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SMARTNotebook,SMARTDocum entCamera, SMARTInk, SMARTBoard, SMARTResponse, SMARTExchange, smarttech, the SMART logo andall SMART taglines
are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of SMARTTechnologiesULC i n the U.S. and/or other countries. Mac, M acOS, OSX,Finder and QuickTime are trademarks of
Apple Inc., registered in theU.S. andother countries. Windows and PowerPoint are either registered trademarks or trademar ks of Micr osoftCorporation i n the U.S. and/or
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This product and/or use thereof covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents.
Chapter 1: Getting started with SMARTNotebook software1
About SMARTNotebook software2
About the other SMART software on your computer2
Starting SMARTNotebook software3
Navigating the user interface3
Using gestures8
Undoing and redoing actions10
Chapter 6: Inserting, organizing and sharing content73
Inserting content from the Gallery74
Inserting content from GeoGebra76
Inserting content from the SMARTExchange website77
Inserting content from other sources77
Inserting Internet browsers83
Attaching files and web pages85
Organizing and sharing content using the Gallery86
Sharing content using the SMARTExchange website91
Chapter 7: Creating lesson activities93
Using advanced object features94
Using advanced page features101
Creating example lesson activities105
Accessing XC Collaboration112
Chapter 8: Presenting lesson activities and facilitating collaboration113
Preparing before presenting114
Using presentation tools while presenting122
Clearing or resetting pages after presenting137
Enabling two people to use an interactivewhiteboard140
Chapter 9: Enhancing SMARTNotebook software with add-ons143
Installing add-ons143
Using add-ons144
Identifying missing add-ons144
Disabling and removing add-ons145
Chapter 10: Accessing RSS feeds with Notebook Connect147
Finding, adding and deleting an RSS feed147
Viewing RSS feed content148
Bookmarking articles149
Inserting images and video in the drawing area149
Opening the Page Sorter5
Customizing the Page Sorter5
Gallery tab6
Opening the Gallery tab6
Customizing the Gallery tab6
Attachments tab6
Opening the Attachments tab6
Customizing the Attachments tab6
Properties tab7
Opening the Properties tab7
Customizing the Properties tab7
Add-ons tab7
Opening the Add-ons tab7
Customizing the Add-ons tab7
SMARTResponse tab8
Page area8
Using gestures8
Undoing and redoing actions10
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
This chapter introduces you to SMARTNotebook™ collaborative learning software and explains how
to get started with the software.
About SMARTNotebook software
In SMARTNotebook software, you can create .notebook files that include graphics, text, tables,
lines, shapes, animations and more. Present your file and keep your class’s attention as you move
and interact with these objects. When your class provides comments and suggestions, write their
input on the page using digital ink. You can open .notebook files in SMARTNotebook software on a
Windows®, Mac or Linux® computer. You can also export your file in a variety of formats, including
You can install SMARTNotebook Tools as well as third-party add-ons to add special features to
SMARTNotebook software. SMARTNotebook Tools include the following:
l 3DTools for SMARTNotebook software
l Mixed Reality Tools for SMARTDocumentCamera™
About the other SMART software on your
Your computer might include the following other SMART software.
l SMARTProductDrivers
Your interactive product detects contact with its screen and sends each contact point, along
with Pen tool information, to the connected computer. SMARTProductDrivers translates the
information into mouse clicks and digital ink. SMARTProductDrivers enables you to perform
normal computer operations by using your finger or a pen.
Using SMARTInk, you can write or draw on the screen in digital ink using a pen, and then save
or erase your notes.
l SMARTBoard® Tools
You can draw attention to specific parts of a page using SMARTBoard Tools, such as the
Screen Shade, Spotlight, Magnifier and Pointer.
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
Starting SMARTNotebook software
Start SMARTNotebook software by pressing Notebook in the Dock.
If your computer’s display refresh rate is less than 60 Hz, a warning message appears when you
first start SMARTNotebook software. You can change the display refresh rate by opening System
Preferences > Displays in MacOSX operating system software.
When you start SMARTNotebook software the first time, a tutorial file opens automatically. You can
read the contents of this file to learn more about the software and the new features in the latest
release. When you’re done, select File > New to create a new, blank file.
When you start the software subsequent times, a new, blank file opens automatically. To open the
tutorial file, select Help > Tutorial.
Navigating the user interface
The SMARTNotebook software user interface consists of the following components:
l Menu
l Toolbar
l Tabs (Page Sorter, Gallery, Attachments, Properties, Add-ons and SMARTResponse™)
l Page area
The menu contains all the commands you can use to manipulate files and objects in
SMARTNotebook software.
The toolbar enables you to select and use a variety of commands. The buttons on the toolbar are
organized in panels.
The commands in the toolbar are also accessible from the menu (see Menu above).
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
Actions panel
The Actions panel of the toolbar includes buttons that enable you to browse and make changes to
.notebook files:
Plug-ins panel
If you install SMARTNotebook Tools, such as SMARTResponse software, or third-party plug-ins,
an additional panel appears to the right of the Actions panel:
Tools panel
The Tools panel includes buttons that enable you to create and work with basic objects on pages:
Contextual panel
When you select one of the buttons in the Tools panel, additional buttons appear. For example, if you
select Pens, the following additional buttons appear:
Press the Pen Types button to select a pen type and then press one of the line type buttons to write
or draw digital ink in that line type. You can customize a selected line type using the options in the
Properties tab and then save your changes for future use (see Saving tool settings on page 57).
The three property selectors beside the line type buttons enable you to set the color, thickness, style
and transparency of digital ink.
If you click any of the other buttons in the Tools panel, similar sets of additional buttons appear.
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
Customizing the toolbar
You can add, remove and change the position of buttons on the toolbar by pressing Customize the
toolbar(see Customizing the toolbar on page 151).
By default, the toolbar appears at the top of the SMARTNotebook software window. However, you
can move it to the bottom of the window by pressing Move toolbar to top/bottom of window.
This is useful in situations where you or your students can’t reach the toolbar when it’s at the top of
the window.
Page Sorter
The Page Sorter displays all of the pages in the open file as thumbnails and automatically updates
these thumbnails as you change the contents of the pages.
Using the Page Sorter, you can do the following:
l Display pages
l Create pages
l Clone pages
l Clear pages
l Delete pages
l Rename pages
l Rearrange pages
l Move objects from one page to another
l Group pages
Opening the Page Sorter
To open the Page Sorter, press Page Sorter.
Customizing the Page Sorter
You can move the Page Sorter from one side of the SMARTNotebook software window to the other
by pressing Move Sidebar.
You can resize the Page Sorter by dragging its border left or right. You can also hide the Page Sorter
when you aren’t using it by selecting the Auto-hide check box. (To display the Page Sorter when it’s
hidden, press Page Sorter.)
If you reduce the Page Sorter to its minimum size, the auto-hide feature turns on automatically.
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
Gallery tab
The Gallery tab contains clip art, backgrounds, multimedia content, files and pages that you can use
in your lessons, and displays preview images of this content. The Gallery tab also provides access to
other online resources. For more information, see Inserting content from the Gallery on page 74.
You can also include your own content and content from other teachers in your school in the Gallery
tab (see Organizing and sharing content using the Gallery on page 86).
Opening the Gallery tab
To open the Gallery tab, press Gallery.
Customizing the Gallery tab
You can move the Gallery tab from one side of the SMARTNotebook software window to the other by
pressing Move Sidebar.
You can resize the Gallery tab by dragging its border left or right. You can also hide the Gallery tab
when you aren’t using it by selecting the Auto-hide check box. (To display the Gallery tab when it’s
hidden, press Gallery.)
If you reduce the Gallery tab to its minimum size, the auto-hide feature turns on automatically.
Attachments tab
The Attachments tab displays the files and web pages attached to the current file. For more
information, see Attaching files and web pages on page 85.
Opening the Attachments tab
To open the Attachments tab, press Attachments.
Customizing the Attachments tab
You can move the Attachments tab from one side of the SMARTNotebook software window to the
other by pressing Move Sidebar.
You can resize the Attachments tab by dragging its border left or right. You can also hide the
Attachments tab when you aren’t using it by selecting the Auto-hide check box. (To display the
Attachments tab when it’s hidden, press Attachments.)
If you reduce the Attachments tab to its minimum size, the auto-hide feature turns on automatically.
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
Properties tab
The Properties tab enables you to format objects on a page, including digital ink, shapes, lines, text
and tables. Depending on the object you select, you can change the following:
l The color, thickness and style of lines
l The transparency and fill effects of objects
l The font type, size and style of text
l The animation of objects
The Properties tab displays only the options that are available for the object you select. For more
information on displaying and setting object properties in the Properties tab, see Changing objects’
properties on page 54.
The Properties tab also includes a Page Recording button. You can use this feature to record your
actions on the current page (see Recording pages on page 101).
Opening the Properties tab
To open the Properties tab, press Properties.
Customizing the Properties tab
You can move the Properties tab from one side of the SMARTNotebook software window to the
other by pressing Move Sidebar.
You can resize the Properties tab by dragging its border left or right. You can also hide the Properties
tab when you aren’t using it by selecting the Auto-hide check box. (To display the Properties tab
when it’s hidden, press Properties.)
If you reduce the Properties tab to its minimum size, the auto-hide feature turns on automatically.
Add-ons tab
The Add-ons tab enables you to work with SMARTNotebook software add-ons (see Enhancing
SMARTNotebook software with add-ons on page 143).
Opening the Add-ons tab
To open the Add-ons tab, press Add-ons.
Customizing the Add-ons tab
You can move the Add-ons tab from one side of the SMARTNotebook software window to the other
by pressing Move Sidebar.
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
You can resize the Add-ons tab by dragging its border left or right. You can also hide the Add-ons tab
when you aren’t using it by selecting the Auto-hide check box. (To display the Add-ons tab when it’s
hidden, press Add-ons.)
If you reduce the Add-ons tab to its minimum size, the auto-hide feature turns on automatically.
SMARTResponse tab
The SMARTResponse tab is part of SMARTResponse software and is available only if you have
SMARTResponse software installed.
Page area
The page area displays the contents of a selected page in a file. This is the area of the page where
you create and work with objects (see Creating basic objects on page 25).
Using gestures
You can interact with objects in SMARTNotebook software using the following gestures (if supported
by your interactive product):
Swipe (left to right)Swipe (right to left)
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
Pinch to zoom in / scale (enlarge)Pinch to zoom out / scale (reduce)
C H A P T E R 1
Getting started with SMARTNotebook software
Undoing and redoing actions
When you make changes to a file, you can reverse the effects of your previous actions and
If two people are using your interactive product, pressing Undo and Redo affects the actions of
both users.
To reverse the effect of the last action
Press Undo.
You can undo an unlimited number of actions.
To reinstate the last action reversed with the Undo command