Fluid Components International MT91 Delta R Parameters

Appedix D. MT91 Delta R Parameters
For each instrument there are “MT91 Delta R Parameters” sheets and a 4-20mA look up table inserted in the rear page protector. Appendix D explains the codes found on the Delta R Parameters sheets. A sample of both the Delta R Parameter sheet and the 4-20mA look up table follow the explanations.
Above each column is a menu level code. When verifying parameters, access the menu level and then scroll down through the menu until the value in question appears on the screen. For example, to view the parameter “dRmin 1”, press HOME, 5, 2, 3, and 1. (VerifyÞ Verify CalÞ FlowÞ Limits). Scroll down by pressing ENTR until “dRmin 1” appears on the screen.
The instrument uses internal units of Standard Feet per Second and degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, all values on this sheet are in Standard Feet per Second. Refer to "Verify Standard vs. Actual Conditions" in Chapter 5 to convert actual readings to standard readings.
In menu levels 5.1.1 and 5.1.3 active sensing points are designated by hexadecimal notation. Use the following diagram and table to decipher which sensing points are active. For example, the number 0003 in hexadecimal notation means sensing points 1 and 2 are active.
This hexidecimal
notation is found on the
Delta R Parameter Sheet
and on the Display.
This code indicates that
sensing points
1,5,6,7,8,10,11, and 16
are active.
0=Off 1=On
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
represents sensing points 1,2,3, and 4. represents sensing points 5,6,7,and 8. represents sensing points 9,10,11, and 12. represents sensing points 13,14,15, and 16.
Sensing Point 16
Group 4
8 6 F 1
0110 1111
Group 3 Group 2
Explanation of Parameters and Code
5.1.1 Verify Setup Flow
Flow Units Customer Specified Unit Flow Heads Hexadecimal Notation Area Unit Customer Specified Unit Area Area of Customer Pipe or Duct TC Ena Temperature Compensation Enabled Corr Ena Correction Enabled Offset Ena Offset Enabled Filter Filter Strength (See Chapter 3) Density Standard Density of Customer Media in LBM per
cubic feet.
Flow Fac Flow Factor
Group 1
Point 1
Code '0000 0 1000 8 '0001 1 1001 9 '0010 2 1010 A
'0011 3 1011 B '0100 4 1100 C '0101 5 1101 D
'0110 6 1110 E '0111 7 1111 F
5.1.3 Verify Setup Outputs
[1] = Channel 1 [2] = Channel 2
PortUnit[1] 0 = Flow 1 = Temperature PortUnit[2] 0 = Flow 1 = Temperature Out Head[1] Hexadecimal Notation Out Head[2] Hexadecimal Notation Zero[1] Zero output setting at either zero (0) or minimum
flow. (e.g. 4mA represents either 0 or minimum
flow) Zero[2] Span[1] High point of output signal.(e.g. 20mA represents
high point) Span[2]
5.1.2 Verify Setup Temperature
Temp Type Units used during calibration. Temp Heads Hexadecimal Notation
Doc. No. 003185 Rev. B D - 1
5.1.4 Verify Setup Communication
Comm Mode0 = EIA-232C 1 = EIA-422 2 = EIA-485 Comm Rate 0 = 4800 1 = 9600 2 = 19.2K Comm Prot 0 = Protocol 1 1 = Protocol 2 2 = Protocol 3 485 Addr
Model MT91 Multipoint Flowmeter
5.2.1 Verify Cal Inputs
URRG1 Unipolar Reference R Gain Channel 1 URRG2 Channel 2 URRO1 Unipolar Reference R Offset Channel 1 URRO2 Channel 2 UDRG1 Unipolar Delta R Gain Channel 1 UDRG2 Channel 2 UDRO1 Unipolar Delta R Offset Channel 1 UDRO2 Channel 2 BRRG1 Bipolar Reference R Gain Channel 1 BRRG2 Channel 2 BRRO1 Bipolar Reference R Offset Channel 1 BRRO2 Channel 2 BDRG1 Bipolar Delta R Gain Channel 1 BDRG2 Channel 2 BDRO1 Bipolar Delta R Offset Channel 1 BDRO2 Channel 2 RxAdj1 Reference Adjust Output Board 1
(sensing points 1 through 8)
RxAdj2 Reference Adjust Output Board 2
(sensing points 9 through 16) HtAdj1 Heater Adjust Sensing Point 1 HtAdj2 Sensing Point 2 HtAdj3 Sensing Point 3 HtAdj4 Sensing Point 4 HtAdj5 Sensing Point 5 HtAdj6 Sensing Point 6 HtAdj7 Sensing Point 7 HtAdj8 Sensing Point 8 HtAdj9 Sensing Point 9 HtAdj10 Sensing Point 10 HtAdj11 Sensing Point 11 HtAdj12 Sensing Point 12 HtAdj13 Sensing Point 13 HtAdj14 Sensing Point 14 HtAdj15 Sensing Point 15 HtAdj16 Sensing Point 16
5.2.2 Verify Cal Outputs
Zero[1] A to D Values Zero[2] A to D Values Span[1] A to D Values Span[2] A to D Values Slope[1] A to D Values Slope[2] A to D Values Off[1] A to D Values Off[2] A to D Values CorrF[1] Correction Factor 1 CorrF[2] Correction Factor 2 CorrF[3] Correction Factor 3 CorrF[4] Correction Factor 4 Verify Cal Flow Limits
FlowMin Customer specified and factory calibrated value
for minimum flow.
FlowMax Customer specified and factory calibrated value
for maximum flow.
TempMin Customer specified and factory calibrated value
for minimum temperature. TempMax Customer specified and factory calibrated value RRmin Reference R minimum Calibration Value RRmax Reference R maximum Calibration Value dRMin 1 Delta R minimum Calibration Value
Sensing Point 1 dRMin 2 Sensing Point 2 dRMin 3 Sensing Point 3 dRMin 4 Sensing Point 4 dRMin 5 Sensing Point 5 dRMin 6 Sensing Point 6 dRMin 7 Sensing Point 7 dRMin 8 Sensing Point 8 dRMin 9 Sensing Point 9 dRMin 10 Sensing Point 10 dRMin 11 Sensing Point 11 dRMin 12 Sensing Point 12 dRMin 13 Sensing Point 13 dRMin 14 Sensing Point 14 dRMin 15 Sensing Point 15 dRMin 16 Sensing Point 16 drMax 1 Delta R maximum Calibration Value
Sensing Point 1 drMax 2 Sensing Point 2 drMax 3 Sensing Point 3 drMax 4 Sensing Point 4 drMax 5 Sensing Point 5 drMax 6 Sensing Point 6 drMax 7 Sensing Point 7 drMax 8 Sensing Point 8 drMax 9 Sensing Point 9 drMax 10 Sensing Point 10 drMax 11 Sensing Point 11 drMax 12 Sensing Point 12 drMax 13 Sensing Point 13 drMax 14 Sensing Point 14 drMax 15 Sensing Point 15 drMax 16 Sensing Point 16
Model MT91 Multipoint Flowmeter D - 2 Doc. No. 003185 Rev. B
H01C1 Sensing Point 1 Coefficient 1 H01C2 Coefficient 2 H01C3 Coefficient 3 H01C4 Coefficient 4 H01C5 Coefficient 5 H02C1 Sensing Point 2 Coefficient 1 H02C2 Coefficient 2 H02C3 Coefficient 3 H02C4 Coefficient 4 H02C5 Coefficient 5 H03C1 Sensing Point 3 Coefficient 1 H03C2 Coefficient 2 H03C3 Coefficient 3 H03C4 Coefficient 4 H03C5 Coefficient 5 H04C1 Sensing Point 4 Coefficient 1 H04C2 Coefficient 2 H04C3 Coefficient 3 H04C4 Coefficient 4 H04C5 Coefficient 5 H05C1 Sensing Point 5 Coefficient 1 H05C2 Coefficient 2 H05C3 Coefficient 3 H05C4 Coefficient 4 H05C5 Coefficient 5 H06C1 Sensing Point 6 Coefficient 1 H06C2 Coefficient 2 H06C3 Coefficient 3 H06C4 Coefficient 4 H06C5 Coefficient 5 H07C1 Sensing Point 7 Coefficient 1 H07C2 Coefficient 2 H07C3 Coefficient 3 H07C4 Coefficient 4 H07C5 Coefficient 5 H08C1 Sensing Point 8 Coefficient 1 H08C2 Coefficient 2 H08C3 Coefficient 3 H08C4 Coefficient 4 H08C5 Coefficient 5
H09C1 Sensing Point 9 Coefficient 1 H09C2 Coefficient 2 H09C3 Coefficient 3 H09C4 Coefficient 4 H09C5 Coefficient 5 H10C1 Sensing Point 10 Coefficient 1 H10C2 Coefficient 2 H10C3 Coefficient 3 H10C4 Coefficient 4 H10C5 Coefficient 5 H11C1 Sensing Point 11 Coefficient 1 H11C2 Coefficient 2 H11C3 Coefficient 3 H11C4 Coefficient 4 H11C5 Coefficient 5 H12C1 Sensing Point 12 Coefficient 1 H12C2 Coefficient 2 H12C3 Coefficient 3 H12C4 Coefficient 4 H12C5 Coefficient 5 H13C1 Sensing Point 13 Coefficient 1 H13C2 Coefficient 2 H13C3 Coefficient 3 H13C4 Coefficient 4 H13C5 Coefficient 5 H14C1 Sensing Point 14 Coefficient 1 H14C2 Coefficient 2 H14C3 Coefficient 3 H14C4 Coefficient 4 H14C5 Coefficient 5 H15C1 Sensing Point 15 Coefficient 1 H15C2 Coefficient 2 H15C3 Coefficient 3 H15C4 Coefficient 4 H15C5 Coefficient 5 H16C1 Sensing Point 16 Coefficient 1 H16C2 Coefficient 2 H16C3 Coefficient 3 H16C4 Coefficient 4 H16C5 Coefficient 5
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Model MT91 Multipoint Flowmeter
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