Fender® G-DEC™ MIDI Operations
Fender’s Guitar Digital Entertainment Center (G-DEC) can communicate with computers or other G-DECs via a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) connection. This document contains “how to” information for the following topics:
1. Playing external MIDI files, PC and Apple Mac
2. Saving custom presets
3. Loading custom presets
4. Transferring G-DEC software updates from your computer to the G-DEC
5. Copying G-DEC internal MIDI loops to a PC (Personal Computer)
6. For programmers – Fender MIDI dump file format
Most of this document is designed to help those with little or no MIDI experience. The last section is for experienced program developers who would like to write custom applications for G-DEC.
An experienced MIDI/computer music composer will find most of this document familiar, even boring. A novice might find the document confusing. If you consider yourself a MIDI novice, then please take a deep breath and then dive in. The results are worth the effort.
PC System types
Examples are shown below for a few specific system types. The following document has information for both PC and MAC users. The PC examples assume Windows XP operating software. If you are using a different OS, don’t worry; most OS’s offer similar functionality. If you are using a different sound card or MIDI to USB adapter, you will need to adjust to your specific needs. The steps are roughly the same for most systems.
MAC System types
Every Macintosh has the ability to play MIDI files, but you will need a third party interface device and additional software. This procedure assumes your Macintosh is running Mac OS X, 10.2 or later.
Mac OS 9.2.2 Considerations
If you are using Mac OS 9.2.2, you must have Opcode OMS 2.3.8 installed before using an external MIDI device. This software package will most likely be freely available from the MIDI to USB converter device manufacturer if Mac OS 9 is supported by your MIDI device. Follow instructions provided within the OMS software setup procedure and device installation procedures in the device owner’s manual. If you are using any version of Mac OS X, then this step is not required.
The applications shown here in this tutorial may not be available for Mac OS 9, but the procedure should be very similar. The biggest exception is that in Mac Os 9.2.2, the OMS software controls the MIDI ports system wide for all applications. So, you will have to set up external devices like the UNO in OMS as opposed to within the applications themselves. In Mac OS X, the MIDI configurations are left to the individual applications.
The G-DEC is the world’s first guitar amplifier that contains a MIDI synthesizer. The G-DEC synthesizer is a fully functional General MIDI (GM) wave table synthesizer and is capable of synthesizing many instruments. The G-DEC has MIDI music files built into its memory. These files are sent to the internal synthesizer when you select the front panel START/STOP button. The MIDI tracks that come with the G­DEC represent a diverse range of musical styles and are varied enough to keep any user entertained for many hours.
What are MIDI files?
MIDI files contain instructions for playing music. Figure 1 below shows a capture of a small amount of MIDI. As you can see, it is a sequence of musical notes as played on instrument channels. The notes are switched on and off at the appropriate times. MIDI files do not contain the music signal the way that MP3 or WAV files do. MIDI files are simply a list of instructions that tell the synthesizer what instrument to play and how to play it. The MIDI interface transmits commands between MIDI devices. A synthesizer creates the musical sounds after reading and interpreting the commands.
Figure 1 example of MIDI data
Although MIDI is a standard, synthesizers vary in quality from poor to good. Don’t be surprised if the synthesizer in your computer sounds a bit different that the synthesizer in the G-DEC.
OK, so what about the MIDI jacks?
You can use the G-DEC front panel MIDI connections to transfer MIDI files to the G-DEC internal synthesizer. The files can come from your computer or any other MIDI device.
PC How do I connect my computer?
Most PCs have the ability to output MIDI data. The type of connection you have varies from PC to PC. Most people will need to buy an adapter or cable of some sort. That adapter/cable will usually take one of three forms:
1. Soundcards Most older PCs, or newer PCs with add-on sound cards, have game port connectors, usually 15 pin ‘D’ connectors on the soundcard. This is the same connector that you would connect your joystick to if you are a gamer. The MIDI signals are usually included on this connector.
In order to get the MIDI signals to the G-DEC you will need to break out the MIDI signals from the joystick signals. Most computer stores will carry a “breakout” cable as shown in Figure 2. One end of the cable connects to the sound card’s 15 pin connector. The other end of the cable will have MIDI IN and
OUT connectors and one or two joystick connectors. Depending on the breakout cable you may also need a MIDI cable to go between the breakout cable and the G-DEC.
Figure 2 soundcard MIDI/joystick breakout cable
2. USB Some newer PCs or laptops will not have the soundcard joystick connector. For these computers you can buy a USB–to-MIDI converter. An example of a USB-to-MIDI converter is the M-AUDIO Uno (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 M-Audio Uno. USB to MIDI converter
3. Font panel DRIVE extensions Some “deluxe” soundcards will often have the MIDI IN and OUT available on a front panel breakout box. These connectors will often be a smaller version of the standard MIDI cable. Most deluxe soundcards will include the adapters. After choosing the port to use, connect the MIDI OUT cable from the computer to the MIDI IN connector of the G-DEC. You could also connect the G-DEC MIDI OUT to the PC MIDI IN; that will be useful for saving your presets but not needed to play MIDI files.
MAC How do I connect my computer?
The most common method for getting MIDI output from a Macintosh is through a MIDI USB interface device such as the M-Audio 1x1 Uno (see Figure 1).
Figure 1 M-Audio Uno. USB to MIDI converter
Some PCI sound cards may also have MIDI capability for higher-end Macs but USB is by far the most common method of transferring MIDI data to and from the Mac.
So, the first step is to install any drivers that may have come with your USB to MIDI converter device. Simply follow the instructions for your specific device. It always best to check the website of the MIDI to USB converter device manufacturer for the latest driver software, usually available for free download. In our case, we will download the M-Audio Uno drivers from www.m-audio.com for Mac OS X - 10.2 (Jaguar). Follow the installation procedure after double clicking on the setup package for the Uno drivers. When completed, you should see the USB light on the Uno pulsing. That means the drivers and Uno device are working. Check and verify the installation procedures for your own device in the owner’s manual.
Once the driver software is installed and the device is working on an available USB port, connect the MIDI Out from your converter device to the G-DEC MIDI In jack using a standard MIDI cable. Next connect from the MIDI In jack on your converter device to the G-DEC MIDI Out jack using another standard MIDI cable.
PC OK, I am connected, how do I send MIDI music from my computer to the G-DEC?
A computer typically lets you direct a MIDI file to several different places. By default, most computers send MIDI data to the computer soundcard. If you were to “play” a MIDI file right now, you probably would hear audio coming from your computer speakers. We will need to re-direct the MIDI data to the G­DEC.
To send MIDI data to the G-DEC you must tell the computer to direct the MIDI data to the MIDI connector you have attached to the G-DEC. Figure 4 shows the Windows XP control panel that selects MIDI ports. In XP you find this panel in “Control Panel/Sounds and Audio Properties.” Figure 4 shows that the MIDI file will be sent out through the “SB Live! MIDI UART” to the G-DEC. SB Live! is the name of the soundcard and the MIDI UART is the hardware device that will transmit the signal. Figure 5 is an alternate configuration for those who wish to use a USB/MIDI adapter to connect to the G-DEC. In Figure 5 the device is the USB MIDI 1x1. This is the name that M-Audio gave the driver for its Uno product.
Figure 4 Selecting the soundcard port to send MIDI to G-DEC
Figure 5 USB to MIDI adapter selected as connection to G-DEC
Figure 4 and 5 are probably the most confusing part of getting Windows to send your MIDI file to the G­DEC. Some of the device names are not obvious if you are new to computers or MIDI devices. Again, other computer operating systems may have different ways to set the MIDI data output.
Next you will need a MID file to send to the G-DEC.
Where do I find MIDI files?
Do an Internet search for “MIDI files.” Many website links will appear for all manner of MIDI sites, legal and otherwise.
Fender discourages you from downloading any file without permission from the copyright owner
You are now ready to “play” a .MID file to the MIDI port. In most OS’s the easiest way to this is to double click the .MID file of choice. This will usually start some sort of MIDI capable player (like a Media player) which in turn will stream the MIDI data to the output port you selected above. Please be aware that although the G_DEC will play these files, it cannot store them.
There are many other good programs that you can use to play .MID files from. In more advanced MIDI editing applications, you will be able to control each track within the song and even compose your own songs. If your system is properly configured, you should hear the song being played through the G-DEC on-board synthesizer.
Choose or create a performance preset to get an appropriate guitar tone, and jam away!
MAC OK, I am connected, how do I send MIDI music from my Macintosh to the GDEC?
First, we will need some software to play MIDI files. For demonstration purposes only, we will use the Demo version of Metro 6.2.5 SE available for download at http://www.sagantech.biz/products.htm or at the Apple website http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/audio/metrose.html. After downloading the application, find and double click the Metro SE Demo icon. When Metro starts up, the first thing to do is set up the application to identify your MIDI device. Go to the “Setup” menu and select “MIDI Setup…” as shown in figure 2. This will bring up a window that allows you to select devices for which to send and receive data. The M-Audio Uno should show up as “1x1” in the pull-down menus next to each parameter (see figure 3). If the device does not show up, try the “Rescan MIDI Devices” button. Once all fields are set to “1x1”, press “OK”. The last part of the application setup is to switch off MIDI throughput. Go to the menu item “Switches” and uncheck the “Automatic MIDI Thru” menu item (see figure 4). If this is not done your G-DEC will not properly play MIDI files.
Now we are ready to load a MIDI song file. Do an Internet search for “MIDI files.” Many website links will appear for all manner of MIDI sites, legal and otherwise. Fender recommends the use of copyright licensed files only; the downloads will often cost you a small fee, but they tend to be of better quality than “bootleg” versions of copyrighted songs.
Next, go to the “File” menu and select “Import MIDI File…” and “Import MIDI File…” again (or select from recent imports also listed) as shown in figure 5. Select a MIDI file using the file browser window. When selected, the MIDI file and all of its tracks of data should show up in the Metro windows (something like that shown in figure 6). Now simply press the Play button on the transport bar, the green triangle. You should see a marker line progress through the song file graphically in the application and simultaneously hear the song being played through the G-DEC. Now you can mute certain tracks, isolate them, or even create your own using the more advanced features of the Metro application. So, now you can pick up the guitar, plug into the G-DEC and jam along with any MIDI song!
Other commercially available applications should have similar features and requirements as demonstrated here. The Metro SE Demo application is indeed a demo version of the software and will end your session after an allotted amount of time. This allows you to evaluate the software before purchasing it. If you find this or another application useful, do consider purchasing it. These applications are great extensions to the usefulness of the G-DEC.
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