Solenoid coil
II 2G Ex emb II T6, T5, T4
II 2D Ex tD A21 IP65 T80 °C, T95 °C, T130 °C
Festo AG & Co. KG
Ruiter Straße 82
73734 Esslingen
+49 711 347-0
Operating instructions
(Original instructions)
Solenoid coil VACC-S18-…-K4-…-EX4ME English...........................
1 Further applicable documents
– Certification documents
– VOFC/VOFD assembly instructions
For all available product documentation è
2 Certified solenoid coils
Voltage Type Part no.
24 V DC/AC VACC-S18-35-K4-1U-EX4ME 562897
110 V DC/AC VACC-S18-35-K4-2U-EX4ME 562898
230 V DC/AC VACC-S18-35-K4-3U-EX4ME 562899
24 V DC/AC VACC-S18-120-K4-1U-EX4ME 3536527
110 V DC/AC VACC-S18-120-K4-2U-EX4ME 3536565
230 V DC/AC VACC-S18-120-K4-3U-EX4ME 3535568
60 DC VACC-S18-120-K4-27-EX4ME 3536569
48 DC VACC-S18-120-K4-7-EX4ME 3536573
24 V DC/AC VACC-S18-35-K4-1UF-EX4ME 570785
24 V DC/AC VACC-S18-120-K4-1UF-EX4ME 3535840
Fig. 1
3 Function
When switching on the voltage, the solenoid is energised and the valve is actuated.
A built-in bridge rectifier or a built-in varistor limits the switch-off overvoltage.
4 Application
The solenoid coil is intended to be used as an actuator for solenoid valves.
The solenoid coils can be used in combination with the specified solenoid valves
from Festo in zones 1 and 2 for potentially explosive gas atmospheres and in
zones 21 and 22 for potentially explosive dust atmospheres.
The suitability of other solenoid valves can only be determined in connection
with the assessment of further components of the subsystem. These must
achieve the same safety level.
Label X: special conditions
Operate the solenoid coils (except variants -1UF-) only with upstream fuses.
è Technical data and product label
Protect connecting cables that contain silicone or are not crack-resistant
against mechanical damage.
Protect the device from all mechanical damage.
For solenoid coils in direct current design -7- and -27-, the maximum permiss
ible ripple is 20 %.
When using Festo solenoid valves:
Operate the solenoid valve only with compressed air or neutral gases.
The device is not intended to be used with other fluids.
Always draw in the operating medium outside the potentially explosive area.
Use only solenoid valves approved for potentially explosive areas.
5 Requirements for product use
Comply with all applicable national and international regulations.
Installation and commissioning should only be carried out by qualified electrical
Use the device in its original status, without any unauthorised modifications.
The certification is no longer valid if the device is altered in any way by anyone
other than the manufacturer.
6 Commissioning
Observe the product labelling.
Operate solenoid coils only with upstream fuses (except variants -1UF-).
Do not commission the solenoid coil until after mounting.
The discharge of electrostatically charged parts can lead to ignitable sparks.
Prevent electrostatic discharge by taking appropriate installation and cleaning
Include the device in the system’s potential equalisation. The surface coating
of the Festo solenoid valves (VOFD-…) is electrically non-conductive.
Prevent charge-generating processes that are stronger than manual rubbing
of surfaces.
Do not mount the housing of the solenoid coils in an area of pneumatically
conveyed dusts (e.g. powder jet).
Escaping exhaust air can swirl up dust and create an explosive dust atmosphere.