EPSON RC+ 7.0 Instruction Manual

Rev.1 EM208S4407F
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option
(Add-On Instructions)
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option
AOI (Add-On Instructions)
Copyright 2020 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 i
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Warnings, Cautions, Usage:
ii EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1


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EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 iii
iv EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1

2. Operation 1

2.1 Requirements ...........................................................................................1
2.2 Robot Controller Preparation ...................................................................1
2.3 PLC Project Preparation ..........................................................................1
2.4 SPEL AOI Common Inputs and Outputs..................................................1
2.5 SPEL AOI General Operation ..................................................................2

3. Configuring the Robot Controller 2

4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs 4

5. SPEL AOI Reference 14

SPEL_Above .................................................................................................14
SPEL_Accel ..................................................................................................15
SPEL_AccelS ................................................................................................16
SPEL_Arc ......................................................................................................17
SPEL_Arc3 ....................................................................................................18
SPEL_ArchGet ..............................................................................................19
SPEL_ArchSet ..............................................................................................20
SPEL_BaseGet .............................................................................................21
SPEL_BaseSet .............................................................................................22
SPEL_Below .................................................................................................23
SPEL_CPOff .................................................................................................24
SPEL_CPOn .................................................................................................25
SPEL_ExecCmd ...........................................................................................26
SPEL_FineGet ..............................................................................................27
SPEL_FineSet ...............................................................................................28
SPEL_Flip .....................................................................................................29
SPEL_Go ......................................................................................................30
SPEL_In ........................................................................................................31
SPEL_InertiaGet ...........................................................................................32
SPEL_InertiaSet ............................................................................................33
SPEL_Init ......................................................................................................34
SPEL_InW .....................................................................................................36
SPEL_Jog .....................................................................................................37
SPEL_Jump ..................................................................................................38
SPEL_Jump3 ................................................................................................39
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 v
Table of Contents
SPEL_Jump3CP ........................................................................................... 40
SPEL_Lefty ................................................................................................... 41
SPEL_LimZ ................................................................................................... 42
SPEL_LocalGet ............................................................................................ 43
SPEL_LocalSet ............................................................................................. 44
SPEL_MemIn ................................................................................................ 45
SPEL_MemInW ............................................................................................ 46
SPEL_MemOff .............................................................................................. 47
SPEL_MemOn .............................................................................................. 48
SPEL_MemOut ............................................................................................. 49
SPEL_MemOutW ......................................................................................... 50
SPEL_MemSw .............................................................................................. 51
SPEL_MotorOff ............................................................................................. 52
SPEL_MotorOn ............................................................................................. 53
SPEL_Move .................................................................................................. 54
SPEL_NoFlip ................................................................................................ 55
SPEL_Off ...................................................................................................... 56
SPEL_On ...................................................................................................... 57
SPEL_Out ..................................................................................................... 58
SPEL_OutW .................................................................................................. 59
SPEL_PowerHigh ......................................................................................... 60
SPEL_PowerLow .......................................................................................... 61
SPEL_ResetError ......................................................................................... 62
SPEL_Righty ................................................................................................. 63
SPEL_SavePoints ........................................................................................ 64
SPEL_Speed ................................................................................................ 65
SPEL_SpeedS .............................................................................................. 66
SPEL_Sw ...................................................................................................... 67
SPEL_Teach ................................................................................................. 68
SPEL_ToolGet .............................................................................................. 69
SPEL_ToolSet ............................................................................................... 70
SPEL_WeightGet .......................................................................................... 71
SPEL_WeightSet .......................................................................................... 72
SPEL_XYLimGet .......................................................................................... 73
SPEL_XYLimSet ........................................................................................... 74

6. Error Codes 75

EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1

1. Introduction

Name of AOI
A local tag that references the name of the AOI.
These are the input IO mapping.
These are the output IO mapping.
This is the input that starts the AOI.
This manual contains instructions on how to use EPSON RC+ 7.0 SPEL AOI (Add-On­Instructions). AOI allows Allen-Bradley® PLC users to execute commands in EPSON robot controllers from a PLC ladder logic program. EPSON AOI uses extended remote I/O to communicate with the controller via EtherNet/IP.

2. Operation

2.1 Requirements

To use SPEL Add-On-Instructions, the following are required:
- An EPSON robot controller with an EtherNet/IP Fieldbus slave board installed. The
controller must have firmware version or greater installed.
- A Windows PC with EPSON RC+ 7.0 v7.5.0 or greater installed. This is used to
configure the robot controller for AOI operation, and to create a project in the controller when a robot point file is used.

2.2 Robot Controller Preparation

To prepare the robot controller for SPEL AOI execution:
1. Introduction
1. Install an EtherNet/IP Fieldbus slave board in the controller and connect it to the Ethernet
network used for communication with the PLC.
2. Configure the robot controller for use with SPEL AOI. See chapter 3. Configuring the
Robot Controller.

2.3 PLC Project Preparation

To prepare the PLC project for SPEL AOI execution:
1. Setup the A1 EtherNet module for communication with the robot controller. You can
import the EpsonEtherNetIP.L5X file (recommended), or you can manually set it up. See chapter 5, Creating a PLC Program.
2. Either import all SPEL AOIs into the project by importing SPEL_All.L5x, or import the
desired SPEL AOIs separately. You must always import the SPEL_Init AOI.
3. Create a rung for execution of the SPEL_Init AOI. This must be executed once before
executing other AOIs. SPEL_Init executes SPEL_ResetError and checks robot controller configuration. There are no errors, then AOI execution is allowed.

2.4 SPEL AOI Common Inputs and Outputs

Each SPEL AOI has the following common inputs and outputs:
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 1

3. Configuring the Robot Controller

BOOL output bit that indicates the status of execution of the AOI. If this is high, then the AOI is executing.
BOOL output bit that indicates the status of completion of the AOI. If this is high, then the AOI execution is complete.
BOOL output bit that indicates if an error occurred during execution.
INT error codes from the robot controller. These should be 0 in
bit is high.
ErrCode1 and ErrCode2
AOIs have additional inputs and/or outputs. These are described separately for each AOI in the chapter 5.SPEL AOI Reference.
normal operation, and one or both are greater than 0 when the Error

2.5 SPEL AOI General Operation

General operation of all SPEL AOIs is as follows:
1. SPEL_Init AOI must have been executed one time sucessfully before executing other
2. Set the Start input from low to high to start execution.
3. During execution, the Done and Error output bits are set to low and the InCycle output
bit is set to high.
4. After execution, the Done output bit is set to high and the InCycle output bit is set to
low. If an error occurred during execution, the Error output bit is set to high, and the error code values ErrCode1 and ErrCode2 are set. See the chapter 6. Error Codes for more information.
5. If an error occurs, SPEL AOI execution is prevented until the SPEL_ResetError AOI
is executed.
3. Configuring the Robot Controller
In this chapter we will describe how to configure the robot controller Fieldbus slave to work with the PLC when using SPEL AOIs. Perform the following steps:
1. Start EPSON RC+ 7.0 on your PC.
2. Connect to the robot controller. You may need to configure a connection to the robot
controller in [Setup]-[PC to Controller Communications]. See the EPSON RC+ 7.0 User's Guide for instructions.
3. From the [Setup] menu, select [System Configuration].
4. Click [Controller]-[Inputs/Outputs]-[Fieldbus Slave]. Configure the number of input and
output bytes to 128 as shown below, then click <Apply>.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
3. Configuring the Robot Controller
5. Expand [Fieldbus Slave] in the tree and select [Ethernet/IP].
Set the IP address, mask, and gateway that will be used for communication from the A1 EtherNet module in the PLC.
6. Select [Remote Control]-[PLC] and select Allen-Bradley® as the PLC Vendor.
7. Click “Close” on the [System Configuration] dialog. The controller will restart.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 3

4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs

4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
EPSON RC+ 7.0 users are provided with Allen-Bradley® Logix Designer files which are installed on the user PC by the EPSON RC+ v7.5.0 or greater installer. The files are located in \EpsonRC70\Fieldbus\EtherNetIP\AOI on the user PC.
In this chapter, we will show how to create a simple example project to turn robot motors on and off using SPEL AOIs.
To create a new project, make sure you are in offline mode and follow these steps:
1. Start the Studio 5000® software, then click [New Project]. The New Project dialog will
be displayed.
2. Choose your Controller family and PLC controller model number. Enter a project name
under [Name], then click <Next>.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
3. The dialog shown below will be displayed. Leave all choices as default, then click
4. You have just created a new empty PLC project
5. Now you need to add and configure the Ethernet module for communications with the
robot controller. There are two methods: Import the file EpsonEtherNetIP.L5X, or perform manual configuration.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 5
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
Importing the Ethernet configuration
1. Right click on [A1, Ethernet], then click [Import Module].
2. Navigate to \EpsonRC70\Fieldbus\EtherNetIP\AOI and select the file
3. After import, right-click on the module and select Properties. Change the default IP
address to be the address of the robot controller's EtherNetIP slave board.
Manual Ethernet configuration
1. Right click on [A1, Ethernet], then click [New Module].
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
2. Type in “generic” in the search field. Click “ETHERNET MODULE” under catalog
number, then click <Create>.
3. Enter the values as shown, and use the IP address of the robot controller EtherNet/IP
slave, then click <OK>.
4. Click <OK> on the next window.
Saving your project at this stage is a good idea. When creating a new Ethernet module, please note that connection parameter values should match your robot controller values.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 7
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
Import SPEL AOIs in to the new project
1. Now you need to import AOIs in the new project. For this example, you will import
all SPEL AOIs. You can also import individual AOIs. To do this, right click on [Add-On Instructions] folder from [Controller Organizer], click [Import Add-On Instruction].
2. Navigate to \EpsonRC70\Fieldbus\EtherNetIP\AOI, then select “SPEL_All.L5X” file
and click <Open>.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
3. The dialog below is displayed. Check to make sure that there are no errors, then click
4. Now you should see the list of all SPEL AOIs in the project.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 9
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
5. Now you can create a program.
5-1. Expand [MainProgram], then double click on [MainRoutine].
5-2. Click [Favorites] tab, add 5 extra rungs. Then drag “Examine On” and “Output
Energize” to rung 0, 2 and 4.
5-3. Click [Add-On] tab, drag “SPEL_Init” to rung 1, “SPEL_MotorOn” to rung 3,
and “SPEL_MotorOff” to rung 5, like shown below.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
6. In rung 0, double click at [?] of “Examine On”, type in the name of the variable. In this
case we will use “InitSwitch”.
7. Do the same step as above, in rung 0, double click on [?] of the “Output Energize”, and
type “InitCoil”.
8. Right click on [InitSwitch], click on [New “InitSwitch”], then click <Create>, as shown
9. Create new variable “InitCoil” same method used in “InitSwitch”.
10. Do same steps in 14 to 17 for rung 2 and 4 to create new variables. Use variable name
“MotorOnSwitch”, “MotorOnCoil” for rung 2, and “MotorOffSwitch”, “MotorOffCoil” for rung 4.
11. Now we configure SPEL_Init AOI inputs.
11-1. Inside “SPEL_Init” block, click [?] to the right of [SPE_Init], and type “Init”.
11-2. Right click on [Init], choose [New “Init”]. then click <Create>.
“Init” will be the name of the structure that holds all internal variable of “SPEL_Init” AOI.
11-3. Click [?] next to “Start”, type “InitCoil”, you do not need to create a new
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 11
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
11-4. Click [?] next to [ExtInputs], type “Ep”, it will auto populate, press <Enter>.
11-5. Do same step to [ExtOutputs]. “SPEL_Init” is now configured and the rung lines
should change from red to blue.
11-6. Do the same steps as in 11-1 to 11-2 for rung 3 and 5. Choose “MotorOn” for
rung 3, “MotorOff” for rung 5.
11-7. Do the same steps as in 11-3 for rung 3 and 5. Use “MotorOnCoil” for rung 3,
“MotorOffCoil” for rung 5.
12. The program in now complete. Save the project.
13. Click the down arrow right to [Path] to choose communication path with controller.
In this example I am using USB to connect my PC to the PLC controller.
14. Double click on “USB” to close the window, then click <Download> in the next
window to transfer program to PLC controller.
15. Click <Yes> in the next window if prompted to change PLC into “Remote Run” mode,
like shown below.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
4. Creating a PLC Project using SPEL AOIs
16. PLC now in run mode and program is ready to be executed.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 13

5. SPEL AOI Reference

5. SPEL AOI Reference
In this chapter each SPEL AOI is described.
For AOI operation in general, refer to section 2.5, SPEL AOI General Operation.
For each AOI in the Operation section, there is also a referal to the corresponding SPEL+ command in the SPEL+ Language Reference manual which has more details about the command.
Each AOI has a simple example.


Sets the elbow orientation of the specified point to Above.
Common inputs and Outputs
Refer to section 2.4 SPEL AOI Common Inputs and Outputs.
Point INT point number to set its orientation to ABOVE.
Refer to section 2.5 SPEL AOI General Operation.
Refer to Elbow Statement in the SPEL+ Language Reference manual.
To set P0 orientation to Above, set [Point] to “0”, as shown below.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
5. SPEL AOI Reference


Sets the point to point acceleration and deceleration. Specifies the ratio (%) of the maximum acceleration/deceleration using an integer equals to or greater than 1.
Common inputs and Outputs
Refer to section 2.4 SPEL AOI Common Inputs and Outputs.
Accel INT value of acceleration as percentage. Decel INT value of deceleration as percentage.
Refer to section 2.5 SPEL AOI General Operation.
Refer to Accel Statement in the SPEL+ Language Reference manual.
To set acceleration to 50% and deceleration to 50%, set [Accel] to “50” and [Decel] to “50”, as shown below.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 15
5. SPEL AOI Reference


Sets acceleration and deceleration. Specifies the value which is the actual acceleration/deceleration in linear or CP motion (Unit: mm/sec2).
Common Inputs and Outputs
Refer to section 2.4 SPEL AOI Common Inputs and Outputs.
Accel REAL value of acceleration. Decel REAL value of deceleration.
Refer to section 2.5 SPEL AOI General Operation.
Refer to AccelS Statement in the SPEL+ Language Reference manual.
To set acceleration to 100.200, deceleration to 200.100, set [Accel] to “100.200”, [Decel] to “200.100”, as shown
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
5. SPEL AOI Reference


Moves the arm from the current position to the specified position in circular interpolation motion on XY plane face.
Common Inputs and Outputs
Refer to section 2.4 SPEL AOI Common Inputs and Outputs.
midPoint INT middle point in Arc command. endPoint INT end point in Arc command.
Refer to section 2.5 SPEL AOI General Operation.
Refer to Arc Statement in the SPEL+ Language Reference manual.
To move from current position passing through P2 and ending at P3, in a circular motion.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1 17
5. SPEL AOI Reference


Moves the arm from the current position to the specified position in circular interpolation in 3 dimensions.
Common Inputs and Outputs
Refer to section 2.4 SPEL AOI Common Inputs and Outputs.
midPoint INT middle point in Arc3 command. endPoint INT end point in Arc3 command.
Refer to section 2.5 SPEL AOI General Operation.
Refer to Arc3 Statement in the SPEL+ Language Reference manual.
To move from current position passing through P1 and ending at P2, in a circular motion.
EPSON RC+ 7.0 Option AOI (Add-On Instructions) Rev.1
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