9-Bit Parity Generator/Checker
DM74S280 9-Bit Parity Generator/Checker
August 1986
Revised May 2000
General Description
These universal, nine-bit parity generators/ch eckers utilize
Schottky-clamped TTL hi gh -pe rfo rm anc e ci rcu itry, and feature odd/even outputs to facilitate operation of either odd or
even parity applications. The word-length capability is ea sily expanded by cascading.
The DM74S280 can be used to upgr ade the perfor mance
of most systems utilizing the DM74180 parity generator/
checker. Although the DM74S280 is implemented without
expander inputs, the correspo nding funct ion is provi ded by
the availability of all input at pin 4, and no internal connection at pin 3. This perm its the DM 74S2 80 to be substitut ed
for the 180 in existing designs to produce an identical function, even if DM74S280’s are mixed with existing 180’s.
Input buffers are provided so that each input represents
only one normal 74S lo ad, and full fan-out to 10 normal
Series 74S loads is available fro m each of the outputs at
low logic levels. A fan-out to 20 normal Series 74S loads is
provided at high logic levels, to facilitate connection of
unused inputs to used inputs.
■ Generates either odd or even parity for nine data lines
■ Cascadable for N-bits
■ Can be used to upgrade existing systems using MSI par-
ity circuits
■ Typical data-to-output delay—14 ns
Ordering Code:
Order Number Package Number Package Description
DM74S280M M14A 14-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-120, 0.150 Narrow
DM74S280N N14A 14-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Devices also availab l e in Tape and Reel. Specify by appending th e s uffix let t er “X” to the ordering code.
Connection Diagram Function Table
Number of Inputs Outputs
(A Thru I) that are HIGH ∑ Even ∑ Odd
0, 2, 4, 6, 8 H L
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 L H
© 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS006483 www.fairchildsemi.com

Logic Diagram
Typical Applications
Three DM74S280’s can be used to implement a 25-line
parity generator/checker. This arrangement will provide
parity in typically 25 ns. (See Figure 1.)
Longer word lengths can be implemented by cascading
DM74S280’s. As shown in Figure 2, parity can be gener-
ated for word lengths up to 81 bits in typically 25 ns.
FIGURE 1. 25-Line Parity/Generator Checker
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FIGURE 2. 81-Line Parity/Generator Checker