ETC Eos Family User Manual

ETC® Supplement
Display Controls Menu Button
A Frame
Eos Family v2.2 Supplement to Operations Manual
The following information is new for version 2.2.0. This document is supplemental to and should be used in conjunction with information in the Eos Titanium, Eos, and Gio v2.0 Operations Manual, Ion v2.0 Operations Manual, and the Element v2.1.0 User Manual..
If you choose to update fixture definitions in your existing show files after upgrading to version 2.2, it is recommended that you verify that your show plays back as expected. Changes have been made to the fixture library to make fixtures in future shows easier to control, however, these changes will impact existing shows after you manually update fixture definitions. For more information, see
Changes to Fixtures on page 16
Display Management Tools
One of the most significant improvements to the Eos family in this software release are the enhanced display management tools. The software provides improved capabilities for opening and navigating displays and control tools.
Increasing the depth of individual displays, this software introduces the ability to have one of three different workspaces active on individual monitors, as well as to have up to four areas (called frames) in use in any workspace. Each frame can hold multiple tabs.
Eos Family Operations Manual Supplement Page 1 Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
Any physical monitor or touchscreen device connected to your console. The integral touchscreens on Eos Ti are examples of monitors as are external monitors used with any of the Eos Family consoles.
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 Rev B  Released 2014-06  ETC intends this document to be provided in its entirety.
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ETC Supplement
Further expanding your monitor capabilities, workspaces have been added to offer independent display control on all of your connected monitors. Every monitor can have up to three workspaces, identified by the workspace icons in the upper left corner of any monitor (including any integrated touchscreens with your console).
Eos Family v2.2.0
You can use [Tab] + [Page increment or decrement the current workspace and will then force all of the other workspaces to match the current workspace’s number (1, 2, or 3). This is so you can quickly step through the workspaces.
] and [Tab] + [Page ] to cycle through the workspaces. This will
Workspaces 1, 2, and 3
These three monitor icons are used to switch between each monitor’s available workspaces. Each can be set up to include any of the desired layout, displays, and controls options offered on the Home Screen (page 4) or the Display Controls Screen (page 6).
Each workspace can have up to four frames in its layout. The number of frames in a workspace layout is determined by choosing from the Layout Options (page 4) offered in the Home Screen (page 4) or the Monitor Options Screen (page 6).
Any frame can have multiple tabs open. Tabs are now broken down into two categories: Control and Display. Control tabs (see page 6 for a list of tabs) are the virtual control options that were formerly available in the browser, such as the color picker and the virtual keyboard. Display tabs (see page 5 for a list of tabs) are the various displays available on the console, such as the playback status display and the park display.
You can open or close tabs using the Display Icons (page 5), Control Icons (page 6), or all of the methods used in previous versions of software. Pressing [Shift] + [Tab] once will clear all tabs on the selected monitor but tabs in locked frames will remain. Pressing [Shift] + [Tab] twice will clear all tabs on all monitors but tabs in locked frames will remain. Pressing [Shift] + [Tab] a third time will clear all tabs on all monitors including those in locked frames.
White text in the tab indicates a Display Tab, and magenta text indicates a Control Tab.
All Display and Control Tabs have fixed tab numbering under which they open (for example, “Live” opens under Tab 1, “Patch” under Tab 12, and “Color Picker” under Tab 27). These numbers are identified on the Home Screen in each icon and in the following table. For multiple instances of the same display, the tab number will be followed with a decimal number. Additional tabs will start their numbering with n.2. When you press [Tab], active focus will move numerically through all open tabs on active workspaces.
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Using just the [Tab] key to cycle through tabs will skip over any Control Tabs in locked frames. Pressing [Tab] [n] will select the tab regardless of if it is in a locked frame or not.
ETC Supplement
Eos Family v2.2.0
This table lists the tab number for each of the Control and Display tabs.
1 Channels 11 Show Control List 21 Curve List 31 Lamp Controls
2 Playback Status Display 12 Patch 22 Intensity Palettes 99 Diagnostics
3 Magic Sheet Display 13 Effect List 23 Focus Palettes
4 Direct Selects 14 Magic Sheet List 24 Color Palettes
5 ML Controls 15 Submaster List 25 Beam Palettes
6 Effect Status 16 Cue List Index 26 Preset List
7 Virtual Keyboard 17 Group List 27 Color Picker
8 Effect Channels 18 Macro List 28 Virtual Faders
9 Pixel Map List 19 Snapshot List 29 About
10 Pixel Map Preview 20 Park 30 Command History
Focus Rules for Control and Display Tabs
Single clicking on a Controls Tab will bring it to the front of the frame but will not move focus to that tab unless the tab’s frame already has focus. Double clicking on a Controls Tab will bring it to the front and grab focus. Single clicking on a Display Tab will bring it to the front and grab focus.
Tab Tools
Every frame has a tab tools menu in the lower left corner of the frame. Selecting this menu icon will open the tab tools menu, which provides options for opening and closing tabs in that frame. You can left click with a mouse or double tap a tab in focus to also see this menu. Most options are self-explanatory with the following exceptions:
• “Replace Tab” allows you to close the current tab and choose from the Home Screen which display to replace it with. Pressing escape will return you to the previously selected tab.
• “Lock Frame” prevents any additional tabs from being opened in the selected frame.
• “Open New Tabs In This Frame” specifies that any new tabs opened will automatically open in the specified frame. Only one frame can have this option selected at a time.
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Snapshots Area
Layout Options
Display Icons
Control Icons
Home Screen
Upon start up or creation of a new show file, any connected monitor that is not already displaying the Live or Playback Status Displays will show the Display Management Home Screen.
This screen consists of four general areas, each offering different display-related options.
Eos Family v2.2.0
Layout Options
These tools offer you greater flexibility in the number of tabs you can view in any given workspace.A workspace can have up to four frames. Selecting a layout icon will assign the frame layout identified in the icon. Once a layout is assigned, you can select which displays and controls will be in which frames.
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Display Icons
The following displays can be selected, and they will open in a new tab in the selected frame:
Eos Family v2.2.0
Channel (Tombstones)
Patch Groups Intensity
Presets Effects Effect
Macros Snapshots Curves Park Show Control
Channel (Table)
Split Channel Playback
Status Display
Focus Palettes Color Palettes Beam Palettes
Submasters Cue List Pixel Maps
Magic Sheet Display
Magic Sheet List
The following displays can have multiple instances open:
• Channel (Tombstone)
• Channel (Table)
• Split Channel
• Playback Status Display
• Magic Sheet Display
• Effect Channels
For multiple instances of the same display, the tab number will be followed with a decimal number. Additional tabs will start their numbering with n.2. If you have only one instance, there will be no decimal number.
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Display Controls Menu Button
New Snapshot Button
Control Icons
The virtual controls that were located in the browser are now part of the home screen. You can select from the following list of virtual controls, and they will open in a new tab in the selected frame:
Eos Family v2.2.0
Direct Selects Classic
Color Picker Fader Module About Command
Direct Selects x25
ML Controls Effect Status Virtual
Lamp Controls
Pixel Map Preview
The snapshots displayed here are single monitor-only snapshots recorded for the visible workspace. These snapshots can be recalled from any selected monitor from the Home Screen or the Display Controls menu screen. You can recall a monitor-only snapshot from the command line by using the syntax [Snapshot] [n] [Enter]. When recalled from the command line, the selected snapshot will only affect the monitor from which it was originally recorded.
To record a monitor-only snapshot, press the {New Snapshot} button on the Display Controls menu screen. [Delete] [Snapshot] [n] [Enter] [Enter] will delete a monitor-only snapshot.
All snapshots can be viewed on the snapshot list display, which can be opened by pressing [Snapshot] [Snapshot] or from the home screen.
Display Controls Screen
Selecting the display controls icon will grant you access to the Layout Options previously described. Choose the layout icon for the arrangement and number of frames you want to use on the monitor.
This screen also offers options for opening and closing tabs as well as resizing and resetting the monitor(s). The icons are:
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Resize Tool Icons
Open New Tabs On This Monitor
Select this icon to redirect to the Home Screen where you can open new tabs using the Display and Controls icons.
Resize Frames In This Workspace
Select this icon to resize frames in any of the workspaces on the monitor. After selecting, resizing tools will appear between frames of the workspace and you can select and drag the resize tool icons to adjust sizing as needed.
Eos Family v2.2.0
Close All Tabs In This Workspace
Select this icon to close all of the tabs in the active workspace on this monitor only.
Reset This Display
This icon will close all of the tabs and frames and will reset the layout for the active workspace to a single frame displaying the Home Screen, from which you can select new tabs to open.
Reset All Displays
This icon will close all of the tabs and frames on all monitors, reset all layouts to a single frame, and return their workspaces to the Home Screen, from which you can select new tabs to open.
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Row Headers
Column Headers
Changes to Displays
Blind Indicators
The blind indicators have changed with version 2.2. Now while in blind, the background color of the displays will be blue, the title bar will be bright blue, and the word “Blind” will display in the top left corner of each monitor. You can click on “Blind” to go back to live.
Eos Family v2.2.0
Clickable Support to Displays
Several displays are more interactive now with click supported cells. Clicking on a row header will select and place it on the command line. You can click on multiple row headers to select a range of items. Double-clicking a row header will select that row and deselect any other rows. Clicking on a column header will place that action on the command line. You can click on multiple column actions that can be combined, such as cue times, to place those on the command line.
The following displays have added clickable support:
• Show Control List
• Cue List
• Playback Status Display
• Palette Lists
•Sub List
•Preset List
•Effect List
•Group List
• Snapshot List
•Curve List
• Partition List
• Pixel Map List
• Magic Sheet List
• Park Address List
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• Patch Display
• Spreadsheet Display
•Macro List
Displaying Fader Pages with Content
When using [Fader Page] or [Shift]+ [Fader Page], the displayed page will jump to the next page with content, and then to the next incremental page before skipping to the next page with content.
For example, pages 1-3 and page 11 have content. If on page 2 you press [Fader Page], you will see pages 3 then 4 then 11 then 12 displayed. After page 12, you will jump back to page 1.
When on page 11, as you press [Shift]+ [Fader Page] you will see page 10 then page 3.
Playback Fader/Page Displayed in Cue List Index
Previously only the playback fader’s ID displayed in the cue list index. Now the page and fader number display after the playback ID.
Links to Non-existent Cues
When a cue is linked to a non-existent cue, a “*” will display next to the cue number in the link column of the playback status display and the cue list index.
Beam Subcategories Rearranged
The order of beam parameters has changed from (Shutters, Image, Form) to (Form, Image, Shutters). This change impacts the live/blind displays, ML controls, the fixture editor parameter list, and the parameter tiles in the CIA. This change does not affect the physical keycaps.
Eos Family v2.2.0
Virtual Media Server Crossfade
The Virtual Media Server crossfade parameter level will display in subscript beside the intensity.
Element Playback Status Display
Scrolling with a mouse is now enabled for the Playback Status Display on Element. This behavior was already available on the other Eos Family consoles.
Changes to Direct Selects
There are now two different direct select modes: direct selects classic and direct selects x25.
Direct Selects Classic
In classic mode, you have two options, fit to screen and classic layout, that were first made available in version 2.1. You can change between fit to screen and classic layout by toggling the {Classic/Fit} button.
A couple of new options have been added for version 2.2:
•A {1x/2x} button allows you to toggle the direct selects to show one bank of 5 rows or two banks of 5 rows.
•A {Record} button has been added that posts Record to the command line.
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+ 21 hidden pages