Ericsson EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2C, CALL CENTRE SUPERVISOR Installation Manual

businessphone’s your business
Installation Guide
Standard Edition
Call Centre Management
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2C
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Ericsson Austria AG Pottendorfer Strasse 25 - 27 A-1121 Vienna, Austria Telephone: +43-1-81 100-5450 Telefax: +43-1-81 100-5437
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2C
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor is a Windows based application that enables you to efficiently manage and monitor the BusinessPhone Call Centre functions
This package supports the following features:
Real Time Views of call handling
Historical Reports with flexible and
automated report generation
Basic Man Power Planning Module
External Information Display Units
supporting multi-line/multi colour on line messaging
Flexible and efficient management
The BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor Standard version 2 continuously receives real time call event data from the exchange and monitors, displays and records the activities of the BusinessPhone ACD facility. Data is processed and used to provide a real time display of ACD and Agent resources with up-to-date statistics.
All important Call Centre Supervisor functions are User based and thus provide an interface to the user that can be individually set up and controlled to match just the precise needs of the current user.
In addition to real time information statistical data is archived at regular intervals, to allow the generation of statistical reports.
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2C
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2A
What’s new in Release 2.4............................................................................................. 9
Combined Installation Setup.............................................................................................. 9
Supporting Windows 95, 98 for all versions............................... ............................. ........... 9
Requirements............................................................................................................... 13
Requirements............................................................................................................... 13
Serial Ports................................................................................................................... 16
Exchange to
PC Connection......................................... .... ..... ..... ..................................... ..... .... ..... ... 16
Adaptation Unit.................................................. ..... .... ..... ..................................... ..... ... 16
System Printer.............................................................................................................. 16
Borland Database Engine (DBE)............. .... ...................................... .... ..... ..... ............ 17
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor....................................................................... 20
Upgrade Database from CCS V1.x to CCS V2.x............................................................. 24
Restart the System .......................................................................................................... 26
Database Configuration............................................................................................... 28
Setting Aliases............................................................................................................. 29
Paradox Driver............................................................................................................. 31
Start Up Group............................................................................................................. 32
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Initial Checks................................................................................................................ 34
Start Up................................................... ..... .... ..... ..................................... ..... ..... .... ... . 34
Minimum Configuration ................................................................................................ 34
Installing Language Files.............................................................................................. 35
Display Unit Connection............................................................................................... 37
Broadcast Function............................ ...................................... .... ..... ..... ...................... 37
Display Unit Drivers...................................................................................................... 38
Standard Information Display Units.............................................................................. 38
Other Display Units...................................................................................................... 38
Serial Connection......................................................................................................... 40
Connecting Multiple Units............................................................................................. 42
Management Functions................................................................................................ 44
Display Unit Name........................................................................................................ 45
Display Unit Type......................................................................................................... 46
Comm Device ............................................................................................................... 46
Baud Rate .................................................................................................................... 47
Address........................................................................................................................ 47
Changing Connection Parameters............................................................................... 47
Testing Connections..................................................................................................... 48
Deleting a Connection.................................................................................................. 48
DL20 Single Colour Information Display...................................................................... 49
DL20 Multicolour Information Display........................................................................... 50
DB320 Single Colour Information Display.................................................................... 51
DB320 Multicolour Information Display........................................................................ 52
VxD (Virtual Device Driver) Settings............................................................................ 53
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2A
Default Printer and Reports.......................................................................................... 54
Display Units................................................................................................................ 54
Missing ACD Queues or Agent Groups ....................................................................... 55
Database Problems...................................................................................................... 55
No Data in Reports....................................................................................................... 56
Wrong Scheduled Actions............................................................................................ 56
Connection between PC and Exchange ...................................................................... 57
Connection between PC and Display Unit................................................................... 58
Settings In BusinessPhone Exchange for Call Centre Supervisor............................... 59
Cable Connection Between the BusinessPhone Exchange and PC............................ 59
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2A
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
The CCS runs on a PC which receives data from the BusinessPhone 150 or Busi­nessPhone 250/50 exchange via an RS232 interface (V.24). The system software is installed by transferring the system files from the software release set onto the PC hard disk. The installer must then carry out some basic configuration to leave the system in a working condition for the user. Any future changes to the initial configuration may be carried out by the user following the detailed instructions given in the User’s Guide.
Combined Installation Setup
In the past there were two different versions existing:
CCS V1.x BusinessPhone 150 (Windows for Workgroups 3.11)
CCS V2.x BusinessPhone 50/250 (Windows 95)
Now CCS 2.4 includes both, an updated version of CCS 1.6 and an updated ver­sion of CCS 2.3. In addition CCS 2.4 supports BusinessPhone 150 as well as Busi­nessPhone 50/250 (up to V4.0). The installation script includes the following options:
(a) BusinessPhone 150 or BusinessPhone 50/250 (up to V2.0)
(b) BusinessPhone 50/250 from V2.1 onwards
By default option (b) will be installed.
Supporting Windows 95, 98 for all versions
Both CCS Releases (CCS Version 1.x and CCS Version 2.x) are running now on
• Windows for Workgroups 3.11
• Windows 95 and
• Windows 98.
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
You will find a great variety of information on the CD-ROM which consists not only of CCS software and CCS documentation:
Install Acrobat Reader
Acrobat Reader is the display software from Adobe to view all documentation which is stored in the Acrobat PDF format. The display software is installed on the CD-ROM, therefore it is not necessary to install the display software. But it
is recommended to install the software on your computer’s hard-disk in case of update information or other Ericsson-specific information stored in this format.
Install CCS (software)
This part on the CD-ROM will be explained in this Installation Guide step-by-step.
CCS Documentation
The CCS Documentation is divided into several parts, each part consisting of a print version and a screen version.
Both, the print and the screen version, have the same approved content, but with specifically designed layout depending on whether the documentation is used to make paper print-outs or only to view the documentation on screen. Therefore you are prompted to choose between these two possibilities.
All documentation is stored in the Acrobat PDF (Portable Printer File) format on the CD-ROM. The tool for displaying PDF files (Acrobat Reader plus Search ­freeware) is provided on the CD-ROM.
The following parts are available on the Call Centre CD-ROM:
*.... The installation script for CCS 2.4 offers the option to select between two
different installation types. For detailed information please refer to “Exchange Requirements” on page 13.
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• CCS Standard Software (English | Spanish | Svedish)
• CCS Standard Software (English | German | Spanish)
• User’s Guide (English) Print and Screen version
• User’s Guide (English | German | Spanish) Print and Screen version
• Installation Guide (English)
• Installation Guide (English)
Print and Screen version (option 1 and 2 combined)
• Quick Reference Guide (English)
• Quick Reference Guide (English)
printed on paper and as screen version (option 1 and 2 combined)
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
Installation of CCS Documenation
If you want to provide each CCS user with the documentation you have the option to install the complete range of documentation files onto a local hard-disk or a network drive.
To install the CCS Documentation use the installation setup for Documentation located on the CD-ROM. You can either install it manually or by using the CCS Intro.
manually: ..\Docu\Install\readme_en.txtEnglish
..\Docu\Install\readme_de.txtGerman ..\Docu\Install\readme_es.txtSpanish ..\Docu\Install\setup.exe
CCS Intro: Start CCS Intro Sequence
read the Installation notes
Click on “customer documentation” | “install customer documentation” and follow the instructions
By using the CCS Documentation Setup for installing the display software (Ac­robat Reader) you will have a big advantage:
The setup will install a plug-in for the Acrobat Reader. The plug-in creates a “start-button” in the toolbar of the Acrobat Reader. With this button it is possi­ble to return alway to the start page of the documentation by clicking on the but­ton.
Additionally the setup creates a new entry in the program group for quick and easy starting of the documentation directly from your PC - anytime you want:
Dimensioning Tool for ACD
This program has been designed to produce lists of dimensioning values and serv­ice level characteristics from parameters that define call characteristics of an ACD system (Automatic Call Distribution - Call Centre). The lists show the basic val­ues, the balance between Service Level and Effectiveness, and Service Level char­acteristics that are a necessary input for Call Centre dimensioning.
The program covers the following three areas of BusinessPhone ACD dimension­ing:
• Dimensioning based on business calls
• Dimensioning based on available agents
• Dimensioning of BusinessPhone It is possible to directly start the Dimensioning Tool from the CD-ROM or to
install it on any desired PC.
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
Standard PC Specification for Using Documentation on CD-ROM
• 100% IBM compatible PC
• CPU 486 DX2 66 MHz processor
• 8 MB RAM (16 MB recommended)
• Bus mouse
• SVGA video card, non interlaced with at least 1 MB of memory
• Colour monitor with 800 * 600 or higher resolution and True colours
• 1 CD-ROM drive
• Sound card (recommended)
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
CCS 2.4 supports BusinessPhone 150 as well as BusinessPhone 50/250 (up to V4.0). The installation script now includes the options:
(a) BusinessPhone 150 or BusinessPhone 50/250 (up to V2.0) (b) BusinessPhone 50/250 from V2.1 onwards
By default option (b) will be installed.
Standard PC Specification
• 100% IBM compatible PC
• Pentium 133 MHz processor
• 16 MB RAM (minimum)
• Bus mouse
• 1 internal 3.5” diskette drive
• 1 internal 800 MB hard disk drive, ( SCSI or IDE )
• 1 standard serial port for connection to exchange
• 1 parallel port for the adaptation unit and system printer
• SVGA video card, non interlaced with 1 MB of memory
• Colour monitor with 800 * 600 or higher resolution and 16 colours
• 1 inkjet or laser printer
• 1 CD-ROM drive
Note: If the basic system is to be enhanced with Information Display Units then
additional serial ports will be required. Certain printers using EPP/EPC modes cause a conflict with the adapta­tion unit and in these cases a second parallel port will be required for the connection of the printer.
Adaptation Unit (Software Protection)
An adaptation unit is required for every software release. This determines the number of agents supported by the system according to the structure of the prod­uct. The different units are shown in the table below.
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
Number of Agents
1-10 Adaptation Unit - 10 11-20 Adaptation Unit - 20 21-30 Adaptation Unit - 30 31-40 Adaptation Unit - 40
The adaptation unit is fitted to the parallel port. If the adaptation unit is removed the CCS will not function. The unit has no effect on printing, and will work if the printer is off line, turned off altogether, or not connected. When a printer is fitted the printer cable PC connector is fitted into the adaptation unit.
Exchange to PC Connection
The PC is connected to the exchange for event data capture via a serial port.
PC side:
The standard port for the connection is COM1, however, it is possible to config­ure any available port for the connection.
Exchange side:
Use a free V.24 port on CPU-D_ or on the AUX-board. The used Exchange port must be stated in the Exchange by means of commands (see Settings in Business­Phone Exchange for Call Centre Supervisor).
Line Driver
Where the distance between PC and exchange exceeds 15 metres a line driver or
short haul modem must be incorporated in the link. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up and connecting the line driver. The line driver chosen should ideally have a selectable baud rate to allow for any reconfiguring of the line speed. The default system settings are 1200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity (see Settings in BusinessPhone Exchange for Call Centre Supervisor).
System Printer
The CCS will print to any connected printer which is supported by Windows. Some printers have limited font support under Windows and using these printers may affect the layout of certain reports generated by the CCS. Recommended printers include HP laserjet and inkjet printers, Epson 850 dot-matrix printers, and Canon inkjet printers.
Note: Certain printers using EPP/EPC modes cause a conflict with the adapta-
tion unit and in these cases a second parallel port will be required for the connection of the printer.
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
The PC should be prepared for installation using the manufacturer’s instructions to format the hard disk and install MS Windows 3.11 (Windows for Work­groups) or MS Windows 95/98 if necessary. Any checks suggested by the PC Manufacturer should be carried out to ensure the correct functioning of the PC and the monitor.
Operating System Software
One of the following System Software is required to run CCS on a PC:
• Windows for Workgroups 3.11
• Windows 95 and
• Windows 98.
Application Software
The application software is supplied on the CD-ROM. A setup utility is provided to correctly unpack the packed software, create directories and aimed .INI files (Windows for Workgroups 3.11) or .REG files (Windows 95) as required.
The application requires the Borland Database Engine and Crystal Reports v4.0 (v5.0 for CCS V2.x) runtime. The Borland Database Engine is provided on the CD-ROM and has to be installed manually before installing CCS software. The required Crystal Reports software is automatically installed with the CCS.
Please register your copy of the CCS, so that Ericsson can provide you with tech­nical support.
To register your CCS product, complete the enclosed Software License Agree­ment and forward the information to your distributor or to the next Ericsson company by fax or via mail.
About Ericsson
More information about Ericsson services and our Local Companies are available on the Ericsson Database on Demand on the World Wide Web. To open the Eric­sson Home Page, use the URL:
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
The PC should be prepared for installation using the manufacturer’s instructions to format the hard disk and install Windows if necessary. For best performance Windows for Workgroups 3.11 should be set up for 32 bit file and disk access. The required set up procedure is a normal Windows procedure accessed via the 386 Enhanced icon in the Control Panel. To set up 32 bit access follow the rele­vant set up procedure described in Windows documentation /Online Help.
Any checks suggested by the PC Manufacturer should be carried out to ensure the correct functioning of the PC and the monitor.
Serial ports should be set up as COM1 and COM2. The CCS setup program will allow you to choose which of the available COM ports the connection to the ex­change should use.
All cables and link hardware should be checked for correct functioning before in­stallation. Good quality screened cables should be used for all connections.
Connect the PC COM port to the exchange CPU or AUX card V24 port
Make sure all connections are secure
Fit the adaptation unit to the parallel port
Make sure the connection is secure
Connect the system printer to the adaptation unit (or second parallel port)
Make sure all connections are secure
Ensure the printer has paper which is loaded properly
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
The system is divided into two parts, the Database Engine and the CCS itself. Each part is installed separately. The Database engine must be installed before the CCS can be installed.
Power up the PC and wait for Windows to load
Insert CD-ROM into your computer’s drive
• If the Autostart function of your operating system is activated, a special pro­gram - called Introsequence - will start automatically.
• It the Autostart function is not active or not available (Windows 3.x), dou­ble-click the filename INTROCCS.EXE in the root directory of the CD­ROM in your MS Explorer or File Manager.
When the loading procedure of the CCS Introsequence is finished you will see a menu from which you have full access to all information on your CD-ROM.
To install the Borland Database Engine:
In the CCS Intro click on "install software"
In the following menu click on "install database engine"
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
The Borland Database Engine setup-routines has now been started.
Follow the installation instructions and enter the parameters requested as necessary
When the BDE installation has finished, install the CCS
Note: We recommend that you accept default options when choosing directory
path names, as this makes the post-installation process much easier. How­ever, you may install the BDE to any directory you wish. If you do not ac­cept default parameters you must make a note of any non-default settings for later use. The following Dialogs will be displayed during the install process:
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
+ 42 hidden pages