Victoreen® 07-479
Dental Digital kVp Meter
March 2005
Manual No. 165001 Rev. 3
©2004, 2005 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies
Operators Manual

Fluke Biomedical
Radiation Management Services
6045 Cochran Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44139

Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 Product Description ..................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Specifications............................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Receiving and Inspection............................................................................. 1-2
1.4 Storage ........................................................................................................ 1-2
Section 2: Theory of Operation................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 General ........................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Filtration Effects ........................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Waveform Effects ........................................................................................ 2-1
2.4 Low Battery.................................................................................................. 2-1
2.5 Positioning Error .......................................................................................... 2-1
Section 3: Installation and Setup................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Installing/Replacing the Battery ................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Detector Positioning..................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Determining mAs Requirements .................................................................. 3-2
3.4 Initial and Periodic Operation Checks.......................................................... 3-2
Section 4: Indicators and Controls............................................................................. 4-1
4.1 Front Panel .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Top Panel .................................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 Rear Panel................................................................................................... 4-2
Section 5: Calibration and Adjustments .................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Lo Battery Threshold Adjustment................................................................. 5-1
5.2 kVp Calibration Adjustment.......................................................................... 5-1

Product Description
Section 1
1.1 Product Description
The Model 07-479 Dental kVp Meter is designed to measure the effective peak potential applied to dental
type x-ray tubes. The measurement is made without direct connection to the x-ray unit being tested. The
kVp Meter is a battery powered, self-contained instrument designed for portable use.
The kVp meter uses two differentially filtered detectors whose ratio of integrated outputs is calibrated over
the range of 45 to 90 kVp. Measurement results are presented on an easy to read 3 ½ digit liquid Crystal
Display. Status is indicated by decimal point positioning on the readout. Low battery condition is indicated
by LO BAT displayed on the readout.
1.2 Specifications
Range 45 to 90 kVp
Accuracy ± 3 kV or 3%, whichever is greater.
Calibrated with NBS traceable voltage divider.
Reproducibility ± 0.5 kV
Resolution 0.1 kV
Distance Dependence Negligible for SSD of 20 cm or greater
Angle Dependence Negligible for 10 degrees or less
Position Dependence Negligible for misalignment of 5 cm or less at 30 cm
Calibration Period One year
Minimum Requirements 5 mAs @ 45 kVp (20 cm)
0.03 mAs @ 90 kVp (20 cm)
Power Requirements 9 V Alkaline Battery, MN1604A or equivalent
Display 3 ½ Digit LCD
Low Battery Indication: LO BAT
High kV Indication: Left blinking decimal
Lo kV Indication: Middle blinking decimal
High Intensity Indication: Right blinking decimal and non-zero display
Low mAs Indication: Right blinking decimal and zero display
LED Indicator Auto Reset, new exposure detected, and last reading cleared.
Controls Front Panel: Power switch and phase selection switch.
Output Connector BNC Connector on rear panel for waveform output.

Victoreen 07-479
Operators Manual
Dimensions (HxWxD) 2.5 x 8 x 6 in (6.4 x 20.3 x 15.2 cm)
Weight 2.1 lbs (.95 kg)
Operating Temperature +18° to +40°C (+64° to +104°F)
Maximum 90% relative humidity, non-condensing
Storage Temperature -18° to 55°C (0° to +132°F)
1.3 Receiving Inspection
Upon receipt of the kVp meter:
1. Inspect the carton and its contents for damage. If damage is evident, file a claim with the carrier
and notify Fluke Biomedical, Radiation Management Services at 440.248.9300.
2. Remove the unit from the packing material. Verify that the following items have been received and
are in good condition:
• (1) Model 07-479 Dental kVp Meter, P/N 164000
• (1) MN1604A (or equivalent) 9 V Alkaline Battery, P/N 16-29
• (1) Model 07-479 Operator's Manual, P/N 165001
If any of the listed items are missing or damaged, notify Fluke Biomedical.
1.4 Storage
If necessary, the kVp meter may be stored in an area free of corrosive materials, temperature and
humidity fluctuations, vibration, and shock. In addition, the storage area should satisfy the environmental
specifications of the unit.