ETC VS-61 Installation Manual

VS-61 IP Audio Device
Installation Guide
99 AAuussttiinn DDrriivvee,, MMaarrllbboorroouugghh,, CCTT 0066444477
((886600)) 229955--88110000 wwwwww..eesssseennttiiaalltteell..ccoomm ssaalleess
Table Of Contents
Overview .................................................................................................................... 3
Parts List .................................................................................................................... 3
Hardware Connections............................................................................................... 4
Method One: Accessing the VS-61 with the ETC Discovery Utility............................. 5
Method Two: Accessing the VS-61 with a Web Browser............................................ 8
VS-61 Configuration ................................................................................................... 9
Appendix .................................................................................................................. 14
VS-61 Firmware Upgrade.......................................................................................14
VS-61 Advanced Configuration ..............................................................................15
Specifications ........................................................................................................... 16
Support Protocols..................................................................................................... 16
VS-61 Hardware Product Limited Warranty.............................................................. 17
VS-61 Installation Guide Rev 05.12 Page 2 of 17 Essential Trading Systems Corp
ETC’s VS-61 is a desktop VoIP device capable of transmitting on one channel and receiving on one channel of audio. It is designed to provide continuous, multi-cast, RTP audio to users for use in virtually any multi-cast audio application. The exclusive design enables the VS-61 to be virtually “dropped in” to any standards based multicast IP environment with no specialized or proprietary peripherals. The VS-61 device is configured via standard web browser or a management & discovery utility. The VS-61 is designed to be powered via standard ethernet connection. If power is not provided by the ethernet connection, an optional 5VDC local power supply may be used.
ETC’s VS-61 can be accessed by two methods:
Method One: The ETC Discovery Utility Setup file, located on the Utility disc, can
be used on networks where broadcasting is allowed. Using the ETC Discovery Utility is preferable, as it simplifies installation and troubleshooting (if needed).
Method Two: A standard web browser (Internet Explorer 7 or higher) can be used
Both of these access methods will be outlined separately to the point where you sign into the IP address (default address). The rest of the manual will guide you through configuring the VS-61 settings within its internal browser. The VS-61 must be installed on the same
network as the computer you are configuring it from.
The application software versions used in this guide are Windows XP Pro, Internet Explorer 8, ETC Discovery Utility version 2.3.0, and VS-61 firmware version 3.4.9 If you are using any other versions of these products your windows may look different. Linux is noted in this manual, although the VS-61 has not been tested with it.
to enter an IP address directly without broadcasting onto the network.
Parts List
The VS-61 (Figure A) comes equipped with a 10’ Patch Cable (Figure B) and a Utility Disc (Figure C). If needed, a 5 VDC Power Supply can be shipped (Figure D)
Figure A Figure B Figure C Figure D
VS-61 Installation Guide Rev 05.12 Page 3 of 17 Essential Trading Systems Corp
Hardware Connections
Plug the Ethernet Patch Cable into the back of the VS-61 and into your network. If needed, plug the power supply into the back of the VS-61 (Figure E).
Figure E
Verify the VS-61 is correctly connected to the network by observing the Status LEDs (Figure F).
The green Status LED illuminates after approximately five seconds to indicate the start of
the firmware verification and load process.
The yellow Link LED is illuminated when the network link to the speaker is established. The
Link LED blinks to indicate network traffic.
Figure F
VS-61 Installation Guide Rev 05.12 Page 4 of 17 Essential Trading Systems Corp
Method One: Accessing the VS-61 with the ETC Discovery Utility
The ETC Discovery Utility is a stand-alone application used for discovering ETC Desktop Devices on a network. The utility allows the user to view and change the devices configuration or to view the devices internal web pages. In order for the utility to discover a device, both the host PC running the utility and the device need to be on the same physical network and cannot be separated by a router.
Technical Note: Discovery Protocol
The ETC Discovery Protocol is a UDP based protocol that allows for a server to send a query and receive responses from all Viper Series devices attached to the physical network. The ETC Discovery Utility sends a broadcast message – a UDP packet addressed to on port 10004 - to discover any ETC speakers attached to the same physical network
All ETC Viper Series devices listen for a UDP message on port 10004. When a UDP message is received on this port, the device verifies the formatting of the packet and responds with its configuration.
When the ETC Discovery Utility receives responses from the devices, it queues all responses and sorts them by the user's preference (either by the device's serial number or name) and displays them to the administrator using the utility.
If the administrator chooses to change the configuration of a device via the Utility, a description of the ETC Discovery Utility and Protocol Rev A another broadcast message will be sent. When received by a device, the device verifies that the message with the new configuration is intended for that device (by verifying the serial number), applies the new configuration and reboots itself.
Insert the Utility disc (Figure C) in the disc drive and open the IIPP PPrroodduuccttss folder (Figure 01).. Click on the ETC Discovery Util v2.3.0 zipped folder icon (Figure 1). Click on the ETC Discovery Util icon (Figure 2).
Figure 01 Figure 1 Figure 2
VS-61 Installation Guide Rev 05.12 Page 5 of 17 Essential Trading Systems Corp
The EETTCC SSppeeaakkeerr DDiissccoovveerryy UUttiilliittyy window will open. Click the SSccaann button (Figure 3) and the utility will scan the network and return a list of all ETC Desktop Speakers found.
Figure 3
Highlight the ETC Speaker device that you wish to open (Figure 4). Note: To change the scan order, click the right mouse button anywhere in the window.
Figure 4
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