FLIR’s NEW Moisture Kits Provide the
Complete Solution and Save You Money!
FLIR MR160-KIT5 MR160 Pro Kit
Kit combines our MR160 Imaging Moisture Meter
with IGM and our MR08 Hammer and wall cavity
combo probe accessory.
FLIR MR176-KIT5 MR176 Pro Kit
Kit includes our premium MR176 Imaging Moisture
Meter Plus with IGM and our MR08 Hammer and Wall
Cavity combo probe accessory, plus and an extra
MR01 a field replaceable Temperature and Relative
Humidity sensor.
Scan for moisture issues using IGM
Field Replaceable T/RH sensor
Part Nu mber Desc riPtio N uPc
MR176-KIT5 MR176 Pro Kit 793950371718 $1,474.99 $1,324.99 $150
MR160-KIT5 MR160 Pro Kit 793950371619 $999.99 $924.99 $75
Pin probe for precision measurements
Integrated pinless moisture
and easy to read display
Slide hammer to drive pins into sub surfaces
(if Pur chase D seParat ely)
Probe up to 6” deep with the call cavity tool
Kit Price saViNGs
Finding hidden moisture has never
been this easy
Window leak: Rainbow Thermo Hygrometer Corner moisture: Iron
FLIR MR176 Imaging Moisture Meter Plus IGM
FLIR MR176 is a premium imaging moisture meter with all the
same capabilities as a three-in-one moisture meter, plus the added
benefit of IGM (Infrared Guided Measurement) technology for more
flexibility and convenience than you have ever experienced before.
MR176 combines IGM with a pin/pinless moisture meter and thermal
hygrometer, creating a unique feature set ideal for restoration and
drying professionals.
FLIR MR160 Imaging Moisture Meter
The FLIR MR160 is a pin and pinless meter
designed to show general contractors and
building professionals exactly where to
measure. Equipped with an 80 x 60 Lepton
thermal camera sensor that powers IGM
technology, the MR160 lets you see invisible
cold temperature patterns associated with
moisture evaporation, visually guiding you
to the precise spot that needs further testing
and investigation.
Complete your
moisture system
FLIR MR08 Hammer and
Wall Cavity Probe
MR08 is made of sold stainless steel
and can be configured as a slide
hammer, wall probe or hammer
probe. Unibody insulated, sand
blasted, hardened steel pins are easy
to insert and extract.