Printing with the EPL-N2000
for the Network Administrator
For Printing on the Multiprotocol Network:
DOS Using Novell® NetWare® 2.x, 3.1x, and 4.x Print
Server or Remote Printer
Windows® 3.1 Using Novell® NetWa re® 2.x, 3.1x, and 4.x
Prin t Serv er or Re m ot e Pr in te r
Windows® 95 Using MS IPX or MS TCP/IP
Windows® NT Using DLC, MS IPX, or TCP/IP
Macintosh® Using EtherTalk
UNIX® Using lp d a nd ftp Com ma n ds
IBM® OS/2 LAN® Server Using NetBEUI and TCP/IP
User’s Guide
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This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits fo r a Cl ass A d igital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can r adiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception. However, there is no gua r an tee that interference will n o t o ccur in a
particular installation. If this equi pm ent does cause interference to radio and television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off an d on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separati on between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to wh ich the
receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device co mpl ies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules . Operation is subj ect to the following
two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device m u s t accept any interf er ence received,
including interfer en ce that may cause undesired operation.
The connection of a non-sh ielded equipment interface cable to this equipment will
invalidate the FCC Certification of this device and may cause interference levels which
exceed the limits esta blished by the FCC for this equipment. It is th e r es po n s ib ility of the
user to obtain and use a shielded equipment interface cable with this device. If this
equipment has more tha n one in ter f ace connector, do not leave cables connected to
unused interfaces.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
user’ s authority to operate the equi pm ent.
For Canadian Users
This Class A digit al apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian InterferenceCausing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numeriq ue de l a classe A respecte toutes les ex ig ences du Reglement sur le
materiel brouilleur du Canada.
For European Users
This product conforms to CE marking requirements in accordance
with EC Directive 89/336/EEC.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be
required to take adequate measures.
The EPL-N2000 printer contains an Ethernet® card for use on your
network. This manual covers in format ion only about the E the rnet
card that comes installed in the pr inte r and the utility softwar e
that configures it for network printing. For information about the
printer, see your printer user’s guide.
This manual is written for network administrators, and many of the steps
included here require detailed network knowledge and administrator
The Ethernet card can connect directly anywhere on your network
using a 10BASE2 or 10BASE-T cable. Th e ca rd au t omat ic ally
selects the correct interface when it connects to the network. In
addition, it supports IEEE 802.2, IEEE 802.3, and Ethern et II
network p rotocols.
Because the Ethernet card supports multiple protocols and
automatically detects the protocols on your network, you can print
from DOS, Microsoft
OS/2 applications.
Windows®, Apple® Macintosh®, UNIX, and
Use EPSON Net!, the utility software provide d with your printer,
to quickly and easily configure the Ethernet card to use protocols
such as Novell
NetWare®, Microsof t IP X/ SP X, Microsoft TC P /IP ,
, and NetBI OS an d TC P/IP for OS/2 Warp and War p
The EPSON Net! utility software only configures the Ethernet card to
work with the protocols that exist on your network. This does not imply
that you can use all of the above mentioned protocols in your network or
operating system. The protocols that the Ethernet card can use may vary
depending on the operating systems used and network configuration.
No special utility software is neede d for th e DLC trans p ort
protocol of Wi n dows NT and the protocol of UNIX net w ork. You
can use OS-standard utility software tools.
Ethernet Card Hardware
The Ethernet card comes pre- installed in your printer. It has
connectors for either an Ethernet Thin Coaxial (10BASE2) or an
Ethernet Twisted-Pair (10BASE-T) network connection. The lights
and buttons are provided to help you monitor and operate the
Ethernet card. For more information about the hardware aspects of
the card, see Chapter 1.
Ethernet Card Software
The utility software that comes with your printer includes the
following programs used to configure the Ethernet card on a
❏EPSON Net! fo r N etW ar e D OS is an easy -to-use, menu- dri v en
utility program that runs in DOS. Use it to configure the
Ethernet card for NetWare in DOS.
❏EPSON Net! for Windows and EPSON Net! for Macintosh are
easy-to-use, menu-driven utility programs that run in
Windows an d Maci ntosh respectively. Us e the appr opr iat e on e
to configure the Ethern et card for NetWar e, TCP/ IP (available
only for Windows), and AppleTalk.
❏EPSON Net! for OS/2 is a charac t er based utilit y for in stallin g
on an OS/2 Net BIO S n e tw or k .
Supported Network Protocols and Features
The Ethernet card supports the following network protocols and
features. It cannot use protocols that are not available or are not
installed in your operating system.
Novell NetWare in DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and
Windows NT
❏Supports IPX, SP X, an d NCP p r ot oc ols that are configured for
NetWare 3.x and NetWare 4.x Bin dery emulation mod e.
❏Uses Microsoft IPX with Windows 95 and Windows NT for
❏Provides th e same functi on s as NetWare’s PS ERVER program
in print server mode and RPRINTER in remote printer mode.
❏Services up to 32 print queues on up to eight file servers in
print server mode.
❏It is easy to configure the Etherne t card fo r NetW are using
EPSON Net! for NetWare DOS, EPSON Net! for Windows, or
EPSON Net! fo r M ac i ntosh. (EPSON Net ! for M acintosh can
not edit/configure NetWare print queues.)
TCP/IP in Windows
❏Support s M i cr osoft TCP/IP i n Windows N T.
❏It is easy to con figu r e an d chan ge the IP address an d ot h er
settings with EPSON Ne t! for Windows.
Windows NT
❏Supports the DLC protocol so that you can use the printer to
emulate a Hew l et t Pac k ar d
network printer.
❏Supports EtherTalk Phase I an d Ph as e II co mmu n ic at i on .
❏It is e a sy to se t th e Appl eTalk zo n e, ren a me the p rinter, and
change other settings with EPSON Net! for Macintosh or
EPSON Net! for Windows.
❏Works with optionally equipped EPSONScript (PostScript)
❏Supports most major commands, including lpr, ftp, and ping
over TCP/IP.
❏Requires no setup utility. The IP address is allocated by
sending the ar p an d pi ng com man d s d ir e c tly fr om t h e h ost
❏Supports IBM OS/2 Warp and Warp Connec t wit h or wi thout
NetBIOS and NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
❏Provides installation with the EP SON Net ! for OS /2 utility.
Operation Modes for Novell NetWare
If you are setting up the Ethernet card for use in a NetWare
environment, you will need to determine wh eth er you want to set
it up in Print Server mode or Remote Printer mode. For more
details, find the app r opr iate chapter for you r oper at in g syst em an d
read the NetW ar e section in that cha p ter. Th e factory default
operating mode for the card in a NetWar e en v ir onmen t is Pr int
Server mode.
❏If you use the Ethernet card in a NetWare and WAN (Wide Area
Network) environment and connecte it to a general phone line
(including IS DN), the ca r d m ay open the dial -up-r o o te r a n d ap ck e ts
may be sent to the WAN. To avoid this problem and extra phone fees,
mask the vendor code as shown below in the dial-up-rooter.
Vender code 00:00:48:xx:xx:xx
❏The factory default NetWare condition of the Ethernet card is
disabled. You must configure the card with
on a NetWare network.
Print Server mode
to work
In Print Server mode, the Ethernet card performs all print server
functions and can service up to 32 que ues and eigh t file server s.
No VAP (Value-Added Pr oc ess) or NLM (NetWare Loadab le
application, the file server assigns the print job to a print queue.
When the corresponding prin ter is ready, the pr int ser ver se nds
the print job to the printer.
The Ethernet card oper ate s like any Novell NetWare print server ,
servicing the assigned queues in a round robin fashion. In queues
of the same priority, the Ethernet card services the first job in a
queue before those in a lower pr iori ty queue. The E thernet card
also supports encrypted passwords.
) is required. When you send a print job from your
This mode provides the highest printing speed wh ile retaining the
control, security, and convenience of a NetWar e pr in t server .
Remote Printer mode
As a remote prin te r, the Ethernet car d e mul at es a workstation
running Novell’s RPRIN TE R p r og r am, an d operates un d er the
control of a Novell NetWare print serv er . The print serv er can be
either a dedicat ed wor kstation runnin g PS ER VER or a file server.
At power-up, the interface will attempt to attach to a print ser ver
(elsewhere on the network) and act as a p ar t icul ar printer of that
print server. To do this, it needs to know which print server to
attach to, and which printe r of that print serve r to use. This is
similar to the need to spec ify thes e par ameters in the RPRINTER
command line (or to interactively choose them from the
RPRINTER program).
You can set up th ese par a meters on the Ethern et car d with th e
EPSON Net! utility. Once the Etherne t card is set up, it will store
these settings, which me an s th at you will norm ally only need to do
this once at the time of installat ion. How ev er , as wit h all Novell
remote printers, the Ethernet card’s print speed is slower in
Remote Printer mode than in Print Server mode.
The main advantage of Remo te Prin te r mo de is that co nn ec tion t o
a file server is not required, making t h is mode d es irable in
installations with limited av ailable file server connections. Each
NetWare print server can support up to 16 printers and requires
only one file server connection.
About This Manual
This manual describes how to use EPSON Net!, the utility software
provide d with your p rin ter, to configu re the Ethe rne t ca rd for
network printing. You can also find instructions on using many
operating system dependent utilities to configure the card.
The Introdu ct ion an d Ch ap t er 1 sh ou ld be read first. Read these
sections to get overall information about the Ethernet card
hardware and software. The Appendix is for your reference.
For information about how to use the utility softwa re in your
operating sys tem, refer to the appropriate chapte r as follow s:
❏DOS: see Ch ap t er 2 for information on EPSON Net! for
NetW are DOS. This chapter descr i b es how to co n figure the
Ethernet card in DOS for Novell NetWare.
❏Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT: see Chap t e r 3
for information on EPSON Net! for Windows and
configuration in Windows NT with DLC support. This chap ter
describes how to configure the Ethernet card in Windows to
work with Novell NetWare, TCP/IP, and AppleTalk protocols.
❏Macintosh: see Chapter 4 for information on EPSON Net! for
Macintosh. This chapter describes how to configure the
Ethernet card with a Macintosh to work with AppleTalk,
TCP/IP, an d Novell Net War e p r otocols.
❏UNIX: see Chapter 5 for de tails about using sever al varia tions
of UNIX. This chapter includes information about using UNIX
with TCP/IP.
❏OS/2: see Chapt er 6 for details on using an OS/ 2 s y st em an d
installing extra softwar e.
❏EPSON Statu s M on itor: Chapter 7 c ontains details on
installing and using the EPSON Status M onitor utility. This
utility is available for use on a network and requires Windows
95 or Window s NT 3.51.
Terms and Concepts
The following terms and concepts help you understand this
proper operat i on.
work with protocols available on a network.
node address
any piece of equipment conn ec t ed to a networ k.
file server
a print server.
print queue
the print server sends the job to the assigned printer.
print server
remote printer
network, but under the control of a NetWare print server.
Traditionally, a remote printer is connec t ed to a network
workstation running NetWare’s RPRINTER, but the Ethernet card
can also func tion as a remote printer .
status sheet
Ethernet card is pushed. If the car d is insta lled as a print server ,
the status sheet lists the co n figuratio n s of th e Eth er net card on eac h
is a prepared or set up condition of a device for
is a set of numbers that gives a unique identity to
stores data require d fo r th e Eth er n et card to ope rate as
is an area where a print j ob is stored as a file , unt il
moves jobs from print queues to printers.
is a shared printer connected elsewhere on t he
prin ts each ti m e the
the Ethernet card is to set it up to
status sh e et
button of the
Ethernet transmissions.
print spooler
a queue.
is AppleTalk’s communication protocol governing
is an application that places print jobs or reques ts in
exchanged through a network. There are many different layers of
protocols for different asp ects of hard ware and soft ware
operation. Computers and software cannot communicate with
each other usin g different protoc ol s .
is a rule that controls how data or info rmatio n is
layer of protocols that p r ovides commun i c a t i on s be tween node s
on a network .
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a
is a TCP/IP application protocol for file transfer.
is a TCP/IP remote printing protocol application.
Chapter 1
Getting Started
This chapter explains how to connect the Ethernet card to the
network and how to operate the card.
Connecting the Ethernet Card to the Network
You must physically connect the Ethernet card to the network
using either a 10BASE-T or 10BASE2 network cable.
You should leave the printer or leaving the printer set to auto
interface mode (default), which automatically switches modes
to match the type of interface being used.
Initialization of the Ethernet Card
The first time you use the Ethernet card, turn on the printer
while pressing and holding down the status sheet button for
about three seconds. The Ethernet card initialize. For the
location of the status sheet button, refer to the page 1-3.
Connecting via the Ethernet interface
Attach the network cable to the appropriate connector on the
Ethernet card interface as shown in the diagram below. Your
printer package contains a coaxial Y-connector for a 10BASE2
network interface connection. You must connect the Ethernet
card in your printer to the network and select the Ethernet
interface for network connection.
The Ethernet card plate, shown below, is located on the back of your
Getting Star te d
Twisted-Pair (10BASE-T)
Do not attach more than one cable at a time.
Thin Coaxial (10BASE2)
Making the interface connection setting
Because your printer is set to the auto interface mode by
default, you do not have to make the interface connection
setting. This allows you to connect the Ethernet card to the
network using either a 10BASE-T or 10BASE2 network cable.
To learn more about the interface connection setting, see the
section on SelecType settings in your printer user’s guide.
Ethernet Card Operation
The LED lights and the button can provide you with important
information about the operation and configuration of the
Ethernet card.
Getting Started
status light, red
status light, greenstatus sheet button
data transmission light
The Ethernet card has three LEDs (1 red and 2 green) that
indicate the current operating status of the Ethernet card when
you first turn on the printer, during normal operation, and
when errors occur.
Stat us li g ht s
Here is a brief explanation of the two status lights:
Blink simultaneouslyInitializing status at power on or reset
Blink alternatelyRecognizing the network at connection
OffOnNormal ready status
OnOnError status
Data transmission light
When the Ethernet card receives a data packet, it automatically
recognizes the protocol of the packet and switches to that
protocol mode. When the card sends data, the green data
transmission light blinks.
Getting Star te d
Printing status sheets
Before you start configuring the Ethernet card, be sure to press
the status sheet button on the Ethernet card to print important
information such as current configuration, serial number, and
the address of the Ethernet card. You will need this information
to configure the Ethernet card.
You can print a status sheet after the printer is turned on and
has completed its initialization. The status sheet will not print
when the printer has started printing, when it is off line, or
when it is not ready to print.
If the printer does not print the status sheet, first make sure that the
printer is on line and no print jobs are processing, then and wait one
minute. If it still does not print the status sheet, turn it off, wait at
least five seconds, and then turn it on again.
After turning off the power, wait at least five seconds before
turning it back on; otherwise you may damage the printer.
Resetting the Ethernet card
When you turn on the printer, the Ethernet card initializes
automatically. If an error occurs with the Ethernet card, reset it.
You can reset the Ethernet card in the following ways:
Switching the Ethernet card-equipped printer off and back
on again.
After turning off the power, wait at least five seconds before
turning it back on; otherwise you may damage the printer.
Using the reset function or buffer clearing operation from
the control panel of your printer.
Getting Started
If you turn on the printer while pressing the status sheet button
on the card, all configuration settings are reset to the factory
default settings.
If your printer has an EPSONScript (PostScript) level 2 module
installed, allow a minute for the printer to initialize before trying to
configure the Ethernet card on the network. The Ethernet card may
not respond if initialization has not been completed.
Getting Star te d
Getting Started
Chapter 2
Using DOS
This chapter describes how to configure the Ethernet card with
EPSON Net! for NetWare DOS to operate with Novell
NetWare. If you use DOS as your operating system, you need
to use this utility program to configure the card.
Before configuring the Ethernet card, make sure of the
following points:
Has Novell NetWare been set up to provide print services
on the network? For details about setup, see your Novell
NetWare documentation.
Will you use the card as a dedicated print server, remote
printer, or mix of these two modes using the Ethernet
card’s Auto Print Server/Remote Printer mode? See the
appropriate section in this chapter for more information.
Has the printer been set up with the Ethernet card
connected to the network, and has it been turned on? For
details, see Chapter 1 in this manual and your printer
user’s guide.
Using DOS
Installing EPSON Net! for NetWare DOS
EPSON Net! for NetWare DOS is EPSON’s proprietary
network printer management utility program. Follow these
steps to install it.
1.At a workstation with a high-density disk drive, insert the
EPSON Net! for NetWare DOS disk in drive A (or B).
2.Use the DOS COPY command (copy a:filename.*) to copy
the following files to a network directory or to your hard
To configure the Ethernet card with EPSON Net! for NetWare
DOS, you must first log in to the NetWare network with
supervisor privileges.
This utility requires a minimum of 480 KB of conventional
Using DOS
Using the Ethernet Card in Print S e rver Mode
The Ethernet card is set to Print Server mode by default, so you
don’t have to make any special settings to use it in this mode.
However, you must assign print queues on a file server or
multiple file servers to the Ethernet card. See the following
sections for instructions.
Assigning print queues on a file server
To set up queues on a file server while the card is in print
server mode, follow the steps below:
1.Log in to the network with supervisor privileges.
2.Run EPSON Net! for NetWare DOS.
3.After searching the network, the following dialog box
appears. Highlight the printer you want to configure from
the list and then click Open.
Using DOS
4.In the NetWare Status dialog box, click
to configure the
5.The NetWare config dialog box appears. Make sure the
6.The default printer name appears in the Print Server name
box. If you want to rename the printer, simply type the new
name into the box.
Using DOS
radio button is selected as shown below.
7. To assign a print queue to your print server, click
Add queue dialog box appears and shows the queues that
are available to the file server.
If you want to set up queues on multiple file servers, see the next
8.Select a print queue from the Queue drop-down list, or create
a new queue by typing its name in the Queue box.
. The
9.Set the priority level from the Priority box. The available
options are from 1 to 10, with 1 having the highest priority.
10. Click OK.
11. Repeat steps 7 through 10 if you want to add additional
print queues to the print server.
12. To save your settings, click
Once you make changes to the Ethernet card, you must wait
for at least five minutes before turning off or rebooting your
Using DOS
Assigning print queues on multiple file servers
The Ethernet card can service up to 32 queues and eight file
servers in print server mode. The EPSON Net! for NetWare
DOS utility allows you to configure print queues on multiple
file servers. However, you must have supervisor privileges and
the correct password for each file server.
Follow these steps to configure multiple file servers:
1.Access the NetWare config dialog box, and click
Using DOS
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