Eneo IAM-5SE1004MUB User Manual

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© Copyright by Videor E. Hartig GmbH Version 04/2018
User manual
Switch Unmanaged,120W, 4xPoE, 1x RJ45, 1x SFP 100Mbps, Industrial Design, -40°C~+75°C
Pow er inpu t
Ple ase fol low the f ollow ing ins talla tion st eps
Ple ase che ck the fo llowi ng item s befor e insta llati on. If an y missi ng, ple ase con tact th e deale r.
Pow er adap ter
Use r manua l
4 por ts POE Et herne t switc h 1PC
1PC Han ger 2PC S Gui de hang ers 1PC 1PC
1) Pl ease tu rn off th e signa l sourc e and the d evice 's powe r, insta llati on with p ower on m ay dama ge the dev ice;
2) Us e 4 netwo rk cabl es to con nect 4 IP c amera s with sw itch' s1~4 po rt;
3) Us e anoth er netw ork cab le or (op tical f iber) t o conne ct ethe rnet sw itch’ s UPLIN K port wi th NVR or
com puter ;
4) Po wer on th e switc h;
5) Ch eck if th e insta llati on is cor rect an d devic e is good , make su re all th e conne ction i s relia ble and t he
net work sy stem is p owere d on;
6) Ma ke sure e very ne twork d evice h as powe r suppl y and wor k norma lly.
Installation ste p
Featur e
4Por ts P oE E ht ernet Switch
4 Port s Po E Et hernet Switch
User Manual
The P oE ethe rnet po rt supp orts IE EE802 .3 af/a t stand ard and c an prov ides up t o 30W pow er con sumpt ion whi ch can su pply hi gh powe r for Inf rared C amera ; Pro vide tw o uplin k ports , 100Mb ps opti cal por t and eth ernet p ort. up link op tical p ort res erves S FP port for u sers to s elect S FP fibe r modul es of dif feren t perfo rmanc e to solv e long di stanc e trans missi on iss ue; Eac h PoE eth ernet p ort hav e butto n resta rt func tion, w hich al low use rs to sol ve netw ork cam era cra shes an d other f ailur es with n o need to p lug out t he netw ork cab le. The r estar t butto n is set on t he sla nt side , s o that us ers can u se it fro m multi ple ang les; Eth ernet p ort can r each ma ximum t ransm issio n dista nce up to 1 50m, br eakin g the 100 m limit ; One k ey CCTV m odel 1 4
Red undan t power d esign , suppo rt Hot Ba ckup Po wer; Ind ustri al prod ucts, f an-fr ee heat f olds me tal des ign; Exc ellen t circu it for is olati on prot ectio n, Anti -thun der abi lity up t o 6KV; Fas t insta llati on , easy o perat ion, co nveni ent for w all-h ung, di n rail an d deskt op inst allat ion.
; ~ dow nlink p orts ca n only co mmuni cate wi th upli nk port s and in re al-ti me; the
fur thest t ransm issio n dista nce cou ld reac h 250m
The u n-man aged indu stria l eth ernet swit ch pr ovid es on e upl ink et herne t por t and one u plink opti cal
por t ( 100 Mbp s), four 10 0Mbps Po E ether net port s which su pport ing a f/at pow er supp ly sta nda rd. Thi s pro duct is de signe d for hig h d efi niti on I P ca mera netwo rk a cces s; w hic h s uppo rts one key CCT V m ode l, can a chiev e VLAN, r estra in the Ne tstor m, prot ect the i nform ation s ecuri ty and pr event t he viru s sprea d and Eth ernet attac k; it a lso in tegra tes op tical inter face t o achi eve th e perf ect pe rform ance w hich b lende d with fib er op tical tran sceiv ers a nd ne twork swit ches, to s olve the p roble m of long- dista nce t ransm issio n. T he pro duct co uld be us ed in net work se curit y video s urvei llanc e, netw ork pro ject et c.
Ins truct ion
1) Th e front b oard ha s 4 ether net por ts; RJ 45 l eft sid e yello w light i ndica ting Po E statu s , green l ight ind icati ng netw ork sta tus ; the re have 2 u plink p orts: 1 S FP port ( Res erv ati on, a ccor ding to t he cus tomer n eed toc onfig ure the o ptica l modul e) and 1 et herne t port, T he lowe r left si de gree n light ind icati ng opti cal wor king st at us ; CCT V green l ight in dicat es CCTV m ode;
2) Two D C 48V-57 V power i nput be d esign ed at lef t and bac k flat bo ard.
Board diagram
Fro nt boar d
Lef t board
Top b oard
Bac k board
1) Tra nsmis sion di stanc e is rela ted to th e conne cting c able. W e sugge st to use s tanda rd Cat5 e/6 net work cab le to get 1 50m tra nsmis sion di stanc e.
2)I f using o ptica l port, c ustom er need t o purch ase SFP m odule a dditi onal.
Eth ernet p ort wit h PoE
SFP opt ical po rt
Upl ink eth ernet p ort
1) Th e equip ment mu st conn ect ant i-thu nder gr ound, o therw ise the p rotec tion le vel of th e equip ment wi ll be
gre atly re duced p lease u se 20th o r over wi re conn ect gro und ter minal t o the gro und ;
2) Sl ide the d ial swi tch, th e equip ment ca n enter c orres pondi ng surv eilla nce mod ule aft er relo ading t he
pow er supp ly.
Pow er inpu t
Gro und ter minal
App licat ion
ibe r
tra nscei ver
4 por t PoE swi tch
Cat 5e/6 ne two
rk ca ble
PoE P TZ came ra
PoE I P camer a
PoE D ome cam era
PoE D ome cam era
. . . . . .
Pow er
Upl ink
opt ical in dicat or
Ver B 1.2
CCT V Mode
+ 1 hidden pages