The purchaser shall receive a single right of use which is non-exclusive, non-time-limited and limited
geographically to use at the purchaser's site/location as follows.
•The purchaser shall be entitled to use the work to train his/her staff at the purchaser's site/location and
shall also be entitled to use parts of the copyright material as the basis for the production of his/her
own training documentation for the training of his/her staff at the purchaser's site/location with
acknowledgement of source and to make copies for this purpose. In the case of schools/technical
colleges and training centres, the right of use shall also include use by school and college students and
trainees at the purchaser's site/location for teaching purposes.
•The right of use shall in all cases exclude the right to publish the copyright material or to make this
available for use on intranet, Internet and LMS platforms and databases such as Moodle, which allow
access by a wide variety of users, including those outside of the purchaser's site/location.
•Entitlement to other rights relating to reproductions, copies, adaptations, translations, microfilming and
transfer to and storage and processing in electronic systems, no matter whether in whole or in part,
shall require the prior consent of Festo Didactic.
Intended use _____________________________________________________________________________ VIII
Preface ________________________________________________________________________________ IX
Introduction ______________________________________________________________________________ XI
Work and safety instructions ________________________________________________________________ XII
Mobile hydraulics training package (TP 800) _________________________________________________ XIV
Learning objectives _________________________________________________________________________ XV
Allocation of learning objectives to exercises __________________________________________________ XVII
Equipment set _____________________________________________________________________________ XX
Allocation of components to exercises ______________________________________________________ XXVII
Notes for the teacher/trainer ________________________________________________________________ XXX
Structure of the exercises _________________________________________________________________ XXXI
Component designations __________________________________________________________________ XXXI
CD-ROM contents ________________________________________________________________________ XXXI
Exercises and solutions: Mobile hydraulics, basic level working hydraulics (TP 801)
Exercise 1-1: Examining performance for a controller using constant displacement pump
and fixed pressure limitation _____________________________________________________ 3
Exercise 1-2: Examining performance for a controller using constant displacement pump
and adjusted pressure limitation using open-centre load-sensing pressure balance ______ 13
Exercise 1-3: Examining performance of speed control using a 6/3-way proportional valve ____________ 23
Exercise 1-4: Examining energy efficiency of speed control in an open-centre load-sensing system _____ 31
Exercise 1-5: Moving and holding a load with a 6/3-way proportional valve ________________________ 41
Exercise 1-6: Moving and holding a load with a piloted non-return valve ___________________________ 51
Exercise 1-7: Moving and holding a load with a pressure-relief valve as counter pressure _____________ 59
Exercise 1-8: Moving and holding a load with a counterbalancing valve ____________________________ 69
Exercise 1-9: Examining parallel, series and tandem configurations _______________________________ 79
Exercises and solutions: Mobile hydraulics, advanced level steering system (TP 802)
Exercise 2-1: Examining the steering valve in a hydrostatic steering system ________________________ 91
Exercise 2-2: Examining steering when external forces are exerted ________________________________ 99
Exercise 2-3: Examining overload protection for steering _______________________________________ 107
Exercise 2-4: Examining a steering system with priority function _________________________________ 115
Exercise 2-5: Designing a steering system for centre-pivot steering ______________________________ 123
Exercises and solutions: Mobile hydraulics, advanced level working hydraulics (TP 803)
Exercise 3-1: Examining a hydraulic system with load-sensing-controlled variable displacement pump _ 133
Exercise 3-2: Examining the load hold function _______________________________________________ 143
Exercise 3-3: Remotely controlling proportional directionalcontrol valves using a hydraulic joystick ___ 151
Exercise 3-4: Setting a (volumetric) flow rate independent of load _______________________________ 159
Exercise 3-5: Setting the volumetric flow rate using a load-sensing-controlled pump unit ____________ 169
Exercise 3-6: Examining a load-sensing system with upstream pressure balance ___________________ 179
Exercise 3-7: Examining a load-sensing system with downstream pressure balance _________________ 191
Exercises and worksheets: Mobile hydraulics, basic level working hydraulics (TP 801)
Exercise 1-1: Examining performance for a controller using constant displacement pump
and fixed pressure limitation _____________________________________________________ 3
Exercise 1-2: Examining performance for a controller using constant displacement pump
and adjusted pressure limitation using open-centre load-sensing pressure balance ______ 13
Exercise 1-3: Examining performance of speed control using a 6/3-way proportional valve ____________ 23
Exercise 1-4: Examining energy efficiency of speed control in an open-centre load-sensing system _____ 31
Exercise 1-5: Moving and holding a load with a 6/3-way proportional valve ________________________ 41
Exercise 1-6: Moving and holding a load with a piloted non-return valve ___________________________ 51
Exercise 1-7: Moving and holding a load with a pressure-relief valve as counter pressure _____________ 59
Exercise 1-8: Moving and holding a load with a counterbalancing valve ____________________________ 69
Exercise 1-9: Examining parallel, series and tandem configurations _______________________________ 79
Exercises and worksheets: Mobile hydraulics, advanced level steering system (TP 802)
Exercise 2-1: Examining the steering valve in a hydrostatic steering system ________________________ 91
Exercise 2-2: Examining steering when external forces are exerted ________________________________ 99
Exercise 2-3: Examining overload protection for steering _______________________________________ 107
Exercise 2-4: Examining a steering system with priority function _________________________________ 115
Exercise 2-5: Designing a steering system for centre-pivot steering ______________________________ 123
Exercises and worksheets: Mobile hydraulics, advanced level working hydraulics (TP 803)
Exercise 3-1: Examining a hydraulic system with load-sensing-controlled variable displacement pump _ 133
Exercise 3-2: Examining the load hold function _______________________________________________ 143
Exercise 3-3: Remotely controlling proportional directional control valves using a hydraulic joystick ___ 151
Exercise 3-4: Setting a (volumetric) flow rate independent of load _______________________________ 159
Exercise 3-5: Setting the volumetric flow rate using a load-sensing-controlled pump unit ____________ 169
Exercise 3-6: Examining a load-sensing system with upstream pressure balance ___________________ 179
Exercise 3-7: Examining a load-sensing system with downstream pressure balance _________________ 191
The mobile hydraulics basic and advanced level training packages are only to be used:
• for the intended purpose in teaching and training applications
• when their safety functions are in flawless condition
The components in the training packages are designed in accordance with the latest technology as well as
recognised safety rules. However, life and limb of the user and third parties may be endangered, and the
components may be impaired, if they are used incorrectly.
The learning system from Festo Didactic has been developed and produced exclusively for training and
continuing vocational education in the field of automation technology. The training companies and/or
trainers must ensure that all trainees observe the safety instructions described in this workbook.
Festo Didactic hereby excludes all liability for damage suffered by the trainee, the training company and/or
any other third parties as a result of use of these equipment sets outside a purely training situation, unless
Festo Didactic has caused this damage wilfully or through gross negligence.
Festo Didactic’s training system for automation and technology is geared towards various educational
backgrounds and vocational requirements. The learning system is therefore broken down as follows:
• Technology oriented training packages
• Mechatronics and factory automation
• Process automation and control technology
• Mobile robotics
• Hybrid learning factories
The training system for automation and technology is continuously updated and expanded in accordance
with developments in the field of education, as well as actual professional practice.
The training packages deal with various technologies including pneumatics, electro-pneumatics,
servopneumatics, hydraulics, electro-hydraulics, proportional hydraulics, servohydraulics, mobile
hydraulics, programmable logic controllers, sensor technology, electrical engineering, electronics and
electric drives.
The modular design of the training system allows for applications which go above and beyond the
limitations of the individual training packages. For example, PLC actuation of pneumatic, hydraulic and
electric drives is possible.
All training packages feature the following elements:
• Hardware
• Media
• Seminars
The hardware in the training packages is comprised of industrial components and systems that are specially
designed for training purposes. The components contained in the training packages are specifically
designed and selected for the projects in the accompanying media.
The media provided for the individual topics consist of a mixture of teachware and software. The teachware
• Technical literature and textbooks (standard works for teaching basic knowledge)
• Workbooks (practical exercises with supplementary instructions and sample solutions)
• Lexicons, manuals and technical books
(which provide technical information on groups of topics for further exploration)
• Transparencies and videos (for easy-to-follow, dynamic instruction)
• Posters (for presenting information in a clear-cut way)
Within the software, the following programmes are available:
• Digital training programmes (learning content specifically designed for virtual training)
• Simulation software
• Visualisation software
• Software for acquiring measurement data
• Project engineering and design engineering software
• Programming software for programmable logic controllers
The teaching and learning media are available in several languages. They are intended for use in classroom
instruction, but are also suitable for self-study.
A wide range of seminars covering the contents of the training packages round off the system for training
and vocational education.
Do you have tips, feedback or suggestions for improving this workbook?
If so, please send us an e-mail at
The authors and Festo Didactic look forward to your feedback.
This workbook is part of the training system for automation technology from Festo Didactic SE. The system
provides a solid basis for practice oriented training and vocational education. The mobile hydraulics
workbook communicates the basics and fundamental knowledge on the hydraulic systems of mobile work
The contents of the workbook are project exercises on the basic level of working hydraulics (TP 801),
advanced level steering systems (TP 802) and advanced level working hydraulics (TP 803). The workbook
also contains a basic information section on mobile hydraulics.
The basic level working hydraulics (TP 801) is suitable for basic training in mobile hydraulics.
Using practice-related problem descriptions, the energy balances of different hydraulic systems (also while
loaded) will be examined and evaluated. Control systems with multiple consuming devices are set up in
parallel, tandem and series connections and examined in relation to priority, flow rate distribution, and
pressure dependency. Further course topics are the behaviour of consuming devices while under loads and
the options for safely holding and lowering a load. Basic knowledge of hydraulic device technology is a
The advanced level steering system (TP 802) communicates the basics of hydrostatic steering systems with
suitable hydraulic controls. The controllers contain typical components of a steering system like steering
valve, shock and anti-cavitation valve, steering cylinder and, if required, a secondary consuming device.
In the project exercises for advanced level working hydraulics (TP 803), details of the working hydraulics are
expanded upon and hydraulic controls with load-sensing controlled variable displacement pump will be set
up and examined.
Technical prerequisites for setting up the controllers include:
• A Learnline or Learntop-S workstation equipped with Festo Didactic slotted profile plates.
• A hydraulic power unit with constant displacement pump (volumetric flow rate: 4 l/min) for TP 801 and
TP 802, a hydraulic power unit with constant displacement pump (volumetric flow rate: 4 l/min) and
load-sensing controlled variable displacement pump for TP 803.
• A power pack with short-circuit protection (input: 230 V, 50 Hz, output: 24 V, max. 5 A).
• Laboratory safety cables
The practical execution of the nine project exercises for TP 801 requires a TP 801 equipment set. One TP 801
and TP 802 equipment set is required for the practical execution of each of the five project exercises for
TP 802. An additional TP 803 equipment set is necessary for the practical execution of the seven project
exercises for TP 803.
The theoretical fundamentals for understanding these exercises can be found in the following textbooks:
• Hydraulics, basic level
• Electro-hydraulics, basic level
as well as in the appendix to this workbook.
Data sheets for the individual components are also available (cylinders, valves, sensors etc.).
• Trainees should only work with the circuits under the supervision of a trainer.
• Electrical devices (e.g. power supply units, compressors and hydraulic power units) may only be
operated in laboratory rooms which are equipped with residual current devices (RCDs).
•Observe specifications included in the technical data for the individual components, and in particular all
safety instructions!
•Malfunctions which may impair safety must not be generated in the training environment, and must be
eliminated immediately.
•Wear personal safety gear (safety glasses, safety shoes) when working on circuits.
Mechanical system
• Only reach into the setup when it is at a complete standstill.
• Mount all of the components securely onto the slotted profile plate.
• Limit switches may not be actuated frontally.
• Danger of injury during troubleshooting!
Use a tool to actuate the limit switches, for example a screwdriver.
• Set all components up so that activation of switches and disconnectors is not made difficult.
• Adhere to the instructions regarding positioning of the components.
• Always set up cylinders together with the appropriate cover.
Electrical functions
• Use extra-low voltage only (max. 24 V DC).
• Establish or interrupt electrical connections only in the absence of voltage!
• Use only connecting cables with safety plugs for electrical connections.
• When disconnecting connector cables, only pull by the plug, never by the cable.
•Limit system pressure to 6 MPa (60 bar).
Maximum permissible pressure for all devices included in the training package is 12 MPa (120 bar).
•In the case of double-acting cylinders, pressure could be increased relative to the surface area ratio due
to pressure boosting. With a surface area ratio of 1:1.7 and a system pressure of 6 MPa (60 bar), it may
amount to more than 10 MPa (100 bar).
•Danger of injury due to oil temperatures of greater than 50° C!
Hydraulic fluid with an oil temperature of greater than 50° C may result in burns or scalding.
•Danger of injury when switching on the hydraulic power unit!
Cylinders may extend and retract automatically.
•Connecting tubing lines
– Never connect or disconnect tubing lines when the hydraulic power unit is running, or while under
Couplings must be connected in the unpressurised state.
– Set the coupling socket vertically onto the coupling nipple!
The coupling socket and the coupling nipple must not be fitted askew.
– After each disconnection, make sure that the couplings have closed themselves!
•Hydraulic circuit assembly
– The hydraulic power unit and the electrical power pack
must be switched off when assembling the circuit.
– Before commissioning, make sure that all tank lines have been connected
and that all couplings have been securely fitted.
– Make sure that tubing lines connected to the cylinder are rinsed with hydraulic fluid,
if the volume of oil accommodated by the cylinder is less than the volume which can
be contained by the tubing lines.
– Cylinders may only be commissioned with their covers in place.
– Switch on the electrical power pack first, and then the hydraulic power unit.
•Dismantling hydraulic circuits
– Assure that pressure has been relived before dismantling the circuit.
– Switch off the hydraulic power unit first, and then the electrical power pack.
•If connections are decoupled while under pressure, pressure is trapped in the device by the non-return
valve in the coupling. This pressure can be vented with the pressure relief unit.
Mounting technology
The mounting boards for the components are equipped with mounting variant A, B or C:
•Variant A, snap-in system
Lightweight devices which cannot be subjected to loads (e.g. directional control valves and sensors).
Simply clip the components into the slots on the slotted profile plate. Release the components from the
slots by actuating the blue lever.
•Variant B, rotary system
Components with medium load capacity (e.g. hydraulic cylinders). These components are clamped to
the slotted profile plate with T-head bolts. The blue knurled nut is used for clamping and loosening.
Make sure that the T-head bolts have been turned 90° after tightening.
•Variant C, screw system
For devices with high load capacity and devices which are seldom removed from the slotted profile plate
(e.g. the hydraulic power unit). These devices are fastened with socket head screws and T-head nuts.
Required accessories
Two digital multimeters are required to evaluate exercises which make use of the flow sensor.
The output voltage of the flow sensor is measured with the multimeter.
The TP 800 training package consists of a multitude of individual training materials. This package refers to
components and basic circuits of the hydraulic systems of working machines. Individual components from
training package TP 800 may also be included in other packages.
Important TP 800 components
• Permanent workstation with Festo Didactic profile plate
• Equipment sets or individual components (e.g. cylinders, valves and pressure gauges)
• Complete set of laboratory equipment
The teachware for the training package TP 800 consists of one workbook. The contents of the workbook are
the project exercises on the basic level of working hydraulics (TP 801), advanced level steering systems
(TP 802) and advanced level working hydraulics (TP 803). The theoretical fundamentals for understanding
the exercises are described in the textbook attachment.
The workbook includes the exercise sheets and worksheets for the project exercise, the solutions to each
individual worksheet and a CD-ROM. A set of ready-to-use exercise sheets and worksheets is included in
each workbook for all of the exercises.
Data sheets for the hardware components are made available along with the equipment set.
Textbooks Fundamentals of hydraulics and electrohydraulics
Workbooks Mobile hydraulics (TP 800)
Set of posters Hydraulics
Simulation programme FluidSIM® Hydraulic
TP 810 Diagnostic system FluidLab® M
Digital training programme
Overview of media for training package TP 800
Web-based training, hydraulics – Basics of hydraulics principles
Web-based training electro-hydraulices – Basics of electro-hydraulics principles
The media are offered in several languages. Further training materials can be found in our catalogues and on
the Internet.