Product Support Bulletin
Date: 4/3/91
Page(s): 1 of 4
Epson printers issue beep tones when certain error conditions exist. Those beeps
can assist you in locating and repairing customer’s printers. The following error
codes are listed by product name.
1 beep:
1 beep:
3 beeps:
24 Pin Printer Error and Beep Codes
PSB No: P-0076
Originator JV
Most of the beeps issued by the printers are of .1 second duration with a .1
second pause between beeps. Where the beeps or the pauses are longer,
it has been noted in the text. The description “3 Beeps x 2” means two sets
of three beeps.
BEL code
A Control Panel setting is accepted.
Paper End detected
5 beeps: Abnormal carriage movement
On-Line light is flashing:
LQ-500, LQ-510, LQ-1010, LQ-850, LQ-950, LQ-1050,
L1000, AP-4000, AP-4500
1 beep:
1 beep:
3 beeps: Paper End detected
5 beeps: Abnormal carriage movement
Printhead is over heated. Carriage will stop until
the printhead cools down.
BEL code (.5 set beep)
A Control Panel setting is accepted

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LQ-800, LQ-1000, L750
1 beep: BEL code
1 beep: A Control Panel setting is accepted
3 beeps: Paper End detected
5 beeps:
5 beeps:
1 beep:
1 beep:
3 beeps:
5 beeps:
5 beeps:
5 beeps:
Abnormal carriage movement
(.5 sec. pause between beeps)
+35V supply is abnormal
BEL code (.5 sec. beep)
A Control Panel setting is accepted
Paper End detected
Color select mechanism error
(.5 sec. beep, .5 sec between beeps)
Abnormal carriage movement
(.5 sec. beep, .5 sec between beeps)
CG ROM failure
(.5 sec. beep, .5 sec between beeps)
1 beep:
5 beeps:
5 beeps:
BEL code
Paper End detected
Abnormal carriage movement
(.5 sec. pause between beeps)

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1 beep: BEL code
5 beeps:
5 beeps:
LQ-2500 LCD Codes:
00 Invalid ID request to CGROM
Printers with LCD displays use error messages along with beeps to
inform the user of problems. The following messages will help you to
troubleshoot problems.
A blank LCD screen with the Power-on LED lit can be caused by a bent
pin on one of the PROMS or jumper J1 may be set incorrectly.
Abnormal voltageAbnormal carriage movement
(.5 sec. pause between beeps)
EEROM read/write error
Abnormal carriage movement
1 beep: BEL code
3 beeps:
5 beeps: Abnormal carriage movement (.5 sec. pause between
5 beeps: Platen Gap adjustment error (.5 sec. pause between
5 beeps:
LQ-2550 LCD Codes:
00 (1)
Internal ROM check does not match. The versions may have been mixed.
The font could not be found. The printer’s internal program could not
find the target font.
Missing or damaged 7A ROM
Paper End detected
Case open