If you have the Artist
or Professional
model and are using
LaserSoft SilverFast
4.0, you’ll f ind the
electronic manual for
that scan ner
software on the
LaserSoft SilverFast
Using the Auto Document Feeder - B813162
The auto document feeder (part number B813162) automatically loads
multiple- page docu m ents into your s c anner. It is par ticularly usef ul for
OCR (optic al charact er recognition) scannin g or for creatin g an image
databas e. F ollow the steps in these sections to install and use the ADF:
Unpacking the Auto Document Feeder
Installing t he Auto Doc um ent Feede r
Loading Paper in the Au t o D oc ument Fe eder
Fixing Paper Jams in the Auto Document Feeder

Unpacking the Auto Document Feeder
Make sure that the following items are included in the ADF box. Contact
your EPSON deale r if a ny t hing is missing or damaged .
installa tion
auto document feeder

To use the ADF, you
must ins ta ll EPSON
LaserSoft SilverFast
Lite does not support
the ADF.
Installing the Auto Document Feeder
Before ins t alling the ADF, be aware that:
The ADF is large, so clea r a w ide space aro und the scan ner before
unpacki ng and installing it.
Don’t remove the protective foam block from the ADF’s mounting
hardware until you’v e f inished installing it.
Follow the s t eps below to ins t all t he ADF on your scanner:
Turn your scanner off and unplug t he c ables and pow er cord.
Remove the document cover by grasping the back of the document
cover as sh ow n and easi ng t he cover up.