It doesn’t take out
the garbage... yet
Introducing the Fluke 430 Series
Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer
Application Note
It’s about time.
For the last several years, tool
users have told Fluke they
needed a three phase Power
Quality Analyzer to audit and
troubleshoot critical power applications in the facility, starting at
the service entrance.
No matter whether they were
a consultant or a facility technicians, the story was the same:
They needed to pinpoint power
quality problems quickly, and for
that, they needed detailed information. In particularly candid
moments, some admitted that if
the available monitoring devices
weren’t so hard to use, so expensive, or so heavy to lug around,
they would probably conduct
preventive maintenance more
Fluke’s answer is the 430
series handheld power quality
Three-phases and four
Rated for use at the service
entrance: CAT IV 600 V/
CAT III 1000 V
Sets up in less than one
Simple, menu-driven interface
Automated recording and
Weighs just over three pounds
Includes analyzer, case, 4
dual-range clamps and 5
voltage clips and leads
Troubleshooting and
preventive maintenance
for all
Designed for power quality
specialists as well as electricians
and plant technicians working in
industrial, healthcare, business,
and public services settings,
the Fluke 430 Series is ideal for
troubleshooting and preventive
The Fluke 430 Series can
measure all phases, neutral and
ground on virtually every connection in a low voltage electrical
distribution system. The analyzer’s
measurement capabilities encompass all power system parameters
including true-rms voltage and
current, frequency, power, power
consumption (energy), unbalance
and flicker. They also automatically capture events like transients
(as fast as 5 microseconds and as
high as 6 kV), interruptions, rapid
voltage changes and dips and
Optimized for mobile
applications, these ruggedized
instruments operate up to seven
hours on a single battery charge
— no more searching for an
outlet! The large data memory
stores up to 50 screens and up to
10 measurements each comprising
32 parameters — including setups
and trend data — recorded for
more than a year, all of which
can be transferred to a PC via
or use in reports.
® software for analysis
From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library

Fluke 430 series features
The two most unique features are
AutoTrend, which records everything on the screen automatically
without setting a trigger, and
System-Monitor, a quick diagnosis of system performance against
user defined limits. Other features
Viewing stored data while
continuing to record.
Switching back and forth from
digital display to trend without
interrupting the recording.
Optically isolated so you can
record while downloading
information to your PC.
High resolution, color LCD
for viewing multiple parameters and multiple phases
Waveform capture lets you
test for interaction between
phases or between voltage
and current.
Triggering on envelope — or —
trigger on rms voltage or
Screen cursors allow you to
pinpoint problems, quickly.
Capturing transients and
waveform disturbances with
5 µs resolution.
Toggling to phase or display at
any time for a quick check of
phase sequence.
Together these features help to
quickly diagnose problems and
build b
study provides one such example.
s for predictive
e. The follow
ing case
Case study: Three-phase
motor failure
or three years in a row, a partic
ularly large three-phase motor
would fail twice a year. The facility maintenanc
in both the electrical contractor
and the motor manufacturer, who
pointed fingers at each other but
failed to resolve anything on site.
The facility was left in the mid-
ith no c
dle, w
cyclical motor repair costs, and
lost production from the repeated
e manager called
orrective action,
Tired of what was clearly a
pattern failure, the facility
manager hired an independent
consultant. The consultant told
the facility manager he would
perform a complete power quality
survey of the electrical distribution system feeding the motor,
determine its operating characteristics and work from there to
solve the problem.
The consultant connected his
Fluke 434 Three-Phase Handheld
ower Quality Analyzer to the
ircuit supplying energy to the
motor and pushed the View
Config button
firmed that his connections were
proper and that the power type
was three-phase Delta.
From there, he pushed the
Scope button and looked at
waveforms and numeric values for
all three phases. Judging by the
differences between the magnitudes at the top of the screen,
there appeared to b
problem between the phases.
. The diagram con-
e a balanc
To gather more information, he
switched to the numeric readout
on the Voltz/Amps/Hertz screen.
The current reading there was
even higher and still unbalanced.
Switching to the Unbalance
screen, he checked the voltage
and current values as well as the
phase diagram, to see if the
motor was operating within
acceptable limits.
2 Fluke Corporation Logging and analyzing events with FlukeView® Forms Software