Safety and warnings
}'our DishDrawer _ has been carefully designed to operate safely during normal dishwashing
procedures, Please keep the following instructions in mind when you are using your
Important sa@ty instructions
WARNfN@ _ When using your dishwashe8 foNow bas£ precautions, including the foltowir_g:
Read atl instructions before usk_g the DishDrawer%
The information in this manuat must be foltowed to minh_ise the Nsk of fire or expiosion or to
prevent property damage, persona/injury or loss of bye.
, Use the DLshDrawer ®only for its intended function as described in this user guide,
ThLs apph%nce is ir_tended to be used in household and simitar apph%ations such as:
,- staff Mtchen areas ir_shops, offices and other working environments;
- farm houses/
- by clients ir_hotels, motels and other residential type environments/
- bed and breakfast type environments,
Use only detergents or rinse aid recommended for use in a domestic dishwasher and keep them
out of reach of children, Check that the detergent dispenser is empty after the completion of each
wash programme,
When ioading items to be washed, locate sharp items so that they are not likdy to damage the lid
seal and load sharp knives with the handle up to reduce the risk of cut,_type i%_juries,
Do not touch the heater plate during or immediately after use,
Do not operate your DishDrawer ®unless a[[ enclosure panels are properly ir_place,
o Do not tamper with the controls,
o Do not abuse, sit on, stand in or on the drawer or dish rack of the DishDrawer ®.
The DishDrawer shouM not be left in the open position since this couM present a tr@ping hazard,
The adjustable racks are desoned to support cups, glasses and kitchen utensils, _/hen the
adjustable racks are ir_ the DLshDrawer ®do not lean on or use them to support },our body weoht,
To reduce the risk of injury, do not altow children to play in or on the DishDrawer%
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot water heater system that has
not been used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVEo If the hot water system has
not been used for such a period, before usk}g the dishwasher, turn on alt hot water taps and let
the water flow from each for severat minutes, This w,ilt release any accumulated hydrogen gas, As
the gas is flammabM do not smoke or use an open flame during this time.
Remove the door to the washing compartment when removing an old dishwasher from service
or dLscarding it.
Some dishwasher detergents are strongty a&ah%e, They can be extremely dangerous if
swallow, adoAvoid contact with the skir_ and eyes and keep chiMren away from the dishwasher
when the door Ls open, Check that the detergent receptacle is empty after completion of the wash