Intrinsically safe multi-signal converter with
precision average temperature and water bottom
sensor for inventory control and custody transfer
The Prothermo NMT 539 is an intelligent
HART signal converter, with a combined
average temperature sensor and water
bottom interface probe. For average
temperature measurement, it consists of
precision multi-spot Pt100 elements. The
NMT 539 is a highly capable solution for
a variety of tank gauging applications
and provides both constant average
temperature data and water interface
data via HART communication. For
accurate inventory measurement, it is
best suited connected to
Endress+Hauser's Proservo NMS 53x or
Tank Side Monitor NRF 590 with
Micropilot radar.
• Intrinsically safe device allowing for the
safest electrical configuration possible.
• Available in four different versions
based on customer requirements:
Converter Only
Converter and Temperature probe
Converter and water bottom probe
Converter, temperature and water
bottom probe
• Converter is compatible with various
element types in third party
manufacturer temperature probes.
• Compatible with Endress+Hauser's
user friendly ToF (Time-of-Flight) tool.
• Variety of process connections and
cable entries available to meet
worldwide classifications.
Prothermo NMT 539
Converter housing
360mm adjustable
threaded connection
C/F Module
CPU Module
Power Supply Module
Noise Filter
Pt100 multi-spot elements
up to 16 points
Capacitance WB sensor
Max 2 Pt100 elements
can be inserted in
WB sensor
Isolated capacitance
signal data to
C/F module
WB sensor
coaxial signal cable
WB sensor
signal FG
Product type
Measurement systemThe Prothermo NMT 539 is available in four different versions:
• Converter only
• Converter + Average temperature probe
• Converter + Water bottom (Capacitance) sensor
• Converter + Average temp probe + Water bottom sensor
The converter only version can be retrofitted without modifications onto existing third party
average temperature probes, such as Whessoe Varec 9909 and 1700 and Weed Beacon MW
type probes. The average temperature probe + converter inherits all the functionality of the former
Prothermo NMT 535/536/537 series. The water bottom (WB) + converter provides constant water
interface level data for the host level gauge for determining the multi-layered water bottom level
measurement. The average temperature + WB + converter is the ultimate multi-function sensor,
transmitting temperature and water interface level data along only one pair of HART signal cables
to the host the Proservo NMS 53x or NRF 590 Tank Side Monitor.
Different types of NMT 539, including "Converter only," "Coverter + average temperature" and
"Converter + WB" are simpler versions of the "Converter + WB + temperature" probe.
Connection with Proservo
NMS 53x
Prothermo NMT 539
System diagram
Ex i HART Loop
(Data transmission)
NMT 539 Converter +
Temp. version
Fuels Manager
Power (AC/DC)
NMT 539
Ex d HART Loop
(Data transmission
& Remote control)
NMS 53x
to Host system
V1 communication
to Interface
Liquid Level
Liquid & Gas
Power (AC/DC)
The Prothermo NMT 539 is the successor of the former NMT 535 Ex i version. For proper
migration, the NMT 539 has inherited all the functionality and specifications of the NMT 535,
including process connections, cable entries and wiring method.
Since the Proservo NMS 53x already provides water interface measurement, the NMT 539
Converter + Average temperature may be the best version when used in combination with the
Proservo. When the Converter + WB + Average temperature version is used in combination with
the Proservo, the product in the tank will be thoroughly managed with level, continuous average
temperature and water interface measurement.
All the necessary configuration and parameter settings for the NMT 539 are performed on both
the Proservo NMS 53x and ToF tool.
The NMT 539 receives liquid level data from the Proservo, then calculates liquic and gas phase
average temperature. Calculated data and basic information, including raw data for each
temperature element and device status, are transmitted to the Proservo.
From the Proservo NMS 53x or NRF 590 Tank Side Monitor, all sensor data are sent to the interface
unit via V1 communication protocol.
Since the Proservo is a multi-functional device (measurement and data transmission), the
Promonitor NRF 560 acts as a tank side remote data indicator and controller for Proservo. The
standard NRF 560 has no data transmission functionality. For special applications, an optical fiber
transmission version is available. Please consult with your Endress+Hauser representative for
more information.
All gathered data in the interface unit is sent to inventory management software, such as
Endress+Hauser's FuelsManager or NXS-310 (MDP-II program), or directly sent to the customer's
specific DCS or PLC.
Prothermo NMT 539
Connection with Tank Side
Monitor NRF 590
Ex i HART Loop
(Data transmission)
FMR Power
(DC, Exi
FMR 533
Liquid Level
NMT 539
Liquid & Gas
Water Interface
to Host system
V1 communication
to Interface
Power (AC/DC)
NMT 539 Converter +
Temp. + WB version
The NMT 539 Converter + Temp. + WB is utilised effectively in combination with radar level
gauging. Water interface, temperature and level measurement, with data collection and
calculations via the NRF 590, allows for optimal inventory control. Basic functionality of the NMT
539 is displayed and configured on the NRF 590. Detailed NMT 539 functionality and data access
can be performed by the ToF tool.
The NMT 539 receives radar level data from the NRF 590 and then calculates liquid and gas
phase average temperature. Calculated and standard data, including temperature element raw
data and device status, are transmitted to the NRF 590..
Depending on the size of the tank farm and data processing functionality, measurement data can
be transmitted to various interface units via V1 protocol or other industry standard communication
protocols (please see the NRF 590 technical information).
All gathered data in the interface unit is sent to inventory management software, such as
Endress+Hauser's FuelsManager or NXS-310 (MDP-II program), or directly sent to the customer's
specific DCS or PLC.
Prothermo NMT 539
Measured variablesLiquid and gas temperature range -200 ...+235 °C (-328 ...+455 °F), RTD signal
Water interface level (water bottom) range 1m ...2m (3.3 ...6.6 ft), capacitance signal
NMT 539 Converter + Temp. version has only Pt100 elements installed. The element types above
can be utilised in third party temperature probes, such as the Endress+Hauser 9909, 1700 or
Weed Beacon MWR. Other manufacturer multi-resistant and multi-spot average temperature
probes may be compatible.
Please consult your Endress+Hauser representative for further details.
Data transmissionTemperature & Water Bottom data via 2 wire intrinsically safe Endress + Hauser HART protocol.
WiringWiring of the NMT 539 must meet intrinsically safe requirements.
The following cable entries are available:
• G (PF) 1/2"
• NPT 1/2"
• PG 16
• M 20
Please prepare a metal cable gland (not a plastic one) that has shield cable grounding
functionality to meet the condition of EMC certification.
No cable gland is provided with the NMT 539 as standard.
Size and condition of the communication cable must meet the requirements of intrinsically safe
HART communication.
Process connectionConverter only version
NMT 539's HART converter can fit onto third party average temperature probes with the following
mechanical connection size and type:
• PF3/4" (equivalent to NPS 3/4") universal coupling.... Housing type 1
• M20 threaded.... housing type 2, specific design to fit to Varec 1700 terminal housing
The installation height
Use seal tape to secure the connection between converter and temperature probe.
Please refer to the NMT 539 instruction manual for the detailed installation procedure.
All three versions have the same installation method to fit onto the tank nozzle.
The following flange sizes are available:
• JIS 10K 50A RF... mild carbon
• ANSI 150lb 2" RF... mild carbon
• JPI 150lb 2" RF... mild carbon
• DIN DN50 PN 10RF... mild carbon
Different sizes and materials can be provided depending on the installation conditions. Please
consult your Endress+Hauser representative for the most suitable solution.
An additional feature of the NMT 539, the height adjuster, can be used to adjust installation height
of the NMT 539 within ±180 mm (7") from original height.
The height adjuster is not included in "Converter only" version.
Please tighten the lock nut with seal tape to secure rigidity of the NMT 539 at the end of physical
installation and/or if the height adjuster will be used during operation. A loose lock nut can lead
to improper tank sealing or unexpected leakage into the tank.
WB blocking distanceThe Water Bottom sensor can be set as low as zero clearance from the tank floor by using height
adjuster. Due to mechanical design of WB sensor, bottom plate has approximately 10mm
thickness. This will become a blocking distance (ineffective measuring range).
Calculate vertical movement of NMT 539 installation height prior to setting the WB sensor bottom
clearance. Typical tank shell deformation causes vertical movement at a minimum 20 ~ 30mm
(1"). Excessive weight load of entire NMT 539 on WB sensor by contacting tank floor may cause
critical damage that disables accurate & stable WB level measurement.
Recommended installation height
Adjusting range
(total 360mm)
Recommended bottom clearance:
with mounting attachment B & D: 400mm from the tank floor
with mounting attachment A & C: 200mm from the tank floor
Prothermo NMT 539
NMT 539
Ordered installation height:
Below flange to end of
Temp probe or WB sensor
The required bottom clearance of both the temperature probe and WB sensor depends on the
anchoring method. Consider the required bottom clearance when ordering the NMT 539. Please
see the recommended bottom clearance in the above illustration and/or consult your
Endress+Hauser representative for further information.
When ordering the NMT 539 with special element position and bottom clearance, please refer to
"Ordering Information," section 80, Element Spacing. Select 4, Custom element position and
The standard location of the lowest temperature element should be set at 500 mm (20") from the
tank bottom regardless of probe type.
The factory setting of the height adjuster is set to the middle of adjustable range. Apply necessary
adjustment during installation for desired height.
Installation equipmentThe bottom anchor hook on the WB sensor is not available when "A: no installation material" is
selected. The Converter + Temp. probe version includes the bottom anchor hook as standard,
although, "A: no installation material" is selected.
Contents of anchoring hardware: Based on the choice of "100: Mounting attachment"
Tension wire +
Top anchor
bottom hook
base plate
top anchor
tension wire
bottom hook
base plate
top anchor
tension wire
bottom hook
base plate
top anchor
tension wire
Converter only
Temp. + Converter
WB + Converter
Temp. + WB + Converter
No installation
bottom hookbottom hook
nonebottom hook
Anchor weight
(Tall profile)
anchor weight
sling wire
anchor weight
sling wire
bottom hook
anchor weight
sling wire
Anchor weight
(Low profile)
bottom hook
anchor weight
sling wire
bottom hook
anchor weight
sling wire
bottom hook
anchor weight
sling wire
Prothermo NMT 539
Mounting attachment B: "Tall profile anchor" or D: "Wire hook + Top anchor (tension wire
Element position #1
(Bottom element)
Clearance below
bottom hook
Tank floor
Both temperature probe and WB sensor with "Tall profile anchor weight" and "Tension wire anchor"
methods have a recommended clearance below the bottom of the anchor hook of approximately
400 mm (16"). This clearance can be easily changed by turning the height adjuster at the tank top.
When ordering the NMT 539, please refer to "Ordering Information," section 80, Element Spacing.
Select 4, Custom element position and spacing. This allows you to choose the desired element
position and intervals. Consult with your Endress+Hauser representative for further assistance.
Mounting attachment A: "No installation material" and C: "Low profile anchor"
Element position #1
(Bottom element)
Clearance below
WB or Temp sensor
Clearance below
WB sensor
Element position #1
(Bottom element)
Low profile type Anchor Weight
Both the temperature probe and WB sensor with "Low profile anchor weight" at 100: Mounting
attachment option (see Ordering Information) should have 200 mm (8") of bottom clearance from
the edge of probes.
The lowest possible WB measuring point can be approx. 10 mm from the tank floor with "No
installation material" selected (see Ordering Information). If necessary, use the height adjuster to
set at the desired installation height. No bottom anchor hook is available with the WB sensor and
100: Mounting attachment "A: No installation material".
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