Fisher & Paykel OS302-88939, OS302M-88436, OS302B-88438B, OD302M-87990, OS302-88438 User Manual

/ ocation of f(_att tes Setting the clock
Oven modes ShNf positions
Accessori_s Us /g the oven contros
US ]SIl_CTopions Cooki sg mode opt ons Cooki ]g c ]arts
SE F C EAN mode
Maintenanc_ _ /imitedwa anty
6 7 8
9 12 13 14 15 17
22 26 27 34 36 39 4/ 42
ttrodt cto
Thank yot for btyng a Fisher & Paykel Aerotech _'_oven. Now that t is installed and ready
to use, youw wanttok/oweverythngabout t to make sure you ge exce entresuts rght:from the start This guide ntoducesyou to a ts'eatures, as we as givng you a comp ehensive set of cooking charts We recomme sd you read the who e gu de be'ore us ng
you new oven, fo both safoty and cook /g success.
For further nfotmation, go to www.fishetpaykekco-n
To change the anguage n the oven mode disslays to French/Spansh, go to'l/ow to change
L (_ c
thelanguagein'USIRS_ ECTop _n....
& [: ik A:'f(?l_'(:] 0/_1
Do(k< !<}(: ()[)( c si 9< r_od(!()(:
Safety a d w arr ings
This symbol alerts you to hazards such as fire, electrical shock, or other potential in]uries_ It also warns you of things that may cause damage to your oven°
Hot Surface Ha_rd Accessible parts wi[[ become hot when in use°
Children should be kept away and care should be taken° Failure to do so could result in burns and scaMso
Toreduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the oven, follow the'_mportant _fety p_ecautions' _isted below:
Important safety precaut ons
Read al the instructions before usng the oven. bs_"t:h_"oven only far its intended purpose" asdescribed in these instructions.
o Properinstalatkn. Besue yourappliJnce s poperly i_sta%d and grounded by a qualifed
tech %an
o Never use your appliance for warming or heating the room. /re sons could be burned o
n]ued o arite co Id start.
o Dc not leave children alone Children shouk nu be left alone or u _a enred in the area
where heappFa_ceisi_use They should neve be allowed tos or stando_anypatofthe
Wear proper apparel Du not wear oose ftting o hang ng gar nents whe_ usng the
app ance.Theycoud gnite or melt ftheytouchaneemento hot su face or you could be burned.
User servicing: Do not repair or replace an}, part of @_eappliance uness specifically recommended in the manual, All other servic ng shoud be refi,rred to aquaffed tech / c an
Storage in or on appliance: flammable mater als should not be stored n an oven nr near s _rface units_
Do not use water on grease fres. Smother fie o flame or use dry them ca or foam _:ype
Use only dry oven mtts or potholders. Moist ot damp potholders on hot sutk;ces could resut in buns from seas. Do not et potholde s touch hot or heat ng eements Do not use a towel or a bull<}: cuth fur a potholde: t could cater fie
Usecarewhenopeningtheovendoor./ethotaro steamescapebeforeremeving or
Do not heat unopened food contair ers. They can build up pressure that may cause the conta net to bust and resut n injury.
Always keep oven vent ducts unobstructed. Hacement of oven racks: always position oven racks (shelves} n the desired ocat on whie
oven is cool fa ack must: be removed whie the oven is ho do not let the oven mtts or pohe(ercontacthotheatingeements stheove/e dsebaseoftheoven. D( not dean the door seal (gasket) or cavity' seal o use any, ove dean ng products on
thern_ They are essent al _or a good sea Cae should be taken not to rub, da nage or hove the
D( not use oven cleaners. Nocommeda oven cleaner or ove / ine p otective coating of any ki/d shouk be used in o aound a_y pat of the oven.
Cean only the parts isted in the manua. Before self-clean ng the oven remove broi er pan and other utens Is Do not touch heatir g elements or interior surfaces of the oven. Heating ele nents may be
x)t even though they ae dark in color. Intero surfaces of an oven become hot enough to
cause buns Duringahda¢te use, do not touch, o letdothihgorotherfianmabematerals contact heat ng ele nents or ntee su faces of the oven unt they have had sufi]cie st tree to
cool. O her surfaces of the appliance may beco ne hot enough to cause bu ns among these sufiscesaetheovenven,thesurfaceneartheove/vent:,andtheovendoe andw /dow,
could aso become hot e _ough to cause buns
The California SafeD nking Water and T( xic Enforcement Act equ esbtsnessestowan
customers of poten ia exposure to substances which a( known by the State of Ca fomia to cause cancero repoductveha n. Sma amotntsofhamfulchencalsaegvenof(is the ove/s seJ cbaning cyce from nsulaton an( food decomposton Sgnificant exposue to hese subs ances can cause cancer and rep oduct ve ham. Venting wid_ a hood or opel w _dow, an( wip _g out excess food spills pier to sef-ceanisg the even reduces exposue
Do not use a steam deane_ to clears your oven Do not stove thngs ch I@en might want above the oven. Children could be burned or
nuedwh eclimbngon t. Do not operate the oven f it is damaged or n(t working propedy'_ Do not nstaJ o use a damaged appliance fyeu rece vea damaged p oduct, centact you
deale or nstalle nnedaely Anyone with a d sability that may, Imit ther abil ty to use the appliance shoud have a
compete st peson instrt ct them sts use TB s peson should be sat stied that they cas thes use the applia lee w thout danger to themselves or thei surroun( ngs.
Use only cookware approved for oven use. Foow the cookwa e manufactu er's nst uct ons.
Locatot of featL res
Thediag am bebw showsyouwhat feauresyourovenhasandwhee they ae located
(doubleoven_odd shown}.
1 Contol panel 2 Door handle
s ()yen window
4 Upper oven s {owe oven (double models only)
_ Mode & seia nunbe 7 Sel cleanlatch
s Doo seal
9 Cavty sea
lo Boi elenent
ss Oven lights 12 Cook ng probe socket
is Aeo °'Jn & conceaed eeme]t 14 /owe conceaed eement
is {)oor hnge
Settrgt ecock
Asy(;tt oven is connected to a p(;we supply for the frst tree, a tone will sound and tie dock dispay vv ght up, The cock dsplay will show 'OOO'and the coon (:) will :lasts, lext, set tt'e
Cock must be set before oven can be operated
To set the clock
The oven dock/,as _defat k 24 four display. '0:00 will be shown when the oven has beet_
tumed on at the wa an( the colonwi flash.
1 Whe the coon s flash rig, rotate the setting sdectot until the correct time of day s show ng.
2 /:tessthe CLOCKbuton_toadopt the time you have set o w_it:ekFht seconds and the seting
wl be auto natical y adopted.
Referto _n_ _>F_,SEIECToptk;ns' for instruct ons on how to change the clock to dispBy 12 x;ut time
Ira 08
0 0
dME_ CO0_
= ÷
b c
a (lock disp ay
b CLOCKbttton
alk}ws you to set the clock
turn this btton to set the: clock/timer/
pobe temperature/cook t he/stop t he. /:tessths button to clear the disp ay
C)v d spays
Oven mode dial & display
Turn c[ockw s_"to sneer yot desi ed oven
mode When the mode sset, the ghsand
cooli_g%n will come o_.
@}mperature dia! & display
Turn clockwise to sneer the oven temperature you want to cook at. The de'auk sett ng fi} the
temperauredispayisdegeesFaheheit _efu tot]e'US RS (Toptonsfo nstuctionson x,w to change the tempe ature disp ay settings
Note: for double oven models, conttoB on the left are fi, t the upper cavty and contros on the rght: are fo the <;we cavity.
Preheat ng your oven
/:reheat you oven whenusinc}the{';owngmodes:TR AFRO AEROBAK BAK A_ROPASTRY and PASTRYBAKE Frehead _g you oven is _ot: equi ed when us_g ROASTand
Posit on shelves n the oven heft)re preheating When your oven is p eheadng, yot se ected cook /g temperature is disp ayed al ernately
wththeacua oventempeatue When the oven has eached heseected empetatue anaudibebeepwi sounda/d hetenpeatuedsplaywillchangefromorasgetogreen (brus]ed staness steel nodes) or oange to bue (rdiun stainless; steel modes).
The Aero]och "_oven is eqt ppe( with a fast: preheat funct o/. It] TRUFA_ RO,A ROBAKE, BAKE,
A I_C)PASTRYa_d PAS] RYBAKE nodes t will heat to S4'>°F (17:> °C} fore cold in under 10 m nutes and to 4,25 °F (220 °C }in under 15 n nutes.
Note: f you want to change the ove/mode and/or temperature during ope at on turn the oven mode aid tempeatt e das to OFF,:he] wait fo _:hetemperature and mode lights to tu ]offbe/o_eseectngyou newsetti]gs Thisw eactivatethefastpeheatfu]ction
YourFishe& PaykeAeto'<,ch"ovenhasninecookingmodespts WARMandSEIFC/EAN.
Thesemodesusedi:;_rentcomb nationsofdeme _tsandthe convectionfJn _ogiveyou
maximumflex b tywhencookng.
°I"_'_UEAERO; convecdo fap sfa eement TR EAERO s a vey fexble met'od of cooking A concealed heat /g eement
st rround n(j the fan n he ear of he ovenheasar, wt,ichis hen blownipto the cavity Tt'econsistent empeatueceatesan dea ovenenvionme_t gvi_gbakn(jwhchiswel sen and evenlycoloured Cookesaecisponthe outs de and chewy in the midd e, feat an( poultry sddicouslybownedand
szzlingwt'le ema / /gjuicyan( tende Casseolesaecookedtoperf,_cton andret,eating squcka/def'cent TRUEAEPO is the mode _tochoose fo multi
s_elf cook ng and complete oven meals.
AEROBAKE; cove<to fa p s ppe/an< owe_ eet_etts The oven fan c culates hot air from the top otter and lower conceaed denents apd distrbues t aou/d the oven cavty. Food cooked us _(_ the AEROBAKE mode tends o brown more quick y ban "oods cooked on cor_ventonalmodes keBAKE AEROBAKE sgreat/o crisp ng past y in le non
mern(Fuepieandvec_etabephyopaces AEROBAKEatalowtemperatue
125°F(50°C) sidea ",'>rdryngfui,vegetablesandt'erbs
BAKEs pperan owet eements
lear comes from the top outer and lower concealed elements BAKE is the co _vent onal cooking mode, su abe'orsngeshef cook /9. It sidea fo fi)odsthat require ong cool<n<) pe ods or cookng at low tempeaures, ke
met ngues and rid' f uitcakes.
AEROPASTRY; convecdo fap s owe_ ee_x/ent
leatfrom_:he owe conceaedeeme_t sc culaedthrotghouttheoven avty
by the oven%_n Excelent'orsweeta_dsavoypasryfoods,'ormostbreads and brownies and cookies tha you want exta chewy.
PASTRY BAKEs owe_ eerie t
lear comes from the lower element only Th s is a trad tonal cook ng mode whc] s suitable 1,,, recipes that were deveoped in ok]e ove ss. Fo bes
esuls cook on only one shelf a a tree. It s perfec for f,',,oos that require delicate cook ng ar_d have a past y base, likecusardtarts, o cbesand cheesecakeo anythngtha does notreouied ect heat an(] b own ng on the
WARM WARMisa constant low heat of 16 °F (75 °C). It isexcellent for keep ng cooke<
foodho andwarnn(Fpatesandsevngdishes Foreheatfoodfofcold, use TRUEAEROand change to WARMonly whe _the "oo( sppinghot, asths uode
wllnotb ngcod'ooduptoatemperaturet'ighenougbtok[ anyt'amfu
bace a.
_ROAST ROASTisa two step p ogram that has been developed to help you cool<
delicousroassef% lessy. Placethe meat nthecoldovena_dtbetitststage wll sear the mea at a h_)h emperature for 20 m nttes to cisp and Brown the
ex( or. The ove_ then automa caly @ops to a Iowe, seeced ter_peatue'or the remainder of the cooking time giving you a most a_d juicy roast. ROAST
can be used with o witt,out the cooki/g pobe and s alsogreat for cooking
BROIl delivers ntense I_eat from the inner region of the top element Gre,<
when you need to quick y broil smalle dshe% fo example Cr{_ ne Bru ee, o one to wo >ortonsofyou usualfavorite% kecrspycbckenbeasso astea.
Bo takes a mntte o so to warm up and is caried out:wth the door closed /:owe/levesaeexpressedasapecentagefom O(:)0%poweOto (100%
MAXIBRO ppe/i e/a o e_ee*x e s MAXBROII delvers ntenseheatfom heenietopelenen tis t,emost
sutabe nodefo 'fnshngof" uanymeas, for example b owning the top
of potato gratin and fri tata as we as cookingsnalle cuts of meat. Use
MAXIdROII to oast bread o aswel as broing your {avorte chicken, fish and
ste,-_k, MAXIBROII takes a minute o so to warn up aid s ca tied out with _:he doorcosed /:owe levelsaeexpressedasapece/tagefom/O(_}O%poweO to _/I (100% powe ).
AEROBFROII: fa pus ppe_ ne_ ad o e_ ee/e s
AEROBRO poducesFoodwthafnsh ha iss r_la toarotssere. Mea,
poultry and vegeabbs cook beau fully f<;od is crisp aid bown on the ouside wh etheinside emainsmostan< e_<et Tyusing hsmodewthfoodsyou
mg/_tus allyfy, kemeatballs. It sgeatfo ct,ops, cutesanobeefbur_.;esas we asvegetabes.
SELFCLEAN Thsovenfeaturesapytolytcselhcleaningcyclethat:takescareofthemess
an(gimethaistadiionalyassociatedwitbove_cea_n(FDun(Fselhclean cycestheovenreachesHghertempe_atuesthanitdoes{o cod<n<] and tbs
burns o/T an( breaks down soil and (/easedeposts Asmokeelimr_atoran( actveventingsysemeradca_:eso(o. The ashresduetha emai/scansmply
be emovedfomthecoolovenw hadanpcotho sponge
The cooling fan
A coong fa/wl come on a omat cally wher_ most oven modes ae used, arid blow air out below the oven door The cool /g %n may co/d/ue to un a;te _:he oven is sw tched off to
keepthe door and contd pand co<>
Shelf r'c n ......
pa ltl
The OptileveP shelv ng system _llows you to choose the optimum cooking levN wthn the
,_s _ ,_, between the shelf suppo t runners :}rovides ] _ cookingoven. Placng_h_.h M,onor
(}rganze the shelves pror to heatng the oven, 6eneraly, the shelf postions located n the top of the oven are sutabe'or broiling Shelves the mid(e aid owe region of_:he oven are su tab e for baking, roasting and casseoles For sore specfic informat on on whch s_elf position to use, e_e to the'Cook ng chats'.
Your oven hevescomewthbuilt n stop Iod<s fo your sa%ty. This means
when inseted prope ytheyw lot t t when pu e( towards you
% nsert shelw_s
Posit on the she ves so that the s VJeAinthecente is "acing
towadsyou, as show/, an( sde the s_elf ght to the back of he oven Shelve'_ w f¢_elvery stabe when nserted correct y,
_I e1 !}sikrs/ii1 t! _ I ) d' 5 _< (}
Three--piece b_o !/roast system
o TB__thme-p ece bro I/oast syste n (made"up of the pan gid and rack) s dosk;ned to prevent
_ot fa 3rid juices i/the boil pan splattering s:hrougbout he oven
o AI pecescan be used togethe asone compete u_, or n dif'een com}inatk;ns
Grass ti"ay (not supplied wth all modes)
Ths is made of extremely tough glassand is perfect oven to4ableware. Thegasstay sgeatfo a broiling andbakngmodes
Washin hot soapy water or the d s]was ]er. Soak ng wth a litted s ]was ]er detergent will help to remove stubborn stains.
The cooke sheets have a non stick finish and need only a ght coating of cook ng spray ot
g easing bd:oe use
Their da k color a :>sobs heat and you may Fin< ha yot %voriterecipescool<moequckly
than on old shny trays. AItemat vely, you can reduce the oven te npe atu e by app oximate y 6070°F(1 20°C}.
Alowyou bakngtocoo fi> af,'_w n _utesafte it comes out of the oven beforeremovng t
fro_the ayus /gawooden o %fon spat a
Aways emove "ood be'ore it s completely cold n most cases wping wth a paper towel is all that s needed to cean the rays.
Pizza stone and padde (not suppliedwith all models)
Your pizza stone will aow you to cook a pizza Fke one cooked an auth_'ntic pizza ove/ Usng the pizza stone s a gear way to cool<bought, ready nade pizzasas well ashomemade
f cooking frozen pzza, allow it to def ost completely be'ore placing on the hot pizza stone.
L, it g t t_(i_i_o v_:_t c o t t ro s
n dot hie ovens contro s on the left ate for the upper ov(n an( controls on the right ae for the lower oven Pushing the oven cavty se ector button lets you togge betvveen the oven cav t es, fo_ exa nple f you are setting _utomatic p ograms.
a TIMERbutton o_
b COOKTI_'_Eburro / (_ ....................i
< STOPT_f_[Ebu_Loq
,------ h
d PR08£ buttor_
f PUSHCLEARTOr_. button (retate/pmss) g tpper owm <avty display
h {ower owm cavty dispay a b c d _ f
Ow, r" davty selector buttof - press this button to toggle between
uppe and owe cavitysettngs
g,h, and iae on doube models ony
The, _:ime can be u_;ed s any _:imq even when the oven _; not in use
]'o set the timer
1 Press the TIMEt_button. The TIMERsym >ol and the c°en will lash in the cock d splay.
e PUSH TO _ p_ .
2 Rotateth CLEAR - buttonunt you have thet neyouneed. "e_sth_TIr4ERbutonorw_t
eight secon( s fo- the setting to be adopted _nd the time will begi/to cou/t dovv/.
s To cancel the tree, press the TINEt_button then the Push TO ,'-S button
(;LEAR - "
4 When the set timefinis]estheTIf4ERsymbo an( u .......wllfashandtheovenwi beep /r .......
the TIMERor PushTO Fh button to sos the beepi]g and clear the time.
(,LEAR -
The timer does _ot turn the oven off.
+ 32 hidden pages