Product Support Bulletin
Subject: How To Connect Epson PostScript Printers Into An AppleTalk Network
Date: 10/9/92
Page(s): 1 of 1
PSB No: P-0092
Originator: SDS
This bulletin provides information on how to interface Epson laser printers with an
Epson PostScript’ Card to an Apple Macintosh2 using Apple LocalTalk3 and the
BridgePort4 by Extended Systems.
Connecting a printer to an Apple Macintosh can be difficult if the printer does not
have an AppleTalk interface. The Epson Action Laser II and EPL-8000 laser
printers with the Epson PostScript Card installed do not have built-in AppleTalk
interfaces and as such can be difficult to connect to an AppleTalk network.
Extended Systems has a solution to this problem. It is the Bridgeport 2679B. This
printer sharing device allows you to connect a PostScript printer to an AppleTalk
network and two DOS-based PCs. The Bridgeport has an AppleTalk port that
allows connection to either a stand-alone Macintosh or to an AppleTalk network via
Apple LocalTalk. This device also has a serial and a parallel port for connecting
two DOS-based PCs. The Bridgeport will monitor each of the input ports and route
data that it receives to the printer.
The Bridgeport 2697B was tested from an AppleTalk network to an Action Laser II,
an EPL-8000 with the Epson PostScript Card, and to an Epson EPL-7500. All three
installations worked flawlessly and the printed output was exactly as expected. This
device requires that the Apple LaserWriter? driver Version 5.2 or above be installed
on the network.
The manufacturer suggested retail price of the Extended Systems’ Bridgeport is
Seebelow for Extended Systems’ address and telephone numbers.
Extended Systems
P.O. Box 4937
Boise, Idaho 83711
(800) 235-7576 (U.S.)
(406) 587-7575 (Outside U.S.)
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
AppleTalk, LocalTalk, and LaserWriter are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Bridgeport is a trademark of Extended Systems Incorporated.
Price is subject to change without notice.

Product Support Bulletin
Subject: EPL-8000 Commonly Asked Questions and Answers
Date: 4/3/92
Page(s): 1 of 6
This bulletin answers some commonly asked questions about the EPL-8000
What is the rated print speed and resolution for the EPL-8000?
The EPL-8000 print speed is up to ten (10) pages per minute (PPM) when
using letter-size paper, and the resolution is 300 x 300 dots-per-inch (dpi).
How many resident fonts are in the EPL-8000 and are they scalable
The EPL-8000 has 13 scalable fonts and 14 bitmapped fonts in HP
Q. What is RITech?
PSB No: P-0085
Originator: YNM
Resolution Improvement Technology (RITech) allows the EPL-8000 to
reassemble the dot mapped data to improve the printed image. This
improvement smoothes diagonal lines to remove the “jaggies” or jagged
edges from text and graphics.
Q. What type of processor is in the EPL-8000?
The EPL-8000 uses a 16.67 MHz Motorola 68000 processor,
5. Q.
From a cold start, what is the warm-up time on the EPL-8000?
The warm-up time from cold start is approximately 70 seconds.
Q. Who manufactures the engine used in the EPL-8000?
The engine used in the EPL-8000 is the NC10 manufactured by Minolta.

PSB No: P-0085
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7. Q.
8. Q.
9. Q.
What printer operating modes are built-in the EPL-8000?
There are three (3) built-in operating modes:
HP LaserJet Series III emulation (PCL-5).
Epson ESC/P 24-pin printer emulation (LQ-2500).
Epson ESC/P 9-pin printer emulation (FX-86e/286e).
How much memory comes standard with the EPL-8000?
The EPL-8000 comes standard with 1MB of memory.
Is it possible to add chips to the main board of the EPL-8000 to expand
the memory?
Yes, the 256K X 4 memory chips may be added to the main board to
expand the memory of the EPL-8000 up to 2MB. The EPL-8000 memory
may be further expanded to a maximum of 7.5MB by installing a 0KB
memory expansion board.
10. Q.
11. Q.
What type of chips can be installed on the 0KB memory expansion board?
The 0KB memory expansion board has locations that will accommodate
four sets of DRAM memory chips. Each set contains four chips. The board
will accept two types of DRAM chips:
256K x 4 bit, 80 nanosecond chips (4 of these constitute a .5MB
chip set)
1 MB x 4 bit, 80 nanosecond chips (4 of these constitute a 2MB
chip set)
Can these chips be mixed, if so, what are the possible combinations and
locations on the 0KB memory expansion board?
The chip sets can be mixed as long as they are filled in alphabetical order
(sector A, then, sector B, and so on) onto the 0KB memory expansion
board. The Dip switches must be set to correspond to the type of chip set
The Epson Accessories Department sells both types of RAMS in
sets (part numbers RAM-5A and RAM-20A).