connected to the output terminals.
XW Attention
Pour éviter les risques d’électrocution, ne pas
utiliser cette sonde quand la tension est
sepérieure à 24 V efficaces en courant alternatif
ou 60 V en courant continu. La pointe de la sonde
est reliée électriquement aux bornes de sorties.
XW Warnung
Um Elektroschock zu vermeiden, dürfen Sie den
Meßstift nicht in der Anwesenheit von
Spannungen über 24V Wechselstrom oder 60V
Gleichstrom verwenden. Die Spitze des Meßstifts
ist mit den Ausgangsanschlüssen elektrisch
XW Advertencia
Para evitar descargas eléctricas, no use esta
sonda cuando se apliquen voltajes que
sobrepasen 24 V ca rcm o 60 V cc. La punta de la
sonda está conectada eléctricamente a las
terminales de salida.
The 80PK-27 SureGripTM Industrial Surface Temperature
Probe is designed for reliably measuring temperatures to 600
°C (1112 °F) on flat or slightly convex surfaces, while retaining
a long service life.
Type: K (Chromel vs Alumel)
Measurement Range: -127 °C to 600 °C
(-196.6 °F to 1112 °F)
Junction Accuracy: -127 °C to 0 °C ±4.4 °C
(-196.6 °F to 32 °F ± 7.92 °F)
0 °C to 183 °C ±2.2 °C
(32 °F to 361 °F ±4.86 °F)
183 °C to 600 °C ±1.2 % of reading in °C
(361 °F to
1112 °F ± <1.2 % of reading
in °F)
Output: 25 °C (77 °F) = 1.00 mV (Reference junction at 0 °C)
Seebeck Coefficient: 25 °C (77 °F) = 40.50 µV/°C
November 2004
© 2004 Fluke Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies

Measurement Time (Time Constant): 1 time constant equals
330 ms; 5 time constants equal final reading. See “Application
Information” below.
Maximum Voltage Rating at Probe Tip: 24 V ac rms, or 60 V
Probe Tip: Maximum Temperature: 600 °C
Sheath Material: 303 stainless steel
Cable Length: 40 inches (1 meter)
Cable Isulation:
Conductors: Type: K
Handle: Material: Hytrel
Diameter: 22.9 mm (0.9 in)
Length: 322.6 mm (12.75 in)
(1112 °F)
Material: 303 stainless steel
Material: PVC
Maximum Temperature: 105 °C (220 °F)
Minimum Temperature: -20 °F
Size: AWG #24 stranded (7 strands of #32)
Length: 1.2 meters nominal (4 ft)
Maximum Temperature: 65.6 °C (150 °F)
Minimum Temperature: -40 °C (-40 °F)
Type: yellow mini-thermocouple connector with 0.792
mm (0.312 in) pin spacing
Material: Hytrel
Maximum Temperature: 125 °C (275 °F)
Measurement Considerations
Instrument Compatibility
The 80PK-27 is designed to be compatible with any
temperature measuring instrument that accepts Type K
thermocouples, has a miniature thermocouple connector, and
has cold reference junction compensation. Accuracy of the
temperature measuring instrument must be considered along
with the 80PK-27 accuracy specifications in order to determine
the overall accuracy of the combination.
Temperature Limitations
The probe tip has continuous temperature rating of 600 °C.
However the rest of the assembly is rated for a lower
temperature. See the specifications for further information.
Media Limitations
Media must be compatible with Chromel, Alumel, and 303
stainless steel.
Application Information
At high temperatures, a surface temperature probe removes a
small amount of heat from the measured surface. At 600 °C on
a polished metal surface, the temperature at a contact point
will be lowered, typically not more than 2 °C. A lowering of the
temperature at the contact point is less likely (and contact
response time is quicker) on clean, polished, thermally
conductive surfaces than on materials with low thermal
conductivity, such as plastic or rough, contaminated surfaces.
To obtain the best thermal contact and performance, the
stainless steel ring must make full and firm contact with the
measurement surface.