Fluke 287-RMS Service Guide

Event recording (or logging)
with a Fluke 287/289
Digital Multimeter
One of the major features of the Fluke 280 Series digital multimeters (DMM) with TrendCapture is their ability to record measurement data or “do logging.” This application note explains what kind of logging these meters can perform, how to use the recording feature, and what information it can provide. This note also discusses how to use FlukeView PC software to increase the power of the Recording feature.
For the balance of this note, we will refer to the Fluke 289 DMM, although the information is equally applicable to the Fluke 287 DMM.
Application Note
Note: This article references features
included in a firmware upgrade to the 289 DMM released in August, 2008. To obtain the latest firmware version, visit www. fluke.com/software-downloads. For a summary of the changes, reference the end of this document.
Differences between the Fluke 289 DMM and a data logger
The Fluke 289 does not do data logging in the traditional sense. Typically, the goal of a data log­ger is to sample the input signal at a rate sufficient to track activ­ity that you might find in the signal. This often means that it is desirable to sample the input as fast as possible so you don’t miss anything. The problem with this approach is you need a large storage place for the fast data sampling that is taking place. You can also end up wad­ing through a lot of redundant data that is considered “normal” to find the exceptional data (or lack thereof).
The difference between the Fluke 289 DMM and a tradi­tional logger is that the DMM, while sampling internally at a sub-second rate, records only significant changes in the read­ings. This technique, called event recording, requires far less memory. Still, it does an effective job of monitoring and logging data from an input sig­nal, enabling you to detect if and when the monitored system is operating abnormally.
The other difference is that the Fluke 289 DMM can graph the data onscreen in TrendCap­ture mode, immediately after the recording session is com­pleted. TrendCapture is a major enhancement in the 28X family over the previous logging capa­bility of the 189, which had to upload each recording session to software to graph and view the results. The Fluke 289 uses sim­ilar graphing software (optional) for detailed analysis, but its abil­ity to graph even rough details immediately, onscreen, can be very powerful. In addition, the 28X can now hold multiple recording sessions in it’s mem­ory allowing troubleshooters to get multiple sets of data, possi­bly at different locations, without having to download each ses­sion as in the past.
Introduction to event recording
Event recording can be thought of as an extension of the “Touch Hold” feature of the original Fluke 87 DMM. (Touch Hold is now called “Auto Hold” on the 287/289.) When the Auto Hold feature is activated, the meter waits until a period of stability
From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library
Figure 1.
has been reached, then it beeps and freezes (holds) a stable reading on the display for the user to see. If the input changes to the point that it is no longer stable, then becomes stable again, the meter will beep a second time and hold a new reading on the display.
Event recording uses a similar scheme. When the Fluke 289 is recording, it is looking for peri­ods of stability. For each stable or unstable period the meter logs a start time, the initial reading, stop time, the maximum reading, minimum reading (and the times of their occurrence) and average reading during that period. The event recording feature is designed to store only enough information to describe any changes; i.e., events, to the input signal.
Event recording data
The Fluke 289 excels at record­ing transition events, but while it has TrendCapture graphing capability, it does not have the kind of large graphical display resolution needed to analyze all of the event data. This is where FlukeView Forms software takes over, allowing you to view the recorded data in table or graph form on a PC. An example is shown in the figure below.
Looking at this data, you can see that the recording session started at 1:54:41 PM and ended at 2:23:47 PM with an elapsed time of about 29 minutes. You can also see that the signal being measured was stable near 119 V for most of the logging session.
However, there was one unstable event detected by the meter during a 1.6-second period beginning at 2:18 PM. The graph clearly shows the switching event that happened at that time. What is interest­ing about this example is that the table of data shows only six “events” needed to be stored in the meter memory over the entire 29 minutes of logging to capture the essence of what happened.
What this illustration shows is that, with event recording, only a very small amount of memory is needed to store the informa­tion. To capture the same data using traditional data logging would require a one-second sample rate over the entire 29 minutes which would have produced 1,740 records of data, yet that level of detail was not required to detect the problem.
Recording—by the numbers
Now that we know how the Fluke 289 records data, let’s go through the step-by-step process for recording a desired signal over time. In this case, the test will record the signature of the current drawn by a large household refrigerator for more than one day.
The following steps can be generalized to any recording situation.
Step 1
Make sure that the battery indicator in the upper left hand corner of the Fluke 289 display shows at least two of the possi­ble four bars, indicating enough charge is left for a 24-hour oper­ation. For any longer recording period, or if in doubt, replace the batteries with fresh new ones.
Step 2
Connect the meter to the circuit being measured.
In this example, the ac current was measured by connecting a current transformer probe to the mA jacks of the Fluke 289. That is because the probe output is 1 mA/A. We then place the jaws of the probe around the circuit conductor in the distri­bution panel that is connected to the breaker dedicated to the refrigerator. If the DMM function switch is in any position except A/mA or μA, the meter will beep to indicate that the switch must be in one of these two posi­tions to proceed, and the display information screen will show the details. In this case, we want the A/mA function. The meter will sense the presence of the lead in the mA jack, and select the proper circuit for the recording.
Note: Although not required in this case, if a signal normally varies a full point, you might want to estimate a maximum current or voltage that you expect to encounter, and set manual ranging to the higher range. This will prevent recording multiple events due to auto-ranging.
Step 3
Press the Save (F2) softkey and highlight the Record option using the navigation arrows. Then, press the Record (F1) softkey below the display.
At this point, the Recording information screen appears. Note that the bottom line of this display indicates the battery condition. If the battery is par­tially discharged, the Battery: partly empty advisory appears. See step 1 above.
2 Fluke Corporation Event recording (or logging) with a Fluke 287/289 Digital Multimeter
00:0009:30 19:00 28:30 37:33
m A A C
1.830 mA AC 01:57:42pm HH:MM
05/30/08 07:03:09pm
08:35 am
14:36 16:36 18:36 22:3620:36
m A A C
1.944 mAAC 02:21: 01pm HH:MM
05/30/08 07:03:09pm
08:35 am
These next steps (7 through 9) should be performed immediately after the test is ended, or when you return to retrieve you meter, before you explore the data on screen. This is to make sure you save the recorded data in a known and easy to recall location.
3 Fluke Corporation Event recording (or logging) with a Fluke 287/289 Digital Multimeter
Step 4
Using the navigation arrows, highlight Set Duration and press Edit ( F1). Edit the duration setting to 07 Days 00 Hrs 00 Min. (We can always manually stop the recording procedure earlier if we like.)
Note: Recording duration and sample interval times may interact — setting one variable may adjust the other to fit the recording session within the available memory.
Step 5
When Duration and Sample Interval settings have been changed to desired values, press
OK ( F1) to accept the changes.
Step 6
Press the Start (F2) softkey to begin recording. You can now leave the meter unattended. The 289 will record the current (amps) used by the refrigerator.
Note: While recording is active (1) the power button LED will flash on and off, (2) five minutes after any button press, the display will turn off to con­serve battery power. Press any button to turn the display back on, and (3) the display will show the start time, the remaining time and number of recorded interval samples and events.
Step 7
Recording is stopped in three ways: (1) Automatically when the recording duration time has reached, (2) Automatically when the battery level becomes critically low or (3) Manually by pressing the Stop (F4) softkey. When recording is stopped, the power button LED will stop
flashing on and off. Note that once the recording session has stopped, you cannot resume that session.
Note: Returning to Stopped Screen after meter auto powers off: When
recording ends automatically due to duration time being reached, the dis­play is turned on (if it had been off) and the meter will power off accord­ing to the Auto Power Off setting in Instrument Setup (never or N minutes). If the recording ends due to the bat­tery becoming critically low, the meter will immediately power down. Turn the meter back on. If the battery is showing empty, turn the meter off and replace the batteries. Turn the meter back on. The meter will start showing the display as if you were at the start
of Step 8.
Step 8
Press Save (F2) to bring up the Save display.
Step 9
Press the +Name (F1) softkey to select the recording session name to be associated with this saved data. In this case, since it is a recording, you might choose to highlight Recording and note that a boxed number appears. This number is automatically incremented each time you do a save using that save name. Note this saved name (including its number) so that you can easily identify the source of the data in memory after you upload it to FlukeView Forms. That’s because you could easily have ten or more recordings in memory before you return to a computer.
Step 10
Now, press Save ( F1) one more time to complete the storage of the test data in the DMM mem­ory. The display screen will now show the Start time, the Dura­tion of the test, and the number of Interval samples and Events that were stored.
You have successfully completed a recording session and saved the results in the meter. You can now turn the meter off, or use it for other purposes until you choose to transfer your data to a
Using TrendCapture
You may now safely press the Trend (F3) softkey to view the stored results in graphi­cal format. A vertical cursor will appear in the center of the TrendCapture display. Using the navigation keys, you can move this cursor over areas of interest in the graph and the value and time of recording for that value will appear.
Figure 2. Single refrigeration cycle.
The first thing to note is that the graph has been scaled to 20 mA. Here’s what’s happening. The current level was mostly at about the 2 mA level when the compressor was running. The 18 mA “spikes” show the momen­tary motor starting current each time the compressor ran.
The blank gap near the center of the screen is interesting, so now we’ll use the TrendCapture Zoom feature, using the up­down navigation keys, to look at the detail.
Figure 3. Single cycle, zoomed.
While in Trend mode, the F3 menu selection changes to Summary. Press the softkey to see the session summary data, including the Start Time and Duration of the recording and the number of Interval Samples and Events recorded. The main display shows the last recorded value in the session.
Note: Time scale for Figure 2 and 3 is elapsed time.
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