Fire-Lite SENSISCAN 2000 Nstallation, Operation And Programming Manual

12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT, 06472
Document # 15017 10/8/96 Rev:
P/N 15017:H ECN 96-200
Installation Precautions - Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free installation with long-term reliability:
WARNING - Several different sources of power can be connected to the fire alarm
control panel. Disconnect all sources of power before servicing. Control unit and
associated equipment may be damaged by removing and/or inserting cards,
modules, or interconnecting cables while the unit is energized. Do not attempt to
install, service, or operate this unit until this manual is read and understood.
CAUTION - System Reacceptance Test after Software Changes: To ensure
proper system operation, this product must be tested in accordance with NFPA 72-
1993 Chapter 7 after any programming operation or change in site-specific software.
Reacceptance testing is required after any change, addition or deletion of system
components, or after any modification, repair or adjustment to system hardware or
All components, circuits, system operations, or software functions known to be
affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, to ensure that other
operations are not inadvertently affected, at least 10% of initiating devices that are
not directly affected by the change, up to a maximum of 50 devices, must also be
tested and proper system operation verified.
This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0-49O C/32-120O F
and at a relative humidity of 85% RH (non-condensing) at 30O C/86O F.
However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic
components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and
humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be
installed in an environment with a nominal room temperature of 15-27O C/60-80
Verify that wire sizes are adequate for all initiating and indicating device loops.
Most devices cannot tolerate more than a 10% I.R. drop from the specified device
Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may operate erratically or can
be damaged when subjected to lightning induced transients. Although no system is
completely immune from lightning transients and interferences, proper grounding will
reduce susceptibility. Overhead or outside aerial wiring is not recommended, due to
an increased susceptibility to nearby lightning strikes. Consult with the Technical
Services Department if any problems are anticipated or encountered.
Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or inserting circuit boards.
Failure to do so can damage circuits.
Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling, filing, reaming, or punching
of the enclosure. When possible, make all cable entries from the sides or rear.
Before making modifications, verify that they will not interfere with battery,
transformer, and printed circuit board location.
Do not tighten screw terminals more than 9 in-lbs. Over tightening may damage
threads, resulting in reduced terminal contact pressure and difficulty with screw
terminal removal.
This system contains static-sensitive components. Always ground yourself with a
proper wrist strap before handling any circuits so that static charges are removed
from the body. Use static suppressive packaging to protect electronic assemblies
removed from the unit.
Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and programming manuals.
These instructions must be followed to avoid damage to the control panel and
associated equipment. FACP operation and reliability depend upon proper
Fire Alarm System Limitations
An automatic fire alarm system - typically made up of smoke detectors, heat
detectors, manual pull stations, audible warning devices, and a fire alarm control
with remote notification capability can provide early warning of a developing fire.
Such a system, however, does not assure protection against property damage or
loss of life resulting from a fire.
Any fire alarm system may fail for a variety of reasons:
Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot reach the detectors such
as in chimneys, in walls, or roofs, or on the other side of closed doors. Smoke
detectors also may not sense a fire on another level or floor of a building. A second
floor detector, for example, may not sense a first floor or basement fire. Further-
more, all types of smoke detectors - both ionization and photoelectric types, have
sensing limitations. No type of smoke detector can sense every kind of fire caused
by carelessness and safety hazards like smoking in bed, violent explosions,
escaping gas, improper storage of flammable materials, overloaded electrical
circuits, children playing with matches, or arson.
IMPORTANT! Smoke detectors must be installed in the same room as the
control panel and in rooms used by the system for the connection of alarm
transmission wiring, communications, signaling, and/or power. If detectors are
not so located, a developing fire may damage the alarm system, crippling its
ability to report a fire.
While installing a fire alarm system may make lower insurance
rates possible, it is not a substitute for fire insurance!
FCC Warning
Audible warning devices such as bells may not alert people if these devices are
located on the other side of closed or partly open doors or are located on another
floor of a building.
A fire alarm system will not operate without any electrical power. If AC power fails,
the system will operate from standby batteries only for a specified time.
Rate-of-Rise heat detectors may be subject to reduced sensitivity over time. For
this reason, the rate-of-rise feature of each detector should be tested at least once
per year by a qualified fire protection specialist.
Equipment used in the system may not be technically compatible with the control.
It is essential to use only equipment listed for service with your control panel.
Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premise to a central
monitoring station may be out of service or temporarily disabled.
The most common cause of fire alarm malfunctions, however, is inadequate
maintenance. All devices and system wiring should be tested and maintained by
professional fire alarm installers following written procedures supplied with each
device. System inspection and testing should be scheduled monthly or as required
by National and/or local fire codes. Adequate written records of all inspections should
be kept.
WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may
cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for class A computing device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC
Rules, which is designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference
when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user will be required
to correct the interference at his own expense.
Technical Publishing Document PRECAULG.PM6 12/31/96
Canadian Requirements
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radiation noise
emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the
Canadian Department of Communications.
Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radioelectriques depassant les
limites applicables aux appareils numeriques de la classe A prescrites dans le
Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communica-
tions du Canada.
SECTION ONE: GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................. 4
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................4
Key Features .........................................................................................................................4
Related Documentation ........................................................................................................5
Minimum System Configurations ..........................................................................................6
SECTION TWO: INVENTORY ............................................................................... 7
The BE-2000 Basic Equipment Package..............................................................................8
Power Supplies .....................................................................................................................9
Modules............................................................................................................................... 10
Equipment for the Sensiscan 2000 .....................................................................................12
Cabinets .............................................................................................................................. 13
SECTION THREE: INSTALLATION ....................................................................... 14
Mount the cabinet backbox .................................................................................................16
Install a CHS-4 ....................................................................................................................16
Install the Main Power Supply .............................................................................................16
Install the AVPS ..................................................................................................................16
Mounting Modules............................................................................................................... 17
Mounting the CPU-2000 .....................................................................................................18
Connecting Row Ribbon Cables to Modules ......................................................................19
Mounting the RS-1459 in the CHS-4 ..................................................................................19
SECTION FOUR: FIELD WIRING THE MODULES ................................................. 20
UL Power-Limited Wiring Requirements .............................................................................2 1
The EIA-485 Interface .........................................................................................................24
NFPA Style B Field Wiring of Initiating Zone Modules ........................................................25
NFPA Style D Field Wiring of IZ-8F with IZE-A Expander................................................... 26
NFPA Style Y/Z Field Wir ing of the IC-4F and ICE-4F ........................................................27
Field Wiring of the CR-4F and the CRE-4F ........................................................................28
SECTION FIVE: THE POWER SUPPLIES............................................................. 29
The MPS-24AF/MPS-24AFE Main Power Supply...............................................................30
The MPS-24BF/MPS-24BFE Main Power Supply...............................................................33
Field Wiring of the Optional Audio Visual Power Supplies..................................................36
The R45-24/R45-24E Remote Battery Charger..................................................................37
SECTION SIX: APPLICATIONS ......................................................................... 38
Waterflow Alarm..................................................................................................................38
Supervisory Ser vice............................................................................................................ 38
Central Station ....................................................................................................................38
Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitters (DACT) .............................................................. 38
Four-Wire Smoke Detectors................................................................................................45
Notification appliance circuit Power Configurations ............................................................ 46
Remote Command Inputs for the Sensiscan 2000 ............................................................. 48
SECTION SEVEN: PROGRAMMING .................................................................... 51
System Programming (Password 123-1232) ......................................................................52
Extended Programming Features (Password 123-3211)....................................................56
SECTION EIGHT: OPERATION.......................................................................... 58
CPU-2000 Circuits ..............................................................................................................59
Disabling/Enabling Circuits ................................................................................................. 61
SECTION NINE: SENSISCAN 2000 TESTING ....................................................... 62
Acceptance Test ..................................................................................................................62
Periodic Testing and Service...............................................................................................62
Operational Checks .............................................................................................................62
Battery Checks and Maintenance .......................................................................................63
Walk Testing the Sensiscan 2000 ....................................................................................... 63
APPENDIX A: SUPPLY CALCULATIONS ............................................................. 64
The Fire Alarm Circuit ......................................................................................................... 64
The Main Power Supply ......................................................................................................64
Sensiscan 2000 Programming Log.....................................................................................69
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
The System 2000 is an expandable multi-zone Fire Alarm Control Panel designed with maximum flexibility and modularity as a basic requirement. The heart of the system is the Central Processor Unit (CPU-2000) module which monitors and directs the actions of all other modules in the system. Up to seven additional modules may be installed in various configu­rations. Internal communications are accomplished over a high-speed serial bus.
The CPU-2000 is provided with the Basic Equipment package. This module provides two Style Z and/or Style Y notifica­tion appliance circuits, Form-C alarm and trouble contacts, Remote Station alarm and trouble outputs, and a Municipal Master Box output. A main power supply (MPS-24AF/MPS-24AFE or MPS-24BF/MPS-24BFE) and an initiating zone module (IZ-4F or IZ-8F) must be added to make the basic system functional.
The basic system can be expanded using one or more of the following optional modules or boards:
IZ-8F Initiating Zone Module  IZ-4F Initiating Zone Module  IZE-AF Initiating Zone Expander  IC-4F Notification Circuit Module  ICE-4F Notification Circuit Expander  CR-4F Control Relay Module  AVPS-24F/AVPS-24FE Audio-Visual Power
Supply  CRE-4F Control Relay Expander  TC-2F Time Control Module
System expansion must comply with:
The physical limitations of the cabinet configuration.  The electrical limitations of the system power supplies (see Appendix A).  The capacity of the standby batteries (see Appendix A).
TC-4F Time Control Module  AFM-16ATF Annunciator Fixed Module  AFM-32AF Annunciator Fixed Module  AFM-16AF Annunciator Fixed Module  AFM-16ATX Annunciator Fixed Module  AFM-32AX Annunciator Fixed Module  UDACT-F Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Trans-
Distributed microprocessor electronics.  Field programmable in nonvolatile memory.  Alarm and trouble resound.  Plug-in terminal blocks for ease of field wiring and service.  On/Off status indicators on all notification appliance circuits and control relays.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
Before proceeding, the installer should be familiar with the following documents.
NFPA 12 Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems NFPA 12A Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Halon 1301 Extinguishing Systems NFPA 12B Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Halon 1211 Extinguishing Systems NFPA 2001 Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems NFPA 72-1993 Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Central Station Signaling Systems. NFPA 72-1993 Local Protective Signaling Systems NFPA 72-1993 Auxiliary Protective Signaling Systems NFPA 72-1993 Use of Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems NFPA 72-1993 Use of Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems NFPA 72-1993 Automatic Fire Detectors NFPA 72-1993 Installation, Maintenance, and Use of Notification Appliances for Protective Signaling Systems NFPA 72-1993 Testing Procedures for Signaling Systems
UL 38 Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes UL 217 Smoke Detectors, Single and Multiple Station UL 228 Door Closers - Holders for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 268 Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 268A Smoke Detectors for Duct Applications UL 346 Waterflow Indicators for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances UL 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 864 Standard for Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 1481 Power Supplies for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 1638 Visual Signaling Appliances UL 1971 Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired
Standard CAN/ULC-S527-M87
EIA-485 Serial Interface Standards NEC Article 300 Wiring Methods NEC Article 760 Fire Protective Signaling Systems
** Applicable Local and State Building Codes ** Requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
At a minimum, the following Sensiscan components are required for compliance with NFPA standards 12, 12A, 12B and 72-
BE-2000 Basic Equipment Package which includes:
CPU-2000 Central Processor Module, Vented Dress Panel, CHS-4F Chassis, and connecting
cables.  An IZ-4F or IZ-8F Initiating Zone Module for up to eight Style B initiating device circuits.  The Main Power Supply (MPS-24AF/MPS-24AFE or MPS-24BF/MPS-24BFE) Standby Batteries - refer to Standby Power Requirements, Appendix A. A Sensiscan 2000 Cabinet (CAB-A3F or CAB-B3F)
In addition, the following equipment is required for the specific NFPA standards listed below.
An NFPA 72-1993 Proprietary Protected Premises Control Unit requires:
Potter Electronic Signal Co. Transmitter (Model EFT-C) with transformer (Model ULT, Stock. Number 1000391).
An NFPA 72-1993 Central Station Protected Premises Control Unit requires:
UDACT-F, 911A Digital Communicator or an Ademco No. 678 UL-F Digital Communicator Sprinkler Supervisory and/or Waterflow Alarm Service requires a Control Relay Module.
An NFPA-12 Minimum Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Control Unit, NFPA-12A Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Control Unit, NFPA-12B Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishing Control Unit requires:
TC-2F or TC-4F Time Control Module.
For wiring diagrams and more information on these applications, refer to Section6.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
The Sensiscan 2000 is offered under a Basic Equipment (BE-2000) package which provides the CPU-2000 module, the VP-1F Vented Dress Panel, one CHS-4F Chassis, interconnecting cables and instruction manuals.
Other Components include modules and devices not provided in the Basic Equipment package. These components also include several items necessary to complete a basic system, such as the main power supply, initiating modules, notification modules, and control relay modules. See Section One for minimum system requirements.
This installation manual covers a basic system. For information on other devices, refer to the installation manuals of the following products:
The AFM Annunciator Fixed Module, Document 15970
The AFM-16ATF Annunciator Fixed Module, Document 15210
The AFM-X Series Annunciator Modules, Document 15390
The TC-2F Time Control Module, Document 15971
The TC-4F Time Control Module, Document 15972
The FireLite Device Compatibility Document, Document 15384
The UDACT-F Manual, Document 50049
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
This module is the heart of the system. It controls and monitors the system modules and provides a full accounting of system status. In addition, the CPU contains two notification appliance circuits, a Remote Signaling Municipal Tie Circuit, and Form­C alarm and trouble contacts. Field programming of the system is accomplished from this module via the use of the Programming Key. Slide-in labels for programming, control, and system operation are provided with the CPU, as well as end-of-line and dummy load resistors.
Power Ribbon
Main Bell Power Harness
End-of-Line Resistor
4.7K, 1/2 watt (71252)
Power Harness
Dummy Load Resistor
4.7K, 1/2 watt (71245)
First-Row Ribbon Cable
VP-1F Vented Dress Panel
Covers the top row of modules in the cabinet.
KEY #___ PWD#___
Key (PKB)
CHS-4 Chassis
For the mounting of up to four modules or four AVPS-24F
Audio-Visual Power Supplies. The CHS-4 occupies one
row in the CAB-A3F or CAB-B3F cabinet.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
The MPS-24AF supplies the regulated power needed to run system modules. It also supplies up to 3 amps of regulated notification appliance power, permitting the use of a variety of standard UL-listed 24 VDC Notification Appliances (refer to the FireLite Device Compatibility Document, Document 15384 for a complete list of notification appliances). Up to one amp of resettable power is available for four-wire smoke detectors. The MPS-24AF contains an integral battery charger for 9.5 to 55 AH batteries.
The MPS-24BF supplies the regulated power needed to run the system's mod­ules. It also supplies up to 2.0 amps of RMS-regulated notification appliance power, permitting the use of a variety of standard UL-listed 24 VDC notifica­tion appliances (see Document 15384 for a complete list). Up to 200mA of resettable power is available for four wire smoke detectors. The MPS-24BF contains an integral battery charger capable of charging batteries in the 6.5 to 17 AH range. Includes two sets of battery cables, one with 1/4" lug-type con­nectors for larger batteries and one set with 3/16" lug-type connectors.
Supplies power to notification appliance circuits only. Unfiltered, unregulated, 3.0 amps maximum. Assumes one position on the CHS-4 Chassis. Provided with a trouble cable for connection to the main power supply. See Document 15384 for a list of compatible, UL-listed notification appliances. The AVPS-24F may be installed under any module except the CPU or modules with expander board installed.
Covers the main power supply and the batteries in the cabinet (provides dead-front where required).
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
This module provides eight Style B initiating device cir­cuits. Circuits are power limit­ed and can be programmed for standard fire, Waterflow Alarm, Supervisory service, Non Alarm or Command Inputs. Also provided are eight end-of­line and eight dummy load re­sistors.
This module provides four Style B initiating device cir­cuits. Circuits are power lim­ited and user programmable for standard fire, Waterflow Alarm or Supervisory service. Also provided are four end-of-line and four dummy load resistors.
Converts the eight initiating de­vice circuits on the Initiating Zone Module (IZ-8F) to Style D operation. The expander plugs into the bottom of the IZ­8F.
Note: This module will not sup­port an IZE-AF Expander.
End-of-Line Resistor (ELR)
4.7K, 1/2 watt (71252)
Dummy Load Resistor
4.7K, 1/2 watt (71245)
The RS-1459 module is used in conjunction with the Remote Station or Municipal Box Output. The RS-1459 is NOT required for the Municipal Box Circuit if wiring remains in conduit, wire length is less than 1000 meters, and wiring does not cross any power lines. All conditions must be met ac­cording to page 23 of this manual (refer to Figure 4-3). For more information on the RS-1459 mod­ule, refer to the RS-1459 Product Installation Draw­ing, Document 50519.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
Provides four notification appliance circuits for Style Y or Style Z opera­tion. Maximum signaling current is
3.0 amps (3 amps max per circuit). Circuits are field programmable to respond to a single initiating zone, a group of zones, or all initiating zones. End-of-line resistors, dummy load resistors, and an Auxiliary Bell Power Harness are provided with each module. For California Code see Figure 4-7.
Provides four standard dry Form­C alarm contacts rated for 5 amps @ 120 VAC or 30 VDC (resistive). Each relay is field programmable to respond to a single device cir­cuit, a group of circuits, or all initi­ating device circuits.
Expands the IC-4F to a total of eight notification appliance circuits (either Style Y or Style Z). Circuit ratings are identical to those of the IC-4F. An Auxiliary Bell Power Harness is provided with each expander. The expander plugs into the back of the IC-4F.
The TC-2F module can be configured for one of five functions. Pre-signal evacua­tion or dual code evacuation, and standard release service, triple-coded release, or IRI re­lease. For more information, refer to the TC-2F Manual. The TC-4F can provide either four releasing circuits or four power-limited dual code evacuation circuits. For more information, refer to the TC­4F Manual.
The UDACT-F may be used with the FireLite MS-9200 and Sensiscan 2000 control panels. The UDACT-F transmits system status to UL-Listed Central Station Receivers via the public switched telephone network. The UDACT­F is compact in size and may be mounted inside the host control panel or may mount externally in a separate enclosure. EIA-485 annunciator communications bus and 24 volt (nominal) connections are required. The UDACT-F is capable of reporting 198 points or 56 zones when used with the MS-9200 and 56 zones when used with the Sensiscan 2000.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
Expands the capacity of the Control Relay Module (CR­4F) to eight Form-C alarm re­lays. Relays are identical to those on the CR-4F. The ex­pander plugs into the back of the CR-4F or IC-4F.
The F-ELR Resistor Assortment is required for use in Canada. It includes a variety of ELR values for supervising IZ or IC circuits. The desired resistor mounts to a single ELR plate (illus­trated). Included with the F-ELR:
47K, 27K, 10K, 6.8K, 4.7K, 2.2K, 1.8K, 470 and 120 ohm resistors.
The CHS-4F expansion chassis package is required for all CAB-B3F installa­tions. The CHS-4F includes the CHS-4 Chassis, the MP-1F Module Dress Panel (illustrated), and an Expander Ribbon Cable.
The AFM-16ATX Annunciator Control Module contains 16 red alarm and 16 yellow trouble LEDs, 16 momentary touch­pad switches for controlling each point, a system trouble LED, an ON LINE/POWER LED, and a local piezo sounder with a silence/acknowledge switch for audible indication of alarm and trouble conditions at each annunciator. The AEM-16ATF Annunciator Expander Module expands the AFM-16ATX by 16 system points. One to three of these expander modules
can be supported by an AFM-16ATX to a maximum of 64 system points.
MP-1F Module Dress Panel
The AFM-32AX Annunciator Control Module contains 32 red alarm LEDs, a System Trouble LED, an ON LINE/POWER LED, and a local piezo sounder with a silence/acknowledge switch for au­dible indication of alarm and trouble conditions at each annunciator. The AEM-32ATF Expander Module expands the AFM-32AX by 32 system points. One expander module can be supported by an AFM-32AX, providing a maximum of 64 points.
The AFM-16ATF Annunciator Fixed Module contains 16 red alarm and 16 yellow trouble LEDs, 16 momentary touch-pad switches, a system trouble LED, an ON LINE/POWER LED, and a local piezo sounder with a silence/acknowledge switch for audible indication of alarm and trouble condi­tions at each annunciator. Only One annunciator may be used in a system.
The AFM-32AF Annunciator Fixed Module contains 32 red alarm LEDs, a System Trouble LED, an ON LINE/POWER LED, and a local piezo sounder with a Local Silence/Acknowledge switch for audible indication of alarm and trouble conditions. Only one annunciator may be used in a
The AFM-16AF Fixed Annunciator module is intended for use in systems that require 16 alarm annunciator points or less. Only one annunciator may be used in a system.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
The CAB-A3F and CAB-B3F cabinet assemblies consist of a backbox and a locking door with two keys. The backbox and door can be ordered separately or as a complete package.
For semi-flush mounting of the cabinet
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
The control panel's modules communicate with the CPU through a common ribbon cable connection.
The following procedures, diagrams, and instructions must be followed precisely to avoid damage to the control panel and its associated equipment. Reliability depends to a great extent upon proper installation and maintenance.
Cabinet - Mount the cabinet and draw all field wiring through the knockouts provided. If the door is left-hanging,
mount door hardware now, due to the main power supply resting on lower hinge.
Do not draw wiring into the bottom nine inches of the cabinet or conflict with the power
supply and batteries may result.
Main Power Supply - Mount the main power supply to the cabinet as illustrated in Figure 3-3. Do not wire anything
at this time!
Chassis- Mount all chassis. Refer to Figure 3-2 for installation of the CHS-4 chassis.
Audio Visual Supplies - If any optional audio visual power supplies are to be employed, mount them to the chassis.
Refer to Figure 3-4 for mounting of the AVPS-24F/AVPS-24FE to the CHS-4.
Audio Visual Cables - Connect the trouble cable(s) and Auxiliary Bell Power Harness to the audio visual power
supply as illustrated in Figure 5-4.
Preliminary System Wiring- The main power supply and any audio visual power supplies should be wired at this time while the terminals are readily accessible. Refer to Section Five to wire the main power supply, audio visual power supplies or the R45-24.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
Module Ribbon Cables - Connect the 1st Row Ribbon Cable to the CPU as illustrated in Figure 3-8. For each
additional row of modules installed in the cabinet, connect an Expander Row Ribbon Cable to the CPU.
CPU - Install the CPU module in the top left cabinet position as illustrated in Figure 3-7. Connect the Power Ribbon
and Power Harness between the CPU and the main power supply as illustrated in the respective figure in Section Four.
Module Expander Boards - If expander boards are to be used with a module, install as illustrated in Figure 3-5.
Modules - Mount each module in its respective chassis position as illustrated in Figure 3-6. Connect the CPU Row
Ribbon Cable and the Expander Row Ribbon (in CAB-B3F installations) to the modules. Field-wire each module, using the following figures for reference:
CPU-2000 Figure 4-3, 4-4 IZ-8F or IZ-4F (Style B) Figure 4-5 IZ-8F requires IZE-AF (for Style D) Figure 4-6 IC-4F/ICE-4F Figure 4-7 (ICE-4F Optional) CR-4F/CRE-4F Figure 4-8 (CRE-4F optional) TC-2F (Refer to the TC-2F Manual) TC-4F (Refer to the TC-4F Manual) AFM-16ATF, AFM-32AF,AFM-16AF, AFM-16ATX,AFM-32AX (Refer to respective manual.) UDACT-F Figure 6-1
Power-on-check - Apply AC power to the control panel. Do not connect the batteries at this time! To silence the
audible trouble sounder, push the ACKNOWLEDGE switch on the CPU. The system should reflect the following status.
On the CPU
Green AC POWER indicator should be on.  The BATTERY FAIL indicator will be on due to the absence of batteries.  SYSTEM TROUBLE and POWER FAILURE indicators should be on due to the absence of batteries.  MODULE FAILURE indicator may light shortly after AC power is applied (applies only to a system that has
not been previously configured).
On each module
The yellow trouble indicators may come on approximately ten seconds after AC power is applied (applies
only to a system that has not previously been configured).
On each AVPS
The yellow trouble indicators will light due to the absence of batteries.
On the main power supply
Failure of the AC POWER indicator, or the presence of indications not mentioned above may suggest an installation problem. Carefully review the installation instructions to isolate the source.
Programming - To configure and program the system, refer to field programming in Section Seven.
Batteries - Once the system has been programmed and is functional, connect the batteries. Ensure that all indicators
except AC POWER are extinguished.
Testing - Fully field test the system by conducting the test procedure in Section Nine.
Dress Panels - Complete installation of the system by installing the cabinet door first, followed by the dress panels
(VP-1F and MP-1F).
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
Mount the backbox in a clean, dry, vibration free area, using the four holes provided in the back surface of the cabinet.
Grounding Cable
Install a CHS-4 in each row of the cabinet that will em­ploy Sensiscan 2000 modules. For proper grounding of the modules to the cabinet, connect a grounding cable to one of the chassis mounting screws as illustrated.
Place the MPS-24AF/MPS-24AFE (shown) or MPS-24BF/ MPS-24BFE into the bottom of the cabinet, ensuring that the upper bracket engages the support bracket on the cabi­net. Secure the bottom of the power supply to the bottom cabinet support with the provided screws.
Install any optional AVPS-24F/AVPS-24FE over the screw
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
mounts on the CHS-4 and secure with the two provided nuts.
Step 1:
Attach four standoffs to the module using the four screws provided.
Expander Module
Step 2:
Insert the pins on the expander board into the connector on the module and press the two boards together, ensuring that the pins are properly aligned.
Step 1:
Angle the module into the cabinet so that the upper board edge slips into the cabinet slot as shown.
Step 2:
Push the upper end of the module into the cabinet and secure with two module screws. Straighten LEDs so that they extend from the board at a 90 degree angle.
Step 3:
Secure the module/expander as­sembly with the four nuts and lock washers provided.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
Step 1:
Insert the CPU Module into the left-most cabinet slot, angling the front end of the module into position as shown.
Step 2:
Push the back end of the module down into the cabinet and pull down until the upper board engages the slot on the chassis as shown.
Bottom View
Step 3:
Align the module screws with the thread-holes on the chassis and secure in place.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
The ribbon cable is notched at the module ends.
First Row
Connect to upper-
most connector on
Mount the RS-1459 to two studs in any position on the back of the CHS-4. Use the provided standoffs and screws to mount the module. Refer to Figure 4-3 for information on wiring the module.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
The IC-4F Notification Circuit Module, as well as the IZ, CR and TC modules feature removable terminal blocks that ease installation and servic­ing of the control panel.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
Power-limited and nonpower-limited circuit wiring must remain separated in the cabinet. All power-limited circuit wiring must remain at least 0.25" away from any nonpower-limited circuit wiring. Furthermore, all power-limited and nonpower­limited circuit wiring must enter and exit the cabinet through different knockouts and/or conduits. A typical wiring diagram for the Sensiscan 2000 is shown below.
Nonpower­limited circuits
Power-limited circuits
Nonpower-limited circuits
Power-limited circuits
Power-limited circuits
Po wer­limited circuits
Power supplies in bottom of cabinet - see Figure 4-2
Figure 4-1: Typical Wiring Diagram for UL Power-limited Wiring Requirements
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
The diagram below shows a typical Sensiscan 2000 installation and is provided as a guide for proper wiring placement. The AC and battery wiring are not power-limited. A separation of at least 0.25" must be maintained between power-limited and nonpower-limited wiring. Install the tie wraps and adhesive squares as indicated below.
Adhesive square and tie­wrap on back of cabinet affixing power-limited wiring.
Adhesive square and tie-wrap on back of cabinet and on top of power supply chassis affixing nonpower­limited wiring.
Figure 4-2: Power-limited and Nonpower-limited Wiring for Power Supplies
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
Typical Supervised Power-limited Notification Appliance Circuits
Use only compatible, UL-listed notification ap­pliances (see the Device Compatibility Docu­ment, 15378). Max current per circuit is 3.0 amps, subject to the limitations of the power supply.
Style Y
4.7K, 1/2 watt ELR, Part # 71252.
Remote Station Outputs
Non-Supervised, Power-limited
(Standby polarity shown)
24 VDC (nominal). 10 mA max rated current. Internal resistance = 1360 ohms (nominal).
Intended for connection to the polarity reversal circuit of a remote station receiv­ing unit (Fire-Lite Model RS-82) having compatible ratings.
Remote Station Trouble Output
Remote Station
Alarm Output
Municipal Box Output
Nonpower-limited, supervised for open circuits. Max. Current (short circuit) = 0.6 amps. Max. Voltage (open circuit) = 27.6 VDC. Max. Wire Resistance = 5 ohms.
Municipal Box Ratings
Trip current = 0.25 Amps (min) Coil voltage = 3.65 VDC (min) Coil resistance = 14.6 ohms (max)
24 VDC
Polarized Bell
24 VDC
Polarized Horn
Style Z
System Trouble
source only) 2A @ 30VDC 1A @ 120VAC
source only)
5A @ 30VDC
5A @ 120VAC
Figure 4-3: Field Wiring the CPU
Municipal box wiring must be run in conduit.
Municipal Box Output
Nonpower-limited and super­vised (for open circuits). Wir­ing can leave the building.
1) The Remote Station Alarm Output and the Municipal Box Output must not be used simultaneously.
2) Notification appliance circuits, Remote Station Trouble output, and the Remote Station Alarm output are power-
limited and may be connected to limited-energy cable.
3) Wire notification appliances according to the manufacturer's instructions packaged with each device.
4) Terminal blocks will accept #12 to #22 AWG wire.
5) Size notification circuit wire for a maximum drop of 2 volts DC at the last device on the circuit.
6) The RS-1459 module is required when the Remote Station or Municipal Box Output is connected to a circuit that
exits the protected premises. Exception - The RS-1459 module is not required for the Municipal Box Circuit if ALL of the following conditions exist: (1) wiring is in conduit, (2) wire length is less than 1000 meters, and (3) wiring does not cross any power lines.
S2000 15017 Rev H 10/08/96 P/N 15017:H
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