Fantech AEV Series Installation Manual

AEV Series
Air Exchanger Ventilator
Item #: 401334
Rev Date: 2017-06-21
Installation Manual
Your ventilation system should be installed in conformance with the appropriate provincial requirements or, in the absence of such requirements, with the current edition of the National Building Code, and / or ASHRAE’s “Good Engineering Practices”.
United States
10048 Industrial Blvd., Lenexa, KS, 66215 Tel.: 800.747.1762 • Fax: 800.487.9915
50 Kanalflakt Way, Bouctouche, NB, E4S 3M5 Tel.: 800.565.3548 • Fax: 877.747.8116
Fantech reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, any or all of its products’ features, designs, components and specifications to maintain their technological leadership position. Please visit our website for more detailed technical information.
Note Warning/
Important note
Note Avertissement/
Note importante
Information Technical
Information Information
Products are designed and manufactured to provide reliable performance, but they are not guaranteed to be 100% free of defects. Even reliable products will experience occasional failures, and this possibility should be recognized by the user. If these products are used in a life support ventilation system where failure could result in loss or injury, the user should provide adequate back-up ventilation, supplementary natural ventilation or failure alarm system, or acknowledge
willingness to accept the risk of such loss or injury.
Your ventilation system should be installed in accordance with the local building code that is in effect, in absence of such requirements, it is recommenced to check with local authorities having jurisdiction in your area prior to installing this product.
Practical tip
Les produits sont conçus et fabriqués pour fournir une performance able, mais ils ne sont pas garantis à 100% sans défaut. Même les produis ont des pannes occasionnelles et cette possibilité devrait être reconnue par l'utilisateur. Si ces produits sont utilisés dans un système de ventilation qui maintien des fonctions vitales où une défaillance pourrait entraîner des pertes ou des blessures, l'utilisateur doit fournir une ventilation de secours adéquate, une ventilation supplémentaire naturelle, un système d'alarme de défaillance ou
d'accepter les risques de pertes ou de blessures.
Votre système de ventilation doit être installé en conformité avec le code du bâtiment local qui est en vigueur, en l’absence de telles exigences, il est recommandé de vérier auprès des autorités locales ayant juridiction dans votre région avant d’installer ce produit.
Table of content
DETERMINING YOUR AIRFLOW REQUIREMENT ..................................................... 4
OPERATION ................................................................................5
OPTIONAL CONTROL..........................................................................5
INSTALLATION EXAMPLES......................................................................6
Weatherhood Location ................................................................. 7
Installing the ducting to the weatherhood ................................................... 7
Exhaust Air Ducting ....................................................................8
Dedicated Installation for Existing Home .....................................................8
Location ............................................................................9
Mounting ...........................................................................9
AIRFLOW BALANCING........................................................................10
PITOT TUBE BALANCING PROCEDURE ............................................................11
MAINTENANCE .............................................................................12
WIRING DIAGRAM ..........................................................................13
TROUBLESHOOTING .........................................................................14
AEV MAINTENANCE CHART....................................................................15
PARTS LIST ...............................................................................31
Determining your airflow requirement
Room Count Method
1 CFM = 0.47 L/s 1 L/s = 2.13 CFM
ASHRAE method
Room classification Number of rooms CFM (L/s)
Master bedroom x 10 L/s (20 CFM) =
Basement yes or no =
Bedrooms x 5 L/s (10 CFM) =
Living room x 5 L/s (10 CFM) =
Others x 5 L/s (10 CFM) =
Kitchen x 5 L/s (10 CFM) =
Bathroom x 5 L/s (10 CFM) =
Laundry room x 5 L/s (10 CFM) =
Utility room x 5 L/s (10 CFM) =
Total Ventilation Requirements (add last column ) =
if yes add 10 L/s (20 CFM) if no = 0
CFM Required
Ventilation Air requirements
Floor area Bedrooms
0-1 2-3 4-5 6-7 >7
< 1500 <139 30 14 45 21 60 28 75 35 90 42 1501-3000 139.1-279 45 21 60 28 75 35 90 42 105 50 3001-4500 279.1-418 60 28 75 35 90 45 105 50 120 57 4501-6000 418.1-557 75 35 90 42 105 50 120 57 135 64 6001-7500 557.1-697 90 42 105 50 120 57 135 64 150 71
>7500 >697 105 50 120 57 135 64 150 71 165 78
* ASHRAE 62.2-2010 Table 4.1, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
A Air Exchangers (AEV) is designed to bring fresh air into a building while exhausting an equal amount of stale air. During the winter months, the incoming cold fresh air is warmed by utilizing the heat recovered from the stale air before it is exhausted to the outdoors. During summer months when the indoor space is air conditioned, the AEV will help in cooling the incoming fresh air with the stale air that is being exhausted.
Our AEV’s are designed to run continuous or on intermittent, giving the homeowner complete control over their air quality. Continuous low speed ventilation is recommended, which will help eliminate carbon dioxide, voc’s and other gases as well as freshen up the home. Intermittent high speed ventilation can be obtained through a variety of optional remote controls found in this manual. Below are some examples of seasonal operation of an AEV.
Humidity control is very important during the winter months. This is when problems will be most apparent since condensation on the windows will often occur. The colder the outside temperature, the greater the risk of condensation in the home. The average relative humidity should be maintained between 30-60% to avoid condensation. Low speed continuous ventilation with high speed override is recommended.
warmer each day. To keep the humidity and temperature uniform, set the dehumidistat higher (if installed). You may also switch the AEV to standby mode if desired.
Optional control
The air is sometimes hot and humid. To stop the warm humid air from entering, set the dehumidistat at its highest level.
Rain and rapid temperature changes make it difficult to control the internal humidity level and may result in condensation on the windows. A remote dehumidistat may help give greater control over the inside environment.
To avoid window condensation:
• It is not necessary to change the humidity control every day. Monitor the average weekly temperature or experiment with various settings until you nd a level that is comfortable for you.
• Adjust the control when needed.
Dehumidistat I
The wall mount dehumidistat monitors the humidity level in the area it is installed. When the humidity level rises above the desired set-point, the AEV will activate to high speed/override mode. Once the humidity level returns to desired condition, the unit will return to the normal mode. 2 low voltage wires required for operation.
Installation examples
Example only
1. This diagram shows the installation of your unit with radiant hydronic or baseboard heating. As shown, the stale air is extracted from the rooms with high humidity levels, and the fresh air is delivered in the living areas. In this case, a complete ducting system for ventilation must be installed.
2. Follow local building codes
Supply Air Out
Exhaust Air In (Closest To Bathroom)
Fresh Air To Living Room
Central Dehumidistat
Exhaust Air In (Kitchen Area)
Air Exchanger
Exhaust Air Out
Supply Air In
Exterior ducting installation
A well designed and installed ducting system will allow the AEV to operate at its maximum efficiency. Always try to keep duct runs as short and straight as possible.
36" (1m)
Weatherhood location
• Decide where your intake and exhaust hoods will be located.
Locating the Intake Weatherhood
• Should be located upstream (if there are prevailing winds) from the exhaust outlet.
18" (460mm) min.
• At a minimum of 2m (6’) away from dryer vents and furnace exhaust (medium or high efficiency furnaces), driveways, oil fill pipes, gas meters, or garbage containers.
• At a minimum height of 460mm (18’’) above the ground, or above the level of expected snow accumulation.
• At a minimum distance of 1m (3’) from the corner of the building.
• Do not locate in the garage, attic, crawl space, or underneath deck.
Locating the Exhaust Weatherhood
• At least 6’ (2m) from the ventilation air intake
• At least 460mm (18") above ground or above the depth of expected snow accumulation
• At least 1m (3’) away from the corner of the building
• Not near a gas meter, electric meter or a walkway where fog or ice could create a
• Do not locate in a garage, workshop or other unheated space
Installing the ducting to the weatherhoods
The inner liner of the flexible insulated duct must be clamped to the sleeve of the weatherhoods (as close to the outside as possible) and to the appropriate port on the AEV. The insulation should remain full and not be squished. The outer liner, which acts as a vapor barrier must be completly sealed to outer wall and the AEV using tape and or caulking. A good bead of high quality caulking (preferably acoustical sealant) will seal the inner flexible duct to both the AEV port and the weatherhood prior to clamping. To minimize air flow restriction, the flexible insulated duct that connects the two outside weatherhoods to the AEV should be stretched tightly and be as short as possible. Twisting of folding the duct will severely restrict air flow.
See “Installation Diagram Examples” for installation examples.
6' (2m)
36” (1m)
18" (460mm) min.
Steps for hood installation:
1 Using the duct connection of
the outside hood, outline the intake & exhaust holes to be cut. The holes should be slightly larger than the duct connection to allow for the thickness of the insulated flexible duct. Cut a hole for both the intake and exhaust hoods.
2 Pull the insulated flexible duct
through the opening until it is well extended and straight. Slide the duct’s inner vinyl sleeve over the hood duct connection and secure. Pull the insulation over the duct and pull the vapor barrier over the sleeve. Secure with appropriate tape or sealant.
3 Push the hood into the opening
and then attach the hood to the outside wall with mounting screws. Repeat the installation procedure for both the supply and exhaust hoods.
4 Using a caulking gun, seal
around both hoods to prevent any leaks.
Interior ducting installation
Exhaust air ducting
The stale air exhaust system is used to draw air from the points in the house where the worst air quality problems occur. It is recommended that return air ducts be installed in the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room. Additional return air ducts from strategic locations (i.e. greenhouse, atrium, swimming pool, sauna, etc.) may be installed. This method has become popular and provides good ventilation when installed in accordance with the instructions.
For new construction, the rigid ducts are run in the walls.
Choose the loction your Supply and Exhaust grille (metal) or (plastic). The Supply grilles should be located in every habitable room and the Exhaust Grilles should be located in the wet rooms.
A piece of flexible ducting should be placed between the Suppy Air In and Out collar of the AEV and the rigid ducting to absorb any noise or vibrations.
For proper network of ducting, see TYPES OF INSTALLATIONS.
The grilles are to be installed on the ceiling or on the wall 6” (152 mm) to 12” (305 mm) from the ceiling.
Dedicated installation for existing home - non force air heating / cooling system.
1 Begin with the duct collar
marked “Exhaust Air In”. Slide a short piece (12”) of flexible duct over the duct collar. Insert one to two screws through the duct and into the plastic duct collar to secure it into place. Apply sealant or aluminum tape to the edge of the ducting. Run the flexible ducting to the main rigid duct trunk line, which connects to the remainder of the ducts going to and from rooms in the house. Repeat the steps for the “Supply Air Out” on the side of the AEV.
2 Working from a closet, attic or
inside your joist wall, run the length of ducting required for the proper grille location and cut a hole in the gyprock. Fasten the mounting collar (optional) to the ducting and fasten the collar to the wall or ceiling with screws.
3 The grille (metal) or (plastic)
airflow can be adjusted by rotating the inside unit. It is recommended that the grilles be completely opened at first and then adjusted later as needed.
4 Push the grille (metal) or
(plastic) into the optional mounting collar or directly into installed elbow.
AEV installation
• Install the unit close to the outside wall on which the supply and exhaust hoods will be mounted.
• Have a nearby power supply 120 Volts, 60 Hz.
• Have the possibility of mounting the unit to supporting beams.
• Mount the unit as level as possible.
• Have a certain amount of heat around the unit (attic installation is not recommended).
• Minimize any noise level that would be created by the unit in the living area.
• Have access for future maintenance.
The Air Exchanger must be located where it will be possible to conveniently service the unit. Typically the AEV would be located in an area close to the outside wall where the weatherhoods will be mounted. If a basement area is not convenient or does not exist, a utility or laundry room may be used.
Connecting appliances to the AEV is not recommended. These include:
• Clothes dryer
• Range top
• Stovetop fan
• Central vacuum system
These appliances may cause lint, dust or grease to collect in the HRV, damaging the unit.
Connecting any of these types of appliances to the AEV will void your warranty.
1. Although we recommend installing the unit as shown, the flexibility offered by our centrifugal external rotor motor allows for the unit to be installed
in any position.
2. Use screws and mounting bracket supplied with the unit.
Airflow balancing
The balancing procedure consists of measuring the exhaust air leaving the system and the supply air entering the system and ensuring that these two are equal. A deviation of 10% or less is acceptable. In such cases, it is recommended to have a greater amount of exhaust air than supply air as so to increase the supply air’s temperature.
• If the unit’s airflows are not properly balanced...
- The unit may not operate at it’s maximum efficiency.
- The unit’s use could cause negative or positive pressure in your home causing cold air to enter or other combustible equipment to backdraft.
A The duct’s airflow velocity is measured with a magnehelic gauge and a pitot tube. See “Pitot Tube
Balancing Procedure” next page.
B This airflow measuring station reads the airflow by being connected to the ducting.
Pitot Tube
gne h
To avoid airflow turbulence and incorrect readings, the airflow velocity should be measured on steel ducting a minimum of 18” (457 mm) from the unit or elbow and before any transition.
(460 mm)
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