ETC VM-4 Installation Manual

VM-4 USB Desktop Audio Device
Installation Guide
99 AAuussttiinn DDrriivvee,, MMaarrllbboorroouugghh,, CCTT 0066444477
((886600)) 229955--88110000 wwwwww..eesssseennttiiaalltteell..ccoomm ssaalleess
Table of Contents
Parts List ...............................................................................................................3
Hardware Connections .......................................................................................4
Windows XP Audio Device Hardware Configuration......................................4
Windows 7 Audio Device Hardware Configuration.........................................9
WAVE 4.8 Desktop Communicator Software Configuration .......................12
Appendix .............................................................................................................17
Microsoft .NET Framework (Option) ............................................................17
ETC Driver Utility Installation (Option).........................................................17
USB Microphone Removal Procedure (Option) .........................................19
Uninstall ETC Volume Control (Option) ......................................................20
Specifications .....................................................................................................20
VM-4 Hardware Product Limited Warranty ....................................................21
VM-4 Installation Guide Rev 04.12 Page 2 of 21 Essential Trading Systems Corp.
ETC’s VM-4 programmable microphone is designed to integrate with desktop VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) applications – in this case Twisted Pair’s WAVE Desktop Communicator. The VM-4 is ideal for situations where a multi-channel, plug-n-play, desktop audio interface is needed. With virtually any USB (Universal Serial Bus) compliant PC and 3rd party VoIP desktop application software, the VM-4 enables “mouse free” interaction with up to four channels of audio without the need to ‘point-and-click’ on the Desktop Communicator itself.. This allows the user to speak on the ‘hoots’ while performing other tasks on the PC. An RJ45 (Registered Jack) port is provided for connecting up to four external PTT (Press To Talk) switches giving the user eight available Tx/Rx (Transmit/Receive) channels.
This guide will cover configuring the VM-4 in Windows XP Pro, Windows 7, and WAVE.
NNOOTTEE:: IInn aa WWiinnddoowwss 9955,, XXPP,, oorr VViissttaa eennvviirroonnm wwee hhaavvee iinncclluuddeedd tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonnss oonn ddoowwnnllooaaddiinngg WWiinnddoowwss ..NNEETT FFrraammeewwoorrkk 44,, iinnssttaalllliinngg EETTCC DDrriivveerr UUttiilliittyy,, aanndd MMiiccrroopphhoonnee RReemmoovvaall PPrroocceedduurre
be disconnected, you may choose to skip these steps.
NOTE: The application software versions used in this guide are Windows XP Pro, Windows 7, Microsoft .NET Framework 4, and WAVE 4.8 (which requires Internet Explorer 7 or higher). If you are using any other versions of these products your windows may look different. Linux is noted in this manual, although the VM-4 has not been tested with it.
meenntt wwhheerree tthhee mmiiccrroopphhoonnee mmaayy bbee ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd,,
e. If the microphone is ‘permanent’, and will not
Parts List
The VM-4 (Figure A) comes equipped with a USB “A/B” 2.0 cable (Figure B) and ETC Utility disc (Figure c)
Figure A Figure B Figure C
VM-4 Installation Guide Rev 04.12 Page 3 of 21 Essential Trading Systems Corp.
Hardware Connections
Plug the “A” end of the USB 2.0 cable into an available USB 2.0 port on your computer (Figure D) and the “B” end into the back of the VM-4 (Figure E). Upon properly connecting the VM-4 it will install automatically with Windows/Linux drivers when you power on your computer. Please note that it takes the system time to recognize new hardware has been hooked up, and that the VM-4 should not be disconnected until “New Hardware Installed” message is displayed.
Figure D Figure E
Windows XP Audio Device Hardware Configuration
Click on SSoouunnddss,, SSppeeeecchh,, aanndd AAuuddiioo DDeevviicceess icon located in the CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell (Figure 1).
Figure 1
VM-4 Installation Guide Rev 04.12 Page 4 of 21 Essential Trading Systems Corp.
Click on the SSoouunnddss aanndd AAuuddiioo DDeevviicceess icon (Figure 2). Check “PPllaaccee vvoolluummee iiccoonn iinn tthhee ttaasskkbbaarr” box so you can access these settings quicker in the future if needed (Figure 3).
Figure 2 Figure 3
To ensure proper VM-4 Microphone performance, sound card settings must be adjusted after initial device installation (or sudden disconnect or power loss). Click on the AAddvvaanncceedd button in the
DDeevviiccee vvoolluumme
does NOT show a MMiiccrroopphhoonnee device you will need to activate it. From the OOppttiioonnss drop down menu choose PPrrooppeerrttiieess (Figure 5)
e box (Figure 4). The ETC VM-4 SSppeeaakkeerr mixer window will open. If your window
Figure 4 Figure 5
VM-4 Installation Guide Rev 04.12 Page 5 of 21 Essential Trading Systems Corp.
In the PPrrooppeerrttiieess window check the MMiiccrroopphhoonnee box (Figure 6) then click the OOKK button (Figure 7).
Figure 6 Figure 7
You will see a MMiiccrroopphhoonnee device for ETC VM-4 in the SSppeeaakkeerr window. Using your cursor, move the SSppeeaakkeerr (master) volume lever up to the recommended playback level shown (Figure 8)
Figure 8
VM-4 Installation Guide Rev 04.12 Page 6 of 21 Essential Trading Systems Corp.
The MMiiccrroopphhoonnee volume lever must be down all the way and the Microphone Mute box must
cchheecckkeedd ((FFiigguurree 99))
FFiigguurree 9
The microphone Mute box must be checked.
An unchecked Mute box will cause echo on the network and down-time for troubleshooting your installation.
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+ 14 hidden pages