Do you want a PoS receipt printer that sets new standards for environmental
compatibility, quality, reliability and total cost of ownership? Then the TM-T88V
is your fi rst choice. The Epson TM-T88 series thermal printers have in the past
already set standards for a whole industry, with already over fi ve million systems
installed. Now with the TM-T88V, Epson launches its latest fl agship. The printer
benefi ts from proven predecessor technologies. With many new technical features,
this is the most cost-effi cient, long-lasting and eco-friendly PoS thermal printer
ever developed by Epson.
Benchmark - Innovation
As one of the leading suppliers of products and solutions
in the print and digital imaging sectors, Epson is well-known
for its dynamic record of innovations. With its TM-T88V
thermal printer, the Japanese technology corporation
sets a new milestone. Whether it’s grey scale print, the
ENERGY STAR® certifi cate or the long life of its mechanical
and electronic components, the Epson TM-T88V is miles
ahead in technology and ingenious detail – impressive!
Benchmark - Total cost of ownership
Behind the technical perfection of the TM-T88V lie many years
of business experience, with over fi ve million printer installations and a systematic process of improvement spanning
fi ve generations. Signifi cant key performance indicators –
system availability (MCBF), cutting capacity and print head
capacity for example – bear witness to the very low total
cost of ownership of the thermal printer. Its high degree of
reliability guarantees your productivity at the point of sale.
Benchmark - Economy
Cost effi ciency is one of the key features of the TM-T88V, a
very important commercial consideration in these times of
cost constraints and tight margins. Whatever the operational mode, energy consumption is ultra low, there are many
ways to cut down on paper usage, and it has a durable,
robust, cost-cutting design – all ideal for the environment.

Benchmark - Sustainability
Under its sustainability initiative, Epson is committed to
maintaining high ethical and ecological standards. The
‘Epson Sustainability Report’, published annually, records
how Epson safeguards and continuously improves the
environmental credentials of its products and manufacturing
processes. The company is sustainable, too, in its ethical
relations with customers, business partners and workforce.
Benchmark – Environmental protection
Since 2000, Epson has been recording the environmental
impact of some the items in its production range. Life cycle
assessments (LCA) reveal the consumption, in terms of
raw materials and energy, occasioned by a product during
production, use and disposal and the associated emissions.
Thanks to ground-breaking improvement measures, Epson
has signifi cantly improved the CO2 account of the printer.
The printer’s extremely long life is not the least of the factors
with a positive effect on its LCA.