fagor 8070 User Manual


Error solving manual

(Ref: 1308)
It is up to the machine manufacturer to make sure that the safety of the machine is enabled in order to prevent personal injury and damage to the CNC or to the products connected to it. On start-up and while validating CNC parameters, it checks the status of the following safety elements. If any of them is disabled, the CNC shows a warning message.
• Feedback alarm for analog axes.
• Software limits for analog and sercos linear axes.
• Following error monitoring for analog and sercos axes (except the spindle) both at the CNC and at the drives.
• Tendency test on analog axes.
FAGOR AUTOMATION shall not be held responsible for any personal injuries or physical damage caused or suffered by the CNC resulting from any of the safety elements being disabled.
FAGOR AUTOMATION shall not be held responsible for any personal injuries or physical damage caused or suffered by the CNC resulting from any hardware manipulation by personnel unauthorized by Fagor Automation.
If the CNC hardware is modified by personnel unauthorized by Fagor Automation, it will no longer be under warranty.
FAGOR AUTOMATION guarantees that the software installed contains no computer viruses. It is up to the user to keep the unit virus free in order to guarantee its proper operation.
Computer viruses at the CNC may cause it to malfunction. An antivirus software is highly recommended if the CNC is connected directly to another PC, it is part of a computer network or floppy disks or other computer media is used to transmit data.
FAGOR AUTOMATION shall not be held responsible for any personal injuries or physical damage caused or suffered by the CNC due a computer virus in the system.
If a computer virus is found in the system, the unit will no longer be under warranty.
All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be transmitted, transcribed, stored in a backup device or translated into another language without Fagor Automation’s consent. Unauthorized copying or distributing of this software is prohibited.
The information described in this manual may be changed due to technical modifications. Fagor Automation reserves the right to make any changes to the contents of this manual without prior notice.
All the trade marks appearing in the manual belong to the corresponding owners. The use of these marks by third parties for their own purpose could violate the rights of the owners.
It is possible that CNC can execute more functions than those described in its associated documentation; however, Fagor Automation does not guarantee the validity of those applications. Therefore, except under the express permission from Fagor Automation, any CNC application that is not described in the documentation must be considered as "impossible". In any case, Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any personal injuries or physical damage caused or suffered by the CNC if it is used in any way other than as explained in the related documentation.
The content of this manual and its validity for the product described here has been verified. Even so, involuntary errors are possible, thus no absolute match is guaranteed. Anyway, the contents of the manual is periodically checked making and including the necessary corrections in a future edition. We appreciate your suggestions for improvement.
The examples described in this manual are for learning purposes. Before using them in industrial applications, they must be properly adapted making sure that the safety regulations are fully met.
Error solving manual


Tool and tool magazine table ..................................................178
Profile editor..............................................................................180
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual


DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Software or hardware errors that cause corrupt data and/or incoherent results. SOLUTION This type of errors usually force the CNC output. If the error persists, contact your
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Warning of internal situations that could become system errors. SOLUTION Usually the CNC is restored by closing the warning. If the error persists, contact your
0003 'Error when requesting memory. Restart Windows & CNC'
DETECTION During CNC startup. CAUSE The CNC does not have enough memory or the memory is too fragmented. SOLUTION Restart the unit and re-initiate the CNC. If the memory is too fragmented, when
starting the unit up and re-initia te the CNC, the error will disappear. If the error persists after powering up several times, contact your supplier.
0004 'Checksum error in PLC data'
DETECTION During CNC startup. CAUSE The PLC data related to marks, counters, timers and registers saved into a disk is
not valid. The plcdata.bin file that contains these data does not exist, is not accessible
or is corrupt. CONSEQUENCE The PLC data related to marks, counters, timers and registers is lost. SOLUTION If the error persists after powering the CNC up several times, contact your supplier.
0005 'The CNC was not turned off properly, it must be homed'
DETECTION During CNC startup. CAUSE The CNC data related to coordinates, zero offsets, etc. that are saved into the disk
is not valid. The orgdata.tab file that contains these data does not exist, is not
accessible or is corrupt. CONSEQUENCE The CNC data related to coordinates, zero offsets, parts counter, kinematics, etc. are
lost. SOLUTION If the error persists after powering the CNC up several times, contact your supplier.
0006 'Preparation takes longer than half the cycle time.
DETECTION On CNC startup or during execution. CAUSE Data preparation at the CNC per PLC cycle takes too long. CONSEQUENCE The PREPFREQ parameter does not have the desired effect. SOLUTION Decrease the value of the PREPFREQ parameter of the channel.
0007 'To complete the reset, restart the CNC.
DETECTION After a CNC reset. CAUSE The user has reset the CNC twice in a row and none of them has ended correctly. SOLUTION Restart the CNC. If the user presses the [RESET] key for the third time, the CNC
application shuts down.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
0008 'The key has been rejected.
DETECTION On CNC startup or during execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected that two incompatible keys have been pressed at the same
time. The [START] key, the spindle start keys and the key for spindle orientation must always be pressed alone; if they are pressed at the same time, they are both canceled.
SOLUTION If it has been by mistake, ignore the error. If the error persists or it comes up during
start-up, verify that no keys are pressed (stuck) on the keyboard. If the error persists after powering the CNC up several times, contact your supplier.
0010 'Error when testing the RAM with battery'
DETECTION During CNC startup. CAUSE The start-up test has detected a checksum error in the data of the NVRAM and,
therefore, a failure in it.
CONSEQUENCE The saved data may not be correct (related to coordinates, zero offsets, parts counter,
kinematics, etc.).
SOLUTION If the error persists after powering the CNC up several times, contact your supplier.
0011 'Checksum error in block search data'
DETECTION During CNC startup. CAUSE Checksum error in the data required to execute an automatic block search. CONSEQUENCE An automatic block search cannot be executed. SOLUTION If the error persists after powering the CNC up several times, contact your supplier.
0020 'Wrong access to a variable'
DETECTION On CNC startup or when changing pages. CAUSE The CNC is accessing an interface variable that does not exist. SOLUTION Contact the machine manufacturer or the person who designed the interface screens
to remove or correct the access to the variable.
0022 'Variable that may be modified during setup'
DETECTION When defining variables during setup. CAUSE A variable has been defined in the setup environment that is not admitted. SOLUTION Refer to the operating manual for the list of variables that are admitted.
0023 'The program must be stopped before initiating the trace for the first time.
DETECTION When starting a trace at the oscilloscope. CAUSE It is the first time that the oscilloscope starts a trace and there is a program in
execution. The trace uses drive variables that either are not in the machine parameters table or are in that table but are asynchronous.
SOLUTION Stop the program in execution.
0024 'Error when initiating the trace'
DETECTION When starting a trace at the oscilloscope. CAUSE There are no variables defined in the channels of the oscilloscope, there are more
than two Sercos variables of the same drive or the syntax of one of the variables is wrong.
SOLUTION Check the variables defined in the channels of the oscilloscope. The oscilloscope can
only access two Sercos variables of each drive.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
0025 'Error when registering PLC defines'
DETECTION When registering the variables associated with the external PDEF symbols defined
in the PLC program.
CAUSE The plc_prg.sym that contains the necessary information to create the variables
associated with the external PDEF symbols is corrupt.
SOLUTION Delete the plc_prg.sym file and compile the PLC program to create this file again. If
the error persists, contact your supplier.
0026 'Variable not allowed in the oscilloscope environment'
DETECTION When defining variables defined in a channel of the oscilloscope. CAUSE The variable assigned to the channel of the oscilloscope is a simulation,
asynchronous variable or is a string.
SOLUTION Refer to the operating manual for the list of variables that are admitted.
Error solving manual
0040 'M before-before or Before-After with subroutine does not admit movements in the block'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE In the M functions table, there is a function with associated subroutine and Before-
Before or Before-After synchronization type. SOLUTION The CNC always executes the subroutine associated with an M function at the end
of the block where the function has been programmed. Define the M function without
synchronization or with After-After synchronization.
0041 'Duplicate M in the table'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There is a duplicate function in the M functions table. SOLUTION Correct the definition of the functions. The table cannot have two M functions with
the same number.
0042 'Wrong machine parameter value'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The machine parameter has the wrong value. SOLUTION Set the machine parameter with a value within the admitted limits. The error window
shows which is the wrong parameter and the maximum and minimum value admitted.
0043 'Restart the CNC to assume the new value'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The user has changed a machine parameter and the CNC application must be
restarted in order to assume its new value. SOLUTION Restart the CNC.
0044 'Wrong axis name or undefined axis name'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The machine parameter is not defined or it has the wrong axis name. SOLUTION Correct the machine parameters. The valid axis names are the ones defined in
parameter AXISNAME.
In parameter AXISNAME, the axis name must be defined by 1 or 2 characters. The
first character must be one of the letters X - Y - Z - U - V - W - A - B - C. The second
character is optional and will be a numerical suffix between 1 and 9. This way, the
name of the spindles may be within the range X, X1…X9,...C, C1…C9.
0045 'Wrong spindle name'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The user has defined the machine parameter with the wrong spindle name. SOLUTION Correct the machine parameters. The valid spindle names are the ones defined in
parameter SPDLNAME.
In parameter SPDLNAME, the spindle name must be defined by 1 or 2 characters.
The first character must be the letter S. The second character is optional and will be
a numerical suffix between 1 and 9. This way, the name of the spindles may be within
the range S, S1 ... S9.
0046 'Nonexistent axis'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The user has set a machine parameter that represents the name of an axis with a
name that does not exist in parameter AXISNAME. SOLUTION Correct the machine parameters. The valid axis names are the ones defined in
parameter AXISNAME.
0047 'A main axis cannot be defined as slave'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The slave axis of a gantry axis is the master of another gantry axis. SOLUTION Correct the gantry axes table. The master axis of a gantry axis cannot be the slave
of another gantry axis.
0048 'An axis cannot be a slave of several masters'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The slave axis of a gantry axis is already defined as the slave axis in another gantry
axis. SOLUTION Correct the gantry axes table. An axis cannot be the slave of several masters.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
0049 'A master axis cannot be a slave and vice versa'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The master axis of a gantry axis is the slave of another gantry axis or vice versa. SOLUTION Correct the gantry axes table. The master axis of a gantry axis cannot be the slave
of another gantry axis or vice versa.
0050 'The master and slave axes must be of the same type (AXISTYPE)'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Both axes of a gantry pair are not of the same type; linear or rotary. SOLUTION The axes of a gantry pair must be of the same type, linear or rotary (parameter
AXISTYPE). Check the gantry axes table and/or the AXISTYPE parameter of both axes.
0051 'The master and slave axes must have certain parameters with the same value'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The two axes of a gantry axis do not have the same properties. SOLUTION Check the gantry axes table and/or the following machine parameters of the axes.
• The linear axes must have parameters AXISMODE, FACEAXIS and LONGAXIS set the same way.
• The rotary axes must have parameters AXISMODE, SHORTESTWAY and CAXIS set the same way.
0052 'Module difference too small'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The difference between machine parameters MODUPLIM and MODLOWLIM is
lower than the resolution of the axis.
SOLUTION Check the resolution of the axis; if correct, increase MODUPLIM or decrease
CNC 8070
0053 'Parameter MGPAXIS repeated in several handwheels'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There are two or more handwheels assigned to the same axis in the Jog table
SOLUTION One axis can only have one handwheel assigned to it.
0054 'The MOVAXIS and COMPAXIS axis must be different'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE In one of the cross compensation tables, the compensated axis and the axis whose
movement affects the compensated axis are the same.
SOLUTION The two axes of each cross compensation table must be different (parameters
0055 'The same axis is causing and suffering the cross compensation error'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE In the cross compensation tables, checking the different associations of
compensated (affected) axes (parameter COMPAXIS) and those (parameter MOVAXIS) whose movements affect the other ones, there is an axis whose movement is affected by itself.
SOLUTION Check the relationship between the defined cross compensations. Check parameters
MOVAXIS and COMPAXIS of the defined cross compensations.
0056 'Compensation table positions not in ascending order'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE In the compensation tables, the points to be compensated are not ordered correctly
or the value to compensate in all the points have a zero value.
SOLUTION The POSITION parameter within the compensation tables must have ascending
values. The value to compensate cannot be zero in all the points.
(REF: 1308)
0057 'Compensation table with error slope greater than 1'
DETECTION While validating the machine parameters (leadscrew error compensation table) CAUSE In the leadscrew compensation tables, the difference between two consecutive errors
is greater than the gap between those points.
SOLUTION The error slope in leadscrew compensation tables cannot be greater than 1. Increase
the gap between points; if this is not possible, the error entered for the leadscrew is so large that cannot be compensated for.
Error solving manual
0058 'The CNC must be restarted too assume the changes in the HMI table,'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The CNC application must be restarted in order to assume the changes made to the
HMI table.
SOLUTION Restart the CNC.
0059 'The CNC must be restarted too assume the changes in the tool magazine table,'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The CNC application must be restarted in order to assume the changes made to the
tool magazine table.
SOLUTION Restart the CNC.
0060 'The maximum jogging feedrate exceeds the maximum feedrate set for the axis'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Parameter MAXMANFEED is greater than G00FEED. SOLUTION Decrease the value of parameter MAXMANFEED; it must be lower than G00FEED.
0061 'The manual rapid feedrate exceeds the maximum feedrate set for the axis'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Parameter JOGRAPFEED is greater than G00FEED. SOLUTION Decrease the value of parameter JOGRAPFEED; it must be lower than G00FEED.
0062 'The continuous Jog feedrate exceeds the maximum feedrate set for the axis'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Parameter JOGFEED is greater than G00FEED. SOLUTION Decrease the value of parameter JOGFEED; it must be lower than G00FEED.
0063 'The incremental jog feedrate exceeds the maximum feedrate set for the axis'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Parameter INCJOGFEED is greater than G00FEED. SOLUTION Decrease the value of parameter INCJOGFEED; it must be lower than G00FEED.
0064 'The master and slave axes must have the same I0TYPE'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The Io types of both gantry axes are not the same. SOLUTION Both axes must have the same type of reference mark (parameter I0TYPE).
0065 'A Hirth axis cannot be Gantry"
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE 'A hirth axis cannot be part of the gantry axis' SOLUTION 'The axis cannot be a hirth axis (parameter HIRTH). Use another type of axis to make
the gantry axis.
0066 'A Gantry axis cannot have REFSHIFT'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE One of the axes making up the gantry axis has parameter REFSHIFT set to a value
other than zero in some set of parameters.
SOLUTION Set parameter REFSHIFT all the sets to 0.
0067 'A Gantry axis cannot be unidirectional'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE A unidirectional rotary axis cannot be part of the gantry axis. SOLUTION The axis cannot be unidirectional (parameter UNIDIR). Use another type of axis to
make the gantry axis.
CNC 8070
0068 'Gantry/Tandem axes: the slave cannot go before the master in AXISNAME'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The slave axis is defined before the master axis in the axis name assigning tables
(parameter AXISNAME).
SOLUTION In the table, define the master axis before the slave axis or swap the master and slave
axes in the gantry or tandem pair.
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
0069 'Gantry axes: The slave cannot have DECINPUT (home switch) if the master does not
have one'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The slave axis of a gantry axis has a home switch but the master axis doesn't. SOLUTION In a gantry axis, there may be a home switch on the master axis, on both axes or on
none (parameter DECINPUT).
0070 'Gantry/Tandem axes: LIMIT+ and LIMIT- must be the same for the master and the slave '
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE In a gantry or tandem pair, the software travel limits are different on the two axes. SOLUTION Set both axes with the same software travel limits (parameters LIMIT+ and LIMIT-).
0071 'Following error monitoring is not active at the CNC'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE In some set of parameters, following error monitoring is not active. This situation can
only be allowed during setup; once setup is completed, this watch must be enabled.
SOLUTION Activate the following error monitoring in all sets of parameters (parameter
0072 'Feedback alarm not activated'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE In some set of parameters of an analog axis or spindle, the feedback alarm is not
activated. This situation can only be allowed during setup; once setup is completed, this watch must be enabled.
SOLUTION Activate the feedback alarm in all the sets of the analog axes and spindles (parameter
0073 'Software travel limits not activated'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The software travel limits of some axis are not activated. Both LIMIT+ and LIMIT-
parameters of the axis are set to 0.
SOLUTION Set the software travel limits of all the axes (parameters LIMIT+ and LIMIT).
0074 'Tendency test not activated'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The tendency test of some axis or spindle is not activated. This situation should only
be allowed during setup; once the setup is completed, the tendency test must be activated.
SOLUTION Activate the tendency test for the axes and spindles (parameter TENDENCY).
0075 'Wrong I/O configuration table'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Parameters NDIMOD and NDOMOD must be the same as the number of inputs and
outputs detected by hardware.
SOLUTION Correct parameters NDIMOD and NDOMOD.
0076 'The sum of axes or spindles per channel exceeds the total number of axes or spindles'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The value of parameter CHNAXIS is higher than the value of parameter NAXIS or
the value of parameter CHNSPDL is higher than the value of NSPDL.
SOLUTION Correct the machine parameters.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
0077 'Axis or spindle assigned to more than one channel'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There is an axis or spindle assigned to several channels. SOLUTION Correct machine parameters CHAXISNAME and CHSPDLNAME n all the channels.
An axis or spindle can only belong to a channel or to none of them.
0078 'The master and slave axes must belong to the same channel'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Some gantry axis is formed by axes of different channels. SOLUTION Both axes of a gantry axis must belong to the same channel.
Error solving manual
0079 'A slave gantry axis cannot be parked'
DETECTION On CNC power-up or when validating the machine parameters. CAUSE The CNC has detected that the slave axis of a gantry pair is parked; the PARKED
signal of the slave axis is active.
SOLUTION Unpark the axis or cancel the gantry axis.
0080 'To validate the axis, you must validate the GENERAL PARAMETERS table'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The user has added an axis to the system (parameter NAXIS) and, without validating
the general parameters table, has tried to validate the parameter table of one of the new axes.
SOLUTION Validate the general parameter table before validating the parameters of the axis.
0081 'The in-position zone cannot be smaller than the resolution of the axis'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE 'The in-position zone is smaller than the resolution of the axis. SOLUTION Increase the in-position zone of the axis (parameter INPOSW).
0082 'Impossible leadscrew error or cross compensation table for all the ranges of the axis'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE In a compensation, the moving axis (parameter MOVAXIS) is rotary and it doesn't
have the same module limits in all the parameter sets.
SOLUTION Assign the same module limits (parameters MODUPLIM and MODLOWLIM) in all the
parameter sets.
0083 'The master and slave axes must be of the same type (DRIVETYPE)'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The two axes of a gantry axis have different types of drives; analog or Sercos or
SOLUTION The axes of a gantry pair must have the same type of drive (parameter DRIVETYPE).
0084 'An axis or spindle that cannot be swapped cannot be left unassigned to a channel'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There is an axis or spindle without swapping permission that is not assigned to any
SOLUTION The axes or spindles that cannot be swapped (parameter AXISEXCH) must
necessarily be assigned to one channel.
0085 'There is no digital axis (sercos/Mechatrolink)'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The OEM parameters table contains drive variables (DRV) but there are no digital
axes in the system (Sercos or Mechatrolink).
SOLUTION Eliminate the defined drive variables (DRV) or define the right digital axes.
0086 'It is not a digital axis (Sercos/Mechatrolink)'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There is a drive variable (DRV) for an axis that is not digital (Sercos/Mechatrolink). SOLUTION Eliminate the variable of that axis.
0087 'Too many DRV variables'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There are too many drive variables (DRV) defined in the OEM parameters table. SOLUTION The OEM parameters table can have up to 100 drive variables.
0088 'Trace of internal variables activated'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The CNC is executing the trace of an internal variable. SOLUTION Contact Fagor.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
0089 'It starts up with a single channel due to errors detected in machine parameters'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Errors or warnings have come up while validating machine parameters related to the
axes or spindles of a channel. For example, a channel has an axis associated with it, but it is not on the list of the system axes.
SOLUTION Being impossible to start up with the user configuration, the CNC starts up with the
default configuration. Correct the machine parameter settings to eliminate the rest of errors and warnings. This warning is removed without having to change parameter NCHANNEL (number of channels).
0090 'It starts up with the default axis configuration due to errors in machine parameters'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE Errors or warnings have come up while validating machine parameters related to the
axes or spindles of a channel. For example, the number of axes in the system is higher than the number of axes defined in parameter AXISNAME.
SOLUTION Being impossible to start up with the user configuration, the CNC starts up with the
default configuration. Correct the machine parameter settings to eliminate the rest of errors and warnings.
0091 'DRV variables having the same identifier (ID) cannot have different mnemonic'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There are drive variables (DRV) in the OEM machine parameters with the same
Sercos identifier (ID) and different mnemonic.
SOLUTION DRV variables with the same identifier must have the same mnemonic.
0092 'DRV variables having the same identifier (ID) cannot have different MODE or TYPE'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There are drive variables (DRV) in the OEM machine parameters with the same
identifier (ID) and different access type (synchronous or asynchronous) or different access mode (read or write).
SOLUTION DRV variables with the same identifier must have the same type of access (parameter
TYPE) and the same access mode (parameter MODE).
0093 'DRV variables having the same name (MNEMONIC) cannot have different ID, MODE or
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There are drive variables in the OEM machine parameters with the same mnemonic
and different Sercos identifier (ID), different access type (synchronous or asynchronous) or different access mode (read or write).
SOLUTION The DRV variables with the same mnemonic must have the same Sercos identifier
(parameter ID), the same type of access (parameter TYPE) and the same access mode (parameter MODE).
0094 'Some channel must have parameter HIDDENCH = No'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE All the channels of the system are defined as hidden. SOLUTION The CNC does not allow all the channels of the system to be hidden; some of them
must be visible (parameter HIDDENCH).
0095 'An axis cannot be MASTERAXIS of several Gantry pairs'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There are two gantry axes with the same master axis. SOLUTION Correct the configuration of the gantry axes.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
0096 'A tandem axis must be velocity-Sercos'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE An axis of a tandem axis is not velocity-Sercos. SOLUTION Both axes of a tandem axis must be velocity-Sercos.
Error solving manual
0097 'Tandem/gantry pair eliminated because they were preceded by an empty pair'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The gantry or tandem pairs of axes do not occupy consecutive positions in their
tables; there is an empty space or undefined position in one of them.
SOLUTION Gantry or tandem pairs of axes must occupy consecutive positions in the tables. If
there is an empty space in the table, i.e. an unassigned position, the CNC cancels the pairs defined behind it.
0098 'The AXISEXCH parameter of the master and slave axes have been set differently'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE There is a gantry o tandem pair whose master and slave axes have parameter
AXISEXCH set differently.
SOLUTION Assign the same value to parameter AXISEXCH of both axes.
0099 'The value of PROBEFEED is too high to brake applying DECEL and JERK'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The maximum probing feedrate (parameter PROBEFEED) is higher than the feedrate
needed to brake within the distance set by PROBERANGE with the acceleration and jerk values of the axis.
SOLUTION The value of this parameter must be smaller than the feedrate needed to brake within
the distance set by PROBERANGE with the acceleration and jerk values of the axis. The warning window shows the maximum feedrate that may be reached.
0100 'Too many variables waiting to be reported'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The number of variables modified at the CNC that must be reported to the interface
exceeds the maximum admitted.
SOLUTION If the error persists, contact your supplier.
0104 'Communication time out'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC does not end successfully the reading / writing of an external variable. SOLUTION If the error persists, contact your supplier.
0105 'Parameters cannot be validated while executing a program'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The user has tried to validate a machine parameter table while a part-program is in
execution or interrupted.
SOLUTION Wait for the program execution to finish or cancel the program execution in all the
0106 'Parameters cannot be validated Spindle or axis moving'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The user has tried to validate a machine parameter table while a spindle or an axis
is moving. An axis may be moving as a result of a command of independent axis.
SOLUTION Stop the axis or spindle movement.
0107 'Error when registering DRV variables'
DETECTION During the validation of the machine parameters. CAUSE The CNC has generated an error when trying to register the variables defined in the
OEM parameters table.
SOLUTION Contact Fagor.
0108 'Oscillo: The sampling time cannot be readjusted with the new LOOPTIME'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The user has used the oscilloscope without validating a trace, has modified
parameter LOOPTIME and has validated the machine parameters.
SOLUTION The warning will no longer be displayed when the user executes a trace at the
oscilloscope. Setting the sampling period of a trace of the oscilloscope depends on parameter LOOPTIME. In order for the CNC to be able to set this, it must have a validated trace of the oscilloscope; i.e. the trace must have been executed at least once.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
0109 'Parameters cannot be validated: spindle in synchronization'
DETECTION On CNC power-up or when validating the machine parameters or when compiling the
PLC program.
CAUSE The CNC does not admit this type of actions with active synchronized spindles
because they require a system reset.
SOLUTION The parameters must be validated or the PLC program must be compiled before
synchronizing the spindles or the spindles must be momentarily de-synchronized in order to carry out the desired action.
0110 'The user kinematics could not be loaded'
DETECTION During CNC startup. CAUSE The CNC does not show the file \windows\system32\drivers\kinematic.sys. SOLUTION Checks that no errors come up when doing the make of the user kinematics and that
the kinematic.sys driver is generated correctly.
0111 'Error when initializing user kinematics data'
DETECTION During CNC startup. CAUSE Error in the function for initializing and loading the user kinematics data
(UserTransforDataInit) implemented in the file Kin_iniData.c.
SOLUTION Check and correct the possible reasons why this function generates an error.
0112 'Error when initializing user kinematics'
DETECTION When activating a user kinematics. CAUSE Error in the function for initializing the kinematics (UserTransforInit) implemented in
the file Kin_impl.c.
SOLUTION Check and correct the possible reasons why this function generates an error.
CNC 8070
0113 'Error when initializing user kinematics parameters'
DETECTION When activating a user kinematics. CAUSE Error in the function for initializing the kinematics (UserTransforParamInit)
implemented in the file Kin_impl.c.
SOLUTION Check and correct the possible reasons why this function generates an error.
0150 'Too many open files'
DETECTION While executing a part-program with global subroutines. CAUSE The number of open files (main program plus external subroutines) is greater than 20. SOLUTION Decrease the number of external subroutines open in the part-program at the same
0151 'Writing access denied'
DETECTION When accessing a file. CAUSE The CNC has tried to write in a file that does not have a writing permission. SOLUTION Give the file writing permission.
0152 'The file cannot be opened'
DETECTION When accessing a file. CAUSE The CNC could not open a file for reading or writing. The file does not have the proper
permissions, is not accessible or is corrupt.
SOLUTION Check that the file exists and that it has the proper permissions for the action to be
carried out (read/write). If the file is corrupt, its data has been lost.
0153 'Reading access denied'
DETECTION When accessing a file. CAUSE The CNC has tried to read a file that does not have a reading permission. SOLUTION Give the file reading permission.
(REF: 1308)
0154 Protected program or routine'
DETECTION When accessing a file. CAUSE The CNC has tried to read an encrypted file without having permission to read. SOLUTION Contact the manufacturer of the machine to obtain the file encrypting codes.
Error solving manual
0160 'Axis/Set not available in the system'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The possible causes are:
• The instruction #SET AX or #CALL AX is trying to add to a channel an axis that does not exist or is in another channel.
• A parameter set that does not exist has been programmed in function G112.
SOLUTION Check the program. If the axis is in another channel, release it with the instruction
0165 'RT IT Overflow'
DETECTION During CNC operation. CAUSE The real time interruptions exceed the allowed amount of time. Some possible causes
may be the installation of some device, driver or application that is incompatible with the CNC.
SOLUTION If the error comes up often, it may be necessary to adjust the parameter LOOPTIME.
Analyze the cases where the error occurs and contact your supplier.
0166 'Jerk limit overshoot'
DETECTION During the execution of a part-program. CAUSE The axis is exceeding its jerk limit. SOLUTION Analyze the cases where it occurs and contact your machine manufacturer.
0167 'No RT IT'
DETECTION During CNC operation. CAUSE The real time interruption does not kick in. SOLUTION Restart the CNC. If the error persists, contact your supplier.
0168 'LR Overflow'
DETECTION During CNC operation. CAUSE The position loop time of the Sercos axes exceeds the time allowed. SOLUTION Adjust parameter LOOPTIME.
0169 'Safety temperature exceeded'
DETECTION During CNC operation. CAUSE Unit integrity is at risk The CNC checks every minute the unit temperature; if in three
samples in a row the temperature exceeds 60 ºC (140 ºF), the CNC issues this warning and activates the OVERTEMP mark. The temperature increase may be due to a failure in the hardware cooling system or to excessive room temperature. This warning shows the current temperature.
SOLUTION Respect the dimensions recommended for the enclosure minimum distance
recommended between the enclosure walls and the central unit. If necessary, install fans for cooling the enclosure. If the error persists, turn the CNC off and contact the Service Department.
0170 'Low battery voltage'
DETECTION During CNC power-up or after a reset. CAUSE The CNC checks the battery voltage on start-up and at each reset. The battery is
discharged; its useful life cycle has ended.
SOLUTION Contact the manufacturer to replace the battery. When the CNC is turned off, the
battery keeps the necessary data for the CNC (for example, the position values).
0171 'LOOPTIME overflow'
DETECTION In CNCREADY conditions. CAUSE The real time interruptions exceed the allowed amount of time. SOLUTION If the error comes up often, it may be necessary to adjust the parameter LOOPTIME.
Analyze the cases where it occurs and contact your machine manufacturer.
CNC 8070
0172 'CPU fan stopped'
DETECTION During CNC operation. CAUSE Unit over-temperature risk The CNC has detected that the CPU fan is stopped.
When the CPU has a fan, during regular operation of the CNC, it monitors and verifies that the fan is running. This test is run every minute, same as the temperature watch.
SOLUTION If the error persists, contact the Service Department.
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
0173 '[Start] not allowed due to safety over-temperature'
DETECTION During CNC operation. CAUSE Every time [START] is pressed, the CNC checks that the room temperature does not
exceed 65 ºC (149 ºF) and, if it does, inhibits the [START] while the error occurs. This error shows the current temperature.
SOLUTION If the error persists, turn the CNC off and contact the Service Department.
0200 'Failure when requesting a VxD'
DETECTION When reading the battery status. CAUSE The CNC cannot be connected with VcompciD. SOLUTION Contact your supplier.
0201 'Mains failure. PC powered by a battery'
DETECTION When reading the battery status. CAUSE There has been a CNC power failure and the emergency battery is powering the CNC. SOLUTION Whether the mains failure is fortuitous or caused by the operator, let the CNC finish
its shut-down sequence. If the mains failure has been fortuitous, check the possible causes.
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(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual


1000 'The function of instruction requires programming the axes'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The axes affected by the programmed instruction or G function have not been
SOLUTION Check the program.
1004 'Zero spindle speed'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The speed of the spindle used with function G63 is zero. SOLUTION Program a spindle speed.
1005 'Motion block with zero feed'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE No feedrate is active in the channel. SOLUTION Program the feedrate F.
1006 'G20: spindle not allowed'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Function G20 does not allow programming the spindle. SOLUTION Check the program.
1007 'The programmed function requires a nonexistent main axis'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The programmed function needs one or two main axes and they are missing in the
SOLUTION Check the program. Following functions G11, G12, G13 and G14 require one of the
two axes of the main plane. Functions G2, G3, G8, G9, G30, G36, G37, G38, G39, G73 require both axes of the main plane. Both axes of the main plane are also needed to activate collision detection (#CD) and for function G20 when collision detection is active.
1008 'Coordinates out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The possible causes are:
• The coordinate programmed for the axis is too large.
• Function G101 tries to include an offset too large in the axis.
SOLUTION Check the program.
1009 'G4: the dwell has been programmed twice, directly and using K'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The dwell has been programmed twice in the G4 function and in the same block,
directly with a number and with parameter K.
SOLUTION Program the dwell function G4 only once.
1010 'Program G4 K'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The dwell time has not been programmed in function G4. SOLUTION Program G4 as G4 <time> or G4K<time>, where <time> is the dwell time in seconds.
In both cases, the dwell must be programmed after G4.
1011 'G4: dwell out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The dwell time programmed in function G4 is too long. SOLUTION The maximum value allowed for the dwell is 2147483646.
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1012 'G4: the dwell cannot be programmed using K'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The letter K is associated with the third axis of the channel and in this case there is
no third axis.
SOLUTION If a third axis is not desired in the channel, the dwell may be programmed directly with
a number.
1013 'G4: the dwell cannot be negative'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The dwell time programmed in function G4 is negative. SOLUTION Program a value equal to or greater than 0.
1014 'It is no t possible to program in diameters with mirror image on the face axis'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The face axis (parameter FACEAXIS) cannot have both the mirror image and
programming in diameters active at the same time.
SOLUTION Check the program.
1015 'Center coordinates out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE One of the I, J, K values is too high for the center of the circular interpolation or for
the center of rotation of the coordinate system.
SOLUTION Program a smaller value.
1016 'Negative values cannot be used when programming an axis in diameters'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Negative coordinates cannot be programmed in absolute coordinates (G90) while
programming in diameters is active (parameter DIAMPROG).
SOLUTION Programming in absolute coordinates and diameters does not admit negative
1017 'G198: negative software limit out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The value of the negative software limit is too high. SOLUTION Check the program.
1018 'G199: positive software limit out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The value of the positive software limit is too high. SOLUTION Check the program.
1019 'No measurement has been taken on the requested axis (axes)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Function G101 tries to include a measuring offset in an axis that was not involved in
the measurement or the offset has been canceled (G102).
SOLUTION To include a measuring offset (G101), the axis must have carried out a measurement.
1020 'Negative ramp time'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The ramp time of function G132 is negative. SOLUTION Program a value equal to or greater than 0.
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(REF: 1308)
1021 'Ramp time out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The ramp time of function G132 is too long. SOLUTION Check the program.
1022 'Percentage of Feed-Forward out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The percentage of feed forward (G134) or AC forward (G135) is too high. SOLUTION The percentage of feed forward or AC forward must be greater than zero and smaller
than 120.
Error solving manual
1023 'Wrong set number
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The set number of the axis is wrong. SOLUTION The set programmed for the axis must be greater than zero and smaller than or equal
to machine parameter NPARSETS of the axis.
1024 'Set number out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The set number of the axis is too high. .SOLUTION The set programmed for the axis must be greater than zero and smaller than or equal
to machine parameter NPARSETS of the axis.
1025 'Programmed distance equal to zero'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Null movement in the G63 block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1026 'Wrong circular path with the programmed radius'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The radius for the circular interpolation is too small. SOLUTION Check the program.
1027 'The starting point and the end point of the circular path are the same (infinite solutions)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Zero radius for the circular interpolation; there are infinite solutions. SOLUTION Check the program.
1028 'The difference between the programmed center and the calculated one is too large'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE In a circular interpolation with function 265 active, the difference between the initial
radius and the final one exceeds the values of machine parameters CIRINERR and CIRINFACT.
SOLUTION Check the program.
1029 'Zero radius on circular path'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The possible causes are:
• Zero radius in a circular interpolation.
• Being function G265 active, the CNC calculates a zero radius based on the center coordinates programmed in the circular interpolation.
• Function G264 being active, both center coordinates are zero.
SOLUTION The radius of a circular interpolation cannot be zero. Both coordinates of the center
of a circular interpolation cannot be zero.
1030 '#AXIS programmed without G200/G201/202'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE G200, G201 or G202 are missing in the block of the #AXIS instruction. SOLUTION Check the program.
1031 '#AXIS expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The #AXIS instruction is missing in the block of function G201. SOLUTION Check the program.
1032 'Spindle position missing for M19'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The spindle position is missing in the block of function M19. SOLUTION Check the program.
1035 '#SLOPE: parameter out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The value of some parameter of the #SLOPE instruction is too high. SOLUTION Program smaller values.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
1037 'Center coordinates ignored with G0/G1/G100/G63 active'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has found parameters I, J, K with function G0, G1, G100 or G63 active. The
CNC ignores these parameters.
SOLUTION These functions do not need these parameters.
1038 'Radius compensation cannot be active while measuring'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC tries to execute G100 while tool radius compensation is active (G41/G42). SOLUTION Check the program.
1039 'There is a previous measurement value for the axis (axes)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC tries to carry out a measurement (G100) on an axis that has a previous
measuring offset.
SOLUTION Use function G102 to cancel the measuring offset included in the axis.
1040 'Home search not allowed on an axis in G201'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC cannot be home an axis that is in additive manual mode (G201). SOLUTION Use function G202 to cancel the additive manual mode of the axis in order to home
it. After the home search, activate the additive manual mode (G201) again.
1041 'Corrected circular path center out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE In a circular interpolation programmed either with a radius and the coordinates of the
end point or with the coordinates of the middle point, end point and having function G265 active.
The coordinates of the center of the inter polation calculated by the CNC are too large. The coordinates programmed for the center, middle point or the radius are too large.
SOLUTION Check the program.
1043 'The third axis of the plane cannot be the same as the first or the second one'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Parameter 5 of function G20 (plane change) is the same as 1 or 2. SOLUTION If the longitudinal axis of the tool (parameter 3) is the same as the first or second axis
of the plane (parameters 1 and 2), the third axis must be programmed with parameter
5. This parameter must not coincide with the first one or with the second one.
1044 'The first and second axis of the plane cannot be the same'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE In function G20 (plane change), the first (parameter 1) and the second (parameter
2) axes of the plane are the same axis.
SOLUTION Check the program.
1045 'The first axis of the plane has been programmed wrong'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE In function G20 (plane change) the first axis of the plane (parameter 1) is wrong. SOLUTION The first axis of the plane must be one of the first three axes of the channel.
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(REF: 1308)
1046 'The second axis of the plane has been programmed wrong'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Using function G20 (plane change) the second axis of the plane (parameter 2) is
SOLUTION The second axis of the plane must be one of the first three axes of the channel.
1047 'A third axis is required for the plane (index 5) '
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE In function G20 (plane change) the third axis of the plane is missing or is wrong. SOLUTION If the longitudinal axis of the tool (parameter 3) is the same as the first or second axis
of the plane (parameters 1 and 2), the third axis must be programmed with parameter
5. The parameter must neither coincide with the first or with the second one and must be one of the first three axes of the channel.
Error solving manual
1048 'Tool length compensation with radius out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The tool dimensions exceed the maximum values. SOLUTION Modify the tool dimensions.
1049 'Face axis (FACEAXIS) defined twice in the active plane'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE It informs that the two axes of the main plane are face axes (parameter FACEAXIS). SOLUTION There can only be one face axis in the work plane.
1050 'Considering the tool offsets, it exceeds the data range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The tool dimensions exceed the maximum values. SOLUTION Modify the tool dimensions.
1051 'The axis does not exist or is not available in the channel'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The possible causes are:
• The CNC has tried to execute an independent movement in a spindle.
• The axis programmed in a variable is not available.
SOLUTION Check the program. In order to be able to interpolate the spindle as independent axis,
it must be active as C axis.
1052 'Values resulting from the measurement out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has carried out a measurement with function G100 and the coordinate or
offset obtained is too large.
SOLUTION The value obtained in that probing move must be between -2147483647 and
1054 'Nonexistent fixture'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The programmed fixture (clamp) number does not exist. SOLUTION The fixture (clamp) number must be a value between 0 and 10.
1055 'D and the tool radius cannot be modified in the same block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC does not allow modifying the tool radius (variable: (V.)G.TOR) or
programming a tool change and/or tool offset in the same block.
SOLUTION Program both instructions in different blocks.
1056 'Too many external variables'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has reached the maximum number of external variables. SOLUTION Check the program. The CNC admits up to 500 external variables.
1057 'Variable without reading permission'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has tried to read, via part-program or MDI, a variable that does not have
reading permission via program.
SOLUTION The variable cannot be read from a part-program or MDI. Refer to the documentation
on permissions of the variable.
1058 'User variable not initialized'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The user variable V.P.name or V.S.name has not been defined. SOLUTION Check the program. Define the variable properly.
1059 'Variable without writing permission'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has tried to write, via part-program or MDI, a variable that does not have
writing permission via program.
SOLUTION The variable cannot be written from a part-program or MDI. Refer to the
documentation on permissions of the variable.
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(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
1060 'N label value out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Invalid block number "N". SOLUTION The block number must be a positive value lower than 2147483646.
1061 'Nonexistent G function'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The programmed G function does not exist. SOLUTION Check the program.
1062 'Incompatible G functions'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the block. SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1063 'Incompatible G functions (G108/G109/G193)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1064 'Incompatible G functions (G196/G197)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
CNC 8070
1065 'Incompatible G functions (G17/G18/G19/G20)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1066 'Incompatible G functions (G136/G137)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1067 'Incompatible G functions (G40/G41/G42)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1068 'Incompatible G functions (G151/G152)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1069 'Incompatible G functions (G54-G59/G159)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
(REF: 1308)
1070 'Incompatible G functions (G5/G7/G50/G60/G61)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
Error solving manual
1071 'Incompatible G functions (G70/G71)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1072 'Incompatible G functions (G80-G88/G160-G166/G281-G286/G287-G297)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1073 'Incompatible G functions (G90/G91)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1074 'Incompatible G functions (G93/G94/G95)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1075 'Incompatible G functions (G96/G97/G192)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1076 'Incompatible G functions (G100/G101/G102)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1077 'Incompatible G functions (G115/G116/G117)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1078 'Incompatible G functions (G134/G135)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1079 'Incompatible G functions (G138/G139)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1080 'Incompatible G functions (G6/G261/G262)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
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1081 'Incompatible G functions (G264/G265)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1082 'Incompatible G functions (G200/G201/G202)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1083 'Incompatible G functions (G36/G37/G38/G39)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more G functions incompatible with each other have been programmed in the
SOLUTION Program the functions in different blocks.
1084 'Plane change not allowed while tool radius compensation is active'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has tried to change the work plane or the axes that make up the plane, while
tool radius was active.
SOLUTION Cancel the compensation to define the new work plane.
1085 'G41/G42 not allowed if the first or second axis of the active plane is missing'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Tool radius compensation is impossible if one of the two axes of the active plane is
missing in the channel.
SOLUTION Define the work plane. If the channel has yielded its axes to other channels, recover
the missing axis using the instruction #CALL AX or #SET AX.
1087 '"=" expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Wrong syntax of the programmed instruction or function. SOLUTION Check the program.
1088 'Wrong offset number'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE In function G159, the programmed zero offset does not exist. SOLUTION Check the program.
1089 'Incompatible M functions (M3/M4/M5/M19)'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE Two or more M functions incompatible with each other have been programmed for
the same spindle in the block.
SOLUTION Program the M functions of the same spindle in different blocks.
1090 'Nonexistent H function'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The H function does not exist. SOLUTION The function number must be between 1 and 65534.
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1091 'T function programmed twice'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE More than one T function have been programmed in the same block. SOLUTION Each block can only contain one T function. Program both functions in different
1093 'D function programmed twice'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE More than one D function have been programmed in the same block. SOLUTION Each block can only contain one D function. Program both functions in different
Error solving manual
1094 'F feedrate programmed twice'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE More than one F function have been programmed in the same block. SOLUTION Each block can only contain one F function. Program both functions in different
1095 'Feedrate F cannot be negative or zero'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The feedrate (F) must be positive and other than zero. SOLUTION Check the program.
1096 'The feedrate cannot be programmed with E'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The feedrate has been programmed with the E function. SOLUTION Program the feedrate with the F function.
1097 'Unknown spindle name'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The spindle name is not valid, the spindle does not exist in the system or the spindle
does not belong to the channel.
SOLUTION The valid names for the spindle are S, S1, ..., S9. The spindle programmed to in the
block must exist in the system configuration and depending on which instruction it is, also in the channel configuration. A channel can only control its spindles.
1098 'S speed programmed twice'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE There are two or more S functions programmed for the same spindle in the same
SOLUTION There can only be one speed for each spindle in the same block.
1100 'Parameter index out of range'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The arithmetic parameter does not exist; it is not within the range admitted by the
machine parameters.
SOLUTION Check the program. Check the valid arithmetic parameter range in the machine
Machine parameters. Valid range.
MINLOCP - MAXLOCP Local arithmetic parameters.
MINGLBP - MAXGLBP Global arithmetic parameters.
MINCOMP - MAXCOMP Common arithmetic parameters.
1101 '#SET IPOPOS instruction programmed wrong'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The syntax of the instruction is wrong or there is more data in the block. SOLUTION Check the program. The instructions must be programmed alone in the block, only
the block label may be added.
1102 'The index for R cannot be other than 1'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The radius can only be programmed with R or R1. SOLUTION Check the program.
1103 'Nonexistent O function'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The O function does not exist. SOLUTION Check the program.
1104 'The "%" character is not allowed inside the main program'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The "%" character can only be used as first character in the definition of the name
of the main program or of a local subroutine.
SOLUTION Remove this character from the program.
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Error solving manual
1105 'Assignment operator expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE No assignment operator has been programmed after the variable or parameter. SOLUTION The valid assignment operators are "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=".
1106 '"]" expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The closing bracket "]" is missing in the programmed expression or instruction. SOLUTION Check the program.
1107 'The axis does not exist or is not available'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC tries to move an axis that does not exist or is not available in the system
or in the channel. The axis programmed in an instruction or variable does not exist in the system or in the channel.
SOLUTION Verify that the programmed axis exists in the channel and that it is available (is not
1108 'Axis programmed twice'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE In one of the following functions, an axis has been programmed more than once.
• Axis movement in G0, G1, G2, G3, G8 or G9.
• Threading G33 or G63.
• Instructions #FACE or #CYL.
• Plane selection, G20.
With functions that imply axis movements, programming an axis twice may be because the axis has been programmed in both Cartesian and Polar coordinates.
SOLUTION Check the program.
CNC 8070
1109 'Wrong axis index'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE In functions G20 and G74, the index programmed with the axis name is wrong. SOLUTION The axis index must be between 1 and the maximum number of axes of the system
or channel.
1110 'Values for I, J, K programmed twice'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE One of parameters I, J, K has been programmed more than once in the same block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1111 'Control instructions $ must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE An instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program. The instructions must be programmed alone in the block, only
the block label may be added. The only exception is to program $IF and $GOTO in the same block.
1112 'The $IF instruction <condition> can only be followed by $GOTO'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction is not programmed alone in the block and the additional information
is not a $GOTO.
SOLUTION Check the program. The instructions must be programmed alone in the block, only
the block label may be added. The only exception is to program $IF and $GOTO in the same block.
(REF: 1308)
1113 '$ELSE not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an $ELSE instruction without a previous $IF instruction. SOLUTION Check the program.
1114 'The $ELSE instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
Error solving manual
1115 '$ELSEIF not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an $ELSEIF instruction without a previous $IF instruction. SOLUTION Check the program.
1116 'The $ELSEIF <condition> instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1117 '$ENDIF not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an $ENDIF instruction without a previous $IF instruction. SOLUTION Check the program.
1118 'The $ENDIF instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1119 'The $SWITCH <expression> instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1120 '$CASE not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an $CASE instruction without a previous $SWITCH
SOLUTION Check the program.
1121 'The $CASE <expression> instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1122 '$DEFAULT not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected a $DEFAULT instruction without a previous $SWITCH
SOLUTION Check the program.
1123 'The $DEFAULT instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1124 '$ENDSWITCH not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an $ENDSWITCH instruction without a previous $SWITCH
SOLUTION Check the program.
1125 'The $ENDSWITCH instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1126 '$FOR: invalid counter variable'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The counter of the $FOR instruction is not valid. SOLUTION The counter of the $FOR instruction may be a variable or an arithmetic parameter.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
1127 'The $FOR instruction<condition> instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1128 '$FOR: too many characters in the condition'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The block that contains the $FOR instruction has more than 5100 characters. SOLUTION Write the block that contains the $FOR instruction shorter.
1129 '$ENDFOR not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an $ENDFOR instruction without a previous $FOR
SOLUTION Check the program.
1130 'The $ENDFOR instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1131 'The $WHILE <condition> instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1132 '$WHILE: too many characters in the condition'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The condition of the $WHILE instruction exceeds the maximum number of characters
SOLUTION The maximum number of characters allowed is 5000.
1133 '$ENDWHILE not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an $ENDWHILE instruction without a previous $WHILE
SOLUTION Check the program.
1134 'The $ENDWHILE instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1135 'The $DO instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1136 '$ENDDO not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an $ENDDO instruction without a previous $DO instruction. SOLUTION Check the program.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
1137 'The $ENDDO <expression> instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1138 'The $BREAK instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
Error solving manual
1139 '$BREAK not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected a $BREAK instruction, but there is no open control loop; $IF,
SOLUTION Check the program. The CNC uses the $BREAK instruction is used to end a $CASE
or to exit from an $IF, $ELSE, $WHILE, $FOR or $DO loop before it ends.
1140 '$CONTINUE not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected a $CONTINUE instruction, but there is no open control loop;
$FOR, $WHILE or $DO.
SOLUTION Check the program. The CNC uses the $CONTINUE instruction to return to the
starting point of a $FOR, $WHILE or $DO loop.
1141 'The $CONTINUE instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1142 'The #TIME instruction must be programmed alone in the block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The instruction has not been programmed alone in the block. SOLUTION Check the program.
1146 'The path before a G37 must be linear'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The motion block before the tangential entry is not linear. SOLUTION Check the program.
1147 'The path after a G38 must be linear'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The motion block after the tangential exit is not linear. SOLUTION Check the program.
1149 'The programmed G36/G37/G38/G39 cannot be executed'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC cannot create the blending tool path with the programmed radius. SOLUTION Check the programmed radius. Check that the joint is actually possible between the
first and the last block.
1150 'Functions G36/G37/G38/G39 must be followed by a motion block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC does not have a second motion block for generating the joining tool path
SOLUTION Do not program any block between the G function that defines the joining path and
the second motion block.
1151 'Functions G8/G36/G37/G38/G39 must be preceded by a motion block'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC does not have a first motion block for generating the joining tool path (blend). SOLUTION Do not program any block between the G function that defines the joining path and
the first motion block.
1152 'Too many nested subroutines'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The has exceeded the maximum number of nesting levels. SOLUTION Correct the program decreasing the number of calls to subroutines (local and global)
that imply a new nesting level. The CNC admits up to 20 nesting levels.
1153 'Too many local subroutines defined in the program'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The program has more local subroutines than admitted by the CNC. SOLUTION Use fewer local subroutines; group several subroutines in one or use global
subroutines. The CNC admits 100 local subroutines per program.
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
Error solving manual
1154 'File name too long'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The file name has too many characters. The name of a program or subroutine may
have a maximum of 63 characters and the path 120. When programming the name of a program or subroutine with the path, the maximum number of characters will be the sum of both values.
SOLUTION Decrease the number of characters of the name of the program or subroutine.
Change the location of the program or subroutine to reduce the number of characters of the path.
1155 'No access to the file'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC cannot access the program or subroutine. SOLUTION Check that the files are valid and are not corrupted. When calling subroutines, check
that the name and the path are correct. If the path is not defined in the call to the subroutine, the CNC will apply the default search criterion (see the programming manual).
1156 'Main program not found'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC cannot find the main program. SOLUTION In a program with local subroutines, the main program must have a name (%name).
1157 'Global subroutine not found'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC cannot find the global subroutine. SOLUTION Check that the name and the path of the subroutine are correct. If the path is not
defined in the call to the subroutine, the CNC will apply the default search criterion (see the programming manual).
CNC 8070
(REF: 1308)
1159 'Name of the local subroutine too long'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The subroutine name has too many characters. The name of a subroutine may have
a maximum of 63 characters.
SOLUTION Check the program.
1160 'Local subroutine not found'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC cannot find the local subroutine. SOLUTION Check the name of the local subroutine in the calling block is the same as the name
that appears in its definition. The local subroutines must be defined at the beginning of the program.
1161 '$ control blocks open'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has found a "$" control block that does not have its corresponding closing
SOLUTION Check the program.
1162 'M17/M29/#RET not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an M17, M29 function or #RET as end of program. SOLUTION Program M30/M02 as the end of the main program. If the error persists, check that
all the local subroutines end with M17, M29 or #RET.
1163 'M30/M02 not expected'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The CNC has detected an M02 or M30 function as end of program. SOLUTION Check that all the local and global subroutines end with M17, M29 or #RET.
1164 'Unknown term in mathematical expression'
DETECTION During execution. CAUSE The mathematical expression is wrong. SOLUTION Check all the terms of the expression; variables, parameters, operators, etc.
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