The transparency
unit comes with the
Professional model
of the EPS ON
Expression 800
scanner . It’ s an
option for the
Executiv e and Artist
models of the
Using the Transparency Unit
The optio nal transpare nc y unit (part number B81315 2) lets you scan f ull
color transparencies , str ips of negatives or posi tives, and slides . Yo u c an
also scan normal opaque docume nt s w it h th e T PU installed.
Follow the s t eps in these se c tio ns t o ins t all and use the T PU :
Unpacking the Transparency Unit
Removing the Shipping Screw
Installing t he Transpar ency Unit
Scanning Oversized T ransparenc ies and Film
Using the F ilm Guides
Scanning Normal Documents with the Transparency Unit Installed

You can store the
film guide s in th e
storage area built
into the TPU.
However, it is
recommended that
you do not store the
small 120/22 0-size
film guide in t he
storage area.
Unpacking the Transparency Unit
Make sure all these items are included in the box with the TPU. Contact
your EPSON dealer if a ny t hing is missing or damaged.
reflective document mat
transparency unit
4 x 5-i nch film
35 mm slide transparency guide
35 mm filmstrip guide
120/220-size (medium
format) film

You may damage the
TPU if you try to use it
without removing the
screw from t he hole
labeled CLAMP.
Removing the Shipping Screw
To preven t dam age during sh ipping, a shipp ing screw is att ac hed to the
TPU to secure its lamp assembly. You must remove this screw before
using the TP U .
Turn the TPU so the glass side faces up.
Use a Phill ips head (cross head) screwdriver to remov e the shippin g
screw from the hole labeled CLAMP , as sh ow n below.
Install the screw in the stor age hole labe led STOCK.

If you can’t insert the
shipping screw in the
hole labeled CLAMP
when you prepare
the scanner for
transportation, the
TPU’s lamp
assembly may not be
in its home position.
If this is the case,
slowly rais e t he front
of the TPU to allow
the lamp assembly to
slide to the home
position .
Before transporting the scanner, tu rn it off, r emove the TPU, and reinstall
the shipp ing screw in the out er shipping hole labeled CLAMP. The
transpor ta t ion lock at the ba c k o f the scanner must also be in th e LOCK
position before you move the scanner (see
Setting Up and Using Yo ur
Installing the Transparency Unit
Follow the s t eps below to ins t all t he TPU:
Make sure the scanner is turned off. Then unplug the power cable from
the scanner.
Remove the document cover by grasping the back of the document
cover as sh ow n and easing t he cover up.

Position the sl o ts on the TPU’s mo unti ng bracket over th e heads of the
two mounting screws located at the back of the scanner. Slide the TPU
forward slightly until th e t w o holes in front of th es e s lots are align ed
with the screw holes at the back of the scanner.
align these holes
with the screw holes
on the scanner
screw holes on
position the slots on the
TPU’s mounting
bracket over the two
large screws at the
back of the scanner