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Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be liable against any damages or problems arising from
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The EPSON EPL-N1200 pr in ter c omb in es h i gh pe rf or man ce and
reliability with a wide range of features.
To get st a rted wi th your l aser printer, p l e ase:
❏Read the safety inform atio n, laser print er pre ca utions , and
important safety instruction s in this section.
❏Use your
See this guide for detailed information about your printer.
Getting Ready!
guide to set up and test your new
About This Guide
This guide contains information about using your printer. For
information about installing and set ting up the printer , see the
Getting Ready!
Chapter 1, “Paper Handling,” contain s info rm atio n on load in g
paper. Also consult this chapt e r when y ou ne ed information about
printing on special paper.
Chapter 2, “U n de rs ta n ding Your Printer,” describes how to use
the printer’s control panel.
Chapter 3, “Making Printer D river Set tings ,” desc ribes the feat ure s
of the Windows prin ter d river pac k ed with your pr in ter. If you
need information on how to install th e driv er , see the
Chapter 4, “Options,” gives step-by-st ep inst ru ctions for insta lling
the options available for the print er.
Getting Started
Chapter 5, “Remote Contr ol Panel U tility,” desc ribe s the printer
setti n gs that c a n b e m odifie d with the Remote Control Panel
utility. Read this chapter if you are not able to modif y a printer
setting from your software.
Chapter 6, “Se l ec Type, ” c on t ain s d et ailed in for mation on the
settings you can make in SelecType. Read this chapter if you are
not able to modify a print e r set ting fr om your software.
Chapter 7, “T rou blesh ooting and Mainte n an c e, ” g ives h elp ful
information for wh at to do if you enc ou nter a printer error and
provides instructions on how to maintain your printer.
Appendix A, “Technical Specif ica tio ns,” contains the technical
specifications about the prin te r.
Appendix B, “Symbol Sets,” lists the sy mbol sets available in each
emulation mode with the tabl es of the characters for each set.
Appendix C, “Command Summary,” lists the commands that can
be embedded in print jobs to control the printer. This append ix is
intended for advanced users only.
Appendix D, “Work i n g w i t h F o n ts,” describes the st e p s y ou n e ed
to follow to add more font s and lists t h e ava ilable fonts with
Appendix E, “Map of SelecType Me n us,” lists t he Selec T ype
menus and the order in whic h you access th em. This appen d ix is
useful when you use SelecType.
Getting Started
About Your Printer
Your printer is the latest in EPSON’s ad vanc ed line of las er
printers. It emulates the Hewlett-Packard
printer, allowing you to print using the wide variety of software
programs tha t su pp o rt HP LaserJet printe rs.
The printer’s 600-d p i (d ot s p er in ch) resolution is enhan c ed by
EPSON’s Resolution Improveme n t Techno logy (RIT ec h ), whic h
smoothes the jagged ed g e s of diagonal lines in both te xt an d
graphics. This gives your documents a clean, crisp look that
contributes t o a pro fessional appear an c e .
The printer is easy to install and use. You simply set up the
printer, connect it to your computer, and install the printer driver
as described in the
The printer supports ECP mode in Windows 95. ECP mode is
useful for hig h -speed data transfer an d bidirectional
communication with your computer.
Getting Ready!
LaserJet 4 (LJ4)
The printer com es with a full set of featur es that contribute s to
ease of use and consistent, high-quality output. The main features
are described below .
High-quality printing
Your printer pr ovid es 600-dpi printing at a speed of up to 12 pages
per minute. You’ll appreciate the profe ss ional pr int quality
produced by your printer and its quick processing speed.
Getting Started
Wide variety of fonts
The printer comes with a selec tio n of 14 scala ble TrueT y pe® fonts,
31 LaserJet-compa tible sca lable fon t s, and one bitmap font in LJ4
emulation mode to provide you with the fonts you need to create
profession al-looking documen ts . The fon t s in c lu d ed wi th t h e
printer are listed in Appendix D.
Toner Save Mode
To reduce the amount of toner used in printing documents, you
can print rough drafts using the Toner Save Mode.
The printer comes with two built-in bidirec t ional par allel
interfaces and 2 M B of memo ry, whic h c an be expa n de d up to
64 MB. You can also in s tall an additional Type- B s er i al, coa x, or
twinax interface. The 500-Sheet Lo wer P ape r Cassette (C8126 2
A4, C81263
size sheets without reloading. Using two low er paper cassettes (th e
maximum), you can preload up to 1,250 sheets of paper with the
MP Tray (250 sh eets). See Cha pter 4 for more information on
printer options .
: Letter), automatic ally feeds up to 500 A4 or letter
NERGY STAR Compliance
As an International ENERGY STAR Partner, EPSON
has determined that this product meets the
The International
voluntary development of energy-efficient computers, printers,
and other peripheral equipment.
Getting Started
NERGY STAR Program guidelines for energy
NERGY STAR Progra m pr omotes the
About Making Printer Settings
To print, you will need to make some printer settings. This printer
offers four way to make printer settings:
❏Printer driver
❏Remote Control Panel utility
❏OneTouch mode s
If you use a Windows application, use the printer driver tha t came
with the prin ter to mak e p rinter settin g s. For details on y o u r
printer driver, see “Making Prin te r Drive r Se ttin gs” in Cha pter 3.
If you use a DOS application, make the print settings in the
application. For details, see your DOS applicatio n manu al.
If you cannot make all the settings you need through the Windows
printer driver or DOS application , use Selec T ype (OneT ouc h
modes) or Remote Control Panel utility. The OneTo uch mo de s are
part of SelecType.
Printer Driver
Use the printer driver to easily and conven ient ly make n ew print er
settings. Most users may never need to use anything besides their
application software and the prin ter d river to make printer
settings. You can access the prin ter d river thr ough an applic at ion‘s
Print command or directly through the Printers folder/ pr ogram
group in your operating system. Be aware that settings you make
in your application overide other settings. See “Making Printer
Driver Settings , ” Ch apt er 3, for more informat ion .
Getting Started
OneTouch Modes
Use the OneTouch modes on the printer control panel to make
printer settings when you cannot make a setting in your
application software. The On eTouch modes are the ea sies t way to
make several basic settings from the prin ter’ s control panel;
however, your software applicat ion an d printer drive r in some
cases override these settings. See “Usin g t h e On eT ouc h Modes” on
page 6-20 for mo re infor mation.
Use the SelecType buttons and display on the printer c ontrol pane l
to make printer settings when you cannot make a setting in your
application software. Selec T ype has mo re detailed opt ions t han the
OneTouch modes but may be slower depend ing on the settings
you make. See “U sin g SelecType,” Chap te r 6, for more
Remote Control Panel utility
Use the Remote Control Panel utility when the printer is not easily
accessible and you want to make SelecType se ttin gs. This utility
allows you to make SelecType settings from your computer. It
only works in DOS. See “Usi ng the Remote Control Panel Utility,”
Chapter 5, for mor e information.
Safety Information
Laser safety
This printer is certified as a Class 1 laser product under the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Radiation
Performance Standard according to the Radiation Control for
Health and Safet y Act of 1968. This mean s that the printer does
not produce hazardous laser radiation.
Getting Started
Since radiation emitted by the las er is completely co nfin ed wit hin
protective housings and external covers, the laser beam cannot
escape from the machine during an y ph ase of user operation.
For European users
United Kingdom
The EPL-N1200 is a page prin ter wh ic h u tiliz es a semic on d uc tor
There is no possibility of danger from the laser, provided the
printer is operated according to the instructions in the guides
Since radiation emitted by the las er is completely co nfin ed wit hin
protective housings, the laser bea m can not esc ape from t he
machine during any phase of user operation.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures
other than those specified in this guide, may result in
hazardous radiation exposure.
This is a semiconductor laser. The maximu m powe r of the las er
diode is 5.0
Denma rk
Usynlig laserstråling ved åbning, når sikkerhedsafbrydere er ude
af funktion. Und g å u d sættelse for strå lin g .
Klasse 1 laser produkt der opfylder IEC825 sikkerheds kravene.
10-4 W and the wavele ng th is 780 ± 20 nm.
Getting Started
Finland and Sweden
EPL-N1200 on lasertoiminen sivukirjoitin. Las erista ei aiheudu
käyttäjälle vaaraa, kun kirjoitinta käytetään käyttöohjeiden
Laserin aiheuttama säteily jää kokonaisuudessaan
suojarakenteiden sisäpuolelle, eikä lasersäde pääse laitteen
ulkopuolelle sit käytettäessä.
Laitteen käyttäminen muulla kuin tässä käyttöohjeessa mainitulla
tavalla saattaa altistaa käyttäjän turv allisuus luokan 1 ylit tävälle
näkymättömälle lasersät eilylle.
Om apparaten används på annat sätt än i denna bruksanvisning
specificerats, kan an vändar en ut sätta s för osyn lig lasers trålnin g,
som överskrider gränsen för laser
klass 1.
Kirjoittimen taakse kuvan osoitamiin paikkoihin on kiinnitetty
tarrat, jotk a osoittavat, että kir jo itin on B .S.7192 ja IEC
825-määräyst en muk ain en luokan 1 laserla ite. Jos k irj oit time n
kuori poistetaan, näkyviin tulee kolmas, alla ole va t arra .
Dersom apparatet brukes på annen måte enn spesifisert i denne
bruksanvisning, kan brukeren utsettes for unsynlig laserstråling
som overskrider grensen for laser klasse 1.
Dette er en halvleder lase r. M aksimal effeckt til laserdiode er
10-4 W og bolgelengde er 780 ± 20 nm.
Getting Started
CDRH regulations
The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the
U.S. Food and Drug Administrat ion implemented regulations for
laser products on August 2, 1976. Compliance is mandatory for
products marketed in the Unite d Stat es. The label shown below
indicates compliance wit h the C D RH regulat ions an d must be
attached to laser product s ma rke ted in the U n ite d Stat es.
Laser safety labels
Use of controls, adjustments, or performance of procedures
other than those specified in this guide may result in
hazardous radiation exposure.
Your printer is a Class 1 laser product as defin ed in IEC 825
specifications. The label shown below is attached in countries
where requ ired.
Getting Started
Internal laser radiation
Max. Radiation Power5.0 × 1
Wave Length780
20 nm
This is a Class IIIb Laser Diode As se mbly that h as an inv isible
laser beam. The printer he ad unit is NOT A FIELD SE RVICE
ITEM. Therefor e, the pr in ter head unit should not be opened
under any circumstances.
For Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway users
An additional laser war nin g label is affix ed to the insid e of the
printer, as shown below.
Getting Started
Ozone safety
Ozone emission
Ozone gas is generated by laser print er s as a by-product of the
printing process. Ozone is produced only when th e print er is
Ozone exposure limit
The recommended exposure limit for ozone is 0.1 parts per million
(ppm) express e d as an avera g e time -w e ig hte d conc ent ra ti o n ov er
an eight (8) hour p er i od .
The EPL-N 1200 laser printer ge n er at e s <0.01ppm for 8 hours of
continuous printing when consider in g a closed room of
approximately 1000 cu ft (8’
Minimize the risk
To minimize t h e ris k of exposure to ozone, you should avoid the
following conditions:
❏Use of multiple laser printers in a confin ed ar ea (s ee above)
× 10’ × 12
❏Operation in conditions of extremely low h umid ity
❏Poor room ven ti lation
❏Long, continuo u s pri nti ng together with any of the above
Printer location
The printer should be located so that the ex haus t gases and h eat
generated are:
❏Not blown directly into the user’s face
❏Vented directly out of the building whenever possible
Getting Star te d
Laser Printer Precautions
This printer uses laser technology. The following list of
precautions applies whenever you open the printer cover.
Even if you are familiar with other types of printers, be sure
to follow these pr ec au tio n s c ar efu lly to en sur e safe, efficient
operation .
❏Be careful not to touch the fuser, which is marked CAUTION
HOT SURFACE. If the printer has been in use, the fuser can be
very hot.
❏Avoid touching the components inside the printer unless
instructed to do so in this guide.
❏Never force the printer’s components into place. Although the
printer is designed to be sturdy, rough handling can damage it.
❏Be sure not to scratch the surface of the drum. When you
remove the imaging cartridge from the printer, always set the
unit on a cl ean, smoo th su r face. Also , av oi d touching th e
drum, since oils from your skin can permanently damage its
surface and may affect print quality.
❏Do not turn the cartridge upside down or stand it on its sides.
Getting Started
❏Protect the light-sensitive drum from exposure to light. Avoid
exposing the imaging cartridg e to room light any long er than
necessary. Do not open the drum’s protective cover.
Overexposing the drum ma y cause abn orma lly dark or ligh t
area s to appear on the pri nted pag e and re duce the servic e l i fe
of the drum.
❏When handling the ca rt r idge, always set it on a clean, smoo th
❏Do not attempt to modify or take apart the cartridge. It cannot
be refilled.
❏Try not to touch the toner and avoid all contact with
your eyes.
❏Do not use a cartridge for at least one hour after moving it
from a cool to a warm environment.
Getting Star te d
❏Avoid touching the glass in front of the laser beam; otherwise,
print quality may decline.
To get the best print quality, do not store the imaging cartridge in
an area subject to direct sunlight, dust, salty air, or corrosive gasses
(such as ammonia). Avoid locations subject to high temperatures
or humidity or abrupt changes in temperature or humidity. Also,
be sure to keep the consumable components out of the reach of
Die Geräteanschlußleitung muß den einshlägigen Normen genügen.
Es muß eine dreiadrige Leitung verwendet werden.
Die Anshlußleitung darf nicht leichter als H05VV-F order H05VVH2-F
Maschinenlärminformations-Verordnung-3. GSGV, 18. 01. 1991: Der
arbeitsplatzbezogene schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB (A) oder weniger
gemäß ISO 7779.
Getting Started
Important Safety Instructions
Read all of these instructions before operatin g your printer.
❏Follow all warnings and instructions mark ed on the prin te r.
❏Unplug this printer from the wall outlet before clean in g.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning and do not use liquid or aerosol
❏Do not use this printer near water.
❏Do not place the printer on an unstable cart, stand, or table.
❏Slots and openings in the cabinet and the bac k or bottom are
provided for ventilation. Do not block or cover them. Do not
put the printer on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar su rfac e or
in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.
❏Use the type of power source indicated on the label. If you are
not sure of the type of power available, consult your dealer or
local power company.
❏If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your
electrician to replace your obsolete outlet.
❏Do not put your printer where the cord will be walked on.
❏If you use an extension cord, make sure that the total of the
ampere ratings on the products plugged into the extension
cord does not exceed the extension cord ampere rating. Also,
make sure that the total of all products plugged into the wall
outlet does not exceed 15 amperes.
❏Never push objects of any k i n d th r ou g h cabinet slots as they
may touch da ngerous voltage points or sh or t ou t parts that
could result in a risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid
of any kind on the printer.
Getting Star te d
❏Except as specifically explained in this guide, do not attempt
to service this product yourself. Opening or removin g those
covers that are marked “Do Not Remove” may expose you to
dangerous voltage points or other risks. Refer all servicing in
those compartments to service p e r sonnel .
❏Unplug this printer from the wall outlet and refer serv icing to
qualified service pers onnel un d er the followin g c ond itions :
A. W hen the power cord or plug is damaged or fraye d.
B. If liquid has been spilled into it.
C. If it has been exposed to ra in or wate r.
D. If it does not operate normally when the oper ating
instructions are followed . Adjus t only th ose contr ols th at
are covered by the operatin g instruc tion s since impr ope r
adjustment of other controls may result in damage and
will often require extensive work by a qualified technician
to restore the p r oduct to no rmal oper a tion.
E. If it has been dropped or the cabinet has been d amaged.
F. If it exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating
a need for servic e.
For United Kingdom Users
Use of options
Epson (UK) Limited shall not be liable against any damages or
problems arising from the use of any option s or consuma ble
products other th an those designat ed as Original EPSON P roduc ts
or EPSON Appro ve d P ro du cts by Epson (UK) Limi te d.
Getting Started
Safety information
for voltage and check that the appliance voltage corresponds to
the supply vol ta ge .
coloured in accordance with the following code:
Green and yellow—Earth
This appliance must be earthed. Refer to rating plate
The wires in the mains lead fitted to this appliance are
If you need to fit a plug:
As the colours of the mains lead of this appliance may not match any
coloured markings used to identify the terminals in a plug, please proceed
as follows:
❏The green and yellow wire mus t be conn ect ed to the termin al
in the plug which is marked with the letter E or the Earth
symbol (
❏The blue wire must be connected to the terminal in the plug
marked with the letter N.
❏The brown wire must be connec te d to the ter minal in the plug
marked with the letter L.
If damage occurs to the plug, replace the cord set or consult a
qualified electrician.
Replace fuse s only with a fus e of the correc t si z e and rating.
Getting Star te d
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.
must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment.
contain important information and useful tips on the operation of
You can feed paper into your printer from the MP
(Multi Purpose) Tray or from an optional lower paper cassette.
This chapter describes how to
load paper
switch the paper source
print on special media, such as labels or envelopes.
The following section, “Loading Paper,” describes the steps
required to load paper.
Loading P aper
This section covers how you load regular paper using the MP
Tray. To load paper in an optional lower paper cassette, see
page 4-5.
If the weight of your paper is not between 60 to 90 g/m
(16 to 24 lb), decrease the number of sheets you load.
Loading paper for automatic feeding in the MP (Multi
Purpose) Tray
This section describes loading a stack of regular paper. For
instructions on loading paper one sheet at a time, see
“Manually loading paper” on page 1-4.
You can load up to 250 sheets of paper in the MP Tray.
Paper Handling
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