Epson COLORPAGE 8000 Command Summary and Symbol Sets

Command Summary and Symbol Sets
EPSON® ColorPage 8000
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Command Summary
| 3
LaserJet 4 (LJ4) Emulation Commands ..................................................... 5
GL/2 context commands ................................................................... 11
ESC/P 2 and FX Commands .................................................................. 15
ESC/P 2 mode .................................................................................. 15
FX mode ........................................................................................... 20
PJL Commands ....................................................................................... 23
I239X Emulation Commands ................................................................. 24
Page format ....................................................................................... 24
Text .................................................................................................. 27
Auxiliary Functions ........................................................................... 29
AGM Mode ...................................................................................... 29
Command Summary | 4
Your printer has the ability to emulate the following printers in each printer mode:
LJ-4 Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4 (PCL5e)
ESC/P2 EPSON LQ-570 (24-pin)
FX EPSON FX-870/1170 (9-pin)
GL/2 Hewlett-Packard GL/2 graphics language
In addition, the following printer control languages are supported:
PJL Printer Job Language
EJL EPSON Job Control Language
This section lists the printer commands for these modes. Most of the commands closely emulate the original printer or the control language; however, some have operational differences because the printers use different technologies. See the control command descriptions for information about these differences.
Command Summary | 5

LaserJet 4 (LJ4) Emulation Commands

This section lists the printer commands supported in the LJ4 emulation mode. For more information on printer commands, see Hewlett-Packard’s LaserJet 4 reference manual.

Job control

Reset ESC E Number of copies ESC &l#X Universal exit language ESC%#X Long-edge (left) offset registration ESC &l#U Short-edge (right) offset registration ESC &l#Z Unit of measure ESC &u#D
Command Summary | 6

Page control

Paper source ESC &l#H Page size ESC &l#A Page length ESC &l#P Orientation ESC &l#O Print direction ESC &a#P Top margin ESC &l#E Text length ESC &l#F Left margin ESC &a#L Right margin ESC &a#M Clear horizontal margins ESC 9 Perforation skip ESC &l#L Horizontal Motion Index (HMI) ESC &k#H Vertical Motion Index (VMI) ESC &l#C Line spacing ESC &l#D

Cursor positioning

Vertical position ESC &a#R
ESC *p#Y ESC &a#V
Horizontal position ESC &a#C
ESC *p#X
ESC &a#H Half line feed ESC = Line termination ESC &k#G Push/pop position ESC &f#S
Command Summary | 7

Font selection

Primary symbol set ESC (id Secondary symbol set ESC )id Primary spacing ESC (s#P Secondary spacing ESC )s#P Primary pitch ESC (s#H Secondary pitch ESC )s#H Set pitch mode ESC &k#S Primary height ESC (s#V Secondary height ESC )s#V Primary style ESC (s#S Secondary style ESC )s#S Primary font stroke weight ESC (s#B Secondary font stroke weight ESC )s#B Primary typeface family ESC (s#T Secondary typeface family ESC )s#T Primary font default ESC (3@ Secondary font default ESC )3@ Enable underline ESC &d#D Disable underline ESC &d@ Transparent print data ESC &p#X[data]
Command Summary | 8

Font management

Assign font ID ESC *c#D Font and character control ESC *c#F Set symbol set ESC *c#R Define symbol set ESC (f#W[data] Symbol set control ESC *c#S Select primary font with ID# ESC (#X Select secondary font with ID# ESC )#X

Soft font creation

Font descriptor ESC )s#W[data] Download character ESC (s#W[data] Character code ESC *c#E

Raster graphics

Raster resolutions ESC *t#R Raster graphics presentations ESC *r#F Start raster graphics ESC *r#A Raster Y offset ESC *b#Y Set raster compression mode ESC *b#M Transfer raster data by row ESC *b#W[data] End raster graphics (version B) ESC *rB End raster graphics (version C) ESC *rC Raster height ESC *r#T Raster width ESC *r#S
Command Summary | 9

Print model

Select current pattern ESC *v#T Select source transparency mode ESC *v#N Select pattern transparency mode ESC *v#O Rectangle width (PCL unit) ESC *c#A Rectangle width (decipoints) ESC *c#H Rectangle height (PCL unit) ESC *c#B Rectangle height (decipoints) ESC *c#V Fill rectangular area ESC *cP

User-defined pattern management/creation

Pattern ID ESC *c#G Define pattern ESC *c#W[data] User-defined pattern control ESC *c#Q Set pattern reference point ESC *p#R


Macro ID ESC &f#Y Macro control ESC &f#X
Command Summary | 10

Status readback

Set status readback location type ESC *s#T Set status readback location unit ESC *s#U Inquire status readback entity ESC *s#I Flush all pages ESC &r#F Free memory space ESC *s1M Echo ESC *s#X

Programming hints

End-of-line wrap ESC &s#C Enable display functions ESC Y Disable display functions ESC Z

PCL vector graphics switching/set-up picture frame

Enter PCL mode ESC %#A Enter GL/2 mode ESC %#B GL/2 plot horizontal size ESC*c#K GL/2 plot vertical size ESC*c#L Set picture frame anchor point ESC*c0T Picture frame horizontal size ESC*c#X Picture frame vertical size ESC*c#Y
Command Summary | 11

GL/2 context commands

Dual context extensions

Enter PCL mode ESC %#A Reset ESC E Primary font FI Secondary font FN Scalable or bitmapped fonts SB

Palette extensions

Transparency mode TR Screened vectors SV Number of Pens NP

Vector group

Arc absolute AA Arc relative AR Absolute arc three point AT Bezier absolute BZ Bezier relative BR Plot absolute PA Plot relative PR Pen down PD Pen up PU Relative arc three point RT Polyline encoded PE
Command Summary | 12

Polygon group

Circle CI Fill rectangle absolute RA Fill rectangle relative RR Edge rectangle absolute EA Edge rectangle relative ER Fill wedge WG Edge wedge EW Polygon mode PM Fill polygon FP Edge polygon EP
Command Summary | 13

Character group

Select standard font SS Select alternate font SA Absolute direction DI Relative direction DR Absolute character size SI Relative character size SR Character slant SL Extra space ES Standard font definition SD Alternate font definition AD Character fill mode CF Label origin LO Label LB Define label terminator DT Character plot CP Transparent data TD Define variable text path DV
Command Summary | 14

Line and fill attribute group

Line type LT Line attribute LA Pen width PW Pen width unit selection WU Select pen SP Symbol mode SM Fill type FT Anchor corner AC Raster fill definition RF User defined line type UL

Configuration and status group

Scale SC Input window IW Input P1 and P2 IP Input relative P1 and P2 IR Default values DF Initialize IN Rotate coordinate system RO Comment CO
Command Summary | 15

ESC/P 2 and FX Commands

This section lists the printer commands supported in the ESC/P 2 and FX emulation modes.

ESC/P 2 mode

General operation

Initialize printer ESC @ Control paper loading/ejecting ESC EM n

Paper feeding

Carriage return CR Form feed FF Line feed LF Select 1/8-inch line spacing ESC 0 Select 1/6-inch line spacing ESC 2 Set n/180-inch line spacing ESC 3 n Set n/360-inch line spacing ESC + n
Command Summary | 16

Page format

Set page format ESC ( c nn Set page length in defined units ESC ( C nn Set page length in lines ESC C n Set page length in inches ESC C 0 n Set bottom margin for continuous paper ESC N n Cancel top/bottom margin for
continuous paper ESC O Set left margin ESC l n Set right margin ESC Q n

Print position motion

Set absolute horizontal print position ESC $ n1 n2 Set relative horizontal print position ESC \ n1 n2 Set absolute vertical print position ESC ( V nn Set relative vertical print position ESC ( v nn Set horizontal tabs ESC D nn Tab horizontally HT Set vertical tabs ESC B nn Tab vertically VT Advance paper n/180 inch ESC J n Reverse paper n/180 inch ESC j n
Command Summary | 17

Font selection

Select typeface ESC k n Select font by pitch and point ESC X nn Select 10.5 point, 10 cpi ESC P Select 10.5 point, 12 cpi ESC M Select 10.5 point, 15 cpi ESC g Turn proportional mode on/off ESC p 1/0 Select LQ or draft ESC x n Select italic font ESC 4 Cancel italic font ESC 5 Select bold font ESC E Cancel bold font ESC F Master select ESC ! n Control code set/clear ESC I 1/0 Select print pitch ESC c
Command Summary | 18

Font enhancement

Select condensed printing SI Cancel condensed printing DC2 Select double-width printing (one line) SO Turn double-width printing on/off ESC W 1/0 Cancel double-width printing (one line) DC4 Turn double-height printing on/off ESC w 1/0 Select double-strike printing ESC G Cancel double-strike printing ESC H Select superscript printing ESC S 0 Select subscript printing ESC S 1 Cancel superscript/subscript printing ESC T Select line/score ESC ( - nn Turn underline on/off ESC - 1/0 Select character style ESC q n


Set intercharacter space ESC SP n Define unit ESC ( U nn
Command Summary | 19

Character handling

Assign character table ESC ( t nn Select character table ESC t n Select an international character set ESC R n Define download character ESC & nn Copy ROM to RAM ESC : 0 n 0 Select user-defined set ESC % n Enable printing of upper control codes ESC 6 Enable upper control codes ESC 7 Print data as characters ESC ( ^ nn

Bit image

Selection and printing of bit image ESC * nn Select graphic mode ESC ( G nn Print raster graphics ESC . c v hm 8-bit single density bit image ESC * 0 8-bit double density bit image ESC * 1 8-bit double speed double density bit image ESC * 2 8-bit double speed quad density bit image ESC * 3
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