Since the quality of any particul ar brand or type of paper may be
changed by the manufacturer at any time, EPSON cannot
guarantee the use of any particular brand or type of paper. Always
test samples of paper stock before purchasing large quantities or
printing large jobs.
Paper feed speed:
Input buffer:256KB
Print direction:Bidirectiona l with logic seeking for t e xt
Control code:ESC/P 2 and expanded raster grap hics
Line spaci ng:
Character tables:1 Italic and 10 graphics c haracter tables
Character sets :1 legal and 14 International character
64 monochrom e (bl ack) nozzles
60 color (cyan , magenta, yellow) noz zles
(20 × 3; 2 0 for each color)
column s
LQ printing
per second)
Draft printing
per second)
Maximum 720 × 720 dpi
72 millisecon ds per
-inch line
and graphic s; unidirectional and
autodirectio nal modes available in
Default Setting mode
IBM XL24E emulation c ode
-inch (default),
programmable in
-inch, or
-inch increments
Letter (8.5 × 11 inches)
A4 (210 × 297 mm)
A2 (420 × 594 mm)
Super A3/B (13 × 19 inches)
A3 (297 × 420 mm)
US B (11 × 17 inches)
US C (17 × 22 inches)
B4 (250 × 353 mm)
B5 (176 × 250 mm)
Legal (8.5 × 14 inches)
Statement (8.5 × 5.5 inche s)
Executive (7.5 × 10 in ches)
Paper typesPlain paper and EPSON’s coated paper
and high-quality glossy paper
Thickness0.0025 to 0.004 in ch (0.065 to 0.11 mm)
Paper weig htSheet feeder, 17 to 24 lb (64 to 90 g/m
Manual feed slot, 14 to 24 lb (52 to 90
No. 10 9.5 × 4.1 inches (241 × 104 mm)
DL8.7 × 4.3 inches (220 × 110 mm)
C59.0 × 6.4 in ches (229 × 162 mm)
Paper typesPlain bond or air m ail paper
Thickness0.006 to 0.02 inch (0.16 to 0.52 mm)
Paper weig ht12 to 24 lb (45 to 90 g/m
Index cards:
A6 (105 × 148 mm)
Paper typesPlain paper
Thickness0.21 mm
Weight188 g/m
Single sheet labels:
Letter (8.5 × 11 inches)
A4 (210 × 297 mm)
Paper typesPlain paper (U se labels that completely
cover the back ing sheet.)
Total thickness Maximum 0.2 mm
Ink Jet Printers1/96EPSON Stylus 1500 - 1
EPSON Stylus 1500
Letter (8.5 × 11 inches)
A4 (210 × 297 mm)
Thickness0.075 to 0.085 mm
Banner paper:
8.3 to 17 inches × 16.4 feet
(210 to 432 mm × up to 5 m)
Paper typesPlain paper
Thickness0.08 mm to 0.1 mm
Weight17 to 22 lb (64 g/m
to 82 g/m2)
Continuous paper:
4 to 16 inches × 4 inc h es
(102 to 406 × 102 mm )
(minimum fo lding le ngth )
Paper typesPlain paper
Thickness0.065 mm to 0.1 mm
Weight52 g/m
to 82 g/m
Continuous labels:
SizeBacking sheet:
4 to 16 inches × 4 inches
(101.6 to 406.4 × 101.6 mm)
(minimum f olding length)
Label sheet:
Minimum 2.5 × 0. 9 inches
(63.5 × 23.9 mm)
Paper typesPlain paper
ThicknessTotal thickness: Maximum 0. 2 m m
Label thickness: Maximum 0.12 mm
Poor qualit y paper may reduce pri nt quality and caus e paper jams
and other pro b le m s. If you encounter pro blems, switch to a higher
grade of paper.
Printable area:
Single sheets
The minimum top margin is 0.12 inch (3.0 mm).
The minimum left margin is 0.12 inch (3.0 mm).
For oversized paper, this margin is 0.98 inch (25 mm) for
A3 landscape, A2 portrait, US B landscape, and US C portrait,
and 0.2 inch (5 mm) for B4 landscape.
The minimum right margin is 0.12 inch (3.0 mm).
For oversized paper, this margin is 1.97 inches (50 mm) for
A3 landscape and A2 portrait, and 2.44 inches (62 mm) for
US B landscape and US C portrait.
The minimum bottom margin is 0.55 inch (14 mm).
The maximum pr intable width is 13 .6 inches (345 mm).
The minimum top margin is 0.33 inch (8.5 mm).
The minimum left margin is 0.12 inch (3.0 mm).
The minimum right margin is 0.12 inch (3.0 mm).
The minimum bottom margin is 0.55 inch (14 mm).
Load envelo pe s l ong edge first, face dow n.
Continuous paper
Print on coat ed paper, high-quality glossy pap er , e nvelopes, and
transp arencies only under th ese normal con d i tions:
Temperatur e59 to 77°F (15 to 25°C)
Humidity40 to 60% RH
(High-qua li t y glossy paper can b e s tored at 20 to 60% rel ative
humidity and 59 to 86°F (15 to 30°C).
Do not load folded or curled paper, envelopes, and transparencies.
The minimum top and bottom margins above and below the perforation
are 9.0 mm (0.35 inch).
The minimum left and right margins are 0.51 inch (13 mm).
The maximum printable width is 1 3 . 6 i n c he s (34 5 m m ) .
EPSON Stylus 1500 - 21/96Ink Jet Printers
EPSON Stylus 1500
Ink Cartridges
Black ink car tr idge ( S020062):
Print capac it y* 1900 pages (A4 p aper; text)
Cartridge lif e* 2 years from production date and up to
6 months after opening the package at
77°F (25°C)
Temperatur eStorage:–22 to 104°F (–30 to 40 °C)
1 month at 104°F (40°C)
Transit:–22 to 140°F (–30 to 60°C)
1 month at 104°F (40°C)
120 hours at 140°F (60°C)
Freezing:** 27°F (–3°C)
1.0 inch (W) × 5.5 inches (D) ×
4.2 inches (H)
25.1 mm (W) × 139.6 mm (D) ×
105.3 mm (H)
Color ink cartridge (S020049):
ColorsCyan, magenta, and yellow
Print capac it y* 320 pages (A4; 360 dpi; 5% of each color )
Cartridge lif e* 2 years from production date and up to
6 months after opening the package at
77°F (25°C)
Storage:−4 to 104°F (−20 to 40°C)
1 month at 104°F (40°C)
Transit:−22 to 140°F (−30 to 60°C)
1 month at 104°F (40°C)
120 hours at 140°F (60°C)
Freezing:** 29°F (−6°C)
1.7 inches (W) × 2. 2 inches (D) ×
1.5 inches (H)
42.9 mm (W) × 56.5 mm (D) ×
38.5 mm (H)
* Ink car trid ge l i fe may v ar y. I f y ou ofte n pr i nt larg e graphics and dense
text with li tt le w hite s pac e, you us e in k faster t han if you p rint pages
with lots of white s pace.
** The ink th aws in a ppr ox imat el y 3 ho ur s at 7 7° F ( 25°C ).
Use on ly genuine EPS O N ink cart ridges an d d o not refill
them. Other products may cause dam age to your printer t hat
is not covered by EPSON’s warranties.
Do not use an ink cartridge after the expiration date on the
Safety Approv als
Safety standards:UL 1950 with D3, CSA 22.2 950 wit h D 3
EMC:FCC part 15 subpart B class B
Paper feed method: Fri ctio n, tractor feeder
Paper path:Sheet feeder, front entry
Manual feed slot, re ar entry
Tractor feeder, rear entry
Sheet feeder
capacity :
100 sheets at 17 lb (64 g/m
70 sheets* of EPSON coated paper
) paper
30 sheets of EPSON high-quality glossy
50 sheets of transparency film
30 index cards
10 envelopes
* F o r ov ersi zed co ated pap er, s uc h a s
Su per A3/B and A2 , th e s hee t fe eder
c apac ity i s 30 sh eets .
Total print vol um e: 75,000 pages (A4, t ext)
Dimensions:Width: 26.1 inches (664 mm)
Input volta ge range:103.5 to 132 V
Rated frequency range: 50 to 60 Hz
Input frequency range: 49.5 to 60.5 Hz
Rated current:0.7 A
Power consu mption:Approx. 23 W (during self test,
LQ at 10 cpi)
Temperature:Operation 50 to 95°F (10 to 35°C)
Storage*−4 to 140°F (−20 to 60°C)
1 month at 104°F (40°C)
120 hours at 140°F (60°C)
Humidity:Operation 20 to 80% RH
Storage* 5 to 85% RH
(without condensation)
* St ored i n sh ippi ng c on tai ner
The printer comes w it h an installed set of fonts, which are
selectable using the Default Setting mode. However, the
printer alway s uses the fonts you select wi th y ou r sof t wa re
program. The only time you need to select the printer’s
installed fonts is when your software progra m d oes no t
allow you to select fonts.
You can select other font and pitch combinations using
Ink Jet Printers1/96EPSON Stylus 1500 - 3
EPSON Stylus 1500
Bitmap fonts
Fonts10 cpi 12 cpi 15 cpi Proportional
EPSON R o ma n
EPSON S ans S e ri f
EPSON C o ur ie r
EPSON P r es ti ge
EPSON S c rip t
Scalable fonts
EPSON R o ma n
EPSON S ans S e ri f
EPSON R o ma n T
EPSON S ans S e ri f H
point size
832 2
832 2
832 2
832 2
point sizeIncrements
Interface Specifications
Data format:8-bit parallel, IEEE P1284 comp at ible
Synchronizat ion:
Handshake timing: BUSY and
Signal level:TTL compatible
Connector:36-pin, Centronics connector or
STROBE pulse
ACKNLG signals
ItemDefaul t s etti ng
Character pi tc hLast font sele cted i n Defa ul t S etti ng mo de
Vertical ta b po siti onCl eared
Horizontal tab posit io ns Every eight c harac ters
Font select io nLast font se lect ed i n Defa ul t Setti ng mo de
Special p rint in g ef fec ts Cancel led (e xcep t c ond ens ed and ec onom y
User-defined c harac ter
Hardware/contr ol p anel i ni ti ali z ation: c le ared
Softwa r e in itiali z a ti on: de se lected o nl y
Control Panel
The printer’s cont rol panel contains light s for displaying th e
printer status and buttons for controlling certain fu nct io ns, as
described in this sec t ion . M ost printer settings can be
controlled from your software.
Initializatio n
The printer can be init ialized (returned to a fi xed set of
conditions) in these ways:
initializ ation
Softwar e
initializ at ion
Control panel
initia li z ati on
All three initialization methods r eset the font according to
the default settings selected using the control panel.
However, ESC @ does not initialize the printer mechanism,
clear the input data buffer, or cl ear the user-defined character
set. The control panel initialization does not initialize the
printer mechanism or clear the user-defined char acte r set .
Default Settings
The table below shows the default settings that take effect
when the printer is initialized. In addit ion, hardware and
control pan el init ialization erases any text in the data buffer .
ItemDefaul t s etti ng
Top-of-form positionCur rent paper posi tion
Page lengthSingle sheets : mea su red by s elf- te st pri nting
Left and rig ht m argi nsCanc el led
Line spacing
∗ The pri nte r is t ur ned on
∗ The pri nte r re ceiv es a n
parall el i nt er fac e: pin 31 goes LOW
∗ Softwar e sen ds the ESC @ ( ini ti ali ze the pri nter)
comman d; t he l as t pane l setti ngs a re k ept
∗ Hold down the Paus e butt on a nd t he A l t bu tton ; th e
last p anel settings are ke pt
⁄6-inch li ne sp acin g
signal from th e
On when the printer is on.
On when data rem ains in printer mem ory or when printing a
self test or demonstrat io n page. Flashes when dat a is being
received by the print er.
Ink Out
On when the black ink cartridge is empty or not installed.
The printer will no t wo rk if the black ink cart ridge is empty
or not installed. Flashes when the black ink cartridge is low
on ink.
Ink Out
On when the color ink cartridge is empty. Flashes wh en the
color ink cartridge is low on ink.
If color ink runs ou t while you’re printing, the printer stops.
You can conti nue t o print with the black ink cartridge by
switching to mo noc h ro m e pri n ting. To do th is, tu rn o ff the
printer, turn it on again, and resend your print job.
Paper Out
On when the printer runs out of paper. Flashes rapidly if
there is a paper jam.
On when prin ti ng is paused. Flashe s wh ile t he ink cartridge
is being replaced or during print head cleaning.
EPSON Stylus 1500 - 41/96Ink Jet Printers
EPSON Stylus 1500
On when economy printing mode is selected. In econ om y
mode the printer u ses less ink by printing fewer dots per
character. Not e tha t bl ack may print as gray. Use this mode
for rough draf ts of tex t o nly.
On when condensed mode is selected. In this mode, the
printer prints selec t ed fo nts at 60% of their width so that
more characters can fit on a page.
Indicates which font is selected. Use the Default Setting
mode to select fonts other tha n those displayed on the
control pan el. B oth lights flash when the printer is in micro
adjust mode.
In addition to the button functions explained below, you
can perform additi o nal functions us ing certain button
combinations and power-on sequ ences.
Hold down this button for about five seconds to move the
carriage to the color in k car tr idge replacement position. The
light begins flashi ng. Press the
return the carriage to its home position. See “Replacing the
Color Ink Cart ridge.”
This button is also used in combination with other buttons to
reset the printer or clean the print heads; see the next section
for more information.
Stops printing tem porarily. Press it again to resume. Hold
down this button for about three seconds to enter micro
adjust mode.
Selects economy or co ndensed mode as indicat ed by the
lights. Use this button only if
you print from a DOS applica ti on.
Press this button briefly to feed paper line by line. Hold it
down to load a single sheet or to advance continuous paper
to the next top-of-form position.
Press this button until the combinatio n of lights indicates the
font of your choice. Use this button only if you print from a
DOS application.
Micro Adjust
/Micro Adjust
Adjusts the loading position or tear-off position for
continuous paper while in micro adjust mode. P ress t he
Micro Adju st
Micro Adju st
adjust mode, hold do w n th e
seconds. Both
mode, press
button to advanc e paper forward or pres s
to feed paper backward. To enter micro
lights begin to flash. To exit m icro adjust
again. The settings m ade in this mode are
saved in the printer’s m emory.
button again to
button for about th ree
Loads or ejects a sh eet of paper. The printer no rm ally loads
and ejects paper automatically. When using conti nuous
paper, press th is button to feed paper bac kw ard t o th e
paper-pa rk position.
Button combinations and power-on functions
The button combinations below perform additional functions
to control your printer.
Pause (Reset
Clears the printe r’ s buffer and resets the printe r sett ings to
their factory defaults.
LF/FF (Cleaning
Cleans the black p rint head; see “Cleaning the Pr int Hea d s. ”
Alt + Load/Eject (Cleaning
Cleans the colo r print head; see “Cleaning the Print Heads.”
button (Printer adjustment mode)
Enters printer adjustment mode and prints a multilingual
instruction sh eet on calibrating the print er. (Pa per m ust be
loaded in the printer.) Hold both buttons until t he fo nt lights
flash. Use this mo de only if you are printing fr om D OS
applications. To exit printer adjustment m ode, press the
button and turn off the printer.
When using the following
until the
light flashes or paper is load ed b ef ore releasing the
button combina tions , wait
button (LQ self test)
Checks the paper length and performs a printer self test at
360 dpi; see “Testing the Printer.”
button (Draft self test)
Checks the paper length and performs a printer self test at
180 dpi; see “Testing the Printer.”
Load/ E ject
button (Hex dump)
When connected to a PC, prints a page containing a
hexadecimal representation of the data sent to the printer
(hex dump) for troublesh oo ting use. To exit hex dump mode,
press the
button and then turn off the printer.
button (Demonstration page)
Prints a demonst rat ion page of the printer’s f onts and colors.
(Paper must be loaded in the printer.) To exit demo nstration
mode, press the
button and then turn off the printer.
If the printer is in economy mode when a demonstration page is
printed, black will print as gray.
button (Default Setting
Enters the printer’s Default Setting mode; see the next section
for more information. To exit Default Settin g m ode, press the
button and then turn off the printer.
Ink Jet Printers1/96EPSON Stylus 1500 - 5
EPSON Stylus 1500
button (Ink smear prevention mode)
Decreases the printing speed to allow more time for the ink
to dry. Use this function when your output is smeared. This
mode is not saved as a default setting.
Using the Default Setting Mode
Additional printer functions are ava ilable through the
Default Setting mo de. If you need to change the printer ’s
factory defaults, turn on Default Setting mode and change
the settings using the control panel buttons.
To turn on the Default Setting mode and print instructions,
turn off the printer . Load paper in the printer. Then hold
down the
Econom y /Condens ed
printer back on. Follow the instructions the printer prints to
change the defaul t settings by pressing the butt ons on t he
control panel. When you are finished, press
off the printer to exit Default Setting mode.
The printer functions are shown in the table below and
described in the follo wi ng paragraphs. The default set ti ngs
are in bold.
SettingOpt ions
Print direction
FontRoman, Sans Serif,
I/F mode
Auto interfac e wa it time
Auto CR *
Character table
Internationa l character
set for Itali c tab le
Auto line f eed
Network I/F m ode
0 slash
Page length f or
continuous pap er
Skip over p erfor ation
Auto tear off
Print mode
Banner paper
* IBM mode onl y
Script , R o ma n T , Sa n s Ser i f H
10 cpi ,
10 seconds
PC865, Abic om p, B RA SCI I, R oma n 8,
ISO Latin 1 , It al ic
Italic U.S.A.
Germany, Ital ic U.K ., Ital ic Den mark 1,
Italic Sw eden , It al ic I tal y, It al ic S pai n I
, 0/
11 inc h
Plain paper (tru e black)
(composite bl ack), Exc lusive paper ,
button while you turn the
, Bi-D, Uni-D
, Prestige,
Couri er
12 cpi, 15 cp i, 17.1 cpi, 2 0 cpi ,
, Parallel , Op tion
, 30 seconds
, IBM XL24 E
, On
, On
, PC850, PC 86 0, PC 86 1, P C86 3,
, Italic France, Italic
, On
, On
, 12 inch, 8.5 i nch, 7 0/6 inch,
, On
, On
, Plain pa per
, On
and tur n
Print direction.
Specifies how the print head m oves across
the page. The options are Uni-D, Bi-D, and Auto (default).
When Uni-D is on, t he print head prints in o n ly o ne direction
to provide the most precise alig nment for graphics and text.
In Bi-D printing, the print head prints in both directions. Bi-D
is faster but the vertica l alignment may not be as precise as
Uni-D. When Auto is on, the printer automatically switches
between Uni-D and Bi-D as needed when data is received.
Font and Pitch.
Select the built-in printer font and chara ct er
pitch used as the defa ult. Normally you use you r software to
select the font and pitch. The default Font and Pitch are
Courier 10 cpi ( characters per inch) .
Interface mode.
Determines from which interface the printer
receives print data. Auto (default) allows the printer to
automatically switch as needed between the p arallel and
serial interfac es. Ho wev er, if y ou exp e rience communi cation
problems, you might want to set the interface mode to either
Parallel or Opt ion. Option requires an optional interfa ce
card. The prin te r will ignore data from the parallel interface.
Auto interface wait time.
Sets the time period (10 seconds
[default] or 30 sec onds) for the printer to wait fo r dat a fr om
the current interface (and accept no da ta fro m the o th er
interface) when you’re using the Auto interface mode.
Specifies the printer control l angu age to u se when
printing from DOS: EPSON ESC/P 2 (default) or IBM XL24E.
If your software allows you to select EPSON ESC/P 2,
choose it for the most adv anced fonts and graphics.
Auto CR.
Specifies that the printer perform a carriage return
and line feed operation if the print pos ition s exceed the right
margin of the pape r. (Used in IBM XL24E mode only.)
AGM (Alternate Graphi cs Mode).
Specifies that the printer
use high-resolution, 24-pin grap hics command s. (U sed in
IBM XL24E mode only.)
Character table.
Selects the set of characters and symbols
that can be prin ted. The default is the Italic U.S.A. charac t e r
table. If you com m only use a language cont aining accents,
symbols, or other characters not ava ilable in the Italic U.S. A .
character table, change to a different char act er t able.
Auto line feed.
Specifies that a car riage return chara ct er
encountered in the pr int fil e be accompanied by a line feed
command. By default, auto line feed is off. If tex t lines print
on top of one another, t urn on auto line feed.
Netwo rk interface mode.
If you’re havin g tr ou ble printing
when the printer is connected to a network, turn on network
interface mode. By default, netw ork interfa ce mode is off.
0 Slash.
Specifies whether the printer prints a slashed zero
(0/) or unslashed zero (0). This feature is useful for clearly
distinguishi ng bet ween an uppercase letter O and a zero.
Page length for contin uous paper.
Available only when you
use continuous pap er wi th the tractor feeder. You can set the
paper length to 11 (default), 12, 8.5, or 70 /6 (the length of A4
paper) inc he s.
EPSON Stylus 1500 - 61/96Ink Jet Printers
+ 12 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.