271 DDS Function
Generator with ARB
High performance function generator
High stability 10 MHz DDS
function generator
Arbitrary capability with
storage for five user
defined waveforms
Multiple standard and
complex waveforms
recalled from internal
Extensive modulation
capabilities include sweep,
AM, Gating, Trigger/Burst,
FSK and Hop
GPIB and RS-232
Tech Tip
Direct digital synthesis
(DDS) is a technique for
generating waveforms
digitally using a phase
accumulator, a look-up
table and a digital-toanalog-converter (DAC).
The accuracy and
stability of the resulting waveforms is
related to that of the
crystal master clock.
The DDS generator
offers not only exceptional accuracy and
stability but also high
spectral purity, low
phase noise and excellent frequency agility.
The 271 is a high performance function generator using
Direct Digital Synthesis techniques. A wide variety of
standard waveforms are provided and an arbitrary
waveform capability allows it to be used to generate
non-standard and user-defined waveforms. Extensive
modulation capabilities make this a highly versatile
signal source.
Standard waveforms are sine, square, positive pulse,
negative pulse, triangle, ramp up, ramp down. Additionally arbitrary waveforms, multi-level squarewaves,
waveform hopping and pseudo-random noise can be
Signal Sources
271 DDS Function
Generator with ARB
Function Generators
All waveforms are available up to 10 MHz. However, the purity of triangle, ramp, and multi-level square wave waveforms is not specified
ove the frequencies indicated in the following section.
Range 0.1 mHz to 10 MHz
Accuracy Typically < ± 10 ppm for 1 year, 18 °C to 28 °C
empco. Typically < 1 ppm/°C outside 18 °C to 28 °C
Distortion < –60 dBc to 20 kHz, < –50 dBc to 300 kHz, < -35 dBc to 10 MHz
Rise and fall times < 22 ns
inearity error < 0.5 % to 30 kHz
Positive and Negative Ramp
inearity error < 0.5 % to 30 kHz
Positive and Negative Pulse
Rise and fall times < 22 ns
Multi-Level Squarewave
6 steps available per cycle, each step selectable for amplitude (10 bit resolution) and duration (1 to 1024 samples). Above 27 kHz a
Up to 1
36 ns edge unc
Rise and fall times < 22 ns
Arbitrary (and complex)
A numb
they are sampled.
No. of samples 1024 10 bit samples
Noise Wideband noise with variable amplitude and offset.
Range Sine — 1 % to 99 % at all frequencies; Other waveforms — 1 % to 99 % to 30 kHz,
Resolution 0.1 %
ertainty is introduced.
er of “complex” waveforms are pre-programmed in ROM . A further five, user defined, waveforms may be loaded via the digital
es and stored in non-volatile RAM. Frequency range: All waveform points can be continuously output up to 27 kHz, beyond which
7 digits or 0.1 mHz
Non -harmonically related spurii typically <- 60 dBc to 10 MHz
20 % to 80 % to 10 MHz
Main Output
Output impedance 50 Ω or 600 Ω switchable
Amplitude 5 mV to 20 V pk-pk open circuit (2.5 mV to 10 V into 50
(open circuit value) or V (Voltage into the characteristic impedance) in pk-pk, RMS or dBm. Note that in
positive or negative pulse modes the amplitude range is 2.5 mV to 10 V pk-pk O/C.
Accuracy Typically ±3 % ±1 mV at 1 kHz into 50 Ω/600 Ω
Flatness ±0.2 dB to 500 kHz; ±1 dB to 10 MHz
Pulse aberrations <5 %+ 2 mV
DC offset ± 10 V from 50 Ω/600 Ω offset plus signal peak limited to ± 10 V from 50 Ω/600 Ω
Resolution 3 digits or 1 mV for both amplitude and offset
Ω/600 Ω). Output can be specified as V-H: 2
Amplitude Modulation
Carrier frequency 0.1 mHz to 10 MHz
Carrier waveforms All
Depth 0 to 100 %, resolution 1 %
Internal source 1 kHz fixed sinewave or 0.005 Hz to 50 kHz square wave
External See “VCA In” section
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
Phase coherent switching between two frequencies at a rate defined by the switching signal source
Carrier frequency 0.1 mHz to 10 MHz
Carrier waveforms All
Switch repetition rate dc to 50 kHz internal, dc to 1 MHz external
Switching signal source Internal from keyboard or trigger generator. External from EXT TRIG input or remote interface.
226 Signal Sources