Fluke 430 Series Catalog Page

430 Series II Three-Phase Power
Quality and Energy Analyzers
Fluke 437-II
Fluke 435-II Fluke 434-II
435 II / 437 II
True RMS
On all inputs
The Fluke 434, 435 and 437 Series II models help locate, predict, prevent, and troubleshoot power quality problems in three-phase and single-phase power distribution systems. Additionally, the Fluke-patented energy loss algorithm, Uni ed Power Measurement, measures and quanti es energy losses due to harmonics and unbalance issues, allowing the user to pinpoint the origin of energy waste within a system.
• Energy loss calculator: Classic active and reactive power measurements, unbalance and harmonic power, are quanti ed to pinpoint true system energy losses in dollars.
• Power inverter ef ciency: Simultaneously measure AC output power and DC input power for power electronics systems using optional DC clamp.
• PowerWave data capture: 435 and 437 Series II analyzers capture fast RMS data, show half-cycle and waveforms to characterize electrical system dynamics (generator start-ups, UPS switching etc.).
• Waveform capture: 435 and 437 Series II models capture 100/120 cycles (50/60Hz) of each event that is detected in all modes, without set-up.
• Automatic Transient Mode: 435 and 437 Series II analyzers capture 5 μs transient data on all phases simultaneously up to 6 kV.
• Fully Class-A compliant: 435 and 437 Series II analyzer conduct tests according to the stringent international IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A standard with 435 and 437 Series II analyzers.
• 400 Hz measurement: 437 Series II analyzer captures power quality measurements for avionic and military power systems.
• Troubleshoot real-time: Analyze the trends using the cursors and zoom tools.
• Highest safety rating in the industry: 600 V CAT IV/ 1000 V CAT III rated for use at the service entrance.
• Automatic Trending: Every measurement is always automatically recorded, without any set-up.
• System-Monitor: Ten power quality parameters on one screen according to EN50160 power quality standard
• Logger function: Con gure for any test condition with memory for up to 150 parameters on each phase/neutral at user de ned intervals.
Unified Power Measurement
Fluke’s patented Uni ed Power Measurement system (UPM) provides the most comprehensive view of power available, measuring:
• Parameters of Classical Power (Steinmetz 1897) and IEEE 1459-2000 Power
• Detailed Loss Analysis
• Unbalance Analysis
• These UPM calculations are used to quantify in local currency the cost of energy loss caused by power quality issues.
Energy savings
The cost of power quality could only be quanti ed in terms of downtime caused by lost production and damage to electrical equipment. The Uni ed Power Measurement (UPM) method now goes beyond this to achieve energy savings by discovering the energy waste caused by power quality issues. Using the Uni ed Power Measurement, Fluke’s Energy Loss Calculator will determine how much money as facility is losing due to waste energy.
UPM gives a more comprehensive breakdown of the energy consumed in the plant. In addition to measuring reactive power (caused by poor power factor), UPM also measures the energy waste caused by unbalance; the effect of unevenly loading each phase in three-phase systems.
UPM also provides details of the energy wasted in your facility due to the presence of harmonics. The presence of harmonics in your facility can lead to:
• Overheating transformers and conductors
• Nuisance tripping of circuit breakers
• Early failures of electrical equipment
Phasor diagram.
Track harmonics up to the 50th, and measure and record THD in accordance with IEC61000-4-7 requirements.
The System-Monitor overview gives instant insight into whether the voltage, harmonics, flicker, frequency and the number of dips and swells fall outside the set limits. A detailed list is given of all events falling outside the set limits.
430 Series II Three-Phase Power
Quality and Energy Analyzers
Energy Loss Calculator
Line losses due to:
Active power
Reactive power
Distortion (Harmonics)
Neutral current
Logging provides instantaneous analysis of user selectable parameters.
Voltage inputs Number of inputs 4 (3 phase + neutral) dc-coupled Maximum input voltage 1000 Vrms Nominal voltage range Selecta ble 1 V to 1000 V Max. peak measurement voltage 6 kV (transi ent mode only) Input impedance 4 MΩ//5 pF Bandwidth > 10 kHz, up to 10 0 kHz for trans ient mode Scaling 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1,0 00:1 10,000:1 and v ariable Current inputs Number of input s 4 (3 phas e + neutral) dc- or ac-cou pled Type Clamp or cu rrent transfor mer with mV output or i430 flex-TF
Fluke 437 II with all standard accessories.
Included Accessories
TL430 test lead and alligator clip set, i430 ex-TF-II, 60 cm, 4 clamps, BC430 power adapter, BP290 single capacity Li-ion battery, International plug adapter set, WC100 color coding clips and regional decals, 8 GB SD card, PowerLog on CD, USB cable A-Bmini, C1740 softcase (434-II, 435-II), C437 hard case (437-II)
Ordering information
Fluke 434-II Three-Phase Energy Analyzer Fluke 435-II Three-Phase Power Quality and Energy Analyzer Fluke 437-II Three-Phase Power Quality and Energy Analyzer
Range 0.5 Arms t o 600 Arms wit h included i430f lex-TF (with sensitiv ity 10x)
Input impedance 1 MΩ Bandwidth > 10 kHz Scaling 1:1, 10:1, 100:1, 1,0 00:1 10,000:1 and v ariable Measurement modes Scope 4 voltag e waveforms, 4 cur rent waveforms, Vr ms, Vfund. Arm s, A fund, V @ cursor,
Volts/amps/hertz Dips and swells Vrms½, Ar ms½, Pinst wit h programmabl e threshold level s for event detection Harmonic s dc, 1 to 50, up to 9th harm onic
for 400 Hz
Power and energy Vrms, Arms , Wfull, Wfund., VAf ull, VAfund., VAhar monics, VAunbalance , var, PF, DPF, CosQ ,
Energy loss calculator Wfund, VAha rmonics, VAunbalan ce, var, A, Loss Act ive, Loss React ive, Loss Harmon ics, Loss
Inverter eff iciency (requires optional DC current clamp)
Unbalance Vneg%, Vzer o%, Aneg%, Aze ro%, Vfund, Afu nd, V phase angles, A ph ase angles Inrush Inrus h current, Inr ush duration, Ar ms½, Vrms½ Monitor Vrms, Ar ms, harmonic Volt s, THD Volts, PLT, Vrms½, Arm s½, Hz, dips, swell s, interrupti ons, rapid
Flicker (4 35-II and 437-II only) Pst(1mi n), Pst, Plt, Pinst, Vr ms ½, Arms ½, Hz Transient s (435-II and 437-II only) Transient wavef orms 4x Voltage 4x Amps, t riggers: Vr ms ½, Arms ½, Pin st Mains Signaling
(435-II and 4 37-II only)
UPower Wave (435-II and 4 37-II only)
Logger Custom select ion of up to 150 PQ paramet ers measured si multaneously on 4 pha ses
Battery life: 7 hours operating time per charge on Li-ion battery pack Safety: EN61010-1 (2nd edition) pollution degree 2; 1000 V CAT III / 60 0 V CAT IV Case: Rugged, shock proof with integrated protective holster, IP51 (drip and dust proof) Shock: 30 g; Vibration: 3g according to MIL-PRF-28800F Class 2 Operating temperature: 0°C to +50°C Size (HxWxD): 265 mm x 190 mm x 70 mm; Weight: 2.1 kg Three Years War ranty
5 Arms to 6 000 Arms w ith included i430f lex-TF (with sensit ivity 1x)
0.1 mV/A to 1 V/A and cus tom for use with opt ional AC or DC clamps
A @ cursor, pha se angles
Vrms phas e to phase, Vrms phase t o neutral, Vpeak, V C rest Factor, Arms Ap eak, A Crest Factor, Hz
Harmon ics Volts, THD, Harmon ic Amps, K factor Am ps, Harmonic Watt s, THd Watts, K factor Watts, Inter harmonic Volts, Inter harmonic Amps, V rms, Arms (rel ative to fundament al or to total r ms)
Effic iency factor, Wforw ard, Wreverse
Unbalanc e, Loss Neutral, L oss Cost (base d upon user defined c ost / kWh) Wfull, W fund, Wdc, Effici ency, Vdc, Adc, Vrms, Arm s, Hz
voltage cha nges, unbalance a nd mains signal ling. All para meters are measur ed simultaneousl y in accorda nce with EN50160 Fl agging is applie d according to IEC610 00-4-30 to i ndicate unrelia ble reading s due to dips or swells
Relative s ignaling voltag e and absolute signal ing voltage average d over three second s for up to two selectable signal ing frequencies
Vrms½, Ar ms½ W, Hz and scope waveform s for voltage amps and wat ts
Recommended Accessories
Input characteristics
See page 116
See page 116
See page 103
See page 116 for power quality current clamps