Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Epson LQ Color Driver for Microsoft Windows 3.0 and 3.1
Date: 4/3/92 PSB No: P-0087
Page(s): 1 of 3
The purpose of this bulletin is to announce the availability of an additional color
driver for the LQ-860, LQ-2500, and LQ-2550 for the Microsoft Windows 3.0 and
3.1 environments. This driver is primarily intended to provide Device Independent
Bitmap (DIB) support for Windows based application software. The most popular of
these is Paintbrush which is included with Windows 3.0 and 3.1.
When upgrading to Microsoft Windows version 3.1, it is recommended to use the
Epson driver that is included with that version of Windows. The Microsoft Windows
version 3.1 drivers have DIB support built-in, in addition to new enhancements.
Originator: RSS
This bulletin also contains information regarding how the driver is being distributed.
In addition, specifications on the color driver and instructions on how to install the
driver into your Windows Package are included.
The Microsoft Windows LQ Color Driver is available from the following sources:
The driver can be ordered from Accessory Marketing. The part number is
WINCOLOR. To place an order with Accessory Marketing call (800) 922-
2) The driver is available from CompuServe. After logging into CompuServe,
to access the Epson Forum, type ‘GO EPSON” at the prompt.
The Epson Bulletin Board is the final means for accessing the driver. The
Epson BBS number for consumers is (310) 782-4531.
For a limited time the driver is being distributed free of charge.
The driver consists of 3 files:

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The fonts supported are:
Graphic densities supported:
(Horizontal x Vertical)
Paper Sources:
Cartridge or Optional Fonts:
Paper Size:
Courier, Roman, San Serif, Prestige, Script, OCR-A,
OCR-B, Orator, Orator-S.
360 x 180, 180 x 180, 120 x 180.
Tractor, Bin 1, Bin 2, Manual.
Multi-font Cartridge
Letter, 8 1/2 x 11 in.
Letter, 11 x 8 1/2 in.
Legal, 8 1/2 x 14 in.
Fanfold, 14 7/8 x 11 in.
Tabloid, 11 x 17 in.
A4, 210 x 297 mm
A3, 297 x 420 mm
Fanfold, 210 x 305 mm
Fanfold, 358 x 305 mm
#6 envelope, 6 1/2 x 3 5/8 in.
#10 envelope, 9 1/2 x 4 1/8 in.
Choose Control Panel from the Main Group window in Program Manager.
The Control Panel window appears.
Choose the Printers icon. The Printers dialogue box appears.
Choose the Add Printer button. The dialogue box expands to display a list of
printer-driver files.
Select ‘Unlisted Printer” at the end of the display.
Choose Install.
Select the correct drive and path to find the Windows driver.
Select the ‘EPSON LQ COLOR” and choose OK.

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Define the new driver as ACTIVE to begin using it immediately.
Refer to the MS Windows User’s Manual for further information about printer-driver
The LQ-2500 is only supported with tractor paper. This is because in single sheet
mode or CSF mode the printer has a large top and bottom non-printable area.
For best results you should print at 360 x 180 DPI for normal printing and 180 x
180 DPI for draft printing.

Product Support Bulletin
Date: 4/3/91
Page(s): 1 of 4
Epson printers issue beep tones when certain error conditions exist. Those beeps
can assist you in locating and repairing customer’s printers. The following error
codes are listed by product name.
1 beep:
1 beep:
3 beeps:
24 Pin Printer Error and Beep Codes
PSB No: P-0076
Originator JV
Most of the beeps issued by the printers are of .1 second duration with a .1
second pause between beeps. Where the beeps or the pauses are longer,
it has been noted in the text. The description “3 Beeps x 2” means two sets
of three beeps.
BEL code
A Control Panel setting is accepted.
Paper End detected
5 beeps: Abnormal carriage movement
On-Line light is flashing:
LQ-500, LQ-510, LQ-1010, LQ-850, LQ-950, LQ-1050,
L1000, AP-4000, AP-4500
1 beep:
1 beep:
3 beeps: Paper End detected
5 beeps: Abnormal carriage movement
Printhead is over heated. Carriage will stop until
the printhead cools down.
BEL code (.5 set beep)
A Control Panel setting is accepted