How to install EpsonTalk LQ in 5 EASY steps:
Check list : (you need these things)
Epson LQ - 570, 1070 ,870, or 1170
EpsonTalk board
Local talk cable (8 pin to 8 pin mini din)
Macintosh, Phillips screwdriver
Verify the printer and the Mac are off.
1) Insert EpsonTalk board into the printer.
(just plugs into optional i/f slot)
2) Plug Localtalk cable into Printer port on Mac
and Appleltalk port (on left) on printer.
3) (System 7 only) Copy the three files from the
Epson Print disk into the system, extensions folder.
3) (System 6 only) Start the Mac with Comunications
Toolbox disk and run installer (creates folder) Insert
the Epson Print disk and copy Epson Tool to
communications folder. Copy EPSON ESC/P 2 NET
and EPSON NAMER to the Mac’s System folder.
Restart the Mac.
4) Turn the printer on and run Epson namer and
choose Epson when it appears in the namer window.
then quit the Epson namer.
5) Open Chooser under Apple menu (Upper
left of Mac screen) and enable Appletalk. Select
Epson ESC/P 2 NET then Epson will appear in the
Chooser window . Select it and your done.