In the next few years, networks will evolve
toward today’s vision of an “all-IP” network.
We can see two possible scenarios: one for
traditional networks, and one for “nextgeneration” networks. For traditional networks, the scenario describes what will happen in multiservice networks and in second-
generation mobile networks, such as GSM.
The next-generation network scenario describes the development of mobile Internet
and fast Internet access in fixed networks.
In traditional networks, evolution is driven by never-ending growth in the need for
processing capacity; in mobile networks, by
growth in the number of subscribers and
usage levels per subscriber. The wireline
network is also experiencing a sharp increase
in traffic because of Internet “surfing.”
In next-generation networks, traditional
telephone and data networks will converge
to become general networks designed for
many different services and modes of access.
The convergence of data and telecommunications makes it possible to combine the best
of two worlds. Some requirements, such as
the need for heightened performance, are
fulfilled more easily when development is
based on data communications products.
Also, the variety of access modes—via
second- and third-generation mobile networks, the multiservice networks, and
broadband—will necessitate the coexistence of different transmission formats.
Thus, gateways will be required at network
interconnection points.
Ericsson Review No. 1, 2001
Thanks primarily to an architecture that was developed to support
change, the AXE exchange continues to evolve. Its architecture and modularity have benefited customers—AXE has served as local exchanges
and international exchanges, and even in mobile networks to provide
mobile switching centers (MSC), home location registers (HLR), and other
functions. This has resulted in a total number of about 13,000 exchanges
and an all-time-high growth rate.
The modularity of AXE makes it possible to add new functionality in a
cost-effective way, but hardware and software R&D must also make the
most of new technologies.
This article describes recent adaptations of hardware and software that
will prepare AXE for the next generation of networks. The authors focus
on a system architecture that will serve as the basis for migration toward
a server-gateway architecture for third-generation mobile networks and
the next generation of multiservice networks. Adaptations will also enable
improvements in existing networks where traffic is growing quickly.
AAL ATM adaptation layer
ACS Adjunct computer subsystem
ALI ATM link interface
AM Application module
AP Adjunct processor
APC AM protocol carrier
APIO AXE central processor IO
APSI Application program service
ASIC Application-specific integrated
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
BICC Bearer-independent call control
BIST Built-in self-test
BSC Base station controller
C7 CCITT (now ITU-T) no. 7, a com-
mon-channel signaling system
CAS Channel-associated signaling
CP Central processor
cPCI Compact peripheral component
CPP Cello packet platform
DL Digital link
DLEB Digital link multiplexer board in the
DSA Dynamic size alteration
DTI Data tranmission interworking
ECP Echo canceller in pool
ET Exchange terminal
ETSI European Telecommunications
Standards Institute
FTP File transfer protocol
GCP Gateway control protocol
GDDM Generic datacom device magazine
GDM Generic device magazine (subrack)
GEM Generic Ericsson magazine (subrack)
GS Group switch
GSM Global system for mobile
GSS Group switch subsystem
HDLC High-level data-link control
HSB Hot standby
IO Input-output
IOG Input-output group
IP Internet protocol
IPN Interplatform network
ISDN Integrated services digital network
ISP Internet service provider
IWU Interworking unit
MGW Media gateway
MIPS Million instructions per second
MSC Mobile switching center
MSCS Microsoft cluster server
MSP Multiplex section protection
MTP Message transfer part
MUP Multiple position (timeslot)
NGS Next-generation switch
OSS Operations support system
PCM Pulse code modulation
PDH Plesiochronous digital hierarchy
PLMN Public land mobile network
PSTN Public switched telephone network
PVC Permanent virtual circuit
RAID Redundant array of independent
RAM Random access memory
RISC Reduced instruction set computer
RLSES Resource layer service specification
RM Resource module
RMP Resource module platform
RP Regional processor
RPC Remote procedure call
RPP Regional processor with PCI interface
SCB-RP Support and connection board - RP
SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy
SES Service specification
SONET Synchronous optical network
SS7 Signaling system no. 7
STM Synchronous transfer mode
STOC Signaling terminal open communi-
TCP Transmission control protocol
TDMA Time-division multiple access
TRA Transcoder
TRC Transceiver controller
TSP The server platform
TU 11, 12 Typical urban 11 (12) km/hr
UMTS Universal mobile telecommunica-
tions system
VCI Virtual channel identifier
VPI Virtual path identifier
XDB Switch distributed board
XSS Existing source system
WCDMA Wideband code-division multiple
AXE 810—The evolution continues
Magnus Enderin, David LeCorney, Mikael Lindberg and Tomas Lundqvist