IPL T SF24 &
■ Two serial ports
■ Four Flex I/O ports
■ Four IR por
■ IR learning capabilities
(IPL T SFI244)
■ Integrated Web server with
1.25 MB of flash memory
■ Multi-user support
■ Multiple levels of security
■ Free IP Link™ Global Viewer
Web-based asset management
■ IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet
(PoE) compliant
ts (IPL T SFI244)
on IPL T SF24 and IPL T SFI244 ar
The Extr
mance W
with integral high per
ed, maintained, and managed over an existing high speed Local Ar
Network (LAN), W
ea Network (W
ide Ar
e compact Ether
vers, enabling many A/V devices to be
eb ser
AN), or the Inter
net contr
ol inter
IPL T SF24 4
IPL T SFI244 4
(2) RS-232/RS-422/RS-485
(2) RS-232
Model Serial Ports
Flex I/O
IR Ports
The Extron IPL T SF24 and IPL T SFI244 are part of the IP Link™ family of
ethernet control interfaces which are designed to integrate Internet Protocol
(IP) connectivity into A/V systems. Pr
ojectors, plasma displays, switchers, A/V
sources, lights, drapes, and many other devices can now be added to an
existing computer network, enabling asset management and remote
The Extron IPL T SF24 is a compact Ethernet control interface with integral
Web server, two serial ports, and four Flex I/O ports.
Serial Ports
Both models provide two serial ports for control of two independent serial
devices. The IPL T SF24 of
fers flexible connectivity via either 9-pin D-sub ports
for RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 devices or captive screw ports (RS-232 only).
The IPL T SFI244 offers RS-232 connectivity (only) on captive screw ports.
When configured for pass-through mode, the interfaces can pass through
commands fr
om an existing control system and also control and monitor
attached devices.
Flex I/O Ports
The IPL T SF24 and IPL T SFI244 each have four Flex I/O ports. These flexible
ports can be configured as analog in, digital in, or digital out. They support
digital and analog signals from 0 to 24 volts, allowing a wide variety of devices
to be controlled or monitored.
The 0 to 24 volt incoming analog signals ar
e sampled with 12-bit precision.
Voltage thresholds can be set. When a threshold is passed, the IPL T SF24 or
IPL T SFI244 can be configured to send out a serial command, an e-mail, or
trigger another event. As an example, a thermal sensor installed in an
equipment rack can be connected to one of the Flex I/O ports. The
IPL T SF24 or IPL T SFI244 can be configured to send an e-mail if the rack
temperature exceeds a specific temperature.
When configured as digital inputs, the Flex I/O ports can connect to switches,
motion sensors, moisture sensors, and tally feedback. This provides the ability
to receive status from a variety of devices including projector lifts, motorized
projection screens, room partition switches, and push buttons.
face with integral
ol inter
on IPL T SFI244 is a compact Ether
The Extr
net contr
Web server, two serial ports, four Flex I/O ports, four IR ports, and an IR learner.
When configured as digital outputs, the Flex I/O ports can drive LEDs,
incandescent lamps, or other devices. For applications that require contact
closure control, the Flex I/O ports can interface with an Extron IPA T RLY4, an
IP Link accessory featuring four isolated relays.
IR Ports
The IPL T SFI244 includes four fully programmable IR ports. Each IR port can
output IR signals with or without the car
rier signal using an optional wir
ed IR
emitter or IR broadcaster. IR control data can be collected and stored in two
ways: IR data file download and IR learning. Extron maintains a large library of
on.com) for
IR data files that can be downloaded fr
om our W
eb site (www
storage in the IPL T SFI244. The IPL T SFI244 will power four IR emitters; each
can be located up to 400 feet away.
IR Lear
The IPL T SFI244 has the ability to learn IR commands for virtually any IR
ollable device. The Extr
on IR Learner software, on intuitive PC-based
application for assisting with IR learning and managing IR data files, is available
at no charge and can be downloaded from the Extron Web site.