MultiCom III/s
Multi-Purpose Vehicle
Interface Adapter for
Serial Connection to PC
EnGenius’ MultiCom III/s is a flexible solution
that provides simultaneous access to multiple
vehicle networks as well as digital and analog
input/output. (Custom protocols can also be
supported.) MultiCom III/s interfaces to a PC via
RS232, RS422, or RS485.
MultiCom III/s’ unique design consists of a set of
Physical Interface Modules (PIMs) that plug into
its base platform. Each PIM (standard or custom
designed) contains the specific interface circuits
that allow MultiCom III/s to connect to external
devices. The PIMs and the base platform can all
function simultaneously. This multi-purpose
vehicle interface adapter provides a powerful,
yet flexible, solution to meet a wide range of
needs. MultiCom III/s can be packaged in an
optional 7.75" x 5.75" x 2.75" aluminum
Interface Capabilities
MultiCom III/s is capable of supporting ISO
9141, ISO 9141-2, ISO 14230, ISO 11519-4,
ISO 15765, ISO 11898, SAE J1850 PWM, SAE
J1850 VPW, CAN, SAE J2411, SAE J2284,
Ford’s DCL, RS485/RS422, Ford’s UBP, SAE
J1939, SAE J1708, and others (including
custom protocols).
5 Engineering development or in-vehicle use
5 Protocol translation
5 Network monitoring
5 Module validation, test fixtures
5 Diagnostics
5 Heavy truck
5 Light and medium duty vehicles
Base Platform Features
5 RS232, RS422, or RS485 serial connection to
host (RS -232 up to 230K baud, RS-422/RS485 up to 1M baud)
5 3 Physical Interface Module (PIM) slots
5 ISO 9141
5 SAE J1850 PWM (using an HBCC)
5 7 channel 12 bit A/D inputs (2 for 5VDC, 2 for
20VDC, 2 are PIM accessible, and 1 is
available for remote-sensing)
5 5–18 VDC 100mA software-controlled variable
output voltage source
5 8 digital inputs
5 8 digital outputs
5 2 16552 UART channels are PIM accessible
5 9–18 VDC input required (1A max.) with on-
board isolated switching power supply for
voltage regulation
5 40MHz 80C196NU microcontroller
5 128K RAM
5 256K Flash ROM
5 4" x 6" x 1" board size
Optional Physical Interface Modules
5 SAE J1850 PWM (using an HBCC)
5 SAE J1850 VPW (using an MC68HC56)
5 CAN (Single Wire, High Speed, and Fault
5 Ford’s DCL
5 RS485/RS422
5 Ford’s UBP
5 SAE J1939*
5 ISO 9141*
5 SAE J1708*
* indicates PIM is under development
Software & Documentation
5 User’s manual provides a description of the
hardware and application library interface
5 DLLs for 16 bit Windows 3.x
5 DLLs for 32 bit Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
EnGenius • 31077 Schoolcraft Rd. • Livonia, MI 48150-2029 • (734) 522-2120 • www.engenius.com

Technical Data for MultiCom III/s Physical Interface Modules
ISO 9141
5 K and L line support
5 5–115.2K baud supported
5 Selectable line termination
5 Timestamping available with byte stream or
ISO 9141-2 message modes
5 Configurable inter-byte and inter-message
5 Configurable timed interval transmission of
up to 10 user-defined messages
5 Jumper selectable ISO 9141 circuit voltage
(on-board or external)
5 Software configurable loop back
5 Uses Ford/Motorola Hosted Bus Controller
Chip (HBCC)
5 10.4K, 20.8K, 41.6K, and 83.3K baud
5 Selectable line termination
5 Message timestamping
5 Configurable inter-message times
5 Configurable timed interval transmission of
up to 10 user-defined messages
5 Uses Motorola’s MC68HC56
5 10.4K and 41.6K baud supported
5 Selectable line termination
5 Message timestamping
5 Configurable message filtering at the board
5 Configurable inter-message times
5 Configurable timed interval transmission of
up to 10 user-defined messages
5 Software configurable loop back
Ford’s UBP
5 Uses Ford’s recommended discrete circuit
5 Selectable line termination
5 Message timestamping
5 Configurable inter-message times
5 Configurable timed interval transmission of
up to 10 user-defined messages
5 Software configurable loop back
5 Supports up to 255 data bytes per message
5 Supports a completely passive monitor
5 Uses Intel’s 82527 with either Single Wire,
High Speed, or Fault Tolerant transceiver
5 15,625-1M baud supported
5 Configurable 11 and 29 bit CAN identifiers
5 Selectable line termination
5 Message timestamping
5 Configurable message filtering at the board
5 Configurable inter-message times
5 Configurable timed interval transmission of
up to 10 user-defined messages
5 12 configurable remote transmit objects
Ford’s DCL
5 Uses 16552 Dual UART
5 2.4K, 4.8K, 9.6K, and 19.2K baud supported
5 Link master, link slave, and UART stream
modes supported
5 Byte stream or frame timestamping
5 Automatic Frame parsing with vertical parity
nibble validation for link master or link slave
5 Software configurable loop back for UART
stream mode
5 Uses 16552 Dual UART
5 2.4K, 4.8K, 9.6K, and 19.2K baud supported
(Other data rates available.)
5 Byte stream timestamping
5 Software configurable loop back
EnGenius • 31077 Schoolcraft Rd. • Livonia, MI 48150-2029 • (734) 522-2120 • www.engenius.com