Fluke 789, 1587, 1577, 113, 175 Service Guide

power harmonics
Basic troubleshooting using
multimeters and current clamps
A mystery is occurring in today’s office buildings and manufacturing plants. Transformers supplying seemingly average loads are overheating. Neutral conductors in balanced circuits are overheating from excessive loads. Circuit breakers are tripping for no apparent reason. Yet the standard troubleshooting procedures show everything to be normal. So what’s the problem? In one word—harmonics.
New technology, new challenges
Harmonics are the byproducts of modern electronics. They are especially prevalent wher­ever there are large numbers of personal computers, adjustable speed drives, and other types of equipment that draw current in short pulses.
This equipment is designed to draw current only during a controlled portion of the incom­ing voltage waveform. While this dramatically improves efficiency, it causes harmon­ics in the load current. And that causes overheated transformers and neutrals, as well as tripped circuit breakers.
If you were to listen to an ordi­nary 60-cycle power line, you’d hear a monotone hum. When harmonics are present, you hear a different tune, rich with high
notes. The problem is even more evident when you look at the waveform. A normal 60-cycle power line voltage appears on the oscilloscope as a near sine wave (Figure 1). When harmon­ics are present, the waveform is distorted (Figure 2A and 2B). These waves are described as non-sinusoidal. The voltage and current waveforms are no longer simply related-hence the term “non-linear.”
Getting to the root of the problem
Finding the problem is relatively easy once you know what to look for and where to look. Harmonics symptoms are usually anything but subtle. This application note provides some basic pointers on how to find harmonics and some suggestions of ways to address the problems they create.
Application Note
Figure 1. Near sine wave.
Figure 2A. Distorted current waveform.
Figure 2B. Distorted voltage waveform.
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Sources of harmonics
Defining the problem
Harmonics are currents or volt­ages with frequencies that are integer multiples of the funda­mental power frequency. For example, if the fundamental fre­quency is 60 Hz, then the second harmonic is 120 Hz, the third is 180 Hz, etc.
Harmonics are created by non­linear loads that draw current in abrupt pulses rather than in a smooth sinusoidal manner. These pulses cause distorted current wave shapes which in turn cause harmonic currents to flow back into other parts of the power system.
Figure 3A. Single-phase, non-linear load current waveform.
The inside story
This phenomenon is especially prevalent with equipment that has diode-capacitor input power supplies; i.e., personal comput­ers, printers and medical test equipment.
Electrically what happens is the incoming ac voltage is diode rectified and is then used to
charge a large capacitor. After a few cycles, the capacitor is charged to the peak voltage of the sine wave (e.g., 170 V for a 120 V ac line). The electronic equipment then draws current from this high dc voltage to power the rest of the circuit.
The equipment can draw the current down to a regulated lower limit. Typically, before reaching that limit, the capacitor is recharged to the peak in the next half cycle of the sine wave. This process is repeated over and over. The capacitor basically draws a pulse of current only during the peak of the wave. During the rest of the wave, when the voltage is below the capacitor residual, the capacitor draws no current.
The diode/capacitor power supplies found in office equip­ment are typically single-phase, non-linear loads (Figure 3A). In industrial plants, the most common causes of harmonic cur­rents are three-phase, non-linear loads which include electronic motor drives, and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) (Figure 3B).
Figure 3B. Three-phase, non-linear load current waveform.
Voltage harmonics
The power line itself can be an indirect source of voltage harmonics.
The harmonic current drawn by non-linear loads acts in an Ohm’s law relationship with the source impedance of the supplying transformer to produce voltage harmonics. Source impedance includes the supplying transformer and branch circuit components. For example, a 10 A harmonic current being drawn from a source impedance of 0.1 W will generate a harmonic voltage of 1.0 V.
Any loads sharing a transformer or a branch circuit with a heavy harmonic load can be affected by the voltage harmonics generated.
The personal computer can be affected by voltage harmonics. The performance of the diode/capacitor power supply is critically dependent on the magnitude of the peak voltage. Voltage harmonics can cause “flat topping” of the voltage waveform lowering the peak voltage (see Figure 2B). In severe cases, the computer may reset due to insuf­ficient peak voltage.
In the industrial environment, the induc­tion motor and power factor correction capacitors can also be seriously affected by voltage harmonics.
Power correction capacitors can form a resonant circuit with the inductive parts of a power distribution system. If the reso­nant frequency is near that of the harmonic voltage, the resultant harmonic current can increase substantially, overloading the capacitors and blowing the capacitor fuses. Fortunately, the capacitor failure detunes the circuit and the resonance disappears.
2 Fluke Corporation Troubleshooting power harmonics
Effects of harmonic currents
120 V Branch Circuits
208/480 Volt Transformer
Symptoms of harmonics usually show up in the power distribu­tion equipment that supports the non-linear loads. There are two basic types of non-linear loads: single-phase and three-phase. Single-phase, non-linear loads are prevalent in offices, while three-phase loads are wide­spread in industrial plants.
Each component of the power distribution system manifests the effects of harmonics a little differently, yet all are subject to damage and inefficient perfor­mance if not designed to handle electronic loads.
Neutral conductors
In a three-phase, four-wire system, neutral conductors can be severely affected by non­linear loads connected to the 120 V branch circuits. Under normal conditions for a balanced linear load, the fundamental 60 Hz portion of the phase currents will cancel in the neutral conductor.
In a four-wire system with single-phase, non-linear loads, certain odd-numbered harmon­ics called triplens—odd multiples of the third harmonic: 3rd, 9th, 15th, etc—do not cancel, but rather add together in the neutral conductor. In systems with many single-phase, non-linear loads, the neutral current can actually exceed the phase current. The danger here is excessive over­heating because, unlike phase conductors, there are no circuit breakers in the neutral conductor to limit the current.
Excessive current in the neu­tral conductor can also cause higher-than-normal voltage drops between the neutral con­ductor and ground at the 120 V outlet.
Circuit breakers
Common thermal-magnetic circuit breakers use a bi-metallic trip mechanism that responds to the heating effect of the circuit current. They are designed to respond to the true-rms value of the current waveform and will trip when the trip mechanism gets too hot. This type of breaker has a good chance of protect­ing against harmonic current overloads.
A peak-sensing, electronic trip circuit breaker responds to the peak of current waveform. As a result, it won’t always respond properly to harmonic currents. Since the peak of the harmonic current is usually higher than normal, this type of circuit breaker may trip prematurely at a low current. If the peak is lower than normal, the breaker may fail to trip when it should.
Bus bars and connecting lugs
Neutral bus bars and connecting lugs are sized to carry the full value of the rated phase current. They can become overloaded when the neutral conductors are overloaded with the additional sum of the triplen harmonics.
Electrical panels
Panels that are designed to carry 60 Hz currents can become mechanically resonant to the magnetic fields generated by higher frequency harmonic currents. When this happens, the panel vibrates and emits a buzzing sound at the harmonic frequencies.
Telecommunications systems often give you the first clue to a harmonics problem because the cable can be run right next to power cables. To minimize the inductive interference from
phase currents, telecommunica­tions cables are run closer to the neutral wire.
Triplens in the neutral conduc­tor commonly cause inductive interference, which can be heard on a phone line. This is often the first indication of a harmonics problem and gives you a head start in detecting the problem before it causes major damage.
Commercial buildings commonly have a 208/120 V transformer in a delta-wye configuration. These transformers commonly feed receptacles in a commer­cial building. Single-phase, non-linear loads connected to the receptacles produce triplen harmonics, which add up in the neutral. When this neutral cur­rent reaches the transformer, it is reflected into the delta primary winding where it causes over­heating and transformer failures.
Another transformer problem results from core loss and copper loss. Transformers are normally rated for a 60 Hz phase current load only. Higher frequency har­monic currents cause increased core loss due to eddy currents and hysteresis, resulting in more heating than would occur at the same 60 Hz current.
These heating effects demand that transformers be derated for harmonic loads or replaced with specially designed transformers.
3 Fluke Corporation Troubleshooting power harmonics
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