Fluke 35080B User Manual

kVp Divider
Operators Manual
Fluke Biomedical
Radiation Management Services
6045 Cochran Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139
120 Andrews Road Hicksville, New York 11801
Table of Contents
Section 1: General Information................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Manual Addenda ......................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Safety Symbol and Terms............................................................................ 1-1
1.4 Specifications............................................................................................... 1-2
Section 2: Operation.................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Battery Check ............................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Internal Calibration Check ........................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Filter Pack Selection .................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Oscilloscope Zero and Offsets..................................................................... 2-1
2.5 Geometry of Setup....................................................................................... 2-3
2.6 Filtration Effect Corrections.......................................................................... 2-4
2.7 Linearity Corrections.................................................................................... 2-5
Section 3: Theory of Operation .................................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Measurement Theory................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Wide Range Filter Pack (37617).................................................................. 3-1
3.4 Output.......................................................................................................... 3-3
3.5 Intensity Cutoff............................................................................................. 3-3
3.6 Internal Calibration....................................................................................... 3-3
Section 4: Test Filter Pack Option (32863) ................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Specifications............................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Theory of Operation..................................................................................... 4-1
4.4 Operating Instructions.................................................................................. 4-2
Section 5:
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Specifications............................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Theory of Operation..................................................................................... 5-2
5.4 Operating Instructions.................................................................................. 5-3
Cadmium K-Edge Mammo Filter Pack Option (37355)............................ 5-1
Section 6: Linear Mammo Filter Pack Option (37351)............................................... 6-1
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Specifications............................................................................................... 6-1
6.3 Theory of Operation..................................................................................... 6-1
6.4 Corrections .................................................................................................. 6-2
6.5 Operating Instructions.................................................................................. 6-3
Section 7: CT Filter Pack Option (33551) ................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Specifications............................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Theory of Operation..................................................................................... 7-2
7.4 Operating Instructions.................................................................................. 7-2
7.5 Correction of Readings ................................................................................ 7-3
Section 8: Mobile Filter Pack Plus Option (37946) .................................................... 8-1
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Specifications............................................................................................... 8-1
8.3 Filtration Effect Corrections.......................................................................... 8-2
8.4 Linearity Corrections.................................................................................... 8-3
Section 9: Low Range Filter Pack Option (38237)..................................................... 9-1
9.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Specifications............................................................................................... 9-1
9.3 Theory of Operation..................................................................................... 9-1
9.4 Operating Instructions.................................................................................. 9-2
9.5 Filtration Effect Correction ........................................................................... 9-3
9.6 Linearity Correction...................................................................................... 9-3
Section 10: Maintenance ............................................................................................. 10-1
10.1 Cleaning the Instrument............................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 10-1
10.3 Battery Replacement ................................................................................. 10-2
10.4 Calibration.................................................................................................. 10-3
10.5 Replaceable Parts Information................................................................... 10-6
10.6 Recalibration & Repair Information/Technical Assistance.......................... 10-7
10.7 Warranty Information ................................................................................. 10-7
Appendix A: Mammographic Measurements with the Model 35080B.........................A-1
A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. A-1
A.2 K-edge Measurement ..................................................................................A-1
A.3 Linear Measurement.................................................................................... A-2
Appendix B: Correcting kVp Measurements for Gain Effects .....................................B-1
B.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. B-1
B.2 Oscilloscope Measurements........................................................................ B-1
B.3 Voltmeter Measurements............................................................................. B-2
B.4 The Model 35050A Dosimeter Measurements............................................. B-2
Appendix C: Procedure for Making kVp Measurements on Rhodium Anode,
Rhodium Filtration Selection of GE DMR Mammography X-Ray
System ........................................................................................................ C-1
C.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................C-1
C.2 Procedure ....................................................................................................C-1
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General Information
Section 1
General Information
1.1 Introduction
The Model 35080B kVp Divider is an alternative to high-voltage divider tanks. It provides a safe, non­invasive, fast measurement of kVp without endangering personnel and/or equipment. Its use is primarily intended for x-ray machine service and calibration.
High-speed precision logarithmic circuitry allows for wide variations in mA and distance without a sacrifice of accuracy or response speed. The Model 35080B kVp Divider provides an analog output voltage proportional to the instantaneous voltage applied to the x-ray tube. When the kVp divider is connected to a storage oscilloscope, the kV waveform may be viewed directly. If a digital display of the kVp value is desired, then the Model 35080B kVp Divider may be connected to the Model 35050A Dosimeter/kVp Readout.
One Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) allows high-accuracy measurements from 50 to 150kV. The kVp divider is placed on the x-ray table with the filter pack in place. A storage oscilloscope is connected to the kVp divider. The x-ray beam is collimated to the area of the filter pack. An exposure is made and the kV waveform is displayed on the storage oscilloscope. At no time are the high-voltage supply cables disturbed.
The Model 35080B kVp Divider is highly portable -- a contrast to bulky, heavy high-voltage divider tanks. The instrument is accurate to ± 2%, exclusive of linearity and filtration effects.
The user should note, however, that as with an invasive divider, the accuracy of readings will depend on the accuracy of the oscilloscope or readout device used in the measurements.
1.2 Manual Addenda
Any improvements or changes concerning the instrument or manual will be explained in an addenda included with the manual. Be sure to note these changes and incorporate them into the manual.
1.3 Safety Symbol and Terms
The following symbol and terms are found on the instrument or used in this manual.
The symbol on the instrument indicates that the user should refer to the operating
instructions located in the manual.
The heading used in this manual explains dangers that might result in personal injury or death. Always read the associated information very carefully before performing the
The heading used in this manual explains hazards that could damage the instrument. Such damage may invalidate the warranty.
indicated procedure.
Operators Manual
1.4 Specifications
50-150 kVp with the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617)
± 2% of reading, exclusive of linearity, filtration, and gain effects
Internally-generated signal provides a calibration check
Permitted Tube Current Range
1 mA to 3000 mA, dependent on waveform and distance
Response Time
150 microseconds 10-90%
Operating temperature 15° to 35°C; storage temperature -35° to 50°C; relative humidity to 90%
The long axis of the Model 35080B kVp Divider is oriented perpendicular to the axis of the x-ray tube to eliminate heel effect.
Table 1-1. Permitted Tube Current Settings (less than ± 1 kV effect)
Minimum Tube Current (12" Focal Spot to kVp divider)
Maximum Tube Current (22" Focal Spot to kVp divider)
Factory calibration performed at 200 mA, 2.5 mm Al inherent filtration, 22 inches focal spot to kVp divider. Six-point calibration check.
Half - Wave
1 mA 2 mA 4 mA
750 mA 1500 mA 3000 mA
Full - Wave
One Eveready 9V alkaline type 522; life approximately 60 hours; BATTERY CHECK function connects battery to output connector for voltage measurement.
Dimensions and Weight
60 mm high x 210 mm wide x 90 mm deep
(2-3/8 in x 8-1/4 in x 3-1/2 in) net weight 0.68 kg (1-1/2 lb)
Standard Filter Pack
One Wide Range Filter Pack* (37617) is provided for measurement from 50 to 150 kVp.
General Information
Table 1-2. The Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) Specifications
Range: 50 to 150 kVp
Sensitivity: 0.1 V/10 kV
Cal: 0.400 V
Zero: 40 kV
Cal: 80 kV
Accuracy: ± 2% exclusive of linearity and filtration
effects Linearity and filtration effects can be corrected using
curves from Section 2 of this instruction manual.
Optional Filter Packs
A Test Filter Pack (32863) that provides verification of instrument accuracy, a K-edge Mammo Filter Pack (37355)* and a Linear Mammo Filter Pack (37351) used for precision measurements from 22 to 40 kVp, a CT Filter Pack (33551) used for CT system kVp measurements from 70 to 140 kVp, a Mobile Filter Pack Plus (37946) used for measurements on x-ray systems with kV waveforms above 1 kHz with substantial ripple, and a Low Range Filter Pack (38237) used for measurements from 30 kVp to 90 kVp where the kVp range or sensitivity of other filter packs is not adequate.
* Patent numbers 4,843,619 and 4,916,727
Operators Manual
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Battery Check
Section 2
Prior to taking measurements with the Model 35080B kVp Divider, it is suggested that the battery and internal calibration be checked.
2.1 Battery Check
Connect the output of the Model 35080B kVp Divider to a DVM (digital voltmeter). Place the kVp divider function switch in the “BAT CHK” position. The battery should be replaced if the voltage is less than 7.0 volts as the remaining battery life is quite short. The battery must be replaced if the voltage is less than
6.5 volts as the instrument will not function properly when the voltage supply is below this minimum level.
2.2 Internal Calibration Check
Connect the output of the Model 35080B kVp Divider to a DVM with ± 0.1% accuracy. Remove any filter pack that may be inserted in the kVp Divider. Turn the function switch to the “CAL” position. After a short delay, a voltage of 0.750 ± 1% will appear. This reading verifies the stability of the kVp Divider ratio electronics. A 1% error in the kVp Divider gain will cause a maximum kV reading error of 0.75% of reading. Refer to Section 10.4 for detailed information on calibration.
2.3 Filter Pack Selection
One Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) is provided as standard for the Model 35080B kVp Divider. See Sections 4 through 9 of this manual for use of optional filter packs available from Fluke Biomedical, Radiation Management Services.
2.4 Oscilloscope Zero and Offsets
It is assumed that the operator is familiar with the use of a storage oscilloscope. The following examples are for oscilloscopes with 8 major divisions for vertical scales and sensitivity selections of 0.1 V/div and 0.2 V/div. The selection of time scales or triggering are not discussed in this manual.
Operators Manual
Figures 2-1A & 2B show suggested oscilloscope settings for the 50-150 kV range using the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617).
1. Insert the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) into the Model 35080B kVp Divider and connect the kVp divider to the oscilloscope.
2. Set the oscilloscope gain to 0.1 V/div, DC Coupled. This setting corresponds to a 10 kV/div sensitivity.
3. If making kV measurements from 50 to 120 kV, set the FUNCTION switch of the kVp divider to the
OFF position and adjust the oscilloscope vertical position control so that the oscilloscope trace coincides with the bottom horizontal line on the screen, which corresponds to 40 kV. Then set the FUNCTION switch of the kVp Divider to the ‘‘CAL’’ position and verify that after a delay of several seconds the trace on the oscilloscope coincides with middle horizontal line on the screen, which corresponds to 80 kV. When switching to the ‘‘RUN’’ position, a slight offset may be noted on the oscilloscope. Do NOT readjust the oscilloscope trace to compensate for this offset. Refer to Figure 2-1A.
4. If making kV measurements from 120 to 150 kV, set the FUNCTION switch of the kVp divider to the ‘‘CAL’’ position and adjust the oscilloscope vertical position control so that the oscilloscope trace coincides with the bottom line on the screen, which corresponds to 80 kV. Refer to Figure 2-1B.
If the accuracy of the Model 35080B kVp Divider is in question, the output voltage may be checked with a ± 0.1% DVM. The proper CAL voltage is on the filter pack label. The allowed tolerance is ± 1%. A 1% error will cause at most a 0.75% error in the kV reading.
120 kV
110 kV
100 kV
90 kV
80 kV
70 kV
60 kV
50 kV 90 kV
40 kV ZERO at 40 80 kV CAL at 80
Sensitivity 10 kV/div
Scope setting 0.1 V/div
CAL at 80
160 kV
150 kV
140 kV
130 kV
120 kV
110 kV
100 kV
Sensitivity 10 kV/div
Scope setting 0.1 V/div
Oscilloscope Zero and Offsets
Figure 2-1A and 1B. Suggested Oscilloscope Settings for Use with the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617)
As an alternative to reading directly in kV, the output of the Model 35080B kVp Divider may be read directly in volts. The formula below is used to calculate the kV:
kV = Model 35080B voltage x 100 + ZERO kV
Example: A peak voltage of 0.300 volts is read. The ZERO kV of the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) is 40 kV. Therefore:
kV = 0.300 x 100 + 40
= 30 + 40
= 70 kV
2.5 Geometry of Setup
The filter pack is aligned on the beam center, with the long axis of the Model 35080B kVp Divider perpendicular to the x-ray tube axis, and the beam normal to the tabletop (see Figure 2-2). The x-ray beam must be large enough to cover the active area of the filter pack. Distance is not critical, but a 22­inch distance from focal spot to kVp divider is suggested.
The kVp divider must be inverted for under-table x-ray head evaluation (refer to Figure 2-3). Again, the filter pack should be on beam center, perpendicular to the axis of the x-ray tube and the beam normal to the table. The beam area must be large enough to cover the active area of the filter pack.
In positioning the kVp divider, the long axis of the instrument should be perpendicular to the x-ray tube axis to eliminate “heel effect.” The beam must strike the filter pack side of the kVp divider; the unit is designed to be turned over for under-table x-ray heads. In setting the x-ray generator, 200 mA at 22 inches is recommended, but the limits of operation allow higher or lower settings and distances. Refer to Section 1-4, Specifications, for low current limits.
After correctly positioning the kVp Divider, connect the oscilloscope, place the kVp Divider in the “RUN” mode and make an exposure.
Operators Manual
Figure 2-2. Geometry of Setup for Above-Table X-ray Tube Figure 2-3. Geometry of Setup for Below-
Table X-ray Tube
2.6 Filtration Effect Corrections
Corrections for filtration are made with the correction curves in Figure 2-4. Factory calibration of the Model 35080B kVp Divider is performed with 2.5 mm Al total filtration, so any other amount of filtration in the beam which is greater than or less than 2.5 mm Al will require some correction of the apparent reading.
Example: Suppose the kVp Divider reads 90 kV, using the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617). The x-ray machine has 5.0 mm Al total filtration. The filtration effect curve for this filter pack indicates a filtration effect of 0.5 kV per mm Al at 90 kVp. To determine the actual reading, the filtration in the x-ray machine is subtracted from the standard calibration filtration (2.5 mm Al) and the resulting number is multiplied by the filtration effect: (2.5-5.0) x 0.5 = -1.25 kV. The resulting number, -1.25 kV, is the correction which is added to the apparent reading. Therefore, the actual reading is 90 kV + (-1.25 kV) = 88.75 kV.
kVp Per mm AL
Filtration Effect
Model 35080B Reading kV
Figure 2-4. The Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) Filtration Effect Correction Curve
Linearity Corrections
2.7 Linearity Corrections
Corrections for linearity in using the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) are made by taking the apparent output of the Model 35080B and adding (or subtracting) the value in kV shown on the following curve. For the greatest accuracy possible, readings should first be corrected for filtration before linearity corrections are made. For most applications, however, linearity corrections alone may be adequate, especially if the difference in total filtration from the calibration standard of 2.5 mm Al is small. See Section 2.6 for information about filtration correction.
Wide Range Filter Pack (37617)
Linearity Correction Curve
kVp Correction
Model 35080B Reading kVp
Figure2-5. The Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) Linearity Correction Curve. The kVp Correction Value
read from the vertical scale should be added to the Model 35080B kVp Divider reading to produce the corrected kVp result.
Operators Manual
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Theory of Operation
Section 3
Theory of Operation
3.1 Introduction
When used with the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) the Model 35080B kVp Divider produces an output voltage that closely follows the voltage applied to the x-ray tube. It does this with a 10-90% response time of 150 microseconds, so the waveform can be used not only for determining kVp, but also for making precise time determinations and for diagnosing generator malfunctions.
3.2 Measurement Theory
In this measurement scheme, two x-ray detectors are used (refer to Figures 3-1 and 3-2). The x-ray beam passes through a relatively heavy filter prior to striking detector A, and through a lighter filter prior to striking detector B. The ratio of the currents (I/I) is transformed to a voltage by a custom-designed ratio module.
Typically, this ratio voltage increases as the voltage applied to the x-ray tube increases. The ratio voltage is virtually independent of the current applied to the x-ray tube and the distance to the x-ray tube.
3.3 Wide Range Filter Pack (37617)
The Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) is a standard filter pack supplied with the Model 35080B kVp Divider. This filter pack gives linear performance over a wide 50-150 kVp range. Detailed characteristics of the filter pack are given in Section 1, General Information, and Section 2, Operating Instructions, of this instruction manual.
Figure 3-1. Simplified Functional Block Diagram of the Model 35080B kVp Divider
Operators Manual
Model 35080B Output in Volts
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Figure 3-2 Output Ratio Plotted as a Function of kV
Voltage WaveForm Single-Phase
Model 35080B WaveForm Single-Phase
Voltage WaveForm
Model 35080BWaveForm
Figure 3-3. Output of the Model 35080B kVp Divider Compared to Voltage Applied to X-ray Tube
Theory of Operation
3.4 Output
In the Model 35080B kVp Divider, the intensity ratio is taken with a high-speed logarithmic ratio module. Thus, the output of the Model 35080B kVp Divider follows the kVp waveform applied to the x-ray tube within the linear range of the filter pack. The waveform differs from the waveform output of a resistive divider in that information below the kV baseline of the filter is not displayed (see Figure 3-3).
3.5 Intensity Cutoff
An examination of the Model 35080B kVp Divider waveforms in Figure 3-3 shows that as the potential of the x-ray beam waveform increases for the first time, the Model 35080B kVp Divider follows the signal as soon as it comes into the linear range of the filter pack. However, as the x-ray signal decays, the signal presented to the oscilloscope will suddenly switch to the filter pack’s baseline. This effect is caused by a special circuit that prevents the presentation of a distorted signal to the oscilloscope. This circuit automatically resets about 10 seconds after an exposure is made.
3.6 Internal Calibration
In order to assure that the ratio circuit in the Model 35080B kVp Divider is stable, a “CAL” position is provided on the function switch. When the Model 35080B kVp Divider is switched into the “CAL” position, a signal ratio of 0.25 is electronically switched into the ratio circuit. This produces an output of 0.75 volts with no filter pack inserted. This value should be within ± 1% of 0.75 volts. When the Wide Range Filter Pack (37617) is inserted, a CAL voltage of 0.40 volts ± 1% is produced at the Model 35080B kVp Divider output. The CAL voltage is inscribed on each of the other filter packs. The value in kV is also given and this may be used to check the oscilloscope calibration.
If the Model 35080B kVp Divider is exposed to an x-ray beam while the function switch is left in the “CAL” position, the resulting scope presentation will be badly distorted.
Operators Manual
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Test Filter Pack Option (32863)
Section 4
Test Filter Pack Option (32863)
4.1 Introduction
The Test Filter Pack (32863) provides a means for a complete system check of the Model 35080B kVp Divider’s calibration. The CAL position on the kVp divider provides a check of the electronics only. The Test Filter Pack (32863) verifies the calibration of the kVp divider from radiation input through to the output signal under actual operating conditions.
3.00 V ± 1%
0.750 V ± 1%
X-ray Generator kV Setting
100 kV is recommended
X-ray Generator mA Setting
200 mA at 22 inches focal spot to kVp divider is recommended
4.3 Theory of Operation
Section 3 describes the theory of operation of the Model 35080B kVp divider. With the Test Filter Pack (32863) installed, the output voltage of the kVp divider is equal to three times the x-ray intensity striking the heavily filtered detector divided by the x-ray intensity striking the lightly filtered detector. The Test Filter Pack (32863) has equal thickness of copper filters for both detectors. When this filter pack is inserted into the kVp Divider, the ratio seen by the instrument (for adequately high intensities) is 1.0. The Model 35080B kVp Divider is factory-calibrated to produce 3.0 volts for a ratio of 1.0. In theory, the 3-volt value is not a function of tube current, distance or kV; in order to have a standardized test, however, the 3-volt check should be run at 22 inches focal spot to kVp divider, at 200 mA and 100 kVp. Typical waveforms from single-phase and three-phase exposures using the Test Filter Pack (32863) are shown in Figure 4-1.
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