Helix Quick Guide: Pressure Cook in 1, 2, 3!
To close the lid, place the lid anywhere on
the pressure cooker pot, press the lid down
lightly if needed, turn the handle to the left
2. Set your pressure valve to the desired
pressure setting and turn your heat to high
to build pressure.
3. After the cooking time is done, release
pressure using the automatic release (turn the
valve to the steam position ( ) while
keeping a safe distance) or natural release
(allow the pressure inside the cooker to
dissipate). After the pressure indicator goes
down and all the pressure is released from the
cooker, you can carefully unlock the lid and
open away from you.
Before using this Quick Guide, please review the Important Safeguards and Manufacturer Recommendations in the user manual provided.
1. Unlock the pressure cooker by turning
the the knob to the right (clockwise).
To clean the Pressure Cooker, remove the
pressure valve by turning it to the clean icon
( ) and lift. Hand wash the gasket and lid.
The pot is dishwasher safe.
Shop online for replacement
parts and accessories
Place all the ingredients in the pot, do not
to fill the pot more than 2/3 full.
Once the pressure indicator rises and steam
starts to come out of the top handle, pressure
has been reached. Lower the heat to medium
to maintain pressure and start your timer.
NOTE: For electric stove users, start on
medium heat burner and once pressure has
been achieved, you can carefully move the
pressure cooker to the low heat burner and
start timing your recipe.