Ericsson AXE 810 Service Manual

In the next few years, networks will evolve toward today’s vision of an “all-IP” network. We can see two possible scenarios: one for traditional networks, and one for “next­generation” networks. For traditional net­works, the scenario describes what will hap­pen in multiservice networks and in second-
generation mobile networks, such as GSM. The next-generation network scenario de­scribes the development of mobile Internet and fast Internet access in fixed networks.
In traditional networks, evolution is dri­ven by never-ending growth in the need for processing capacity; in mobile networks, by growth in the number of subscribers and usage levels per subscriber. The wireline network is also experiencing a sharp increase in traffic because of Internet “surfing.”
In next-generation networks, traditional telephone and data networks will converge to become general networks designed for many different services and modes of access. The convergence of data and telecommuni­cations makes it possible to combine the best of two worlds. Some requirements, such as the need for heightened performance, are fulfilled more easily when development is based on data communications products. Also, the variety of access modes—via second- and third-generation mobile net­works, the multiservice networks, and broadband—will necessitate the coexis­tence of different transmission formats. Thus, gateways will be required at network interconnection points.
Ericsson Review No. 1, 2001
Thanks primarily to an architecture that was developed to support change, the AXE exchange continues to evolve. Its architecture and mod­ularity have benefited customers—AXE has served as local exchanges and international exchanges, and even in mobile networks to provide mobile switching centers (MSC), home location registers (HLR), and other functions. This has resulted in a total number of about 13,000 exchanges and an all-time-high growth rate.
The modularity of AXE makes it possible to add new functionality in a cost-effective way, but hardware and software R&D must also make the most of new technologies.
This article describes recent adaptations of hardware and software that will prepare AXE for the next generation of networks. The authors focus on a system architecture that will serve as the basis for migration toward a server-gateway architecture for third-generation mobile networks and the next generation of multiservice networks. Adaptations will also enable improvements in existing networks where traffic is growing quickly.
AAL ATM adaptation layer ACS Adjunct computer subsystem ALI ATM link interface AM Application module AP Adjunct processor APC AM protocol carrier APIO AXE central processor IO APSI Application program service
ASIC Application-specific integrated
circuit ATM Asynchronous transfer mode BICC Bearer-independent call control BIST Built-in self-test BSC Base station controller C7 CCITT (now ITU-T) no. 7, a com-
mon-channel signaling system CAS Channel-associated signaling CP Central processor cPCI Compact peripheral component
interconnect CPP Cello packet platform DL Digital link DLEB Digital link multiplexer board in the
GEM DSA Dynamic size alteration DTI Data tranmission interworking ECP Echo canceller in pool ET Exchange terminal ETSI European Telecommunications
Standards Institute FTP File transfer protocol
GCP Gateway control protocol GDDM Generic datacom device magazine
(subrack) GDM Generic device magazine (subrack) GEM Generic Ericsson magazine (subrack) GS Group switch GSM Global system for mobile
communication GSS Group switch subsystem HDLC High-level data-link control HSB Hot standby IO Input-output IOG Input-output group IP Internet protocol IPN Interplatform network ISDN Integrated services digital network ISP Internet service provider IWU Interworking unit MGW Media gateway MIPS Million instructions per second MSC Mobile switching center MSCS Microsoft cluster server MSP Multiplex section protection MTP Message transfer part MUP Multiple position (timeslot) NGS Next-generation switch OSS Operations support system PCM Pulse code modulation PDH Plesiochronous digital hierarchy PLMN Public land mobile network PSTN Public switched telephone network PVC Permanent virtual circuit
RAID Redundant array of independent
disks RAM Random access memory RISC Reduced instruction set computer RLSES Resource layer service specification RM Resource module RMP Resource module platform RP Regional processor RPC Remote procedure call RPP Regional processor with PCI interface SCB-RP Support and connection board - RP SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy SES Service specification SONET Synchronous optical network SS7 Signaling system no. 7 STM Synchronous transfer mode STOC Signaling terminal open communi-
cation TCP Transmission control protocol TDMA Time-division multiple access TRA Transcoder TRC Transceiver controller TSP The server platform TU 11, 12 Typical urban 11 (12) km/hr UMTS Universal mobile telecommunica-
tions system VCI Virtual channel identifier VPI Virtual path identifier XDB Switch distributed board XSS Existing source system WCDMA Wideband code-division multiple
AXE 810—The evolution continues
Magnus Enderin, David LeCorney, Mikael Lindberg and Tomas Lundqvist
Ericsson Review No. 1, 2001
Typical of next-generation network ar­chitecture is the separation of connectivity and communication or control services. This new new architecture will appear first in GSM and WCDMA/UMTS core networks, where AXE exchanges will continue to serve as MSCs. For multiservice networks, tele­phony servers will become hybrid nodes which consist of an AXE exchange that uses an AXD 301 to handle packet-switched data.
Based on the traditional and next­generation scenarios, network evolution will demand increased processing capacity, greater switching capacity, and conversion to packet-switched technology. In addition, new ways of doing business will emerge as virtual operators pay for the right to use tele­com equipment owned by other operators. Similarly, more operators are expected to enter the market, putting additional de­mands on charging and accounting func­tions.
To succeed in today’s telecommunica­tions market, operators must be able to pro­vide their users with new functionality in networks and complete coverage by mobile systems at the same or a lower cost as time progresses. Operators put demands on the return on investment, cost of ownership, footprint (multiple nodes per site), plug­and-play functionality (short lead times in the field), and quality of software packages (quality of service).
This article describes the latest develop­ments made in the AXE platform to meet these requirements, and what new products will be launched. For example, to shorten the software development cycle, a layered ar­chitecture was introduced in the early 1990s, resulting in application modules (AM). Current work on application modules focuses on the server-gateway split. AXE hardware is also undergoing a major archi­tectural transformation to further reduce the footprint, power consumption, and number of board types.
Ericsson’s goal is to cut the time to cus­tomer for AXE by targeting improvements in production, transportation, and installa­tion. Far-reaching rationalization has been achieved through the introduction of the generic Ericsson magazine (GEM), an open, flexible, scalable, high-capacity magazine (subrack). A new distributed, non-blocking group switch (GS890) has also been intro­duced, as have new devices, such as the ATM link interface (ALI) and ET155-1, which en­able AXE to serve as a gateway to an ATM
network. Also, a new input-output (IO) sys­tem, called the APG40, has been developed using products from mainstream data com­munications vendors.
The application platform
The software view
The AXE application software has contin­ued to evolve since it was first layered and modularized in the early 1990s. Market de­mand for shorter lead-times was the main force driving the change to layers and mod­ularization.
Application modules
Figure 1 AXE 810 application software architecture.
The interface of the resource module plat­form with the application modules, called the application platform service interface (APSI), is a formalized client-server inter­face. Subsets of the APSI, or individual in­terfaces, are called service specifications (SES). Each service specification provides a service for the application modules, some of the most important services being:
• connection service—for setting up a phys-
ical connection;
• communication service—for communi-
cation between application modules;
• object manager—for operation and main-
• AM protocol carrier (APC);
• charging service; and
• services for signaling no. 7 (SS7), such as
the message transfer part service. The total concept, which consists of the
RMP, APSI, the AMs, and the inter-AM protocols, is known as the application mod­ularity concept. It is largely thanks to this concept that the system lifetime of AXE consistently exceeds expectations—the AXE system is 30 years old, yet we see no end to its potential evolution.
Resource modules
When the RMP was first introduced, it was small in comparison to the large volume of existing software, called existing source sys­tem (XSS). Following several RMP devel­opment projects, the migration from the earlier architecture to the AM architecture is now virtually complete. The resource module platform, in turn, has become large and complex, leading to a refinement of the AM concept and the division of the RMP into several resource modules (RM). The in­terfaces provided by the resource modules are formalized as resource-layer service spec­ifications (RLSES).
A priority in the development of RMs and AMs (known collectively as system mod­ules) is to specify the interfaces (SES and RLSES) early in the development process. When the interfaces are “frozen”, the sepa­rate system modules can be designed inde­pendently of one another, often at different geographical locations, as is common in the Ericsson organization.
The second major advantage for develop­ment of applications is that application­platform hardware is now associated with specific resource modules and controlled by them. Application modules simply request services via the APSI. Hardware is “owned” by the software in the respective resource modules.
The hardware (Figure 2) revolves around the GS890 group switch, which has 512 K multiple positions, each with a bit rate of 64 kbit/s.
The biggest change in the hardware ar­chitecture is the addition of a new exchange interface (the DL34) to existing DL3 and DL2 interfaces. The DL34 interface sup­ports from 128 to 2,688 timeslots to each device board, in steps of 128, via a backplane interface in the generic Ericsson magazine running at 222 Mbit/s. This interface made it possible to improve the devices connect­ed to the group switch, further reducing input power, cabling, the number of board types, footprints, installation time, and other parameters. The high-speed DL34 in-
Ericsson Review No. 1, 2001
DL2 (cable)
VGA display
External alarm
Remote Ethernet (TCP/IP)
RPB-S Ethernet (IPN) Ethernet (IPN)
Local Ethernet (TCP/IP)
Alarm panel
External sync
ETC sync
Figure 2 Hardware architectural overview.
• Connection RM (CONRM)
• Communication RM (COMRM)
• Operation and maintenance RM (OMRM)
• Network access products RM (NAPRM)
• Pooled devices RM (PDRM)
• Common channel signaling RM (C7RM)
• Charging support RM (CHARM)
Ericsson Review No. 1, 2001
terface has also facilitated a more efficient version of the group switch itself, also lo­cated in the GEM.
Another architectural change (Figure 2) is the interplatform network (IPN). In the first phase, the IPN will be used to speed up communication between the central proces­sor (CP) and adjunct processors (AP). The interface is based on fast Ethernet. In a sec­ond phase, it will be upgraded to Gigabit speed.
All devices that support the DL34 inter­face can be mixed in the GEM more or less without limit. The maximum capacity of each GEM is 16 K multiple-position time­slots (MUP), which corresponds to eight STM-1 ET boards, for example. Physically, there is space for 22 device boards in one GEM.
If a switch is needed that is larger than 16 K MUPs, or when the number of devices exceeds 22, additional GEMs must be added. These can be configured without in­terruption while the system is processing traffic. An exchange based on the GEM is linearly expandable. The maximum switch size is 512 K MUPs at normal rate (64 kbit/s) or 128 K MUPs at a subordinate rate (n x 8 kbit/s).
By inserting a pair of digital link multi­plexer boards (DLEB) in the GEM, we can convert the DL34 backplane interface into four DL3 cable interfaces. This allows all of today’s devices in the generic device maga­zine (GDM), generic datacom device mag­azine (GDDM), and other formats to be used with the new switch core.
Software evolution
The original AXE concept has enabled on­going evolution and modernization. Legacy software can be reused or modified, sub­systems and system modules can be mod­ernized or completely replaced, interfaces can be left unchanged or redesigned to meet new needs, and new architectures can be in­troduced. Yet AXE remains fundamentally AXE.
Several software development programs are under way in parallel. The APZ proces­sor is being adapted to serve as a multi­processor CP to multiply call-handling ca­pacity. Cost of ownership is being reduced. Ericsson is improving its internal manage­ment of software to reduce time-to-market and time-to-customer. These activities are in addition to the four programs described below.
Software migration
The network architecture is changing. In particular, we see two new types of node: the server (or media-gateway controller) and the media gateway itself, resulting in what is known as the “server-gateway split.” In order to meet the demands of the new ar­chitecture, the software in the application platform is being migrated from a tradi­tional telecom environment—which is STM-based, mainly for voice traffic—to-
RMP Server module
1999 2001 2001/2002
Gateway module
Server module
Media gateway
Figure 3 Software evolution toward the server-gateway split.
or DTI
or DTI
STM network
AXE media gateway
Switched 64 kbit/s connections for PCM coded voice Switched 64 kbit/s connections for HDLC framed voice or data packets
Figure 4 System architecture, ATM interworking function.
ward a packet-based environment, initially for ATM, and subsequently for IP.
In this new architecture, the server con­trols the call or session, whereas the media gateway provides the bearer service, trans­mitting information over the connectivity layer. An advantage of separating call con­trol from bearer control is that bearer tech­nology can be upgraded from STM via ATM to IP without affecting the call control.
The original AM architecture has proved itself to be future-proof and is well suited to accommodate the server-gateway split. The split has been implemented in system mod­ules (new and modified AMs and RMs) without any fundamental changes to the software architecture. For example, new RMs for bearer-access service and for TDM access are currently being developed for the WCDMA/UMTS program.
Two separate migration tracks are currently being followed. For the WCDMA/UMTS program, AXE is the nat­ural choice of technology for the server, thanks to its high capacity and high level of functionality. AXE is also available as a com­bined server/media-gateway node, where the server part controls its own gateway part. By contrast, the Cello packet platform (CPP) is the preferred choice of technology for ATM­based media gateways. In such a network, the server nodes communicate using bearer­independent call control (BICC). The server controls the gateway using the gateway con­trol protocol (GCP). ATM-based gateways communicate using Q.AAL2.
The second migration track is for the next­generation switch (NGS) program for the multiservice network. The server node is a hybrid node made up of co-located AXE and AXD 301 systems. The gateway node con­sists of an ATM switch (also an AXD 301) for AAL1 connections, and is controlled by the server using the gateway control protocol.
In-service performance
One of the most powerful robustness mechanisms is known as forlopp, which is a recovery mechanism at the transaction level. (Forlopp is an anglicization of the Swedish
word förlopp, roughly the “sequence of events.”) The forlopp mechanism is a low­level recovery mechanism by which only the transaction affected by the software mal­function is released. This minimizes the dis­turbance to the overall system. The forlopp mechanism, which has been refined in sev­eral stages and is now applied to all traffic handling in AXE and to many operation and maintenance functions, has significantly re­duced the number of recoveries at the sys­tem level.
System restart is used as a recovery mech­anism for certain faults and for system up­grades. The restart mechanism itself has been optimized in several ways, so that in the few cases that still require restart, its du­ration is as short as possible.
Activities for restarting software in the re­gional processor (RP) have been especially improved. For example, regional processors are restarted through minimal restart by de­fault—that is, with the suppression of un­necessary actions. Complete restarts are per­formed on regional processors only when necessary. Regional processors are restarted asynchronously, which means that no re­gional processor has to wait for any other re­gional processor to become ready for a restart phase. These improvements have signifi­cantly reduced the time consumed when restarting application hardware.
If necessary, AXE can, via the IPN, be re­loaded from the backup copy of the system on the APG40 file system. This approach is ten times faster than the design that applied before the APG40 and IPN were intro­duced. Also, the time it takes to make a backup copy of the system on APG40 is one­fifth of what it was before.
The restart duration for a system that is upgrading to new software has also been re­duced. The most recent improvements in­volve RP software, which is now preloaded prior to an upgrade, instead of during the upgrade, thus saving restart time.
Major improvements have been made to the function-change mechanism used for system upgrades. Inside the central proces­sor, the time needed for data transfer prior to a changeover to new software has been cut from hours to typically ten minutes. (The data transfer does not disturb traffic han­dling, but exchange data cannot be changed during data transfer.)
Another improvement applies to the retrofit of new CPs that replace old ones. The bandwidth of the connection between the processors has been expanded by using re-
Ericsson Review No. 1, 2001
System downtime
Complete exchange failure Software upgrade Restart with reload Large restart Small restart
2000 2001 2002
Figure 5 Reduction in system downtime.
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