Epson Equity 386-20 Product Support Bulletin

Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Proper Method for Running Benchmark and Diagnostics Programs
Date: 06/04/93 Page(s): 1 of 1
In most cases, the computer should be started using an MS-DOS boot diskette that’s ‘clean’ ­The appropriate executable can then be run, either from diskette or hard drive.
There will be some exceptions to the above rule. In attempting to benchmark or troubleshoot any add-on that requires a device driver (CD-ROM, local area network,
etc.), obviously the necessary device driver(s) must be loaded. Also, some
programs will require a minimum number of FILES or BUFFERS to be defined in the CONFIG.SYS file. Such programs will usually display this requirement if they are run without the necessary CONFIG.SYS file.
For the most consistent results, use the absolute minimal boot configuration that’s
allowed by the hardware being tested.
in other words, one with no CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files.
PSB No: S-0158 Originator: MWT
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Equity Series SIMM Compatibility
Date: 12/4/91 Page(s): 1 of 1
Due to the influx of third party SlMMs on the market, there are some that are not
compatible with Epson products. This bulletin is intended to be an aid in ensuring that only compatible SlMMs are chosen for use in Epson’s Equity Series of computers.
The SlMMs in question were SEIMENS, CUMULUS and KINGSTON. Installing these
SlMMs in Epson products may cause the following errors:
Parity Check 1 18FFFE 0000 202 Memory Address Error 164 System Options Not 1500 E000 201” DOS RAM Address Error
It was thought that the chips used in these SlMMs were of poor quality.
Epson Portland evaluated the SlMMs in question and found that this was not true.
The problem is caused by the SIMM circuit boards (ITE and TECAP circuit boards)
used to manufacture the SIMM modules. The dimensions of these boards are not compatible with industry standard SIMM sockets. This may result in incomplete contact between the SIMM assembly and it’s socket. This is caused by insufficient size of the contact surfaces in these products. Also enlarged holes in the TECAP
product allow the component pin to pass entirely through the hole without making
PSB No: S-0136 Originator: JAD
It is recommended that only SIMMS meeting industry standard contact surface
specifications be used in Epson Equity computer products.
Some recommended SlMMs that were tested and found Compatible are:
Matsushita CDC Enterprises Samsung
For more information contact Technical Support.
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Date: 02/06/91
Page(s): 1 of 1 As computing environments increase in complexity, there has been an increasing
number of instances that require the support of several printers by one computer. One common example is that of using Novell Netware’s print server capabilities to provide printer access to a large group of users with differing printer requirements.
Netware is capable of supporting three (3) parallel and two (2) serial printers on one server. Recent testing has shown that the Equity 386/25 Plus, Equity 386/25, Equity 386/20 and the Equity 386SX Plus will support three (3) parallel ports along with two
(2) serial ports. The key factor in providing support for a third parallel port is the need for a parallel interface card that can be set to the IBM Monochrome Graphics/Parallel printer I/O address at 3BCh. The computer looks for this address first and, if present, will assign the parallel port on that card as LPT1. The built-in parallel port (I/O address 378h) will then be addressed as LPT2. We also had an AST I/O Mini serial/parallel card addressed at l/O address 278h, which was then reassigned to LPT3. Each of the three parallel ports was attached to a printer. There was also a printer attached to each of the two serial ports. All five printers were then set to print simultaneously under Netware Version 2.15 Rev. C using PCONSOLE. All five printers were able to print the documents assigned to them, simultaneously. The units were then tested using WordPerfect 5.1 on the network and again were successful in printing to the five (5) printers at the same time. The last tests were run with the units booting under DOS 4.01 and screen prints being directed to each of the printers. WordPerfect 5.1 was also used to direct documents to each of the
printers. Again all five (5) printers were able to print the files that were sent to them.
Maximum Number of Printers Supported by Current Equity Computers
PSB No: S-0128 Originator: KAS
Although not all Equity computer models were tested in this situation, the Equity
models 386SX, lIe, Ill+ and II+ should work in a similar manner if the instructions
above are used as a guide. There is one item of which to be aware when using the
this setup and that is the system will complete the RAM count and lock up if using a
monochrome monitor. If you need to use three parallel ports, USE A COLOR
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Equity 386/20 Using Memory Above 2MB Date: 10/09/92
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The purpose of this bulletin is to provide information on a problem which may occur when using more than 2MB of memory in the Equity 386/20 computer.
When expanding memory above 2MB for memory intensive applications
(Networking software, AUTOCAD, LOTUS 1-2-3), insure that ROM BIOS version
1.11 or higher and the corresponding CHIPS set are being used, and a Revision 02
CHET-RM board is installed.
If the Equity 386/20 is to be used in the applications mentioned above and it does not have the component versions described above, they can be ordered with the following part numbers:
Reference Disk
(current) (Rel. 2.16)
Y184802004 (CHE-B5) Y184801004 (CHE-A5) X403823021 (7L) Memory Controller X403822061 (9F) Int. Peripheral Controller Y184202100 (02 rev #)
Required for User-Defined drive types and
types 59-63 and the use of 1.44MB FDD as
drive A:. (When using BIOS rel 2.10 or higher). Available on the Epson RBBS.
PSB No: S-0123A Originator: JDB/KAS
Lot. 9B Lot. 9C
The problem does not occur in units that have this configuration.
The chips in location 7L and 9F can be identified by the numbers printed on the top
of the chips, these are the old and new numbers:
7L 7L 9F OLD 9F
Engineering Change Notice EQ386/20-001A
P82C302-20 P82C302C P82C206F-1 P82C206H
PART NUMBER X403823020 X403823021 X403822060 X403822061
Product Support Bulletin
This bulletin is to inform you of a potential problem that can occur when running Novell Advanced NetWare 286 in non- dedicated (ND) mode on an 80386 - based file server. This includes the Equity 386/20 and the 386SX.
When a DOS command is executed on the ND server and there is moderate network activity, the system may halt with the following error message:
Abend: INVALID TASK STATE INTERRUPT This is apparently due to some 80286 - specific protected mode operations that’
do not function quite the same way when executed on an 80386. This has been observed in the following NetWare versions:
Novell Advanced NetWare 286 ND on an 80386 - based Server
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Advanced NetWare 286 2.0a Advanced
Advanced Advanced NetWare 286 2.15a Advanced NetWare 286 2.15b
ELS Level I
ELS Level II
NetWare NetWare
286 286
Note that the problem does not occur with the latest version, Advanced
NetWare 286 2.15c. Unless this version of NetWare 286 is being used, we cannot recommend non - dedicated file server operation with any Epson 80386 - based computer.
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Date:
This bulletin is to inform you of the solution to a problem that occurs when running Novell NetWare 386 on the Equity 386/20. Note that the problem only appears when booting the 386/20 from floppy diskette, which is common practice to allow the entire hard disk drive to be partitioned as a single NetWare 386 volume.
When the SERVER program enters 80386 protected mode, it shuts down the floppy disk motor(s). After shutting down the motor(s), SERVER does not update the BIOS motor status byte located at 0040:003F. In the motor status
byte, bit 0 =
indicates drive 1 (6:) motor is currently on. When SERVER needs to load a file (.NLM, .LAN, or .DSK), it switches back to
real mode to let DOS handle file manipulation. DOS then calls the BIOS to access the floppy. The BIOS checks the motor status flag, which is on. The
BIOS then attempts to access the floppy while the motor is off. After about one second, the BIOS returns an error of 80h (timeout) or 40h (seek incomplete). Depending on the DOS function in process, DOS may not be able to recover and complete the function.
Equity 386/20 Patch for Novell NetWare 386 4/11/90
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1 indicates drive 0 (A:) motor is currently on. Bit 1 = 1
In particular, these DOS functions may not recover if they are initiated when the motor status flag is on, but the drive motor is actually off: Read From
File (function 3Fh) and Find First (function 4Eh). Read From File will fail if the file is already open, the flag is on and the motor is off. Find First (search for matching file name) will fail if the search string contains a subdirectory
name, the flag is on and the motor is off. The solution for this is a small (301 bytes) patch program called
N386FIX.COM. This patch, when executed prior to running the NetWare 386 SERVER program, will properly set the motor status flag.
The compressed file N386FIX.ZIP may be found on the Epson Product Support
RBBS in the file library PATCH. It is also available from the Epson Forum on Compuserve. It contains the executable file as well as an explanatory ASCII text file, N386FIX.DOC. Download with protocol and decompress with any utility that handles the .ZIP file format.
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Date:
The advent of Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 has raised a number of questions
regarding memory management for the Epson Equity computers, specifically the Equity 386/20, Equity 386SX and Equity Ile. The purpose of this document is
to discuss the memory requirements for Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 and
recommendations for installation. Because programs run significantly faster with extended memory, Lotus
recommends that you configure as memory.
When installing Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 on the Equity 386/20 or the Equity 386SX, do not use the EMS managers supplied with the system software
(EEMM386.EXE for the Equity 386/20 and EMM386.SYS for the Equity 386SX). Neither of these EMS managers support the Virtual Control Program Interface
(VCPI) which is required for compatibility with NOTE: Should you require an EMS manager for your Equity 386/20 or Equity
386SX, there are third party software packages available that are compatible with Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0. or later, and Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager (QEMM) version 4.2 or
Equity Series Computers and Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 12/7/89
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PSB No: Originator:
Two such packages are
memory as possible as extended
1 - 2- 3 Release 3.0.
S-0108 KAS
version 4.03
Do not use VDISK with the /E switch when running Lotus on the Equity
386/20. Though Lotus Release 3.0 will load, it will overwrite any data in the
RAMDISK. VDISK supplied for both the Equity Ile and Equity 386SX is compatible with Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 and does not have a problem with ovewriting data in the RAMDISK.
When installing Lotus 1 - 2- 3 Release 3.0 in the Equity lIe, use the EEMM286
memory manager in the hardware - emulation EMS mode. To do this, set memory as expanded memory on the Equity lIe and do not specify the expanded memory size. you must select on - board memory type 5 in SETUP. When the Equity lIe has more than 1Mb of system memory, you must select type 3, 4 or 5.
Avoid the use of HDCACHE when installing Lotus 1 - 2 - 3 Release 3.0 on any of the Equity computer systems discussed in this document.
When the Equity lIe has only 1Mb system memory,
Product Support Bulletin
Date: 9/8/89 Page: 1 of 1
Western Digital has introduced a new series of 16 - bit hard disk controllers that replaces the models previously certified for use in our Equity Series computers. This bulletin reports on the compatibility of the new model controllers in our 80286 - and 80386 - based computers.
Used in the Equity II + and III +, and currently available from Epson America, the WD1003A - WAH has been replaced in Western Digital’s product line by the WD1003V- MM1, The new controller is capable of providing a 2:1 interleave format. This controller card has been tested in the Equity II + and Ill+ with the Epson 20Mb and 40Mb hard drives as well as the Seagate ST - 251. Tests were performed using a 2:1 interleave factor and all tests were completed successfully.
Equity II+, Ill + and 386/20 Compatibility with New Western Digital Hard Disk Controllers
S-0101 PNM e
Current Model
WD1003A- WAH
PSB No: Originator:
New Model
WD1003V- MM1
Current Model WD1006A - WAH
The WD1006A - WAH hard disk drive controller card, used in the Equity 386/20 and ‘currently available from Epson America, has been replaced in Western Digital’s product line by the WD1006V- MM1. The new controller is capable of providing a 1:1 interleave format. The controller card has been tested in the Equity II+, Ill+ and 386/20 with the Epson 20Mb and 40Mb
hard drives as well as the Seagate ST-251. All tests were performed using a 1:1 interleave factor in the test units and were completed successfully.
New Model
WD1006V- MM1
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Date: 8/17/89
Page: 1 of 1
The purpose of this bulletin is to explain a potential problem when installing
16MB of RAM using 16 1MB SIMM modules. versions 5.1 and 5.2 allow an expansion memory setting that causes the following error to be displayed:
Setup Information:
When entering information into the SETUP program, use the following values:
16MB of RAM and the Equity 386/20 Computer
PSB No: S-009
The SETUP program
FC0000 6DDB 201 - Memory error
- Parity check 1
164 -
Memory size error (Run SETUP in DIAGNOSTICS)
15104K Expansion
Memory Map:
Address 000000 - 09FFFF 0A0000 - 0FFFFF
100000- FBFFFF
The 384K of address space between 640K and 1M is reserved for system
use (including the SHADOW RAM feature).
between 15.75M and 16M is also reserved for system use. The 640K and
15104K are combined into 15744K of total accessible RAM.
Range 0 - 640K 640K - 1 M
1M - 15.75M
15.75M - 16M
Size 640K 384K
RAM - Main
Reserved RAM - Expansion Reserved
The 256K address space
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Date:
This bulletin is intended to provide a summary of the results of compatibility testing of the Equity 386/20 with Novell local-area networking products. The
Equity 386/20 was tested at 20MHz. This information was provided to Epson by Novell’s Independent Manufacturing Support Program. For complete test result reports, contact Novell, Inc.
Netware Version Netware Type
Tested as
Network Interface 3Com 3C501 3Com 3C503 3Com 3C505/1194 3Com 3C505/2012 AT&T Starlan Gateway G - Net
Micom Nl5010
Micom NP600
Novell Int NIC
Novell NE1000
Novell NE2000
Novell NL1000
Novell RX- NET
Proteon ProNet SMC/PD ArcNet
Novell DCB/NE2000
Novell Netware Compatibility Test Results for the Equity 386/20
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Non - Dedicated File Server
Non - Dedicated Work Station
PSB No.:
Originator: GLW
2.15 ADV 286 NDFS NDWS
ii ::
< blank > not tested
tested as compatible failed
Using High Capacity ESDI and SCSI Hard Disk Drives with the Current Equity Series Computers
Date: 10/10/90 Page(s): 1 of 2
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide some specific examples of how to install high capacity ESDI and SCSI hard disk drives in the current Equity Series computers.
The largest drive directly supported by the ROM BIOS (ver 220) in the Equity II+ and
Equity Ill+ has a capacity of 130Mb, while the largest supported directly by the ROM
BIOS in the Equity lIe, 386SX, 386/20 and 386/25 is 153Mb. To allow our units to be used in stand alone and especially network environments that require higher drive capacities, the use of the Adaptec ACB 2320 controller (available with the Equity 386/20) with the optional ACB-BIOS (available from Adaptec) will provide support for a variety of ESDI drives up to 314Mb. The AC&BIOS also has the ability to read the ESDI drive parameters from the drive itself. This will allow it to configure virtually any ESDI drive.
The Adaptec BIOS ROM should be installed in location U25. In order for it to work, the jumper J13 pin 1 must be installed. Caution should be used when ordering the BIOS ROM as problems have been experienced when using version B. Versions A and C perform normally.
PSB No: S-0091A Originator: PNM
The WD1007V-SE1 controller is another option that can be used with high capacity
ESDI drives that are not supported by the ROM BIOS drive tables. When using this controller’ make sure that all pins on jumper on W1 are open. You can run SETUP and use Type 1 for the drive type or let the controller automatically set it at the end of the low level format routine provided by the controller’s BIOS. To start the WD-BIOS
Format Utility, run DEBUG and enter G=CC00:5. This will bring up a menu listing the
operations that are available. Run the low level format and either enter the defective
blocks listed on the drive by hand or let the program enter them automatically.
Continue with the “Verify” and “Surface Analysis” utilities and finally finish with the “Set
Drive Type and Exit". At this point there are 5 options from which to choose using the “+” and ‘I-” keys to toggle through the available choices. Select the ‘Translation
Option-63 SPT (Sectors Per Track)” if the hard drive has more than 1024 cylinders or “Non-Translation” for drives with less than 1024 cylinders.
PSB No: S-0091A Page: 2 of 2
The next step after completing the low level format is to run the Novell COMPSURF utility. When setting up the COMPSURF Parameters it will ask if you want to “Format the drive?” where you will choose the “NO” response and proceed to the next option. When asked if you want to “Retain the Bad Track Table” answer ‘YES” and continue on with the rest of the COMPSURF options. After completion of the COMPSURF utility, continue on with the rest of the NETGEN installation.
The use of high capacity SCSI drives is another area where we are able to provide a solution for those customers who require storage capacities greater than the Epson Supplied options. When using a SCSI type hard disk drive, the hard disk controller usually is a part of the hard drive unit. The connection between the SCSI bus and the Equity’s data bus is made by installing a host adaptor into the Equity computer and connecting the SCSI drive to the host adaptor. The Seagate ST-296N, 85Mb drive, used in a stand alone configuration in the current Equity Series computers has provided favorable results.
When using SCSI drives in a Novell network, the use of the Future Domain SCSI adaptor with high capacity SCSI drives such as CDC and Maxtor has also been very successful. Future Domain recommends when installing Novell Netware Versions 2.1-2.15. When used with the TMC-830 (use ROM Vers. 4.0L) or the TMC-840 (use ROM Vers. 5.0C) host adapters, drive sizes of up to 800Mb (CDC 94181-702) can be accommodated.
using Version 1.4 of their device driver
Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Date:
Recent reports from the field have revealed certain anomalous behavior when
the Western Digital XT- GEN hard disk controller is used in the Equity II +,
Ill + or 386/20 computers.
The XT - GEN controller is an 8 - bit, XT- type “generic” controller. As such, there would be an immediate loss of performance if it were installed in a 16 ­bit, AT- type ISA bus system. However, the poor performance is not the only issue. The XT- GEN can produce addressing conflicts that do not directly point to the controller as the cause. For example:
An Equity II + was equipped with a Seagate ST- 225 hard drive and the XT­GEN controller. It was also configured with the IBM 5250 terminal emulation card and software and was connected to an IBM System/36 host. Additionally, IBM’s PC Support/36 software was correctly installed on both the II+ and System/36. This utility enables file and folder sharing as well as up- and download capability. The 5250 terminal emulation works perfectly; the PC Support/36 utility does not. This pointed to an “obvious” incompatibility.
Western Digital XT - GEN Hard Disk Controller Anomalies
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As part of the troubleshooting procedure, a Western Digital WD1003V- MM1
16 - bit controller was substituted for the XT- GEN. With this one change, the PC Support/36 functions started operating correctly. Other similar examples have been reported.
Our recommendation is that 8- bit controllers in general should not be used because of performance losses. The XT- GEN controller should not be used at all.
Product Support Bulletin
Date: Page:
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide the results of compatibility testing
conducted by the Computer Product Support Center with the Sysgen OmniBridge controller and Bridge - Filer external floppy disk drives.
Equity I
Equity II
Equity and Apex Series Compatibility with the Sysgen OmniBridge
Controller and BridgeFiler External Floppy Drives 04/11/90
1 of 3
PSB No: Originator:
The Equity I was found compatible with the OmniBridge controller. It was able to support one or two external disk drives (daisychained) together. The external drives could be used as high density (1.2M and 1.44M) or normal (360K and 720K) disk drives.
The Equity II was found to be totally incompatible with the OmniBridge controller.
S-0088B KAS
Equity III
Equity I +
Equity le
The Equity III was found compatible with the OmniBridge controller. It was able to support one or two external disk drives (daisychained) together. The external drives could be used as high density (1.2M and 1.44M) or normal (360K and 720K) disk drives.
The Equity I + was found compatible with the OmniBridge controller. two external disk drives (daisychained) together. The external drives could be used as high density (1.2M and
1.44M) or normal (360K and 720K) disk drives.
The Equity le was found compatible with the OmniBridge
controller. It was able to support only one external floppy drive, unlike the other models tested. The drive could be used as a high density (1.2Mb and 1.44Mb) or
normal (360K and 720K) disk drive.
It was able to support one or
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