Fluke 113 Service Guide

Revenue meter
socket checks using
the new Fluke 113
Utility Multimeter
All utilities generally require that revenue self-contained meter sockets be checked and tested for proper wiring and no back­feed conditions. These checks happen before setting a meter in place and supply­ing utility power to the facility. This is also true when re-connecting a meter after a service termination or disconnect.
Application Note
About the Fluke 113 Utility Multimeter
Testing revenue meter sockets, for sets or re-connects, became easier when Fluke released the 113 Utility Multimeter. The Fluke 113 offers several advantages for revenue socket tests over standard high impedance multimeters or testers.
2. Low impedance input
3. Ease of Use
4. CAT IV 300 V/CAT III 600 V safety rating VCHEK combines a continuity test and a volt-
age measurement on a single switch position. The meter automatically determines and displays what is being measured. This eliminates the guesswork and allows the meter technician to quickly deter­mine whether continuity or voltage is present without changing switch positions or pressing any buttons.
The Fluke 113 also incorporates a low impedance
input, which acts as a load for the socket tests, in cases where ghost voltages may be present. This combination makes ease of use a key factor in selecting and using the Fluke 113 for all meter socket checks.
Measurement function
Measuring load side to neutral.
From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library
Meter socket test procedure
The sample test procedure in this application note uses a self contained 120 V/240 V single phase three wire socket. A similar test methodology would be utilized for other commercial and indus­trial socket checks, with the only difference being the line side voltage readings for the different socket configurations.
Setup recommendations:
Complete a thorough visual inspection of the
meter socket and its surroundings. Look for improperly mounted enclosures, exposed weath­erheads, frayed conductors, discolored socket contacts, and so forth.
Do not begin meter socket tests until all visible external defects are corrected.
If the socket has a bypass handle, do not raise
the handle until the meter socket has been completely checked out.
Use appropriate PPE (Personal protective equip-
Line 1 Line 2
Load 1 Load 2
Line side – from transformer
Load side – to customer
ment) for ALL checks. While your employer or utility may have different guidelines, this equipment generally consists of, but may not be limited to, the following items:
Hard hat
Safety glasses
Rubber gloves with approved protectors
(600 V)
Flame retardant (FR) clothing
100 % natural fiber clothing
Safety toe shoes
Before beginning the socket checks, switch the Fluke 113 to the VCHEK position. The meter display looks like this.
First and foremost: Work safe
To begin the tests, first insure that your test leads and meter are in good working order.
Check the leads and probes for any physical or visual damage. Do not use and replace if damage is apparent or visible.
Short the test probes together. This checks and tests for continuity of the leads. An audible tone will also be heard if the leads are OK.
Measure a known live voltage source. In this case, test #1 below accomplishes this.
Then, for this example and this type of installa­tion, there are six tests to be performed.
Always make line side measurements first. This insures utility power is present and connected and that your test meter is working correctly before doing the load side checks. Also make sure the load side breaker is OFF.
Make the tests in the following order, and look for results similar to those shown below:
The Fluke 113 is now ready to make either a continuity test, diode check, or voltage measure­ment. All three tests are automatic. The meter will determine the correct measurement.
Below is a diagram of a typical self-contained 120 V/240 V 3 wire meter socket.
1. Line 1 to Neutral.
4. Load 1 to Neutral.
2. Line 2 to Neutral.
5. Load 2 to Neutral.
3. Line 1 to Line 2.
6. Load 1 to Load 2.
Do not set or re-connect the meter if the load side readings are not as indicated above.
The “OL” indication on the meter display indicates no continuity or an open circuit condition when checking the load side of the meter socket. This is the expected result. Do not set the meter or operate a bypass handle if there is a reading other than “OL” indicated during steps 4 through 6. A reading means:
1. There may be a short circuit or fault on the load
side of the meter socket or service equipment.
2. There could be a back feed voltage present from
another source connected to the load side.
3. There could be a line to neutral wiring error on
the load side of the system.
If a foreign voltage or unexpected reading is found during the load side tests, many utilities require their personnel to “blank and seal” or “boot” the socket at this point. The meter cannot be set or re-connected until the load side problem is corrected by the customer.
2 Fluke Corporation Revenue meter socket checks using the new Fluke 113 Utility Multimeter
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