Fluke 430 Series II
Three-Phase Power Quality
and Energy Analyzers
More detailed power quality analysis
capability, and a new Fluke-patented
energy monetization function
The new 430 Series II Power Quality and Energy
Analyzers offer the best in power quality analysis
and introduce, for the first time ever, the ability
to monetarily quantify energy losses.
The new Fluke 434, 435 and 437 Series II
models help locate, predict, prevent, and troubleshoot power quality problems in three-phase
and single-phase power distribution systems.
Additionally, the Fluke-patented energy loss
algorithm, Unified Power Measurement, measures
and quantifies energy losses due to harmonics
and unbalance issues, allowing the user to pinpoint
the origin of energy waste within a system.
Technical Data
• Energy loss calculator: Classic active and
reactive power measurements, unbalance and
harmonic power, are quantified to pinpoint true
system energy losses in dollars (other local
currencies available).
• Power inverter efficiency: Simultaneously
measure AC output power and DC input power
for power electronics systems using optional
DC clamp.
• PowerWave data capture: 435 and 437 Series
II analyzers capture fast RMS data, show
half-cycle and waveforms to characterize
electrical system dynamics (generator start-ups,
UPS switching etc.).
• Waveform capture: 435 and 437 Series II
models capture 50/60 cycles (50/60Hz)
of each event that is detected in all modes,
without set-up.
• Automatic Transient Mode: 435 and 437
Series II analyzers capture 200 kHz waveform
data on all phases simultaneously up to 6 kV.
• Fully Class-A compliant: 435 and 437 Series
II analyzers conduct tests according to the
stringent international IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A
• Mains signaling: 435 and 437 Series II
analyzers measure interference from ripple
control signals at specific frequencies.
• 400 Hz measurement: 437 Series II analyzer
captures power quality measurements for
avionic and military power systems.
• Troubleshoot: Analyze the trends using the
cursors and zoom tools.
• Highest safety rating in the industry:
600 V CAT IV/1000 V CAT III rated for use
at the service entrance.
• Measure all three phases and neutral:
With included four flexible current probes
with enhanced thin flex designed to fit into
the tightest places.
• Automatic Trending: Every measurement
is always automatically recorded, without
any set-up.
• System-Monitor: Ten power quality
parameters on one screen according to
EN50160 power quality standard.
• Logger function: Configure for any test
condition with memory for up to 600
parameters at user defined intervals.
• View graphs and generate reports:
With included analysis software.
• Battery life: Up to 8 hours operating time
per charge on Li-ion battery pack.
437 Series II
Power Quality
and Energy
Analyzer will
be available
in early 2012

Unified Power Measurement
Fluke’s patented Unified Power Measurement system (UPM) provides the most comprehensive view
of power available, measuring:
• Parameters of Classical Power (Steinmetz 1897)
and IEEE 1459-2000 Power
• Detailed Loss Analysis
• Unbalance Analysis
These UPM calculations are used to quantify
the fiscal cost of energy loss caused by power
quality issues. The calculations are computed,
along with other facility-specific information,
by an Energy Loss Calculator that ultimately
determines how much money a facility loses
due to wasted energy.
Energy savings
Traditionally energy savings are achieved by
monitoring and targeting, or in other words, by
finding the major loads in a facility and optimizing their operation. The cost of power quality
could only be quantified in terms of downtime
caused by lost production and damage to electrical equipment. The Unified Power Measurement
(UPM) method now goes beyond this to achieve
energy savings by discovering the energy waste
caused by power quality issues. Using the
Unified Power Measurement, Fluke’s Energy Loss
Calculator (see screen shot below) will determine
how much money a facility is losing due to waste
UPM gives a more comprehensive breakdown of
the energy consumed in the plant. In addition to
measuring reactive power (caused by poor power
factor), UPM also measures the energy waste
caused by unbalance; the effect of unevenly
loading each phase in three-phase systems.
Unbalance can often be corrected by reconnecting loads on different phases to ensure the
current drawn on each phase is as equal as
possible. Unbalance can also be corrected by
installing an unbalance reactance device (or
filter), that will minimize the effects. Correcting
unbalance should be basic good housekeeping
in the facility as unbalance problems can cause
motor failure or shorten equipment life expectancy. Unbalance also wastes energy. Using
UPM can minimize or eliminate that energy
waste, thus saving money.
UPM also provides details of the energy wasted
in your facility due to the presence of harmonics.
Harmonics may be present in your facility due to
the loads you operate or may be caused by loads
in adjacent facilities. The presence of harmonics
in your facility can lead to:
• overheating transformers and conductors
• nuisance tripping of circuit breakers
• early failures of electrical equipment
Quantifying the cost of wasted energy due to the
presence of harmonics simplifies the return-oninvestment calculation needed to justify purchasing harmonic filters. By installing a harmonic
filter the ill effects of harmonics can be reduced
and energy waste eliminated, resulting in lower
operational costs and more reliable operation.
Energy Loss Calculator
Useful kilowatts (power) available
Reactive (unusable) power
Kilowatts made unusable by unbalance issues
Kilowatts made unusable by harmonics
Neutral current
Total cost of wasted kilowatt hours
2 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series II Three-Phase Energy and Power Quality Analyzers

430 Series II Power Quality and Energy Analyzer selection table
Model Fluke 434-II Fluke 435-II Fluke 437-II
Standard compliance IEC 61000-4-30 Class S IEC 61000-4-30 Class A IEC 61000-4-30 Class A
Volt Amp Hz
Dips and swells
Power and energy
Energy loss calculator
Event waveform capture
Mains signaling
Power wave
Power inverter efficiency
C1740 Soft Case
C437-II Hard Case with rollers
SD card (Max 32 GB) 8 GB 8 GB 8 GB
All models include the following accessories TL430 test lead set, 4 x i430 thin flexi current probes, BP290 battery, BC430 power adapter with international power adapter set, USB cable
A-B mini and PowerLog CD.
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Technical specifications
Specifications are valid for models Fluke 434-II, Fluke 435-II, Fluke 437-II unless otherwise specified.
Specificatons for Amp and Watt readings are based upon i430-Flexi-TF unless otherwise specified.
Input characteristics
Voltage inputs
Number of inputs 4 (3 phase + neutral) dc-coupled
Maximum input voltage 1000 Vrms
Nominal voltage range Selectable 1 V to 1000 V
Max. peak measurement voltage 6 kV (transient mode only)
Input impedance 4 MΩ//5 pF
Bandwidth > 10 kHz, up to 100 kHz for transient mode
Scaling 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1,000:1 10,000:1 and variable
Current inputs
Number of inputs 4 (3 phase + neutral) dc- or ac-coupled
Type Clamp or current transformer with mV output or i430flex-TF
Range 0.5 Arms to 600 Arms with included i430flex-TF (with sensitivity 10x)
Input impedance 1 MΩ
Bandwidth > 10 kHz
Scaling 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1,000:1 10,000:1 and variable
5 Arms to 6000 Arms with included i430flex-TF (with sensitivity 1x)
0.1 mV/A to 1 V/A and custom for use with optional ac or dc clamps
3 Fluke Corporation Fluke 430 Series II Three-Phase Energy and Power Quality Analyzers